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:thonk: Now there's an idea for a Learning action. Try to see if we can't produce synthetic Stygium crystals, assuming another source cannot be found in nature.
Admiral Batch blew up the planet where they could be found, harvested the crystals, and used them to make thousands of TIE Phantoms. Then Rookie One blew up the SSD and the production facility, taking most of the Phantoms and the stygium crystals in existence with them. I'm not exaggerating when I say these might the last ones in the entire galaxy.
Admiral Batch blew up the planet where they could be found, harvested the crystals, and used them to make thousands of TIE Phantoms. Then Rookie One blew up the SSD and the production facility, taking most of the Phantoms and the stygium crystals in existence with them. I'm not exaggerating when I say these might the last ones in the entire galaxy.
I know the chance that another planet also has deposits of stygium crystals (or something with similar properties) is extremely low, I have no intention of making that an intentional priority, just that it can't he completely written off as a possibility. Hence sidestepping the matter via synthetic manufacturing.

...Okay I have done a little bit of wookieepedia diving and I may have just found something incredible. And not only that, we have a perfect source for this information In-Character courtesy of Darth Nox.

Adegan Crystals are best known for being an uncommon type of Lightsaber focus, however the Sith Empire during the Cold War discovered that this resource could also be used to create cloaking technology, potentially enough for an entire fleet. This would require taking over Ilum or Adega but the reward would be well worth the cost.

Admiral Batch blew up the planet where they could be found, harvested the crystals, and used them to make thousands of TIE Phantoms. Then Rookie One blew up the SSD and the production facility, taking most of the Phantoms and the stygium crystals in existence with them. I'm not exaggerating when I say these might the last ones in the entire galaxy.
All the more reason to try and synthesize a replacement or at the very least understand how Stygium works so that its effects can be copied with something else
What would we even do with this station if we got our hands on it? The scientists would come in handy, but we're not exactly in the business of insane and impractical superweapons, considering how that went for Tarkin and Palpatine.
The researchers are what we want. They weapons are fine but we don't care much about them. The MAW was able to create upgrades and advancements on every field and unit. These guys used stock TIEs only and made a better more powerful version.

The sun crusher by itself would make it worthwhile.
The Sun Crusher should be removed completely. Of all the super weapon of the week it was always the most over the top and broken.

Two reasons: materials and martial edges. The Phantom uses stygium crystals, which have almost been exhausted. Furthermore, with the destruction of the SSD Terror and the original TIE Phantom factory, these are the only ones in existence.
Having them gives us tactical options that are otherwise lacking; I'd rather not give the same to our enemies if we can help it.
There were millions of crystals that were released when he blew it up. I doubt he was able to take them all. As the core of a planet which the crystals were in is huge. And if they did then all we need to do is strip them for all the rest of their technology.
Excellent. Happy to see Thrawn's tactical acumen in action, and happy to see the Hand of Judgment (I read Allegiance just a few months ago and loved them in it).

One of the more irritating issues among the forces of the Empire was the occasional captain that refused to follow the battle plans.
*laughs in Admiral Constantin*

+5 IS2s, +5 Victories, +1 Immobilizer, +20 Strikes, +100 Carracks, +6 Golan Defence Platforms, +2000 Tie Phantoms
All right, let's see.

