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That's the place where Lemelisk built all the Super Weapons, right?
It was Tarkin's hidey-hold and R&D dump for experimental weapons and the best and brightest of the Empire's weapons and materials scientists. Also where he sequestered his mistress after she got injured in a Rebel attack on the Death Star. To the best of my knowledge, canon Thrawn never knew about it, otherwise I suspect he would have dragooned Daala's Star Destroyers into his fleet and gone through it for useful tech.
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What would we even do with this station if we got our hands on it? The scientists would come in handy, but we're not exactly in the business of insane and impractical superweapons, considering how that went for Tarkin and Palpatine.
We might know about it but it would be because of our intelligence service being the best in the galaxy. It would be up to Daemon Hunter if we do know about its existence.
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What would we even do with this station if we got our hands on it? The scientists would come in handy, but we're not exactly in the business of insane and impractical superweapons, considering how that went for Tarkin and Palpatine.
Thrawn's not in the business of making them, but I don't see him being above the imaginative use of them. The World Devastators alone would be an incredible asset for him - find some incredibly remote systems and put them to work nomming an asteroid belt or ten. They didn't have to be terror weapons, that's just how Palpatine decided to use them. The Sun Crusher's armor could be used for an invincible scouting ship. Heck, the torpedoes that can set off a supernova can also one-shot most capital ships - one torpedo was sufficient to consume 11% of the Death Star prototype's mass, and a lot of that thing was empty space.
Thrawn's not in the business of making them, but I don't see him being above the imaginative use of them. The World Devastators alone would be an incredible asset for him - find some incredibly remote systems and put them to work nomming an asteroid belt or ten. They didn't have to be terror weapons, that's just how Palpatine decided to use them. The Sun Crusher's armor could be used for an invincible scouting ship. Heck, the torpedoes that can set off a supernova can also one-shot most capital ships - one torpedo was sufficient to consume 11% of the Death Star prototype's mass, and a lot of that thing was empty space.
There was also a terraforming device there which may be of use if it can be produced in greater numbers.
Thrawn's not in the business of making them, but I don't see him being above the imaginative use of them. The World Devastators alone would be an incredible asset for him - find some incredibly remote systems and put them to work nomming an asteroid belt or ten. They didn't have to be terror weapons, that's just how Palpatine decided to use them. The Sun Crusher's armor could be used for an invincible scouting ship. Heck, the torpedoes that can set off a supernova can also one-shot most capital ships - one torpedo was sufficient to consume 11% of the Death Star prototype's mass, and a lot of that thing was empty space.

Exactly so. He'd find the most efficient use he could for them, since they're already built. Though, from a narrative perspective, I hope there's no Sun Crusher. That thing is just too OP to countenance - it's not a game changer, it's a game breaker. Hopefully if we do find the Maw Installation, the Sun Crusher is still on the drawing board and Thrawn will simply torpedo the project's funding. That would fit Thrawn's character, and would remove the SC from play simultaneously. Also, while we're on the subject of the Maw installation, take those damned Star Destroyers away from Daala before the idiot gets them pointlessly destroyed. Frankly, the Navy had it right when they stuck that idiot on KP, and I'm still shocked to this day that Tarkin's dick did so much of his thinking that he made her a freaking Admiral!

There was also a terraforming device there which may be of use if it can be produced in greater numbers.

Ooooh, I'd never heard of that one. So many uses we could put that thing to... *drooling intensifies*
What would we even do with this station if we got our hands on it? The scientists would come in handy, but we're not exactly in the business of insane and impractical superweapons, considering how that went for Tarkin and Palpatine.
Sun Crusher missiles. The Quantum Crystal Armor is too stupidly expensive though.
Well I know we are going to be taking some actions in the future to at least get all the research data. Hopefully we can get the data, researchers, prototypes and the garrison.
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Victory and Expanding the Fleet
[X] Perhaps you can expand your fleet with several additions, capture every ship you can in addition to Zaarin. Moderately favors your fleet.
[X] Send Eshu to Capture Zaarin

Well, far be it for you to be too cautious. As much as you would prefer a guaranteed victory, the host of ships available to you here is too valuable for your short and long-term goals to end as debris. Now it might be arrogance, but with some creative ideas, you think you might be able to end this without losing a single ship on either side.

Your eyes trail across the battlefield, Zaarin himself almost secondary to the history and culture of the Galactic Empire which he was once a part of. You visualize a dozen symbols and artwork, a few you remember that Zaarin himself appreciated. Your mental image of him changes as you study the formation arrayed against you, and your hand brushes forth, touching the lead IS2. "Zaarin isn't a fool, but he knows I'm not either." He'll try and be clever, choosing a tactic that would fool another admiral, but not you. "He's on the lead ship." The words leave your mouth in a whisper, and you don't even glance at Eshu as you send her away. "Eshu, I wish to have Zaarin sample my hospitality, do make sure to retrieve him for me."

Surprisingly, you don't hear her leave immediately as you expected. You turn your head towards her, and you see her stand there fidgeting. "May I choose the Stormtroopers assigned to me?"

