The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

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I personally don't think revolutionary action will gain much ground on Avernus, mainly because of the Adeptus Mechanicus. AdMech is very anti-revolutionary and anyone who tries to bring COMMUNISM to Avernus would have to do so without weapons, juvenat, or even clothes.
Assault on Fjol IV Part Sixteen: News form the fronts
Assault on Fjol IV Part Sixteen: News form the fronts

As your forces settle down for a more extended siege at Objective Alpha-Two you consider the progress of the rest of the campaign over the last week, both on the ground and in space.

By making skilled use of his Pre-Fabricated Fortresses and Psykers Marshal Stefansson of the Imperial Trust Guard has been able to reduce the impact of the Dark Eldar raids to nearly nothing, though this approach has slowed his advance enough that he has only just entered within a hundred kilometres of Objective Beta-Two, the fortress that he has been tasked to take. From what his scouts have discovered Objective Beta-Two seems to be a formidable fortress manned by elite troops. He does not believe that the fortress will fall without an extended siege and will plan accordingly.

The Timeless Army has encountered far more resistance then either you or the Imperial Trust Guard starting eight days after arrival when they reached the massive fortress guarding the pass leading to Objective Alpha-One. This fortress, designated Objective Beta-One, was obviously designed to prevent any large forces reaching the area abound Objective Alpha-One, the Dark Eldar's main city, and it was more then up to the task. For the first three days after reaching the fortress Governor-General Aelfric probed both the fortress and the surrounding mountains in a futile attempt to find a weakness or a way around.

After three days Governor-General Aelfric decided that there was no way around the fortress or any weakness he could exploit so he would be forced to take the fortress via a frontal assault, fortunately between Task Force Hammer and Task Force Anvil he had just the right forces on hand.

On the eleventh day after arrival the massed armour of Task Force Anvil, along with a portion of the Timeless Armies armour regiments begun an attack on the walls of Objective Beta-One while the Mechanised forces of Task Force Hammer waited. The sheer firepower of Task Force Anvil proved to be sufficient to breach the Dark Eldar defences in several locations allowing the Aesir Knights and Task Force Hammer entry into the fortress. Despite this the return fire from the Dark Eldar defences managed to destroy four Titans, two permanently. Once the initial defences had been breached the Power Armoured Troopers of Task Force Hammer, led by the seemingly unstoppable Champion Surt attempted to take the rest of the outer defences while the Aesir Knights begun work on the secondary defences. As the defences continued to fall more men from the Timeless Army joined the fray allowing for over half of the fortress to be taken before nightfall.

That night the Dark Eldar attempted to take advantage of their superior night fighting capabilities only to run into a defence consisting of Primaris Xavier and the Avernite Psykers, Champion Surt and his Fire Giants, and several maniples of the best Aesir Knights, all of which, barring Champion Surt, had been kept back form the earlier battle. This highly elite force proved to be more then capable of matching the Dark Eldar in the flickering light provided by Primaris Xavier's Pryromancy and the massed flamers of the Fire Giants. By dawn not only had the Dark Eldar night attacks failed to gain any ground but Governor-General Aelfric 's defenders had seized over ten square kilometres of ground, a tenth of the fortress still in the hands of the Dark Eldar.

It took most of the next day for the rest of the fortress to fall with the last act of the Dark Eldar before fleeing being triggering explosives built into many sections of the fortress. Governor-General Aelfric had seen this tactic used before and had arranged his army so that few casualties were taken in this act of spite.

The Timeless Army spent a few days recovering and reorganising after the siege of Objective Beta-One and plan to begin making their approach on Objective Alpha-One in another few days, wanting to give you and Marshall Stefansson more time to engage your foes before he begins his attack.

Admiral Freyr has continued to slowly take out the Orbital Weapons Platforms and has destroyed another twenty-nine of them at the cost of a trio of cruisers and nine escorts. He estimates that he will be able to clear the skies of the Dark Eldar within a week or two at the most, after which he will be able to provide orbital fire support to your armies.

