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We can always try to gain the allegiance of the Nightsisters first, and then work our way from there.
This is Legends; they're under the control of Gethzerion, who is both powerful and nasty on a level that Palpatine thought it best to keep her marooned on Dathomir rather than risk confronting her directly or letting her escape. She beat Luke Skywalker in a fight that lasted about ten seconds, seven of which were banter and two of which consisted of Luke hitting the floor after she sparked an aneurysm in his brain that almost killed him then and there. When General Melvar and fifty stormtroopers confronted her, she killed them all with a single crook of her finger. Somehow I don't see an alliance with her working out in our best interests.
This is Legends; they're under the control of Gethzerion, who is both powerful and nasty on a level that Palpatine thought it best to keep her marooned on Dathomir rather than risk confronting her directly or letting her escape. She beat Luke Skywalker in a fight that lasted about ten seconds, seven of which were banter and two of which consisted of Luke hitting the floor after she sparked an aneurysm in his brain that almost killed him then and there. When General Melvar and fifty stormtroopers confronted her, she killed them all with a single crook of her finger. Somehow I don't see an alliance with her working out in our best interests.
Yeah, we uh, should drop a lotta quarantine beacons around that place and leave it the hell alone.

Because I do not wanna fuck with someone Spicy Sheev felt was best left contained.
Yeah, we uh, should drop a lotta quarantine beacons around that place and leave it the hell alone.

Because I do not wanna fuck with someone Spicy Sheev felt was best left contained.
It's already under tight watch within Zsinj's borders. However Gethzerion isn't invincible, as she died from getting her ship blown up by Zsinj while she tried leaving Dathomir. Regardless, even if she was taken out of the picture, Dathomir is still a shitty place to be given the Nightsisters' and the Witches' hostilities with one another, and it'd be quite a tough job to get the local tribes to all be neutral or positive with us.
This is Legends; they're under the control of Gethzerion, who is both powerful and nasty on a level that Palpatine thought it best to keep her marooned on Dathomir rather than risk confronting her directly or letting her escape. She beat Luke Skywalker in a fight that lasted about ten seconds, seven of which were banter and two of which consisted of Luke hitting the floor after she sparked an aneurysm in his brain that almost killed him then and there. When General Melvar and fifty stormtroopers confronted her, she killed them all with a single crook of her finger. Somehow I don't see an alliance with her working out in our best interests.
In that case, we should probably look into getting Zsinj to deal with her through a little method known as orbital bombardment. With any luck, she either dies and we can take what's left, or she survives and decides to take her revenge on our biggest rival among the Imperial factions.
In that case, we should probably look into getting Zsinj to deal with her through a little method known as orbital bombardment. With any luck, she either dies and we can take what's left, or she survives and decides to take her revenge on our biggest rival among the Imperial factions.
He tried doing it with the orbital nightcloak, but Luke and Han destroyed that with the Falcon. Truth be told, I'm not sure why he opted to keep her alive.
Yeah, we uh, should drop a lotta quarantine beacons around that place and leave it the hell alone.
Check the Intelligence report regarding the various Imperial factions; it's noted that Zsinj has instituted a level A blockade around Dathomir, not permitting any ships to land or leave even for the purpose of resupply. There's also an Imperial prison there, which is the main base.
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He tried doing it with the orbital nightcloak, but Luke and Han destroyed that with the Falcon. Truth be told, I'm not sure why he opted to keep her alive.
While the it's been a while since I read... anything really from the warlords era so my characterization might be off. But he might not have been sure if orbital bombardment would kill her. With normal force users are already rather bullshit and one on her level even more so, you don't want her to pull a starkiller and yank a ISD out of the sky after all.
Leave the planet to its fate it is too far away from us to do anything about anyway. Better to focus on our own works than over extend trying to do everything. We already decided to go the extremely risky path by taking the sith/jedi option that is very likely to blow up in our face without a constant battle to maintain it. There is no need to get more anymore unstable elements into it.
@Daemon Hunter How do you interpret the different shielding, armor, and weapon systems in Star Wars? Where do turbolasers excel that ion weapons fail? What are the effective differences between the various types of missile and torpedo? That sort of thing

That's something I haven't fluffed out yet. There's way too much for me to dive into the nail down the lore for.

Alright, all we have to do now is the government reform subvote and then we can start forming future plans after the Turn 2 Rumor Mill (I'm assuming that's going to be a common thing).

I just hope that we aren't overwhelming @Daemon Hunter with all this information for the quest. There's a lot of material in Legends, and it would suck if this quest dies because of how huge the Legends continuity is, especially when he's already doing another quest right now along with this one.

I don't mind the lore dumps, it's something that I happen to like quite a bit. Even if I'll probably forget a lot of it. Thanks for the concern though.

Adegan Crystals are best known for being an uncommon type of Lightsaber focus, however the Sith Empire during the Cold War discovered that this resource could also be used to create cloaking technology, potentially enough for an entire fleet. This would require taking over Ilum or Adega but the reward would be well worth the cost.

Hmm, seems like Tie Phantom production is back online, although it'll be expensive.

