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Imperial Scientists: "So we created these awesome Machines that can mine Resources from a Planet very quickly and build new Warmachines out of them. With that, we can solve a lot of Supply-Issues and-"

Palpatine: "So bigger Versions of them can strip Worlds of all their resources and and completely destroy them within a few Hours?"

Imperial Scientists: "...W-well, technically yeah, but that would be pretty wasteful-"

Palpatine: "Build these bigger Versions and test them on some random inhabited Worlds."

Imperial Scientists: "B-but-"


Sometimes, the Problem really is just how the higher-ups decide to use things...

Right? World Devastators could have totally revolutionized the logistics of Galactic Civilization, and the best thing Clone Palps can think of to do with them is turn them into terror weapons. And the fact that the New Republic captured a couple of them, then scuttled them to score political points is just... I facepalm so hard when I think of the abject stupidity surrounding the use of the most groundbreaking tech the Star Wars galaxy had ever seen. Seriously, they were superior in almost every respect to the Rakatan Star Forge. Same basic principle, but no Dark Side corruption tearing at the sanity of the people running it, totally mobile, and completely capable of self-upgrading and self-replicating. They could have ushered in a new golden age for the galaxy, but instead they've been relegated to being a footnote on the list of Dastardly Imperial Superweapons...
Imperial Scientists: "So we created these awesome Machines that can mine Resources from a Planet very quickly and build new Warmachines out of them. With that, we can solve a lot of Supply-Issues and-"

Palpatine: "So bigger Versions of them can strip Worlds of all their resources and and completely destroy them within a few Hours?"

Imperial Scientists: "...W-well, technically yeah, but that would be pretty wasteful-"

Palpatine: "Build these bigger Versions and test them on some random inhabited Worlds."

Imperial Scientists: "B-but-"


Sometimes, the Problem really is just how the higher-ups decide to use things...
The World Devastators are just the newest version of the molecular furnace tech. And they weren't actually that big to start but they grow bigger because the expand themselves as they consume materials.
Yep. On the bright side though it means that we're not having a horribly poor class of menial laborers because there's such a huge demand for their work that they can name their price. It's why I'd rather avoid a clone labor force, it feels like it would lead to a lot of long term problems, even setting ethics and morals aside.
I mean, aren't we supposed to be the bad guys? Why exactly would ethics and morals be such a concern when we're literally trying to create a new galaxy-spanning fascist empire minus the stupidity and insanity of the old one?
I mean, aren't we supposed to be the bad guys? Why exactly would ethics and morals be such a concern when we're literally trying to create a new galaxy-spanning fascist empire minus the stupidity and insanity of the old one?
Because we are not the bad guys. We are pragmatic. Just because we are forming an Empire doesn't mean we are evil. The Sith are the bad guys because their philosophy is poison and in no way able to actually run anything which is why their Empires always failed and why Palpatine ruled the way he did. Also because the Empire was always transition phase for his Dark Empire where he literally ruled forever and controlled everyone with the force.

Yep. On the bright side though it means that we're not having a horribly poor class of menial laborers because there's such a huge demand for their work that they can name their price. It's why I'd rather avoid a clone labor force, it feels like it would lead to a lot of long term problems, even setting ethics and morals aside.
The use of clones aside from morals is a very stupid and frankly wasteful action. They will have little training and will die long before they are able to gain experience and even if they do gain it they will dies shortly after and we lose that experience.

Which is why building them at 500x growth speed is a bad idea for soldiers as well. For normal troops, they are best used as supplements while the real strength comes from normal recruits. And the speed of 500 means they have a lifespan of literally only a couple of months with an average age of 80 and even less time as effective soldiers. frankly the clones are best used for the normal 5 year growth rate to get some elite troopers in the pipeline.
I mean, aren't we supposed to be the bad guys? Why exactly would ethics and morals be such a concern when we're literally trying to create a new galaxy-spanning fascist empire minus the stupidity and insanity of the old one?
The issue is how long term we look. Too much evil activity tends to be bad for maintaining stability long term, even if it is well-executed and carefully planned. If the leader of the Empire of the Hand is known for being an immoral douchebag, that will cause problems later on down the line, as seen with the Noghri, who betrayed Thrawn because of how he was manipulating them. In this case, as I said, it's a bad idea even if you ignore the ethics and morals of it because of problems that would later arise. If you take them into account as well, it just becomes worse because now people will think that we'll just create vat-born slaves to do people's jobs without concern for who it affects. This breeds discontent.