Anyway now that you have gone over the state of the other fronts it is time to deicide exactly how you will proceed in Objective Alpha-Two. You have already decided that it would be best to take the rest of the outer city before attacking the inner city so now you will have to decide how to take it.

As usual you will need to decide how to target your artillery, both when your forces are on the attack and when they are defending. Given that you want to reduce the casualties you suffer taking the outer city as much as possible it would be best if you target at least a portion of your artillery at the outer city while defending and have a portion fire at targets designated by your ground forces when you are attacking.
First vote for how many targets you want and then vote for targets.

[] Defensive- Concentrate fire on one target.- This will allow your artillery to have a major impact on the selected target at the expense of have no effect on the other targets.
[] Defensive- Split fire between two targets.- This will allow your artillery to target multiple areas while still having a significant impact.
[] Defensive- Split fire between all three targets.- This will inflict a moderate at best amount of damage to most the the targets.
[] Write In

[] Defensive- Target the inner walls.- This will make the inner walls easier to take when the time comes but will not have any effect on the currant fight and will take time or concentration of fire to cause major damage. This option will be needed before attacking the inner city but should be a minor priority until then.
[] Defensive- Target the outer city.- Firing into the outer city with an aim to ruin as much of it as possible would most likely kill a decent number of slave-soldiers and some Dark Eldar as well as reducing the benefit of the Dark Eldar's knowledge of the city. This option will make future assaults on the outer city easier and should be seriously considered.
[] Defensive- Targets designated by ground forces.- This will allow the artillery to provide a major advantage to your forces in the city and would be a major advantage for them. This option will make it far easier to hold your ground and when there are no attacks it will be split between the other options chosen.
[] Write in target
First vote for how many targets you want and then vote for targets.

[] Aggressive- Concentrate fire on one target.- This will allow your artillery to have a major impact on the selected target at the expense of have no effect on the other targets.
[] Aggressive- Split fire between two targets.- This will allow your artillery to target multiple areas while still having a significant impact.
[] Aggressive- Split fire between all three targets.- This will inflict a moderate at best amount of damage to most the the targets.
[] Write In

[] Aggressive- Target the inner walls.- This will make the inner walls easier to take when the time comes but will not have any effect on the currant fight and will take time or concentration of fire to cause major damage. This option will be needed before attacking the inner city but should be a minor priority until then.
[] Aggressive- Target the outer city.- Firing into the outer city with an aim to ruin as much of it as possible would most likely kill a decent number of slave-soldiers and some Dark Eldar as well as reducing the benefit of the Dark Eldar's knowledge of the city. This option will have a chance of disrupting raids on your attack force before they are launched. .
[] Aggressive- Targets designated by ground forces.- This will allow the artillery to provide a major advantage to your forces in the city and would be a major advantage for them. This option will make it far easier to take ground and deal with the hit and run attacks and ambushes that so plagued your previous advances.
[] Write in target

You will also have to decide how long you will wait until you begin taking the rest of the outer city and how quickly you will press once you take the outer city. You will have to balance allowing enough time for the artillery to soften up any defences with taking the outer city in a reasonable amount of time, given that you will begin to have supply problems after another two weeks.
[] Begin attacking at dawn – This will allow you to begin taking the remaining territory quicker but will greatly reduce the amount of preparatory bombardment you will be able to use. - This should only be done if you are using a primarily Avernite attack force.
[] Wait One Day before attacking – This will allow a decent amount of preparatory bombardment before you begin your attack without sacrificing to much time. - This is the moderate option and can work with any army composition or attack plan.
[] Wait Two Days before attacking – This will allow a lot of preparatory bombardment before you begin your attack by sacrificing a decent amount time. - This should be taken with an relativity aggressive attack plan.
[] Do Not pause after attacking – By continuing to to attack until you have claimed the entire outer city you will ensure that you maintain any momentum and quickly take the outer city but will leave your forces vulnerable to being overextended and ambushes.
[] Pause for a day after attacking – By pausing for a full day after attacking you will be able to take the time to better fortify the ground you hold and for your artillery to soften up the next section of the city at the cost of time. - This option should be taken with either a small wait before your first attack or an aggressive attack plan.
[] Pause for a two day after attacking – By pausing for two days after attacking you will be able to take the time to heavily fortify the ground you hold and for your artillery to significantly soften up the next section of the city at the cost of a lot of time. - This option should be taken with very aggressive attack plan.

