Voting is open
[X] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
Well, since house arrest is definitely going to win, I'm going to start working on that second Zaarin omake. I just hope it doesn't take me as long as the first one.
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Well, since house arrest is definitely going to win, I'm going to start working on that second Zaarin omake. I just hope it doesn't take me as long as the first one.
Maybe throw in some ideas for a new escort carrier design. Something smaller and cheaper than the Ton Fak but with a similar capacity. Like a Quasar that isn't a slow death trap and expanded hanger facilities. Something the size of a frigate instead of a Cruiser so even a minor sized shipyard could build them.
Maybe throw in some ideas for a new escort carrier design. Something smaller and cheaper than the Ton Fak but with a similar capacity. Like a Quasar that isn't a slow death trap and expanded hanger facilities. Something the size of a frigate instead of a Cruiser so even a minor sized shipyard could build them.
What about the Eidolon-pattern Strike-class cruiser? It's a KDY pirated version of the Loronar Corporation product.
Maybe throw in some ideas for a new escort carrier design. Something smaller and cheaper than the Ton Fak but with a similar capacity. Like a Quasar that isn't a slow death trap and expanded hanger facilities. Something the size of a frigate instead of a Cruiser so even a minor sized shipyard could build them.
I don't really know anything about starship designs in Star Wars, so I'm afraid I've got nothing for you on that front.
[X] Intergalactic Trial - An audacious proposal that would lay the groundwork for an intergalactic tribunal in the future, this would increase the idea of Thrawn's commitment to stability above all else. Additionally, it would increase the Empire of the Hand's visibility in the galaxy as well as improve our standing with the New Republic. It is difficult to say what the result of the trial would be due to the complexity of politics at this level. *Intergalactic Trial Locked in for Turn 4. Minor relationship gain with all polities. Unpredictable trial results. Empire of the Hand is more known.*

well this is interesting. watched and voted on.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Oct 17, 2021 at 8:14 PM, finished with 76 posts and 35 votes.

  • [X] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
    [X] Place Under House Arrest
    [X] In-House Trial
    [X] Intergalactic Trial - An audacious proposal that would lay the groundwork for an intergalactic tribunal in the future, this would increase the idea of Thrawn's commitment to stability above all else. Additionally, it would increase the Empire of the Hand's visibility in the galaxy as well as improve our standing with the New Republic. It is difficult to say what the result of the trial would be due to the complexity of politics at this level. *Intergalactic Trial Locked in for Turn 4. Minor relationship gain with all polities. Unpredictable trial results. Empire of the Hand is more known.*
    [X] Intergalactic Trial
    [X] Release Him - This involves simply letting Zaarin go. Without a fleet and without a power base he will be forced to join another faction. Which does make this a risk. However, if we do face Imperial Warlords in the future, they will be far more willing to surrender. This presents a front of incredible leniency and a willingness to entirely ignore personal slights. *Majorly increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Zaarin remains at large. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
    [X] Intergalactic Trial with Empire Factions
[X] In-House Trial - This is what the galactic standard tends to be. With the crimes charged, a sentence of 80-100 years is expected. This will allow for a thorough interrogation and leave our image as it is. *Maintain status quo. Zaarin remains in custody under heavy guard.*
I'll just close the vote here, looks like house arrest wins.
Scheduled vote count started by Daemon Hunter on Oct 16, 2021 at 3:25 AM, finished with 65 posts and 39 votes.

  • [X] Place Under House Arrest
    [X] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
    [X] In-House Trial
    [X] Intergalactic Trial - An audacious proposal that would lay the groundwork for an intergalactic tribunal in the future, this would increase the idea of Thrawn's commitment to stability above all else. Additionally, it would increase the Empire of the Hand's visibility in the galaxy as well as improve our standing with the New Republic. It is difficult to say what the result of the trial would be due to the complexity of politics at this level. *Intergalactic Trial Locked in for Turn 4. Minor relationship gain with all polities. Unpredictable trial results. Empire of the Hand is more known.*
    [X] Intergalactic Trial
    [X] Release Him - This involves simply letting Zaarin go. Without a fleet and without a power base he will be forced to join another faction. Which does make this a risk. However, if we do face Imperial Warlords in the future, they will be far more willing to surrender. This presents a front of incredible leniency and a willingness to entirely ignore personal slights. *Majorly increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Zaarin remains at large. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
    [X] Intergalactic Trial with Empire Factions
    [X] In-House Trial - This is what the galactic standard tends to be. With the crimes charged, a sentence of 80-100 years is expected. This will allow for a thorough interrogation and leave our image as it is. *Maintain status quo. Zaarin remains in custody under heavy guard.*
[X] Place Under House Arrest

Realistically, the only way we're going to be a major force to be reckoned with is if we can digest a lot of the other Imperial successors. Telling our imperial counterparts that the stakes in losing to us are low is phenomenal. This is such an effective strategy we do this in the real world. Augusto Pinochet? Arnoldo Aleman? Efrain Rios Montt? Part of it is endemic corruption, part of it is the simple fact handling the dictator with kid gloves and a cushy retirement gives them little incentive to start shit.

Hell, part of Napoleon's reasons for escaping Elba and starting the Hundred Days was that he was worried about going bankrupt because the British were hemming and hawing about the hush money promised to him by the Treaty of Fontainebleau.

Edit: Whoops.
The Perfect Crime
[] House Arrest

The perfect crime is one that never sees the light of day. Anything else is merely a skillful crime.

