Voting is open
[X] Let them have all of it

[X] Let them have all of it

[X] Let them have all of it - Sole shall do nothing with it, ensuring his security while letting Isard retain her advantages. This has no risk, and would keep his cover, but does nothing to curtail the information held by the Empire. *Status quo.*

There's a moratorium that still has 2 hours left.

Guys, this is set in legends. We do not need them finding Dromund Kass and the remnants of the Eternal Empire. Let alone Lehon and the Starforge.

Also GM quick question if I may. What in this universe happened to the Infinite Engine?

Nothing really relevant to the quest.
[] Let them have all of it

I feel that this is the long-term option which Thrawn would favor. Plus it lets us retain eyes and ears on the Empire's movements with Isard none the wiser, and information is very much a powerful weapon for us.

Will put an X on the vote when it's open.
No it is not we do not want Issard or any Imperial coming into the Unkown Regions except through us. She also has no reason to try and go to the Unkown region anyway so removing that data will not effect them in the slightest. The second option is by far the most useful of all the ones given. We still maintain the T5 in the Empire with minium risk of losing it.

We get more maps and hyperlanes in the unknown region which increases our influence and reactions in it plus we also get the locations of the most important worlds that exist in it. Ilum is the bottom tier of those worlds by the way.
What about the Eidolon-pattern Strike-class cruiser? It's a KDY pirated version of the Loronar Corporation product.
Still too big and expensive. Though a slightly better version, it doesn't work because it was never produced and the prototype was stolen. At most, the carrier should be the size of a large frigate at just under 400 meters. The Quasar slightly bigger with a larger hanger bay to carry a full wing would be cheap and easy to mass-produce.

I don't really know anything about starship designs in Star Wars, so I'm afraid I've got nothing for you on that front.
Any of the stuff that has been talked about would work. The entire point is to make starfighter deployment and control a staple of the EoH forces and make better use of rapid reaction forces of fighters from a small carrier.
[X] Let them keep the data on known systems - Sole shall delete the information on the Unknown Regions but let the Empire have everything else. Until Isard sends an expedition to them, she will never know what you have managed. *Isard loses access to maps of the Unknown Regions. If she tries to make use of them, it will be a disaster and Sole will need to escape.*

Again giving Issard or anyone else for that matter locations and hyperlanes into the Unkown Regions does nothing but harm us. No one else has any interest in the Unkown Regions so there is no need for them to use them. Any Imperial faction that isn't hostile to us will just come to us in the first place to get through it anyway so giving it to them is redundant.
[X] Let them have all of it

I really do not want to risk our spy ring on the gamble that Isard won't be interested on exploring the Unknwown Regions without coming to us first.
[X] Let them have all of it

I really do not want to risk our spy ring on the gamble that Isard won't be interested on exploring the Unknwown Regions without coming to us first.
We won't lose the spy ring that is only if we do the first one. And it is not a major risk at all. The Unkown region has nothing for her or any other power. Those maps are only useful to us no one else. We are the dumping ground for the Empire and the fact we just placed our enemy in House arrest means they have even less reason to worry about us or try to go into the Unkown regions. Giving up that kind of advantage for no reason is a very bad idea. We need every advantage we can get. Not to mention that there are a lot of places in the Unkown region that we don't want anyone to know about.
If they never check, removing info is a useless risk.
If they do check, we lose our spy network.
Removing all of it is better than removing some of it, but both are disasters.
[X] Let them have all of it - Sole shall do nothing with it, ensuring his security while letting Isard retain her advantages. This has no risk, and would keep his cover, but does nothing to curtail the information held by the Empire. *Status quo.*
[X] Let them have all of it - Sole shall do nothing with it, ensuring his security while letting Isard retain her advantages. This has no risk, and would keep his cover, but does nothing to curtail the information held by the Empire. *Status quo.*
[X] Let them keep the data on known systems - Sole shall delete the information on the Unknown Regions but let the Empire have everything else. Until Isard sends an expedition to them, she will never know what you have managed. *Isard loses access to maps of the Unknown Regions. If she tries to make use of them, it will be a disaster and Sole will need to escape.*

I want the factions of the Empire strengthened since the new republic is winning. At the same time I don't want them to know the area around us.
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[X] Let them have all of it - Sole shall do nothing with it, ensuring his security while letting Isard retain her advantages. This has no risk, and would keep his cover, but does nothing to curtail the information held by the Empire. *Status quo.*
Is it possible to manipulate some of the data so that they have an incorrect number or something?
Or could we delete all the locations that we really don't want them to know where they are, like Dromund Kass, The chiss homeworld and stuff like that, but keep the rest of the locations of the unknown region in the archive?

At least we know all the information that they can use and we can plan for their possible plans either way.
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[X] Let them have all of it - Sole shall do nothing with it, ensuring his security while letting Isard retain her advantages. This has no risk, and would keep his cover, but does nothing to curtail the information held by the Empire. *Status quo.*
Well I guess we will just have to deal with the Emperor having those maps and locations when he gets back when it happens. Just have to be better prepared for the fight.
Is it possible to manipulate some of the data so that they have an incorrect number or something?
Or could we delete all the locations that we really don't want them to know where they are, like Dromund Kass, The chiss homeworld and stuff like that, but keep the rest of the locations of the unknown region in the archive?

At least we know all the information that they can use and we can plan for their possible plans either way.

For OOC reasons no, it'd be a pain for me to keep track of that level of detail.
Voting is open