Finally you will have to decide on the usual components of who attacks, for how long and how aggressively. You should probably stop relying totally on the Midgaridans for your attacks as their numbers have taken a major hit in the last few days.
[] Attack aggressively- You could order your forces to be aggressive and focus on taking ground quickly. This will allow you to kill more foes and seize more ground but at the cost of significantly higher casualties and a worse kill to loss ratio.
[] Attack as normal- You can have your forces attack using their standard operating procedures, which will have them gain ground at a moderate rate and suffer moderate casualties.
[] Attack cautiously- You could have your forces slowly and carefully advance, reducing the amount of enemy territory that they can take but reducing both your total casualties and the kill to loss ratio of your troops.
[] Do Not Attack- You could have your forces concentrate on further fortifying the ground that they already hold, better preparing them for the nights harassment and saving you from suffering any more losses for the moment.
[] Continue to attack until dark- This is the most aggressive option and will allow you to secure a large amount of territory but you will have trouble securing it.
[] Begin to fortify one hour before dark- This will reduce the amount of territory that you take by a small amount but will allow your forces to begin fortifying their positions before dark making it harder for the Dark Eldar night forces.
[] Begin to fortify two hours before dark- This will reduce the amount of territory that you take by a minor amount but will allow your forces to erect basic fortifications at their positions before dark making it harder for the Dark Eldar night forces.
[] Begin to fortify three hours before dark- This will reduce the amount of territory that you take by a moderate amount but will allow your forces to erect basic fortifications at their positions and clear killing fields before dark making it even harder for the Dark Eldar night forces.
[] Begin to fortify four hours before dark- This will reduce the amount of territory that you take by a major amount but will allow your forces to erect basic fortifications at their positions, clear killing fields and search for secret passages before dark making it very hard for the Dark Eldar night forces.
[] Begin to fortify six hours before dark- This will reduce the amount of territory that you take by a massive amount but will allow your forces to erect good fortifications at their positions, clear killing fields and search for secret passages before dark making it near impossible for the Dark Eldar night forces.
[] Write in
[] Have your Midgardians lead the attack- This will allow your more expendable troops to take the brunt of the fighting saving your elites for later use. - This option would be best if you are not in a hurry and are avoiding the inner walls.
[] Have a mix of Midgardians and Avernites lead the attack– This is a balance between the other two options and will involve having the Avernites support the Midgardians allowing them to more effectively engage the Dark Eldar but preventing you from having the casualties concentrated over your worst men or having the fire-power to make an attempt on the inner walls. - This option would be best if you are quickly taking the outer area.
[] Have your Avernites lead the attack. - This would give you a very powerful attack force that would be capable of either taking the majority of the outer city or attacking the inner walls but any casualties taken would be from your best men.- This option would be best if you are trying to seize the entire outer city today or are attacking the inner walls.
[] Write in
[] Write in

700 Grenadier Regiments
2,500 Elite Guard Regiments
3,500 Guard Regiments
8,850 Elite Grenadier Regiments

3 Fire Giant Regiments
86 Svartalfar Guard regiments
21 Avernite Helguard Regiments

3 Warlord Titans
8 Reaver Titans (1 destroyed, 1 repairable)
13 Warhound Titans (1 destroyed, 1 repairable)
15 Knight Titan Maniples
6 Leviathans
47 Baneblade Squadrons
2 Macharius Vanquisher Regiments
13 Macharius Regiments
31 Skitrii Regiments
128 Tech-Gaurd Regiments

