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Guys, you forget about the essential fact, Jack is relatively harmless.
On the slider of Achtung! Force, he is on the lower end of the spectrum;
Xuyul Kanuas:
Sith Holocron, Holocron of Darth Nox ( SWTOR Darkside Inquisitor PC)
He uses both sides of the force, and as Darth Gravid and many others proved, it always explodes in your face. Also, it feeds Birdie Quisling narrative.

cool force pirate tricks and using of the aforementioned in battle
know-how on battles that extend beyond whip out the lightsaber and screaming: "Charge!"

Nuun Nokkra:
Danthomiran Witchcraft, i.e. curses, illusions, poisons and Darkside powered supersoldiers
tracking spread of her order will be difficult due to its secretive nature

tl'dr in case of sudden and inevitable betrayal/schism/whatever Jack will do the least damage.
Okay, Force use aside, which can be argued either for or against, who or what the heck is Birdie Quisling?


Vergere (pronounced /vɚ'ʒɪɹ/) was a Fosh female Jedi Knight-turned-Sith in the waning years of the Galactic Republic. She was the former Padawan of Jedi Master Thracia Cho Leem and disappeared in 30 BBY, finding the Yuuzhan Vong on Zonama Sekot and secretly living with them for half a century...
this lovely lady i.e fallen Jedi Master that willingly worked with Vong.
@Daemon Hunter I have a question: even after the advisor interviews, is it possible to hire any of the candidates as contractors/independent heroes? Even if we don't choose him as an advisor, I think Jack would make a marvelous consultant for his Vong knowledge alone.

For the choices here, some of them will be possible to hire as contractors or independent heroes. Not all though. Voss for example will be with you no matter what. Some choices have things they'll do instead, others can be hired. As for Jack specifically, if you hire Nokkra instead, he'll be hesitant, but join. If you hire Kanuas he won't.

It's less a matter of having a fleet of Blazing chains and more about having know-how about building a force-user sect that isn't a dumpster fire.

Thrawn indeed is an "I Win" button in naval battle but hear me out!
Let's say that we fight the Bio-punk Mary Sues Vong on multiple fronts, and we have only one Thrawn*, Blazing Chains able to perform Battle Meditation** or other augmentative techniques will be priceless.

Also, Jack already knows about the Vong.

* Unless we successfully clone him and place Thraawns in command positions/ use their collective Magnificent Bastardry to power superweapon of some kind (actually @Daemon Hunter purely theoretically would be the cloning of the Thrawn feasible?)
**I know that Battle Meditation is a rarity: YES, but I am willing to sink as many resources as necessary to get that technique. (also, if my lore-map fu does not deceive me, we already more or less control regions of Dantooine, so archaeology HO!

Thrawn isn't quite an I win button, but to get an even match up with him you need to meet him with 10 times the force he has while also giving him no time to prepare. As for the questions, cloning Thrawn is feasible, although it may have some issues.

If people have any questions for Daemon, please feel free to post them in the thread. I promise you that he will answer any question, no matter how ridiculous you might think it sounds in your head. He's answered weirder.

I can confirm this. As long as it doesn't break the forum rules, I'll answer.

Battle Meditation on the strategic level like Joruus C'Baoth or on the tactical level? Because we can probably get the latter more easily than the former.

But this is a good point so @Daemon Hunter would Jack and Nokkra have access to some form of Battle Meditation? I assume Kanuas at least knows of the technique even if he hasn't used it.

Jack doesn't know anything about it. Kanuas does know of the technique as well, although he hasn't trained with it in over a decade. Nokkra says she doesn't, Thrawn isn't sure if she's lying.

wait how incompetent is Charles Hillinger?