In other words, we should aim for being rational above all else, which will automatically dissuade us from a lot of evil actions.


Which is why building them at 500x growth speed is a bad idea for soldiers as well. For normal troops, they are best used as supplements while the real strength comes from normal recruits. And the speed of 500 means they have a lifespan of literally only a couple of months with an average age of 80 and even less time as effective soldiers. frankly the clones are best used for the normal 5 year growth rate to get some elite troopers in the pipeline.
I don't think the 500x is for the entirety of their lifespan, otherwise it would be a waste completely. I figure they just have doubled aging like the Clone Wars era stock.
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I don't think the 500x is for the entirety of their lifespan, otherwise it would be a waste completely. I figure they just have doubled aging like the Clone Wars era stock.
The QM already said that it is fully accelerated across the entire lifespan. That is the trade-off for such high speed. That and they have no training. If we want to stop it we need to research the aging acceleration to stop it which is a big problem and major research project.
The QM already said that it is fully accelerated across the entire lifespan. That is the trade-off for such high speed. That and they have no training. If we want to stop it we need to research the aging acceleration to stop it which is a big problem and major research project.
It is still accelerated, the question is whether or not it's still at that rate.

@Daemon Hunter Can you clarify this?
They already did because people asked about it. Also we can accelerate to 500x doesn't mean we need to do it at that speed. 20x gets us new clones in about a year allows for decent training and gives us at least a few years of them and if we can fix the aging issue then we get a decent avenue for some extra soldiers and crewmen to supplement the normal recruitment from our worlds. Especially once we start expanding the recruitment pool.
They already did because people asked about it. Also we can accelerate to 500x doesn't mean we need to do it at that speed. 20x gets us new clones in about a year allows for decent training and gives us at least a few years of them and if we can fix the aging issue then we get a decent avenue for some extra soldiers and crewmen to supplement the normal recruitment from our worlds. Especially once we start expanding the recruitment pool.
Then just quote the post the QM made about it in the first place, because I haven't seen him specifically answer that just that clones still have accelerated aging in general. And in particular, I want to know that the growth rate is consistent with the x50-x500 multiplier throughout their entire lives
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The clones Thrawn made in his series were grown to maturity in just three weeks, at which point the accelerated aging was turned off and they aged at a normal rate. Otherwise the Fel clones would have died from old age well before they showed up in the Hand of Thrawn duology.
Anything that can help fix our mess of an economy has my approval. And on the issue of Kaine, perhaps we can engineer a little assassination or perhaps a coup d'etat by officers of his that we managed to persuade to our way of thinking? Considering the fact that we've so thoroughly breached his empire through our intelligence services, it seems like something that could at least be theoretically possible.

The Pentastar Alignment is one of the most resistant to this type of attack I'm afraid. It'll be possible to attempt, but it's the least likely to succeed.

@Daemon Hunter Is it going to be possible to use diplomacy to bring in lesser warlords under our banner?

Eventually yes, it's just that you're too small to draw people in so the action isn't worth it.

Excellent omake for the omake throne, I'll be putting this as a +10 to the rolls for whichever action in Turn 3 fits best.

I am more happy that we are going to be making money now and can slowly crawl out of debt cant wait till the next update.

At the moment, your economy is still struggling, but now you aren't in as much of a deficit anymore so you have more money to play around with.

Fair. I had forgotten that part. is our guy in charge of Imperial Intelligence now? What happened to Isard?

That's a story that involves three assassinations, 17 frame jobs, 13 bounties, and 287 other operations. More seriously, Pestage's attempted escape happened and during that period Cen Kam made it messier than in cannon which led to a purge of Imperial officers at Isaard's order.

I'm wondering the same thing. Sate Pestage should be in charge right now, or rather should have just been killed according to the OTL. Maybe that didn't happen here?

Also, with Sole in charge of the ISB, does that mean we now know about the Lusankya project and the Krytos virus, and Derricote's other projects?

You do, although at the moment those things are in the development stage. You've got copies of them as they progress.