2 Battleships
2 Grand Cruisers
1 Heavy Cruiser
3 Battlecruisers
17 Cruisers
83 Escorts

3 Mass Convoyers
41 Troop Transports
183 Merchantmen
1 Defence Stations (crippled, 5/12 HP)
28 Orbital Weapons Platforms

3 Cruisers
20 Escorts

Inside City

Total: 2,094 Midgardian Regiments
455 Iron Guard Mechanised Infantry Regiments
775 Iron Guard Armour Regiments
262 Iron guard AA regiments
237 Iron Guard Artillery Regiments (360 when you detach other Basilisks)
2.5 Iron Guard Siege Infantry Brigade
46 Iron Guard Light Infantry Regiments
37 Iron Guard Sentinel Regiments

16 Helguard Regiments (6 Light Infantry, 5 Armour, 5 Rough Rider)

Total: 255 Helltrooper Regiments
1.5 Helltrooper Mechanised Infantry Regiments
39 Helltrooper Infantry Regiments
37.5 Helltrooper Light Infantry Regiments
45 Helltrooper Heavy Infantry Regiments
35 Helltrooper Armour Regiments
11 Helltrooper Rough Rider Regiments
23 Helltrooper Drop Infantry Regiments
7.7 Helltrooper Siege Infantry Brigades

Total: 163 Specialist Regiments
6 Helltrooper Vanquisher Regiments
8 Helltrooper Hellhound/Devil Dog Regiments
8 Helltrooper Bane Wolf Regiments
5 Helltrooper Artillery Regiments (14 when you detach other Basilisks)
2 Deathstrike Batteries
1 Life Eater Fungus Deathstrike Battery
2 Helltrooper Sentinel Regiments
29 Combat Engineer Regiments
83 PDF Transport Regiments

Total: 943.5 PDF Regiments
29 PDF Infantry Regiments
118 PDF Mechanised Infantry Regiments
148 PDF Light Infantry Regiments
89.5 PDF Heavy Infantry Regiments
7 PDF Rough Rider Regiments
17.5 PDF Siege Infantry Brigades
347 PDF Armour Regiments
-24 PDF Artillery Regiments (49 PDF Artillery Regiments can be detached)

Total: 169 Black Irons Regiments
17 Helltrooper Infantry Regiments
18 Helltrooper Mechanised Infantry Regiments
13 Helltrooper Heavy Infantry Regiments
12 Helltrooper Light Infantry Regiments
3 Helltrooper Armour Regiments
17 Helltrooper Drop Infantry Regiments
17 PDF Infantry Regiments
32 PDF Light Infantry Regiments
24 PDF Heavy Infantry Regiments
20 PDF Armour Regiments

291 Militia AA Regiments
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Point of order to progression:
  • Change general administration to allow progression. There are serveral checks in place to make sure that change (till now precived nearly always sparked by chaos) will not occur. Rotbart is already working this over but it will take some more time. Especially if other matters keep distracting him.
  • Change ministratum and the general understanding of the imperial creed. Saint Lin is hard at work together with the top tiers of the groverments to give the general populance the imperial truth as he had it revealed to him by the emperor. At the moment that is done piecemeal and will take another 50 to 200 years to filter down to all. Excessive education and reeducation may help.
  • Change mechanicus to allow progression. This will be the most extreme. The mecharius are often quite direct and extreme if their believes are questioned. 'Wispers of Change' will hopefully help...
This is from Regional Information:
The upper portion of the mountain is clad in plasteel armour and bristles with weapons, including four enormous planetary defense lasers which are mounted on the tips of the two peaks.
What two peaks? Does the mountain that Dis is built into have two peaks? It's not mentioned but it's assumed that it was.

He does no believe that the fortress will fall without an extended siege and will plan accordingly.
Should be 'not'.

For the first three days after reaching the fortress Governor-General Aelfric probed both the fortress and the surrounding mountains in a, futile, attempt to find a weakness or a way around.
I recommend removing the commas.

