So approximately 0.01%, give or take ~0.002%, of our population are psykers. Excellent.
I motion that we include several psyker-finding operations over the next year. I expect that the number of Chaos Psyker as % of Psykers should fall significantly as a result. In addition, of course, to expanding the number of psykers we have.. so we should also include an expansion to Minor City status as an pre-emptive measure against overflowing.[\QUOTE]
In order of bolding:
Our psyker actions are booked for the next few years and our Intrigue/Piety actions can not be leveraged that way, this is a no go. Furthermore, there is nowhere to keep them right now. We barely have enough space for our current population, which is why we are building the regional city expansion.
We can't afford a minor city expansion, we nearly used up all of our exotic material to build the regional expansion and you can bet a minor psyker city will be far more expensive.
In short. Hold your horses mate, we will get to it in time, but we can't do it right now.
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