5 additional Imperial Star Destroyers alone justifies the whole battle - we previously had 20 of those, so this is a massive boost to our power projection capabilities.
5 additional Victory-Class Star Destroyers... we previously had 10. The Victory isn't the juggernaut that the ISD is, but sometimes, it's less about having a really big ship than it's about having enough ships - especially when you're trying to maintain control over a large territory. VSDs can hyper where we need them and deploy starfighter complements.
1 additional Immobilizer/Interdictor is very good - those things are tactical game-changers, and we only had two of those. The ability to prevent your opposition from escaping into hyperspace means a lot.
20 additional Strike-Class medium cruisers... We had 50. About two of these are considered comparable in firepower to a VSD, and they can carry up to 18 starfighters.
100 additional Carrack-Class Light Cruisers, when we previously had 200... well, that's a lot. These ships don't have impressive firepower, but they're fast - practically as fast as a starfighter. No doubt Thrawn knows how to use that.
Golan Defense Platforms are stationary, so, I assume they're spread at key strategic points through Zaarin's territory?
And of course, 2000 TIE Phantoms. That's gold. Stealth fighters are a game-changer, opening up all sorts of tactics as long as you're clever in how you use them. ...And it occurs to me that if we start using them to launch surprise attacks on pirates, Thrawn's territory can become an utterly terrifying prospect for the pirates of the galaxy, best steered clear of.
100 additional Carrack-Class Light Cruisers, when we previously had 200... well, that's a lot. These ships don't have impressive firepower, but they're fast - practically as fast as a starfighter. No doubt Thrawn knows how to use that.
IIRC the Carracks actually are the most powerful pound-for-pound ship on these times, they were literally armed to the teeth with ten heavy turbolasers for offense, twenty laser cannons for defense, and five tractor beam projectors to capture and disable hostile ships, which when combined with his speed and maneuverability you have one of the most versatile ships in the galaxy...
Golan Defense Platforms are stationary, so, I assume they're spread at key strategic points through Zaarin's territory?
And of course, 2000 TIE Phantoms. That's gold. Stealth fighters are a game-changer, opening up all sorts of tactics as long as you're clever in how you use them. ...And it occurs to me that if we start using them to launch surprise attacks on pirates, Thrawn's territory can become an utterly terrifying prospect for the pirates of the galaxy, best steered clear of.

The Golans were helping him defend his position/mooring, there are no doubt more in his former territory, unless we took that as we fought him.

With the Phantoms, we could convert them into assault fighters, with missile components, making them deadly void snipers in addition to ambush fighters; or take the cloaking device and place it into Tie Oppressor's.

The cloaking also would help us raid neighboring imperials as they know that Zaarin (who has declared war on the Empire) has these fighters, alongside the ships we just took (and their crews); meaning we'd have plausible deniability in the case we want to start claiming more ships in raids.

With this strategy we can even 'trade' back vessels we have 'liberated' from the dastardly warlord, netting more resources and cred, until we find it expedient to reveal we have captured Zaarin.

Also I wonder what Zaarin's reaction, let alone the rest of the EotH's command if/when Thrawn reveals that the Vong are planning to invade the galaxy. While he's ambitious he may decide to side with Thrawn, if only to save the potential for himself to rule in the aftermath.
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IIRC the Carracks actually are the most powerful pound-for-pound ship on these times, they were literally armed to the teeth with ten heavy turbolasers for offense, twenty laser cannons for defense, and five tractor beam projectors to capture and disable hostile ships, which when combined with his speed and maneuverability you have one of the most versatile ships in the galaxy...
They are also best paired with Tartans or Lancers for a proper anti-starfighter doctrine. Though I prefer Tartans since it's the same manufacturer.
Quick question.

We took the guys fleet. Did we also get his territory?

If so how many more planets and such did we just increase by and how does that affect out finances?

And now that I'm thinking about it, same question for that guy Pallaeon beat in the first round?
Quick question.

We took the guys fleet. Did we also get his territory?

If so how many more planets and such did we just increase by and how does that affect out finances?

And now that I'm thinking about it, same question for that guy Pallaeon beat in the first round?
He had no territory. He was literally just waging a guerrilla war against the Empire after his coup attempt failed. We pushed him to his last defensive position.
Even so, the guy clearly had some resources in order to maintain his fleet. I do hope we got our hands on that, elsewise we might need to keep our shiny new ISDs mothballed until our economy picks up.

