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For Palpatine, Thrawn is at the top of his personal shitlist but towards the bottom of his professional shitlist if that makes sense. At least based on his current state in the galaxy.
It kind of is our problem if he manages to get all of the Imperial factions on his side like in canon!Legends and he decides to use our territory as a testing ground for his World Devastators. I'm really not sure what this video was meant to prove or how it addresses my point that Palpy is more than likely going to invade us when he comes back.
IIRC his Cloning Technician has been sabotaging his spare bodies on Byss and he's busy gaslighting Luke while trying to posess Leia's unborn child.

Palpy being really petty cloaca will seek to satisfy his hate-boner for the Skywalker line because Anakin killed him.

Senator Palpatine would be a dangerous opponent due to him being flexible and keep the Sith Plan a priority over personal vendettas.

Emperor Palpatine cannot comprehend putting State Policy above his personal whims especially since he as "already achieved supremacy" and they are "one and the same".

He will be drunk on the Dark Side and monofocused on the Skywalkers.
Fate of Zaarin Subvote
GM Note: Well, at long last here it is. Apologies for the delay, IRL has just been insane for the past months.

[] Do not

The imprisonment of an enemy warlord may at first seem like an isolated incident. The war with them is over, why should their treatment matter? It's a common problem you have seen with Imperial warlords. They view the galaxy in black and white, those that have power, and those that do not.

The galaxy is far more dynamic than that. Those that hold power now may lose it in the future, and even those without power can challenge those with power. One needs to only look at the Ewoks for that.

The imprisonment of an enemy sends a message to others, when you choose their fate, you inform the galaxy who you are. In one action, you tell them how you treat your enemies, how you rule, your level of cruelty and spite. You show the galaxy a side of yourself that you may prefer hidden.

A fair diplomat would look at this analysis and stop there. But a good diplomat knows that there is yet another layer to this.

The decision on the fate of your enemies is both a militaristic and diplomatic decision. It is both an internal choice as well as an external one. Military might is simply an extension of diplomatic power, and a good diplomat such as Athaen understands this.

There are several options to choose from here, with advantages and disadvantages to each. However, diplomacy is a fickle thing, and you can expect these benefits to degrade within a handful of years. Especially within the New Republic, considering how your empire seems to mainly be a footnote of niche debates on the HoloNet. However, the Pentastar Alignment will take your decision far more seriously thanks to your recent deal with Kaine as well as your proximity.

[] Release Him - This involves simply letting Zaarin go. Without a fleet and without a power base he will be forced to join another faction. Which does make this a risk. However, if we do face Imperial Warlords in the future, they will be far more willing to surrender. This presents a front of incredible leniency and a willingness to entirely ignore personal slights. *Majorly increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Zaarin remains at large. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
[] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
[] In-House Trial - This is what the galactic standard tends to be. With the crimes charged, a sentence of 80-100 years is expected. This will allow for a thorough interrogation and leave our image as it is. *Maintain status quo. Zaarin remains in custody under heavy guard.*
[] Intergalactic Trial with Empire Factions - An admittedly ambitious proposal, this would tie the Empire of the Hand to the other factions near us and increase our standing in their eyes. It would likely result in Zaarin's execution due to politics between the various polities. *Zaarin is most likely executed. Minor relationship gain with Empire polities.*
[] Intergalactic Trial - An audacious proposal that would lay the groundwork for an intergalactic tribunal in the future, this would increase the idea of Thrawn's commitment to stability above all else. Additionally, it would increase the Empire of the Hand's visibility in the galaxy as well as improve our standing with the New Republic. It is difficult to say what the result of the trial would be due to the complexity of politics at this level. *Intergalactic Trial Locked in for Turn 4. Minor relationship gain with all polities. Unpredictable trial results. Empire of the Hand is more known.*
[ ] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*

I prefer this. Can we 'create' false security flaws to bait espionage assets from rival powers?
[] Intergalactic Trial - An audacious proposal that would lay the groundwork for an intergalactic tribunal in the future, this would increase the idea of Thrawn's commitment to stability above all else. Additionally, it would increase the Empire of the Hand's visibility in the galaxy as well as improve our standing with the New Republic. It is difficult to say what the result of the trial would be due to the complexity of politics at this level. *Intergalactic Trial Locked in for Turn 4. Minor relationship gain with all polities. Unpredictable trial results. Empire of the Hand is more known.*

Personally, i think this will work better for long term goals and Negation, while i understand your choice i think it is more of a short term gain that will not give us too much over time.
i think house arrest would work, and if we ever need to get rid of him, stage a break out and we end up shooting down the speeder or transport he "steals"
I'm against the trial. We want to keep under the radar as much as possible. Our military still isn't that great yet.

And considering the amount of warlords we may have to deal with a increased surrender chance is actually pretty great.
Not worth the effort. If we want to see who will want/ come for him then put him on trial. A lot of Diplomatic favors and precedents can be set there while also allowing us to see the political stance from EVERY faction in the Galaxy. Not only is it an intelligence and diplomatic windfall but it also gives us targets for assassination later. Not to mention that at the very least it is likely that Leia will show up so it will allow us to sound her out.

