The Eleventh Primarch (30K Quest)

Character Sheet

Drake Artorius

Governance (Level 4) = Legendary
Diplomacy (Level 5) = Peerless
Intrigue (Level 1) = Good
Personal Combat (Level 4) = Legendary
Ground Combat (Level 2) = Elite
Naval Combat (Level 5) = Peerless
Biomancy (Level 4) = Legendary
Telepathy (Level 2) = Elite
Divination (Level 2) = Elite
Pyromancy (Level 2) = Elite
Telekinesis (Level 2) = Elite
Anathematic (Level 4) = Legendary
Engineering (Level 4) = Legendary

Son of Excalibur = Drake Artorius is a true believer in the Federation of Bladus and the ideals that it stands for.
Superhuman Charisma = Drake Artorius has inherited great charisma and persuasive ability from his progenitor.
Little Anathema = Drake Artorius has an echo of his progenitor's antithetical nature to the Ruinous Powers. Immunity to Chaos, Minor Bonus to resisting Chaos for those around you.
-Hated By Khorne = The Lord of Blood holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and he and his servants will actively seek to claim his skull for the skull throne.
-Hated by Slaanesh = The Prince of Pleasure holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and they and their servants will actively seek to slay him wherever they can.
Necron Knowledge = Drake Artorius made extensive study of the Necrons, the modern day legacy of the ancient Necrontyr. Major Bonus to fighting Necron forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Necron factions.
Asuryani Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the Craftworld Aeldari, the Asuryani. Major Bonus to fighting Asuryani forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Asuryani factions.
Drukhari Knowledge = Drake Artorius made some study of the Drukhari, the vile pirates and raiders of Commorragh. Minor Bonus to fighting Drukhari forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Drukhari factions.
Aeldari Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the minor Aeldari groups such as the Exodites, the Corsairs and the Harlequins. Major Bonus to fighting Aeldari forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Aeldari factions
Mechanicus Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made extensive study of the Mechanicus and its successor factions. Major Bonus to fighting Mechanicus forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Mechanicus factions.


Personal Combat
Naval Combat


Not Interested

Ground Combat

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"It certainly is," says Farseer Eldrad, "I know of only one other place that begins to have the ability to make warships fit for the Confederate Navy and the Red Planet is already losing that capability."
Big if true.

As for my vote... The diplomacy options look like opportunities for skill gain, primarily diplomacy which I'd very much like to get, but like what's the point of having a Primarch engaged in romance if you don't go all the way?

[X] He proposes to Jenivere Lynn and marries her.
[x] He proposes to Jenivere Lynn and marries her.

Horus: So, brother, you had the chance to engage with these Xenos in diplomatic talks, bringing peace to them and the Eldar. Even the chance to visit an Eldar world and you forsake it all to marry this mortal of yours?

Drake: Yes, it was the only right choice.

Horus: But why, brother? Why play up to the fantasies and expectations of a mortal?

Drake: You know Malcador, right?

Horus: Of course.

Drake: You know of his powers then?

Horus: I do. First hand felt them myself.

Drake: Well, lets just say I didn't want to upset a female vision of Malcador even more than she already was at that point.

Hours: *laughlys loudly* The imiage! I will never look at Malcador again. Truly, you're crule brother! Malcador with his disaproving face in a wedding dress! Can you image that?
Malcador : ( quietly listening in on the entire conversation Knuckles bone White from clenching his staff hands shaking with rage a pair of bloodshot eyes and a vein throbbing on his forehead quietly begins contacting both leman Ross and his old assassin Buddies.)
. . . . It seems that these brats want uncle mals belt uh

Malcador : ( quietly listening in on the entire conversation Knuckles bone White from clenching his staff hands shaking with rage a pair of bloodshot eyes and a vein throbbing on his forehead quietly begins contacting both leman Ross and his old assassin Buddies.)
. . . . It seems that these brats want uncle mals belt uh
"Come now, Mal, it is a funny yet terrible image!"
[X] He goes and visits the Galarien Coalition to open up diplomatic relations.

We need diplomacy in this mess. I want Drake's waifu happy, but I think she will understand urgent Diplomacy when it is needed.
[X] He goes and visits the Galarien Coalition to open up diplomatic relations.