Yep. On the bright side though it means that we're not having a horribly poor class of menial laborers because there's such a huge demand for their work that they can name their price. It's why I'd rather avoid a clone labor force, it feels like it would lead to a lot of long term problems, even setting ethics and morals aside.

I will say Thrawn counts that as a negative rather than a positive.

It is still accelerated, the question is whether or not it's still at that rate.

@Daemon Hunter Can you clarify this?

At the moment your clones have a continuous rate of aging. Once you start producing them, you'll get an action to fix that problem.
You do, although at the moment those things are in the development stage. You've got copies of them as they progress.

Hmm, the Krytos Virus in particular is one of those things that should be nipped in the bud. Thrawn's whole schtick so far seems to be "We're the Empire, minus the senseless brutality and racism", and Krytos does serious PR damage for pretty much all of the Imperial factions (including Thrawn's by association) by driving that wedge between human and non-human citizens, as well as highlighting the worst anti-alien excesses of the old Empire. This is as detrimental to the Empire in the long run as it might be to the New Republic in the short term, and is a classic example of Isard's idiotic short-sightedness. Seriously, that woman is worse than Cersei Lannister sometimes...

Would it be possible to leak the Krytos intel and research data to New Republic Intelligence? I feel like we could kill to birds with one stone by both having the NR ready to counter Krytos on day one of its release, while also using it to build a more amicable relationship with the Republic behind closed doors.
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The Krytos virus would cause problems for us too as Isard messes with the galactic economy by screwing around with the bacta supply, of which we are also a major consumer.
I will say Thrawn counts that as a negative rather than a positive.
Short term probably since it will probably reduce monetary incentives for joining the military.
You do, although at the moment those things are in the development stage. You've got copies of them as they progress
Does this impact our own Learning actions in any significant way? I imagine that having access to secret research would help with at least some things.
Would it be possible to leak the Krytos intel and research data to New Republic Intelligence? I feel like we could kill to birds with one stone by both having the NR ready to counter Krytos on day one of its release, while also using it to build a more amicable relationship with the Republic behind closed doors.
It would, I'll probably see about adding in an operations action for stuff like this in order to avoid having to write all the possible missions that can be done.
Does this impact our own Learning actions in any significant way? I imagine that having access to secret research would help with at least some things.
At the moment no, you don't use NBCs in any significant amount at the moment. And these are still in the development phase.
Surely the Imperial Remnant has more projects or scientific data than just that... right? Don't tell me they're actually putting all of their eggs in the biological warfare basket?

They've got other projects besides that, but biological warfare is what they're focusing on. The other stuff is just not applicable to you at this point in time. They're looking into replicating the Death Star as well as some other superweapons. Thrawn finds those projects a waste of resources.
They're looking into replicating the Death Star as well as some other superweapons.
It's good to know that the folks running what's left of the Empire have learned jack and shit from Endor and Yavin. You'd think they of all people woulr realize the folly of constantly producing insanely expensive and easily vulnerable super weapons after the first one strengthened the Rebellion and the second one got their leader killed. I guess they just like the sight of their blood on the wall once they've bashed their heads against it enough times.
I guess they just like the sight of their blood on the wall once they've bashed their heads against it enough times.

That's what happens when the ideological fanatics are all that's left to run things on Coruscant while the actual professionals are off either fighting (and dying) to preserve the Empire, or have given it up for a bad job and are forging their own mini-Empires. It doesn't help that Isard doesn't want real professionals anywhere near the halls of power. Either they're not ideologically pure enough, or they're a threat to her personal power so they have to be done away with. The whole reason she engineered the Empire's defeat at Brentaal IV was to either get Soontir Fel killed, or drive him to defect. The Ruling Council was making noises about appointing Baron Fel as the new Emperor after Pestage did a runner, so Isard sacrificed one of the richest and most strategically vital worlds in the entire galaxy as a cheap ploy to remove a rival.

With "leadership" like that, it's actually kind of amazing the Empire held on for as long as it did.
Next turn is do the automation upgrade for the economy and either the stimulus package again or if not available the small business action.
So, is Kaunas any closer to trusting us now? I really want to do that investigation into him, but I don't want to risk him discovering it and later possibly trying to kill us.
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