In regards to our military, yes we are a paper tiger. Here is the rub, they do not KNOW that. All they have seen is that we took out a numerically superior fleet with only 1 loss to show for it. In return we captured and pressed into service for ourselves their entire fleet! So if we go forward with a trial they will doubt their intelligence networks and think that there is something they do not know which will make them wary. So they will want someone ELSE to try first so as to test the waters. Thing about that though? We practically OWN their intelligence networks. Any plans they make, we know within the hour. Therefore going through with the trial is a show of strength and stability that allows us to collect political favor and see which among these fools is of choleric temper. Then we simply either have them assassinated after the fact or arrange for events to end in their defeat/humiliation.
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[] Release Him - This involves simply letting Zaarin go. Without a fleet and without a power base he will be forced to join another faction. Which does make this a risk. However, if we do face Imperial Warlords in the future, they will be far more willing to surrender. This presents a front of incredible leniency and a willingness to entirely ignore personal slights. *Majorly increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Zaarin remains at large. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*

Do we actually care if he goes and helps our enemies? at most they'll get a new design and a grumpy ambitious liability. By comparison, the increased surrender chance is great indeed.
I wouldn't go that far. He would probably go for revenge or some other nonsense.

We caught him, we should keep him. House arrest seems fine.

If he gives us other options later, fine. If we get chances to get him to work on projects for us fine. I have no idea if we could get him actually on our side but if we can so much the better.

And we can always kill him later if he tries to pull something.
I wouldn't go that far. He would probably go for revenge or some other nonsense.

We caught him, we should keep him. House arrest seems fine.

If he gives us other options later, fine. If we get chances to get him to work on projects for us fine. I have no idea if we could get him actually on our side but if we can so much the better.

And we can always kill him later if he tries to pull something.
He's powerless without a sponsor, it'll take at least several years to build a powerbase strong enough to even attempt to do anything against us on his own, he won't have much by then and we'll be even stronger. We can handle it, especially if we get more surrenders. We should keep tabs on him with our intelligence network, but I don't believe he will be a threat.

I do not believe it is possible to get him on our side.
It isn't possible to get him on side. He canonically is a rampant xenophobe with a god complex paired with a superiority complex. Which also makes him rather unstable as a result. I would not trust this man with a toaster, let alone any form of weapon or integrated technology. His only worth is as a political tool. Any other option is going to burn us in the end and we will only be able to blame ourselves.
It isn't possible to get him on side. He canonically is a rampant xenophobe with a god complex paired with a superiority complex. Which also makes him rather unstable as a result. I would not trust this man with a toaster, let alone any form of weapon or integrated technology. His only worth is as a political tool. Any other option is going to burn us in the end and we will only be able to blame ourselves.
Let's toss him at our enemies and have him fuck em up.
Let's toss him at our enemies and have him fuck em up.
Again that is what the trial is for. What, did you think a man with his temperament can keep his mouth shut? No, he is going to incite and anger the room. Possibly causing an incident or even blurting out intelligence about his rivals to try to make them nervous/angry enough to either silence him or get him out of there [by means of assaulting/assassinating others/by diplomatic favor]. All of those can be leveraged in our position. All we have to do is guide the discussions and the trial and all the people there will reveal their true selves. We just needs be patient and watch as it unfolds.

Would also allow us to see who among them view themselves in a similar light and so might be sympathetic to him.
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[ ] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*

We must defeat the enemy without fighting and give them a chance to live than corner them like wild animals who would attempt to be reckless and do anything to spite us.
We must defeat the enemy without fighting and give them a chance to live than corner them like wild animals who would attempt to be reckless and do anything to spite us.
Okay, for one, this action in and of itself will spite us in the end. Two, to place him under house arrest means that any 'reckless attempt' is likely to have civilian casualties, unacceptable. Three, this option only works in the extreme short term and does absolutely nothing for us long term, thus worthless to a man like Thrawn. Thrawn is a man who values long term gains over short term assets. If he has to sacrifice 5,000,000 soldiers to get a return in the order of 40,000,000 dead enemies he would not blink. However if he loses even 1 more then is planned for in his worst outcome he will endeavor to see the one who cocked up the plan shot. If not slowly choke the life out of them himself. Which actually has happened multiple times in Legends Canon. Which this quest is based in!

There is more than one reason that Vader respected him greatly. Not all of it came from his competence. Just most of it.
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[X] Release Him - This involves simply letting Zaarin go. Without a fleet and without a power base he will be forced to join another faction. Which does make this a risk. However, if we do face Imperial Warlords in the future, they will be far more willing to surrender. This presents a front of incredible leniency and a willingness to entirely ignore personal slights. *Majorly increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Zaarin remains at large. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
[X] Intergalactic Trial - An audacious proposal that would lay the groundwork for an intergalactic tribunal in the future, this would increase the idea of Thrawn's commitment to stability above all else. Additionally, it would increase the Empire of the Hand's visibility in the galaxy as well as improve our standing with the New Republic. It is difficult to say what the result of the trial would be due to the complexity of politics at this level. *Intergalactic Trial Locked in for Turn 4. Minor relationship gain with all polities. Unpredictable trial results. Empire of the Hand is more known.*
[X] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
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[X] In-House Trial
No security risk, can interrogate (the entire reason we grabbed him, he has some nice stuff in his head) rather than execute him, and we very much don't want to garner significant attention right now that an intergalactic trial will bring. And releasing him seems pointless and far too soft, though I'm not holding out much hope there as I remember some people pushing very hard for goody two shoes best buds with the NR moral paragon type stuff.
[X] Place Under House Arrest
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