By dawn not only had the Dark Eldar night attacks failed to gain any ground Governor-General defenders had seized over ten square kilometres of ground, a tenth of the fortress still in the hands of the Dark Eldar.
I think you're missing some commas or words here.

Admiral Freyr has continued to slowly take out the Orbital Weapons Platforms and has destroyed another twenty-nine at the cost of a trio of cruisers and nine escorts.
Another twenty-nine what?
[X] Defensive- Split fire between two targets.- This will allow your artillery to target multiple areas while still having a significant impact.
[X] Defensive- Target the inner walls.- This will make the inner walls easier to take when the time comes but will not have any effect on the currant fight and will take time or concentration of fire to cause major damage. This option will be needed before attacking the inner city but should be a minor priority until then.
[X] Defensive- Target the outer city.- Firing into the outer city with an aim to ruin as much of it as possible would most likely kill a decent number of slave-soldiers and some Dark Eldar as well as reducing the benefit of the Dark Eldar's knowledge of the city. This option will make future assaults on the outer city easier and should be seriously considered.

[X] Aggressive- Split fire between two targets.- This will allow your artillery to target multiple areas while still having a significant impact.
[X] Aggressive- Target the inner walls.- This will make the inner walls easier to take when the time comes but will not have any effect on the currant fight and will take time or concentration of fire to cause major damage. This option will be needed before attacking the inner city but should be a minor priority until then.
[X] Aggressive- Targets designated by ground forces.- This will allow the artillery to provide a major advantage to your forces in the city and would be a major advantage for them. This option will make it far easier to take ground and deal with the hit and run attacks and ambushes that so plagued your previous advances.

We want to soften up the inner defence a lot. It has something like 160 bonus and will take some time to witle down. Till now our troops had no artillery support and preformed all right so they can handle not having the full weight of our artillery at their back.

[X] Wait One Day before attacking – This will allow a decent amount of preparatory bombardment before you begin your attack without sacrificing to much time. - This is the moderate option and can work with any army composition or attack plan.
[X] Pause for a day after attacking – By pausing for a full day after attacking you will be able to take the time to better fortify the ground you hold and for your artillery to soften up the next section of the city at the cost of time. - This option should be taken with either a small wait before your first attack or an aggressive attack plan.

We need the fortification to handle the DE night raids. We will be getting faster as the home ground advantage of the DE erode.

[X] Attack cautiously- You could have your forces slowly and carefully advance, reducing the amount of enemy territory that they can take but reducing both your total casualties and the kill to loss ratio of your troops.
[X] Begin to fortify six hours before dark- This will reduce the amount of territory that you take by a massive amount but will allow your forces to erect good fortifications at their positions, clear killing fields and search for secret passages before dark making it near impossible for the Dark Eldar night forces.
[X] Have a mix of Midgardians and Avernites lead the attack– This is a balance between the other two options and will involve having the Avernites support the Midgardians allowing them to more effectively engage the Dark Eldar but preventing you from having the casualties concentrated over your worst men or having the fire-power to make an attempt on the inner walls. - This option would be best if you are quickly taking the outer area.

We have time and until the home advantage erode and the majority of the slave soldiers fall to artillery fire we should attack cautiously.
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This is from Regional Information:

What two peaks? Does the mountain that Dis is built into have two peaks? It's not mentioned but it's assumed that it was.

Should be 'not'.

I recommend removing the commas.

I think you're missing some commas or words here.

Another twenty-nine what?
yes the mountain does have two peaks
[X] Defensive- Split fire between two targets.- This will allow your artillery to target multiple areas while still having a significant impact.
[X] Defensive- Target the inner walls.- This will make the inner walls easier to take when the time comes but will not have any effect on the currant fight and will take time or concentration of fire to cause major damage. This option will be needed before attacking the inner city but should be a minor priority until then.
[X] Defensive- Targets designated by ground forces.- This will allow the artillery to provide a major advantage to your forces in the city and would be a major advantage for them. This option will make it far easier to hold your ground and when there are no attacks it will be split between the other options chosen.