Pretty bad. He's like that one kid that was handed everything on a silver platter and believes that they earned everything in life through their own skills.
One thing to note is that all of the characters do have what I hope is a decent bit of depth to them. Although in honesty I wound up fluffing the Force users most. Pretty much everyone you'll find in this quest has something they'd want as well as a story of how they got to this point in their lives.
[X] Plan: Play to our strengths

I'm picking this because it includes Baiden and Jack. The Vong are coming and we need innovative tactics and force users prepped to fight them in massive campaigns. That's the end game.
Cen Kam seems to have a focus on operational security and counterintelligence, two things that will be crucial if we want to maintain a low profile and prevent our unveiling until a time of our choosing. Philip Sole has a lot of growth potential, but a weak start.

I didn't vote for Vesha Dey because she is ambitious and greedy, not the best traits to have as a chief diplomat in my opinion.
@Daemon Hunter is there anything else you can tell us about Cen Kam? And/or about Vesha Day

Cen Kam does have a piece of inoperable metal within her body after an infiltration mission went wrong and a battle broke out in which she was hit by shrapnel. She's spent time in the past working with the Empire and has high standards for her subordinates and especially for herself. Besides that, it's covered by the update, and Tireless covers it well.

Vesha Dey is a good example of someone that's extremely ambitious. It's covered in the update, but her proposals mainly center around using diplomacy as a weapon and turning galactic powers against each other.

How long of a vote is this do you expect Daemon?

I'm expecting it to be 2-3 days or until voting dies down. Whichever comes first.
Another question: what role, if any, will the Noghri play in the quest? Thrawn earned their service from Vader after helping eradicate Black Sun's Corellia operations, and that was two years ago.

Also, will we ever have the chance to go undercover as Jodo Kast again? Because that would be hilarious.
Another question: what role, if any, will the Noghri play in the quest? Thrawn earned their service from Vader after helping eradicate Black Sun's Corellia operations, and that was two years ago.

Also, will we ever have the chance to go undercover as Jodo Kast again? Because that would be hilarious.

The Noghri at the moment are your assassin branch of the intelligence services. If Thrawn wants someone dead, he uses them. They're essentially your wetware operatives.

You might, although the deviations to cannon in the quest may not allow that to happen.
The Noghri at the moment are your assassin branch of the intelligence services. If Thrawn wants someone dead, he uses them. They're essentially your wetware operatives.

You might, although the deviations to cannon in the quest may not allow that to happen.
Are we still poisoning their world and pretending to be curing it?
Plan: Admiral "Creditbags" Thrawn

[X] Rey Zritru - Aware of her own shortcomings and motivated by her own standing, she proposes a much larger use of droids within the army and navy to cut costs.
[X] Athaen Sen'neam - Proposing to act as a third party, she wishes for the Empire of the Hand to avoid major wars and focus on the slow accumulation of territory and power.
[X] Oldolor Vipik - A Muun that wishes to grow the Empire of the Hand's economy drastically, he seeks to maintain military spending and increase the capital that flows through companies and begin a massive infrastructure program.
[X] Zakku the Hutt - A criminal with ties to the underworld, he could provide you control of a large portion of the galaxy's crime, even if you would need to betray him before he betrays you.
[X] Lyaian Immanuel - A businesswoman with ties to Sienar, she proposes to shut down several research institutions and focus entirely on developing its economy and structures. She does offer to have Sienar sell you custom models.
[X] Xuyul Kanuas - A wielder of both the light and dark side, there isn't a force technique in the galaxy that he doesn't know. His order would be immense in size and scope, and out of them all, he is undoubtedly the most experienced of the three. He comes with a Holocron of Darth Nox, as well as a Holocron of a Jedi Master that was lost to history.
[X] Charles Hillinger - A fool with immense wealth and connections, his purpose is to be fleeced.

This seems to be the best option to build up our economy. We'll have to get rid of Zakku and Hillinger at some point (if that's even a thing, switching out advisors)
@Daemon Hunter If a vote with Farryn wins will Zritru still be available in perhaps a logistical role? Or perhaps giving her some kind of work with our Stewardship advisor?
Voting is open