We need diplomacy in this mess. I want Drake's waifu happy, but I think she will understand urgent Diplomacy when it is needed.
I completely understand your argument and kind of agree
but at the same time love understanding and Urgent work go together about
as well as
Dynamite a line of gasoline and a matche

and when you have an alpha level psykers for a girlfriend whose grip on reality might not be the best

( I think I remember Drake's mothers saying about how she needed someone to Anchor her in reality)

and who's temper could manifest as stuff randomly combusting or melting around her
who lives on a world with an active warp Rift

and is Engaged in a relationship with a Primarch who has caught the ire of two chaos gods one of which is literally sadism embodied
Well then
Replace the Dynamite with a warhead
the gasoline with high output rocket fuel
and the match with lit napalm

I mean I know I'm overthinking it and it's probably the paranoia talking but at the same time
I can't help but feel there's a small small possibility that something could go horribly wrong
I mean it's listed as one of three major events right next to two major diplomatic missions
I highly doubt it is as benign as simply getting married
what might happen I don't know
maybe a demon might try to possess her Or
the Dominion might send an assassin
But whatever it is to be listed next to such important tasks
it probably isn't good
And if actually does turn out to be as benign As It Seems I'll take an freezing shower as compensation to you all

Sorry if this is an overly long reply

Actually now that I think about it what did earn us the hatred of slaanesh?
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@Oshha can we do both the propose and marry our Waifu and the diplomacy with the Galarians? Some engagements last for a couple of years before people are ready. and this could be the same thing since it would probably help anchor our waifu.
@Oshha can we do both the propose and marry our Waifu and the diplomacy with the Galarians? Some engagements last for a couple of years before people are ready. and this could be the same thing since it would probably help anchor our waifu.
No. The vote is what happens in the first half of the next update with the invasion of Rachi taking up the second half. This is a meta thing where you can do one of three events and have to pick one.
I completely understand your argument and kind of agree
but at the same time love understanding and Urgent work go together about
as well as
Dynamite a line of gasoline and a matche

and when you have an alpha level psykers for a girlfriend whose grip on reality might not be the best

( I think I remember Drake's mothers saying about how she needed someone to Anchor her in reality)

and who's temper could manifest as stuff randomly combusting or melting around her
who lives on a world with an active warp Rift

and is Engaged in a relationship with a Primarch who has caught the ire of two chaos gods one of which is literally sadism embodied
Well then
Replace the Dynamite with a warhead
the gasoline with high output rocket fuel
and the match with lit napalm

I mean I know I'm overthinking it and it's probably the paranoia talking but at the same time
I can't help but feel there's a small small possibility that something could go horribly wrong
I mean it's listed as one of three major events right next to two major diplomatic missions
I highly doubt it is as benign as simply getting married
what might happen I don't know
maybe a demon might try to possess her Or
the Dominion might send an assassin
But whatever it is to be listed next to such important tasks
it probably isn't good
And if actually does turn out to be as benign As It Seems I'll take an freezing shower as compensation to you all

Sorry if this is an overly long reply

Actually now that I think about it what did earn us the hatred of slaanesh?

I didn't get the impression that Jen is unstable enough to go Yandere over a diplomatic action and the only one of the four that hasn't hit us yet is Nurgle.

As for the Hatred of Slaanesh trait:

It is less than a year before the next threat raises its head as the Warp Rift opens up once more, just eight years after it last spat out a daemonic invasion. While last time it was the Violent who invaded Excalibur, this time it is the Excessive. Half a dozen Keeper of Secrets, six times that in Heralds of the Tempter and over twenty thousand Daemonettes of the Excessive supported by thousands of the Tempter's Fiends and Seekers.

A worthy force that might be enough to overwhelm the planet's defenders in their weakened state. The government might have equipped the survivors of the Federal Army with the best equipment around, but the Federal Army is still gutted from fighting the Violent and the Federal Militia has yet to be rebuilt after it was destroyed.

Unlike before, the Tempter's legions move swiftly instead of milling around like the Violent's did. With the first five lines of fortification still in need of repair, it is the sixth line that receives the initial assault and the defenders are still getting into position when daemonettes begin to overrun them.