When you first ordered Cen to gather as many valuables from the Jedi Temple as she could, you assumed that she would steal everything with Sole running interference. After which a few smugglers would take the artifacts to your force order, followed by Isaard's immense anger at having been robbed. Of course, your intelligence agency continues to surpass expectations, a repeated pattern that you will have to correct.

Rather than a simple robbery, Agent Sole suggested a more complicated scheme, which Cen approved of and immediately made changes. Over the course of two months, the Empire under Isard turned the Jedi Temple into a symbol of power that every high-ranking officer or politician under her command could visit. It demonstrated her power, here were the artifacts of the once-mighty Jedi order, and she was the one that determined who could gaze upon them. Of course, such an exhibit came with security flaws, and so Agent Sole convinced Isard that the real artifacts should be stored in a secure location, with the ones in the Temple itself merely replicas.

And Agent Sole used Empire of the Hand spies to transport the real artifacts while going over budget on the replicas to make two copies of everything instead of one. Of course, Isard paid for it, along with the transport costs as well as the costs to create your own vault. It is a remarkable failure of intelligence for her empire, or perhaps it may better be described as a remarkable success of intelligence for her empire. Of course, her empire's intelligence is run by your agents, so it's not much better to think of it that way.

And now, the entirety of the Jedi Temple's holdings are yours. Within a large vault near your force order, guarded by your own soldiers, of course, are a wondrous assortment of artifacts. Holocrons in the thousands, both Jedi and Sith, with the caveat that the most recent Holocrons were recovered from Palpatine's stashes rather than the temple, a massive archive with more data than can be found anywhere else, and of course Kuiber crystals, enough to make ten Death Stars.

The Holocrons will accelerate the growth of your force order by nearly four-fold according to Kanuas, along with increasing how much he can train them. But that's secondary to the archives. Oh, how many opportunities were just opened to you. Full topographical maps of every inhabited planet, complete hyperspace maps of every known system, and a survey of planets in the Unknown Regions. To say this is an opportunity is to disparage how utterly game-changing it is. No, this is twenty opportunities bundled into one. The only question you have is how much you should allow Isard to have.

[] None - Sole shall delete everything and replace it with junk data before beginning his extraction, for this will be discovered. *Lose T5 spy ring in the Empire next turn. Locked action to extract Sole and blame another faction next turn.*
[] Let them keep the data on known systems - Sole shall delete the information on the Unknown Regions but let the Empire have everything else. Until Isard sends an expedition to them, she will never know what you have managed. *Isard loses access to maps of the Unknown Regions. If she tries to make use of them, it will be a disaster and Sole will need to escape.*
[] Let them have all of it - Sole shall do nothing with it, ensuring his security while letting Isard retain her advantages. This has no risk, and would keep his cover, but does nothing to curtail the information held by the Empire. *Status quo.*
[X] Let them have all of it - Sole shall do nothing with it, ensuring his security while letting Isard retain her advantages. This has no risk, and would keep his cover, but does nothing to curtail the information held by the Empire. *Status quo.*

I don't even need to think about this I am going with the third option here. Isards Intelligence agency is owned by us through our agents we will literal know every move she try's to make against us(if she decides to move against us). So it's in our best interest to keep our agents cover as secure as can be for us, for as long as our agent is there running her agency then we will know every move she makes which is priceless for us.

So losing that information to her is a minor cost to a far bigger advantage, that and with her keeping that knowledge Isard may be able to bleed the New Republic a little bit more for us. Which is something I want badly the Empire and New Republic to bleed out against each other so we can have an easier time conquering them later.
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Its a no brainer to let her keep the planet info, its marginally useful and its nothing compared to the treasure trove we just got. So keep our T5 spy ring and just let her play with world maps.
Guys, this is set in legends. We do not need them finding Dromund Kass and the remnants of the Eternal Empire. Let alone Lehon and the Starforge.

Also GM quick question if I may. What in this universe happened to the Infinite Engine?
Guys, this is set in legends. We do not need them finding Dromund Kass and the remnants of the Eternal Empire. Let alone Lehon and the Starforge.

Also GM quick question if I may. What in this universe happened to the Infinite Engine?
I don't disagree with your overall point (though I don't know what use the Star Forge can have when its been reduced to an asteroid belt), but this is an extremely risky move that can put our stranglehold on Imperial Intelligence in jeopardy, and I really don't feel it's a worthwhile risk when our intelligence network is our strongest asset at the moment.
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I don't disagree with you (though I don't know what use the Star Forge can have when its been reduced to an asteroid belt), but this is an extremely risky move that can put our stranglehold on the Empire in jeopardy, and I really don't feel it's a worthwhile risk when our intelligence network is our strongest asset at the moment.
And with our stranglehold over the Empires intelligence service even if Isard does decide to go for the Star Forge or whatnot we would know about it almost immediately and be able to counter her if need be. Or just tip off the New Republic and let them fight over it.
[x] Let them have all of it

I feel that this is the long-term option which Thrawn would favor. Plus it lets us retain eyes and ears on the Empire's movements with Isard none the wiser, and information is very much a powerful weapon for us.

Will put an X on the vote when it's open.
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Our intel assets are our most important tool. Let's not jeopardise them for nothing. When Isard gets killed we can sanitise the data on forgotten systems and blame it as a fail-safe she implemented in front of the new leader.

Actually, can we instruct Sole to do that now? Suggest to her to make a deathman switch that will delete the archive in case she's killed, as a precaution against a coup or a last fuck you to her enemies (Republic or Imperial)?
[X] Let them have all of it - Sole shall do nothing with it, ensuring his security while letting Isard retain her advantages. This has no risk, and would keep his cover, but does nothing to curtail the information held by the Empire. *Status quo.*
Voting is open