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This quote is extra rich when you take into account what Palpatine was capable of with that "pitiful Force" of his.
Palpatine is literally the most powerful Sith to ever exist. He is such a major outlier it isn't even funny. Force Users make up a percentage of a percentage of the galaxy. Very few people in the galaxy have force sensitivity and of those even less have enough to be trained by anyone. And of those people like Obi-Wan, Mace, Maul, Ventress, etc are the exceptions and top tier of the force users. So yes it very much in line with what the entire galaxy thought. Most of the galaxy never saw a Jedi or if they did it wasn't that impressive.

But aside from making better Tie designs, what exactly differentiates Zaarin from any regular Imperial officer who believed in the Tarkin Doctrine? Sure, he tried to overthrow Palpatine, but (according to Wookieepedia) that was out of a desire for more power, not because of any real objections to how he ran the Empire. And I haven't found anything that says he had a problem with shit like the Empire's obsession with mass-murdering superweapons or the anti-alien racism. With what info I can get on him, it doesn't appear like he had any problem with the stuff the Empire was doing except for the fact that he wasn't the one in charge of it all.
He wasn't about overwhelming threats which is what the Tarkin Doctrine is built upon. And he saw the flaws of the Emperor ran things and that it was going to lead to the Empire's end and was willing to act. Yes it was because he wanted power but that is literally everyone no matter what they say. The man cared about fighters that is literally the exact opposite of super weapons and the use of ISDs and SSD in every form of the way. He had the same thought pattern as NuCanon Thrawn does when it comes to fighters and super weapons. And the anti-alien shit was most of the galaxy and the core which went back much farther than the Empire. Few people in high command actually cared beyond using it to secure power. The Emperor didn't even care about it at all. Since to him people only came in two categories useful or not.

I was thinking of having him take over from Natasi Daala and look over all the stupid superweapon projects.

Having both Zaarin and Thrawn tear into the garbage that is the "Tarkin Doctrine" to Daala's face would be hilarious since IIRC she was Tarkin's lover.
Yeah no that is a very bad idea. He needs to be kept close not locked away in a secure research station like the Maw. Also the Maw did a lot more than super weapons. In fact their main developments were improvements/optimization to the base technology without really adding new stuff to the tech. There is a reason that when the Maw Irregular Fleet first was used that despite having old designs and low numbers they were able to still kick a lot of ass. Daala wouldn't be happy that Tarkin is dead but without the warlords in such a weak position and the Maw taken from her she can't do much. She would either join Thrawn as he is the only person that will take her right now or she will die because she knows too much about the Maw to be let go.
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So after thinking about ship types I think we are going to want to design a new smaller cheaper carrier to base out our starfighters. We have the Ton Fak class design but it is pretty big at 500 meters and a bit expensive. We could use the base shape of the Quasar Fire-Class. Extent the hanger area to allow for more fighters, give it a class 1 hyperdrive and add the laser cannons from the Ton Fak for defence. It allows for a more flexible fighter net for patrol and interception instead of basing the fighters out of only the big ships and planets.
Imperial Refits of the Dreadnaught-class?

Dreadnaughts saw extensive use in the Imperial Navy due to their abundance. Battle squadrons assigned to unimportant systems were often assigned a Dreadnaught-class cruiser in place of a more modern cruiser. To increase its field potential, the Imperial Starfleet upgraded the ships' hyperdrive to Class 2 and converted cargo space into a hangar. With the hangar modification, a Dreadnaught could carry a squadron of TIE/LN starfighters. These upgraded cruisers now saw use as patrol ships, which maintained Imperial dominance over primitive worlds.
It was their original purpose. No need to buy/design new ships when we can aquire and update old ones.
The Refit of the dreadnought is still even larger than the Ton Fak has a crew requirement either on par or if it still has the old number hugely larger, and only has 12 fighter compared to the 48-72 a small carrier would. They are also more expensive. The point is to have roaming fighter deployment zones that can move around quickly and with minimal impact on resources.

Any Dreadnoughts we do get would be better off getting a standarized rebuild into an Imperial Assualt Frigate Mk1. Since the design for those is very good that Imperials were trying to steal them all the time.
That isn't a carrier. What we want is a frigate sized ship that can carry a powerful wing of fighters and be a mobile staging ground. We are going to be spread thin so it is unlikely that we can have fighters on all our planets for defense.

Starbolt-class Assault Carrier

The Starbolt-class Assault Carrier was introduced to the market in the years prior to the Clone Wars. It was marketed to mercenary and planetary defense force units during the war and was offered with a package deal complete with a compliment of Corellian Engineering Corporation produced...