IIRC the Carracks actually are the most powerful pound-for-pound ship on these times, they were literally armed to the teeth with ten heavy turbolasers for offense, twenty laser cannons for defense, and five tractor beam projectors to capture and disable hostile ships, which when combined with his speed and maneuverability you have one of the most versatile ships in the galaxy...
Now I have this mental image of a group of Carracks flying in single file toward a much larger ship, each one getting in and out of turbolaser range too quickly to be shot down, each successively whittling down the larger ship's shields until they're gone.
They are also best paired with Tartans or Lancers for a proper anti-starfighter doctrine. Though I prefer Tartans since it's the same manufacturer.
True, the lack of proper anti-starfighter screening was one of the biggest weaknesses of the Tarkin Doctrine and the Imperial Fleet... But whereas Tartans or Lancers are obviously better Anti Starfighter vessels (since they are specialized on that role) Carracks are still pretty good for providing anti-fighter screening to any fleet.
Now I have this mental image of a group of Carracks flying in single file toward a much larger ship, each one getting in and out of turbolaser range too quickly to be shot down, each successively whittling down the larger ship's shields until they're gone.
That was their intended purpose, a small fleet of Carracks could easily destroy capital ships ten times their size.
I'm also thinking..shit, why don't we design a new TIE Bomber that can incorporate the cloaking device?

This, 100%. Make a new heavy assault bomber, pack as much anti-capital ship firepower onto it as we can, then rip the cloaking devices out of those Phantoms and strap them onto the new heavy bomber. It always struck me as an absurd waste of resources to stick those cloaks on what amounts to interceptor craft with no heavy armament. Plus, even without the cloaking devices, the Phantoms are supposed to be pretty good fighters, with hyperdrives and shields equipped, and the base model V-38 Fighter (any relation to the V-19, I wonder? Maybe a cooperative design between Sienar and Slayn & Korpil?) should be relatively easy to mass produce.

Now I have this mental image of a group of Carracks flying in single file toward a much larger ship, each one getting in and out of turbolaser range too quickly to be shot down, each successively whittling down the larger ship's shields until they're gone.

So something like the way light horse-archers could wheel around raining fire on a more static force, but each individual rider was out of range of the enemy's archers before they could draw a bead on them? That's actually a really cool concept, though you'd have to stagger the formation or something to keep the larger ships they're attacking from simply anticipating the vector the follow-on Carracks were going to take, and adjusting their firing solution accordingly.

EDIT #2: Actually, now that I think on it a little more, I remember a tactic that X-Wings used in the New Jedi Order series where they would fly in close formation, allowing their shield-bubbles to merge into a much stronger overall shield. What if we did that on a larger scale? Imagine wolf-packs of 3-4 Carracks in tight formation to share shield strength making slashing attacks against enemy Star Destroyers, moving in and out of range too fast for the Destroyers to concentrate enough fire on them to pick them off. Then imagine a dozen or so of these wolf-packs wheeling around and hitting those Destroyers in sequence, like the horse archers...
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The biggest drawback with the TIE Phantoms? They're energy hogs. Turning on the cloaking device automatically turns off power to shields, weapons, and hyperdrive. Truthfully, they're best used for bombers, because those at least use fire and forget weapons and not lasers or ion cannons.
The Sun Crusher should be removed completely. Of all the super weapon of the week it was always the most over the top and broken.
You know, I concur with this. The Sun Crusher was just a bit too much, even for the cavalcade of ridiculous Super Weapons that Legends fielded.

Maybe at most have it show up as a rejected design that was either outright impossible to build or simply not worth the cost.
I don't think the Sun Crusher is even finished at this point in time. As I recall, it was finished just before Han, Chewie, and Kyp arrived at Maw Installation, otherwise Emps would have used it as part of Shadow Hand. And the Eclipse, Galaxy Gun, and World Devastators were bad enough.
And the Eclipse, Galaxy Gun, and World Devastators were bad enough.