Your brow furrows in confusion, she rarely is away from you, so how did she find the time to create her own personal squad? No, she doesn't have the training, more likely is that she found a squad that fits into her worldview well. Who do you have that matches that description? Hmm, honorable stormtroopers are rare, but they do exist, and someone that an assassin would respect. There isn't anyone you know that comes to mind, but you have no doubt they exist. "Which unit?" While you trust your bodyguard, both of you know that you're the better commander here.

"The Hand of Judgement." Them, hmm, they do fit the mission profile, although, you may not be able to coerce Zaarin to send a surrender message with applied force with both Eshu and the Hand of Judgement there. Sometimes honorable underlings can have problematic moral codes. Still, you believe that Zaarin's cooperation isn't necessary should your plan come together.

"Very well, take them if you wish."

The interdictors are where your strategy lies, with one left behind, ready to hyperspace in at a moment's notice, and the other guarding against escape. Your fleet advances in a line, Ties and lighter vessels beginning a dance entirely alien to Empire doctrine. Taking hints from a dozen separate cultures, the formations and maneuvers are awkward and stilted, as if the pilots and officers are still unsure what to do. The heavier vessels advance as the Empire doctrine demands, their turbo and quad lasers firing into the distance. Very few of the shots will matter, but firing them costs you little.

The first pass occurs, two squadrons of Ties probing at the other, Tie Phantoms against your own Tie Fighters. Your forces pull back before two more squadrons dive in and retreat. Slashing attack after slashing attack follows on the frontlines as you whittle away at Zaarin's screening force. It's effective, but if this continues, your forces will enter a capital ship battle. And so, you give Zaarin that battle, but one that will ensure his defeat.

A burst of static is emitted on the comms, and one of your IS2s surges forward, seemingly losing patience. One of the more irritating issues among the forces of the Empire was the occasional captain that refused to follow the battle plans. Zaarin seems to think that this is one such captain, one that is done with your reforms, and one that is done with your slow but steady approach. The screens slacken, allowing the IS2 in question to charge forward before the trap closes, and the mighty star destroyer is surrounded by two thousand phantoms.

A second burst of static is emitted, and you watch the star destroyer list, as explosions wrack its shield generators. Fires burst and turbolasers die one by one as a hole in your blockade forms, with just a rapidly dying out of position IS2 in Zaarin's way. What a shame that it is just a trap of your own.

The IS2 loses one engine, then a second, leaving it with just barely enough thrust to move on its own power. Then comes the moment that you have waited for, as you speak clearly into your battlefield comms system. "All forces, commence stage 2."

You close your eyes, and the battlefield seems to expand. An interdictor enters hyperspace, beginning its 10-second journey from the edges of the system. A dozen transports enter hyperspace 10 seconds later, just as the interdictor arrives. The IS2, having begun plotting coordinates as soon as you gave the order, enters hyperspace precisely 10 seconds after the interdictor arrives, 5 seconds late, but well within acceptable parameters. Five heartbeats pass, and you open your eyes and you witness the interdictor activate its gravity generators, barely enveloping Zaarin's fleet. Ten seconds pass, and you see your transports arrive, and your stormtroopers begin boarding operations. You smile, and you sit down, steepling your fingers and awaiting reports of success.

The Golans are the first to fall, four of them ceasing to fire upon your forces within ten minutes. Two IS2s fall next, Stormtroopers seizing the bridge after brutal firefights. The last report is the most important however and comes twenty full minutes later.

A hologram of your bodyguard appears, with an unconscious former Grand Admiral next to her. "Well done Ms. Tenrar." You incline your head in respect and give her the next order. "Send an order to his fleet to cease firing, I don't think more lives need to be lost today."

You are of course correct, you doubt they would have tried to keep up the battle even if Zaarin was still alive. With his capture, any hope of victory was lost, and even the soldiers of the Empire aren't so fanatical. Perhaps the New Republic forces might be, but not your own. At least not in the near future.

With the battle over, your fleet expanded, and new Tie models to wield, you find yourself in a far better state than previously. And you know, that the near future holds even more opportunities for yourself to prosper and succeed.

The Battle: 67
Results: 1 IS2 for Thrawn at 1/60 HP. 4 Golans of Zaarin's captured. 2 IS2s of Zaarin's captured.
Capturing Zaarin (DC 2/5/30/50): 74 (Captured)
End Results: Zaarin captured, fleet surrenders. Victory for Thrawn. +5 IS2s, +5 Victories, +1 Immobilizer, +20 Strikes, +100 Carracks, +6 Golan Defence Platforms, +2000 Tie Phantoms
Alright so a clean sweep for us all at the cost of a IS2 that's more or less mission killed but can most likely be dragged back to a shipyard and repaired.
That went incredibly well. Can't wait to see the full breakdown of how this will impact our options moving forward!

Good job on the battle itself. And I'm glad to see the Hand of Judgment making their triumphant return!
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