[X] Aggressive- Split fire between two targets.- This will allow your artillery to target multiple areas while still having a significant impact.
[X] Aggressive- Target the inner walls.- This will make the inner walls easier to take when the time comes but will not have any effect on the currant fight and will take time or concentration of fire to cause major damage. This option will be needed before attacking the inner city but should be a minor priority until then.
[X] Defensive- Targets designated by ground forces.- This will allow the artillery to provide a major advantage to your forces in the city and would be a major advantage for them. This option will make it far easier to take ground and deal with the hit and run attacks and ambushes that so plagued your previous advances.

[X] Wait Two Days before attacking – This will allow a massive amount of preparatory bombardment before you begin your attack by sacrificing a lot amount time. - This should be taken with a very aggressive attack plan.

[X] Pause for a day after attacking – By pausing for a full day after attacking you will be able to take the time to better fortify the ground you hold and for your artillery to soften up the next section of the city at the cost of time. - This option should be taken with either a small wait before your first attack or an aggressive attack plan.

[X] Attack as normal- You can have your forces attack using their standard operating procedures, which will have them gain ground at a moderate rate and suffer moderate casualties.

[X] Begin to fortify four hours before dark- This will reduce the amount of territory that you take by a major amount but will allow your forces to erect basic fortifications at their positions, clear killing fields and search for secret passages before dark making it very hard for the Dark Eldar night forces.

[X] Have a mix of Midgardians and Avernites lead the attack– This is a balance between the other two options and will involve having the Avernites support the Midgardians allowing them to more effectively engage the Dark Eldar but preventing you from having the casualties concentrated over your worst men or having the fire-power to make an attempt on the inner walls. - This option would be best if you are quickly taking the outer area.

Another twenty-nine what?

Just a guess here, but it may have been Orbital Weapon Platforms.
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[X] Defensive- Split fire between two targets.- This will allow your artillery to target multiple areas while still having a significant impact.
[X] Defensive- Target the inner walls.- This will make the inner walls easier to take when the time comes but will not have any effect on the currant fight and will take time or concentration of fire to cause major damage. This option will be needed before attacking the inner city but should be a minor priority until then.
[X] Defensive- Target the outer city.- Firing into the outer city with an aim to ruin as much of it as possible would most likely kill a decent number of slave-soldiers and some Dark Eldar as well as reducing the benefit of the Dark Eldar's knowledge of the city. This option will make future assaults on the outer city easier and should be seriously considered.

[X] Aggressive- Split fire between two targets.- This will allow your artillery to target multiple areas while still having a significant impact.
[X] Aggressive- Target the inner walls.- This will make the inner walls easier to take when the time comes but will not have any effect on the currant fight and will take time or concentration of fire to cause major damage. This option will be needed before attacking the inner city but should be a minor priority until then.
[X] Aggressive- Targets designated by ground forces.- This will allow the artillery to provide a major advantage to your forces in the city and would be a major advantage for them. This option will make it far easier to take ground and deal with the hit and run attacks and ambushes that so plagued your previous advances.

[X] Wait Two Days before attacking – This will allow a lot of preparatory bombardment before you begin your attack by sacrificing a decent amount time. - This should be taken with an relativity aggressive attack plan.

[X] Pause for a day after attacking – By pausing for a full day after attacking you will be able to take the time to better fortify the ground you hold and for your artillery to soften up the next section of the city at the cost of time. - This option should be taken with either a small wait before your first attack or an aggressive attack plan.

[X] Attack as normal- You can have your forces attack using their standard operating procedures, which will have them gain ground at a moderate rate and suffer moderate casualties.

[X] Begin to fortify four hours before dark- This will reduce the amount of territory that you take by a major amount but will allow your forces to erect basic fortifications at their positions, clear killing fields and search for secret passages before dark making it very hard for the Dark Eldar night forces.