As far as game-breaking tech goes, the Galaxy Gun wasn't that bad if you really think about it. This is a universe with easy access to lots of anti-matter, so a planet-killing warhead is not exactly hard to make. The rest is just someone realizing "Hey, if we make the missile big enough, do you think we could strap a hyperdrive and a shield generator onto the thing?"
I wouldn't mind if we had at least one World Devastator. It seems like a convenient way to gain access to natural resources we'll need. So long as we strictly use it on uninhabitable planets that aren't worth the effort of terraforming and/or colonizing, it doesn't seem like it would be much of a problem.
I wouldn't mind if we had at least one World Devastator. It seems like a convenient way to gain access to natural resources we'll need. So long as we strictly use it on uninhabitable planets that aren't worth the effort of terraforming and/or colonizing, it doesn't seem like it would be much of a problem.

We probably shouldn't bother with planets - it's better to stay out of strong gravity fields which might trap the thing if an enemy comes calling. Just turn the thing loose to omnomnom it's way though some asteroid belts and call it a day.
We probably shouldn't bother with planets - it's better to stay out of strong gravity fields which might trap the thing if an enemy comes calling. Just turn the thing loose to omnomnom it's way though some asteroid belts and call it a day.
That's not a bad idea either. So long as we manage to get one and get the chance to use it for our purposes.

Man, with all this talk about using the Empire's numerous superweapons for practical purposes, I'm imagining Palpy just seething at how his favorite token alien is taking his favorite mass-murder toys and using them for things that don't involve indiscriminately murdering lots of people.
The Sun Crusher was just a bit too much, even for the cavalcade of ridiculous Super Weapons that Legends fielded.
The Sun Crusher is one of those things that I think would be perfectly fine in some stand alone novel or trilogy. A basically indestructible starfighter that can destroy stars? That seems terrifying enough to serve as an "end boss" level threat for our brave heroes to protect the galaxy from.

The problem comes in when it's part of a franchise you want to continue the story of, like, well, Star Wars. Then you have to actually explore the ramifications after the thing's been dealt with.
This, 100%. Make a new heavy assault bomber, pack as much anti-capital ship firepower onto it as we can, then rip the cloaking devices out of those Phantoms and strap them onto the new heavy bomber. It always struck me as an absurd waste of resources to stick those cloaks on what amounts to interceptor craft with no heavy armament. Plus, even without the cloaking devices, the Phantoms are supposed to be pretty good fighters, with hyperdrives and shields equipped, and the base model V-38 Fighter (any relation to the V-19, I wonder? Maybe a cooperative design between Sienar and Slayn & Korpil?) should be relatively easy to mass produce.
It was in that thing because the Phantom is a prototype that was given a limited mass production run. The tech was never meant to remain in that model it was meant to be used for specialized models created to house it.

And we already have a bomber design to replace the TIE bomber. The Scimitar Assault Bomber that was created to serve as Thrawn's main bomber during his OTL return.

As far as game-breaking tech goes, the Galaxy Gun wasn't that bad if you really think about it. This is a universe with easy access to lots of anti-matter, so a planet-killing warhead is not exactly hard to make. The rest is just someone realizing "Hey, if we make the missile big enough, do you think we could strap a hyperdrive and a shield generator onto the thing?"
No they don't have access to a lot of antimatter. That stuff is so dangerous that even at this point the Empire only has one experimental ship with a prototype containment system. What they have is hyper-matter which is different.
Oh yeah, if we intend to look into what's going on in Dathomir, perhaps we could look into secretly finding allies among the Witches of Dathomir and maybe finding a way to incorporate them into our Force Order? Their expertise would be useful and they could serve as good trainers for our recruits.
Oh yeah, if we intend to look into what's going on in Dathomir, perhaps we could look into secretly finding allies among the Witches of Dathomir and maybe finding a way to incorporate them into our Force Order? Their expertise would be useful and they could serve as good trainers for our recruits.
That may get us back into contact with Nokkra and if she gets pissed about it I will be very scared of what she could do. Unless we can somehow resolve the Nightsister/Witch feud without mass extermination or relocation, which is gonna be a tall order.
That may get us back into contact with Nokkra and if she gets pissed about it I will be very scared of what she could do. Unless we can somehow resolve the Nightsister/Witch feud without mass extermination or relocation, which is gonna be a tall order.
We can always try to gain the allegiance of the Nightsisters first, and then work our way from there.
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