The Sun Crusher should be removed completely. Of all the super weapon of the week it was always the most over the top and broken.

If it does show up, I'm nerfing it drastically.

Quick question.

We took the guys fleet. Did we also get his territory?

If so how many more planets and such did we just increase by and how does that affect out finances?

And now that I'm thinking about it, same question for that guy Pallaeon beat in the first round?

Zaarin didn't really have enough territory for me to track.
Hmm, seems like Tie Phantom production is back online, although it'll be expensive.
The exact functionality of the Adegan crystal cloaking system may be different from the Stygium type and it will require the specifics of how the material may be harnessed to be re-researched but it will be well worth it.
That's something I haven't fluffed out yet. There's way too much for me to dive into the nail down the lore for.
So we won't be able to rework the weapon doctrine until then I figure?
The exact functionality of the Adegan crystal cloaking system may be different from the Stygium type and it will require the specifics of how the material may be harnessed to be re-researched but it will be well worth it.

So we won't be able to rework the weapon doctrine until then I figure?

You are, I'm just not going to describe how you do so. Probably a couple of lines describing that your weapon use and design has been changed due to a new paradigm of warfare.
You are, I'm just not going to describe how you do so. Probably a couple of lines describing that your weapon use and design has been changed due to a new paradigm of warfare.
That's what I meant. "Our weapon preference is different" tells very little and we can't make any specific changes which may have various costs and benefits like "Have more proton torpedoes in use for Frigates, Corvettes, and Multi-Role Starfighters" or "Precision Laser Cannons replace Heavy Laser Cannons for all Multi-Role and anti-starfighter Corvettes". I can understand that this level of specificity may not be feasible and too much to track, I just find that kind of thing interesting. Like how in Stellaris you can customize ship designs down to the armor plating, thrusters, and weapons.
And we already have a bomber design to replace the TIE bomber. The Scimitar Assault Bomber that was created to serve as Thrawn's main bomber during his OTL return.

The Scimitar is a great frontline bomber, for sure. But I'm talking about absolutely maximizing the insane advantage that Stygium Cloaking can give a bomber. Screw shields (as I understand it, you can't use shields and a Stygium Cloak at the same time anyway) and all but the most short-range of hyperdrives, take something like the TIE Punisher with everything but drives, minimal life support and control systems ripped out of it to make room for the most godawful huge missile payload you can cram into the thing. Make something that would be totally impractical without a cloaking device because it's just so weighed down by the ungodly amount of firepower it lugs around, that could basically one-shot small capital ships by itself.

With such a craft, a carrier vessel could either deploy them directly into battle or, more effectively, deploy them from out past the edge of the target system so the stealth bombers could use their minimalist hyperdrives to jump in-system for a surprise attack. Imagine the sheer horror and paranoia such a tactic could unleash on our enemies, to never be able to stand their ships or their crews down for fear of Star Destroyer-killing missile salvos materializing from freaking nowhere the second they let their guard down. We could massacre whole fleets at anchorage, and if we're careful about it, no one will even know it was us that did it.

No they don't have access to a lot of antimatter. That stuff is so dangerous that even at this point the Empire only has one experimental ship with a prototype containment system. What they have is hyper-matter which is different.

Allow me to refer you to this page right here. Just because the EX-F was equipped with an "experimental anti-matter reactor" doesn't mean that it was the first one made, or even that it was all that uncommon. All it means is that that particular reactor design was an experimental prototype.
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I forgot to ask this earlier, but does our extensive intelligence network allow us to alter certain events that occurred in the Legends canon? Like secretly sabotaging the New Republic to ensure that warlords like Zsinj last longer than they originally did and maybe having said warlords turn their sights on other targets like the Hutts?
We would have to wait and see what options are made available when the turn comes up but there is no reason we wouldn't be able to influence them. As for the Hutts, it depends on the factions and how much they can throw at them without getting hit in the flank while fighting by others. Any one faction could in theory take on the Hutts but the others would take advantage. But if Greater Maldroon and the NR attack the Hutts and Zsinj is busy attack other factions or consolidating his territory there is a chance to ruin a lot of the Hutts and take a lot of Hutt space.
Wonder if some droids will try something in are planets since all the others Powers right now definitely not going to change how their laws on them and treat them or is someone else doing that already don't know much about certain parts of Legends especially droids.
I forgot to ask this earlier, but does our extensive intelligence network allow us to alter certain events that occurred in the Legends canon? Like secretly sabotaging the New Republic to ensure that warlords like Zsinj last longer than they originally did and maybe having said warlords turn their sights on other targets like the Hutts?

You'll be getting a lot of intrigue options next turn meant to do things like this.
...and maybe having said warlords turn their sights on other targets like the Hutts?

The Hutts are an unlikely target, for a couple of reasons. For one, they're pretty neutral, politically speaking. They stick to their crime for the most part, and don't really meddle in any kind of military capacity with other large factions. For two, everyone knows the Hutts are divided into a complex feudal system of different clan holdings and allegiances, with very little in the way of real political unity, making it very difficult to pin the blame on Hutt Space as a whole for any false flag op we might run.