[X] Have a mix of Midgardians and Avernites lead the attack– This is a balance between the other two options and will involve having the Avernites support the Midgardians allowing them to more effectively engage the Dark Eldar but preventing you from having the casualties concentrated over your worst men or having the fire-power to make an attempt on the inner walls. - This option would be best if you are quickly taking the outer area.
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Aelfric and his Timeless-Army are quite impressive. They attacked the biggest fortress and took it in two days.
Granted they had a lot of psykers and superheavys but the casualities he suffered were still quite minor.
Exept for the two ireplaceable titans...
just a thought, time is on our side here. as far as we know the dark eldar do not have any reinforcements inbound, and we are slowly taking control of the orbitals. we can afford to take our time to crush them slowly and steadily on the ground.
[X] Defensive- Split fire between two targets.- This will allow your artillery to target multiple areas while still having a significant impact.
[X] Defensive- Target the inner walls.- This will make the inner walls easier to take when the time comes but will not have any effect on the currant fight and will take time or concentration of fire to cause major damage. This option will be needed before attacking the inner city but should be a minor priority until then.
[X] Defensive- Target the outer city.- Firing into the outer city with an aim to ruin as much of it as possible would most likely kill a decent number of slave-soldiers and some Dark Eldar as well as reducing the benefit of the Dark Eldar's knowledge of the city. This option will make future assaults on the outer city easier and should be seriously considered.

[X] Aggressive- Split fire between two targets.- This will allow your artillery to target multiple areas while still having a significant impact.
[X] Aggressive- Target the inner walls.- This will make the inner walls easier to take when the time comes but will not have any effect on the currant fight and will take time or concentration of fire to cause major damage. This option will be needed before attacking the inner city but should be a minor priority until then.
[X] Aggressive- Targets designated by ground forces.- This will allow the artillery to provide a major advantage to your forces in the city and would be a major advantage for them. This option will make it far easier to take ground and deal with the hit and run attacks and ambushes that so plagued your previous advances.

[X] Wait Two Days before attacking – This will allow a massive amount of preparatory bombardment before you begin your attack by sacrificing a lot amount time. - This should be taken with a very aggressive attack plan.

[X] Pause for a day after attacking – By pausing for a full day after attacking you will be able to take the time to better fortify the ground you hold and for your artillery to soften up the next section of the city at the cost of time. - This option should be taken with either a small wait before your first attack or an aggressive attack plan.

[X] Attack as normal- You can have your forces attack using their standard operating procedures, which will have them gain ground at a moderate rate and suffer moderate casualties.

[X] Begin to fortify four hours before dark- This will reduce the amount of territory that you take by a major amount but will allow your forces to erect basic fortifications at their positions, clear killing fields and search for secret passages before dark making it very hard for the Dark Eldar night forces.

[X] Have a mix of Midgardians and Avernites lead the attack– This is a balance between the other two options and will involve having the Avernites support the Midgardians allowing them to more effectively engage the Dark Eldar but preventing you from having the casualties concentrated over your worst men or having the fire-power to make an attempt on the inner walls. - This option would be best if you are quickly taking the outer area.
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We run into logistic troubles in a week if we don't get additional supplies.
No, we run into logistics troubles in two weeks if we don't get additional supplies:
You will have to balance allowing enough time for the artillery to soften up any defences with taking the outer city in a reasonable amount of time, given that you will begin to have supply problems after another two weeks.