Starbolts? Utter garbage for Clone Wars engagements but it is perfect for the Civil War era.

Starbolt-class Assault Carrier

The Starbolt-class Assault Carrier was introduced to the market in the years prior to the Clone Wars. It was marketed to mercenary and planetary defense force units during the war and was offered with a package deal complete with a compliment of Corellian Engineering Corporation produced...

Starbolts? Utter garbage for Clone Wars engagements but it is perfect for the Civil War era.
"prior to the clone wars"
its too outdated by now to be of any use against any military force that isnt pirates
We need to design one for ourselves not use an outdated design that wasn't ever even used for normal military service. Plus the entire point is to have a large fighter compliment staging point that can move around and is still cheaper and smaller than the Ton Fak.
@Daemon Hunter I was just looking over the results of the advisor vote, when I noticed something. The result said that Lyiana Immanuel is supposed to be one of our heroes, but I don't see her in the character sheets and she doesn't appear to have been mentioned since that vote. Is this a mistake or has she just been playing a much smaller role than Parck, Sole, and Pellaeon?

Edit: I'm sorry if I bothered you in any way. That wasn't my intention.
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@Daemon Hunter I was just looking over the results of the advisor vote, when I noticed something. The result said that Lyiana Immanuel is supposed to be one of our heroes, but I don't see her in the character sheets and she doesn't appear to have been mentioned since that vote. Is this a mistake or has she just been playing a much smaller role than Parck, Sole, and Pellaeon?

Edit: I'm sorry if I bothered you in any way. That wasn't my intention.

Don't worry about bothering me, I should actually be able to get back to this soon. I finally sorted out my IRL problems.

As for why Lyiana hasn't showed up yet, it's mainly a lack of information due to Vipik's focus. Lyiana has a high-tech corporate mindset. Vipik has primarily focused on the larger parts of the economy so hasn't had the chance to see what Lyiana is doing. At the moment she's started up an experimental spaceship company that's been getting off their feet and negotiating a few testing contracts.
Don't worry about bothering me, I should actually be able to get back to this soon. I finally sorted out my IRL problems.
That's fantastic news! This is one of my favorite Star Wars quests, so I can't wait for when we get to the Zaarin subvote (assuming that's what we'll be doing next). I plan on making another omake about our dear friend once we decide on what to actually do with him.
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That's fantastic news! This is one of my favorite Star Wars quests, so I can't wait for when we get to the Zaarin subvote (assuming that's what we'll be doing next). I plan on making another omake about our dear friend once we decide on what to actually do with him.

That it is, also just threadmarked your omake and I really enjoyed it. It covers my thought process behind Zaarin's actions well.

Oh, I should probably close the vote as well.
Scheduled vote count started by Daemon Hunter on Aug 8, 2021 at 4:42 AM, finished with 126 posts and 24 votes.
Yeah, I think I'm done with this Quest.

Have fun, Guys. I'll go join some Rebel Quests that blow the Galactic Empire straight into hell where it belongs.

Sorry, this is nothing against the QM who has done an amazing Job, but this thread is starting to take a tone I really don't like, while repeating easily refutable Fanon and Apologetism for genocidal Space Nazis.

I'm just not comfortable to continue playing this. Sorry.

We should use this to sow trouble in the NR and get more support for ourselves.

Didn't much of this stuff happen once the Galactic Empire was effectively done and the NR was the main power in the galaxy? I don't see why this information would be of much help at this current time.

And even then, the NR at its worst was still way better than the Empire and I don't think the problems of the former is going to do much to endear us to the rest of the galaxy when the problems of the latter were far worse. A flawed democracy is generally preferable to fascism.
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Yes there are problems with the New Republic however it still was a whole lot better than the Galactic Empire. The Empire only really started to turn in to a decent form of government when it collapsed. Specifically when Daala united the remains while doing major reforms and eventually when Pellaeon took over the remnant of the Empire. Even then there still were high ranking officials who wanted to turn back the reforms and go back to the Empire's standard.
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From my perspective, the New Republic does have its problems. All governments do. But it is so much better than the Empire.

Edit: I do definitely like the arguments Eckharts brings up, and it fits the problems that stem from rebellions. Namely that they were founded to oppose something and by necessity coalesced around a few key figures. And once they won, they let those figures essentially continue leading them.
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Just so everyone knows the Empire has a ton of problems with its government. So let's mention one of the worst and weirdest projects the Empire had done project Starscream. Which created a planet that eats humans or any other life it comes incontact with. There were hosts of other things created by this program to. Here's the link to the project Project Starscream and the planet D'vouran.
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