And lastly, there's reason #3 which is, I think, why no major faction besides the Pius Dea fanatics in all these millennia of galactic civilization - not even the Empire at its height - has initiated a direct military campaign against the Hutt Cartels: The second an outright invasion of Hutt Space begins, every major decision maker in the invading faction - and likely their entire family too - gets a visit from a top-tier assassin on the Hutts' payroll. And if that first assassin fails? No matter. It's a big galaxy, and as long as your credits are good, professional killers are a dime a dozen. The fact is that the Hutts don't need a huge military deterrent to hold their enemies back, because battle fleet or no battle fleet, they can be some scary motherf*ckers when the gloves come off.
Governmental Reform
As the year comes to a close, you take the time to order sweeping reforms to your government. While you could certainly manage things without change, it would be a drastic waste if you didn't adapt to your new circumstances. And so here you are, looking over the suggestions Vipik has brought to you. After Cen Kam reviewed them of course.

With the various departments concerning the military, diplomatic teams, economy, etc, as things are your advisors have to check with you for many occasions, decentralizing matters would allow them a freer hand, but it would also mean that you yourself have less of a say in matters. Or you could take another path, and double down on this, ensuring a much larger say in matters, along with a corresponding rise in tax income as you take on wealth from local governments.

Government Departments (Choose 1)
[] Centralize Power - x3 income
[] Decentralize Power - -1 action to all categories but Personal. +2 advisor actions to all categories but Personal. These actions are controlled by your advisors, not you.
[] Write-in (if you want to do this for some categories but not others)

Then there is the structure of your government and the bureaucracy and red tape within. While you have been careful to prune the dead weight from your government, there is some that you can streamline. However, you would be removing some supervisory elements by necessity which if you don't trust your advisors would be a problem.

Governmental Bureaucracy (Choose 1)
[] Keep the structure as is - No change.
[] Streamline Bureaucracy - Turn length changes to 4 months, income falls accordingly. Easier for advisors to hide stuff from you.
[] Drastically Streamline Bureaucracy - Turne length changes to 3 months. -1 action to all categories (advisor actions removed first). Much easier for advisors to hide stuff from you.

Beyond the government, there is also the economy. At the moment, the government has a stranglehold over it, which is certainly a problem but also helps with funding military projects. But a reduction to your income in exchange for greater public welfare might be worth it. Although it galls you to consider. This takes the form of two possibilities, one involving heavy government reach and regulation in what would be akin to state-controlled enterprises, while the other would be focused on the private sector.

Economic Policy (Choose 1)
[] Keep things as they are - No change.
[] Create state-owned enterprises - -20% tax income, background improvements to your empire. Spread evenly across planets. Often poorly targeted.
[] Encourage the private sector - -10% tax income, background improvements to your empire. Focused on rich worlds. Increases inequality between planets.

The last matter to concern yourself with is the media. While you personally might dislike it, the New Republic does prefer a free press, not to mention it would help to show your citizens that while you will remain a dictator, you have no need to rule with an iron gauntlet. Fear is just one tool for a ruler to wield, and if you choose not to rely on it entirely, then why should you concern yourself with what the media says?

Media Policy (Choose 1)
[] Keep things as they are - No change.
[] Keep heavy censorship laws, but allow independent journalists - Very minor weakness to enemy spies. Slight relationship boost with the New Republic. Very minor increase to citizen happiness.
[] Allow a free press - Minor weakness to enemy spies. Media manipulation by enemies is now possible. Moderate relationship boost with the New Republic. Minor increase to citizen happiness.

Edit: GM Note: As always, 4 hour moratorium.
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[] Keep heavy censorship laws, but allow independent journalists - Very minor weakness to enemy spies. Slight relationship boost with the New Republic. Very minor increase to citizen happiness.
[] Allow a free press - Minor weakness to enemy spies. Media manipulation by enemies is now possible. Moderate relationship boost with the New Republic.
Why does the top one increase citizen happiness but the bottom doesn't? Isn't it backwards?
[] Write-in (if you want to do this for some categories but not others)
How would this work exactly?
Why does the top one increase citizen happiness but the bottom doesn't? Isn't it backwards?

You saw nothing. *Waves palm menancingly.*

How would this work exactly?

Something like

[] Decentralize Stewardship, Intrigue

if you wanted to just decentralize those two. As for the income increase, that'd be proportional the number of categories you decentralize vs centralize. So in this case, it'd be a +133% income as it's 2/6 categories being decentralized.
Ok so Government we centralize for the money keep the bureaucracy as is since I think that is working for us. I want to say State backed Corporations but perhaps leaving it as is is fine for now maybe the Private as well really I don't know which one I want there. Then media policy just keep as is I have no interest in giving the media free reign and to allow potential spy's into the nation.

That's my thought on this at least.
I think that having more free actions is worth it over just the income boost. Not all of them will get it methinks but still it's a good benefit. Streamline bureaucracy will effectively give us a 50% increase in actions over a year which is absolutely worth it. Definitely want private sector for our economic gains. Finally, I don't really care about which direction we take the media in mechanical terms but for fluff I'd like either free press or censorship laws.
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