I don't think splitting our fire is the best thing to do. We'll have orbital bombardment to take care of the inner walls in just a week (a full week before we run out of artillery rounds) so we should use our artillery to minimise casualties as much as possible.
Guys, please follow the advises given by durin. Specifically:
-Defensive fire on the Outer City
-Aggressive fire on designated targets
-Mix of Avernites and Midgardians
crap, I don't suppose we can get any of those from the fleet in orbit? also if we were up aginst anyone but dark eldar i'd ask how we can be low on supplies when our army is a third of the size it started as. bastards probably get into everything.
Dude. Superticus is wrong. It'll be two weeks before we run into troubles. A week before then we'll have the navy to help us out with orbital bombardment. It'll be fine.
thats better but still puts us on the clock. Is there a reason we went into this with only a few weeks of supplies?
"Puts us on the clock"? Hardly. That's the equivalent of 14 turns if they weren't being sped up right now. We can definitely take the city by the time the two weeks are up. We just have to be as efficient as possible when it comes to minimising casualties.
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[X] Defensive- Concentrate fire on one target.- This will allow your artillery to have a major impact on the selected target at the expense of have no effect on the other targets.
[X] Defensive- Target the outer city.- Firing into the outer city with an aim to ruin as much of it as possible would most likely kill a decent number of slave-soldiers and some Dark Eldar as well as reducing the benefit of the Dark Eldar's knowledge of the city. This option will make future assaults on the outer city easier and should be seriously considered.
[X] Aggressive- Concentrate fire on one target.- This will allow your artillery to have a major impact on the selected target at the expense of have no effect on the other targets.
[X] Aggressive- Targets designated by ground forces.- This will allow the artillery to provide a major advantage to your forces in the city and would be a major advantage for them. This option will make it far easier to take ground and deal with the hit and run attacks and ambushes that so plagued your previous advances.

[X] Wait Two Days before attacking – This will allow a massive amount of preparatory bombardment before you begin your attack by sacrificing a lot amount time. - This should be taken with a very aggressive attack plan.
[X] Pause for two days after attacking – By pausing for two days after attacking you will be able to take the time to heavily fortify the ground you hold and for your artillery to significantly soften up the next section of the city at the cost of a lot of time. - This option should be taken with very aggressive attack plan.

[X] Attack aggressively- You could order your forces to be aggressive and focus on taking ground quickly. This will allow you to kill more foes and seize more ground but at the cost of significantly higher casualties and a worse kill to loss ratio.
[X] Begin to fortify six hours before dark- This will reduce the amount of territory that you take by a massive amount but will allow your forces to erect good fortifications at their positions, clear killing fields and search for secret passages before dark making it near impossible for the Dark Eldar night forces.
[X] Have your Avernites lead the attack. - This would give you a very powerful attack force that would be capable of either taking the majority of the outer city or attacking the inner walls but any casualties taken would be from your best men.- This option would be best if you are trying to seize the entire outer city today or are attacking the inner walls.
My strategy revolves around using our Avernites, utilising our artillery as much as possible, minimising casualties, and synergy.

The Midgardians have been fighting pretty much non-stop on their own for the past several days, losing most of their number as a result. We should give them a day's break to allow their morale to recover.

The only real advantage we have over the enemy is our artillery. As a result, we should exploit this advantage as much as we possibly can.

It'll take an equal amount of artillery shells to break regardless of whether we split fire or not. The only difference between the two strategies of splitting fire or focusing solely on ground force assistance is that the latter results in less casualties. It's an objectively better strategy. The only constraint is time but with two whole weeks before we run out of artillery shells we won't really have any problems.

Many of the strategy descriptions explicitly mention being better when paired with other strategies. It says that the best way to reduce casualties is to use our artillery on the outer city, so we should use our artillery as much as we can on the outer city. Since the options that most use our artillery say that it's best to use be aggressive in our offence, we should be aggressive in our offence. Since Avernites are best used when in an aggressive offence, they'll be used in this aggressive offence. Just following the advice the GM has given us.
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thats better but still puts us on the clock. Is there a reason we went into this with only a few weeks of supplies?
carrying a month of supplies, including the hundreds of millions of Basilisk shells you can fire in a single day fills up your capacity
also while it will be annoying resupplying and lose you some more of your air force it will be possible, particularly if you have taken or inflicted major damage on the inner city.
carrying a month of supplies, including the hundreds of millions of Basilisk shells you can fire in a single day fills up your capacity
also while it will be annoying resupplying and lose you some more of your air force it will be possible, particularly if you have taken or inflicted major damage on the inner city.
Why is the inner city so important for resupply? They lost all their macrocannons so they can't shoot down our cargo ships any more.