Caught off-guard, you are not in a position to get involved with the initial clash and the Federal Navy, while positioned nearby on your orders, are too far away to effectively contribute. Your warships do their best, but the sheer speed of the attack means they are unable to effectively target the Excessive's daemons.

The battle for the seventh defensive line goes just as poorly. Orbital bombardment is still of limited effectiveness and while the Federal Army isn't overwhelmed quite as badly this time around, they are still forced to withdraw to the eight line of defences. Even your own presence isn't enough to inflict meaningful damage on the Tempter's forces and you are fortunate just to ensure that more of the Federal Army survives the rout. You do your best, but in the end, you are forced from the field with serious wounds.

The third day of the fighting goes better. The eighth line still falls at the end of it, but the battle is much closer fought this time around with the Federal Army stemming the daemonic forces long enough for an orderly retreat to the ninth and second to last line of defences. As for yourself, you find yourself tested against the Greater Daemons of the Excessive. Fighting against two different Keeper of Secrets that day, you find yourself in both a physical and mental battle as you fight with them in body whilst engaging them in a psyker duel. In both cases, you win enough to land a fatal blow with your Force Sword, severing their warp presence from their physical manifestation and sending them back to where they came from.

It is at the ninth line of fortifications that the Federal Army makes their stand and turns things around. Still reeling from your rather successful intervention, the surviving forces of the Tempter mill around at the eighth line with the Federal Navy keeping them pinned in place with death from above. They don't inflict any meaningful casualties with their orbital bombardment, but they ensure that only small assaults get launched, all of which are repelled by the Federal Army with ease.

As for you, you got headhunting as you lead a Federal Marine task force in search of more Keeper of Secrets to slay. Two more die to you on that day as you carve your way through daemonettes to reach the Greater Daemons. While the first two days were clear defeats and the third day was mixed, it is undeniable that the fourth day of the invasion was a victory for the Federation of Bladus.

The fifth day continues that trend as the remnants of the invasion force launch a full scale attack on the ninth line and are butchered for their efforts. The Federal Army guns down the Tempter's daemons before they can close the distance to melee range while you hunt down the last two surviving Keeper of Secrets, a task that proves easy as they are personally leading the attack. Both die upon your blade after a couple of challenging battles and with the last of the enemy senior leadership dead, you turn your attention to killing the surviving lesser daemons, the last of which are dealt with by sunset.

With the incursion over, the Federation of Bladus is once again left to pick up the pieces.
I didn't get the impression that Jen is unstable enough to go Yandere over a diplomatic action and the only one of the four that hasn't hit us yet is Nurgle.
So not looking forward for when he comes around, at least we are noted to have good healthcare and advanced medicine, but that only goes so far. Probably the most damaging chaos invasion we could have tbh
[x] He proposes to Jenivere Lynn and marries her.

Other people can do diplomacy. This event is actually unique to us.

Delegate and trust others to handle matters of state. We must grasp LIFE when given the chance.
I didn't get the impression that Jen is unstable enough to go Yandere over a diplomatic action and the only one of the four that hasn't hit us yet is Nurgle.

Yeah if I'm being fully honest I may have letten my paranoia get the better of me there and started listing worst case scenarios sorry for that as for the mental instability I remember reading about it somewhere that humans with a beta or Alpha level rating usually suffered some form of mental instability wait remember it was Lexicanum here's a what do you call it? A Excerpt? I think that's it
  1. Beta // AlphaExceedingly rare and dangerous. Mainstream Medicae Imperialis discussion agrees that current human beings do not possess the necessary evolutionary development to contain Beta and Alpha levels of psionic talent. As such, the great majority of those discovered at this Assignment rating usually suffer from mental instability.
And that tidbit along with the proposal being next to such important missions felt like a
Chekhov's gun to me I mean it's probably nothing but when it's 40K and you already earned Chaos's ire is it really paranoia if they might really be after you?? Sorry if the ovary detailed explanation was unwanted

Malcador: *looks sadly at the wedding dress in his wardrobe*

(Notices an old Butler outfit next to the wedding dress and Grumbles )
malcador : maybe instead of some baskets erda Shoulda put those babys in some caskets

As for the Hatred of Slaanesh trait:
And Thank you very much for this friend
Jen does have issues with understanding reality from a human perspective, serious enough issues that the Federation has put in place an unstable Jen contingency plan which is basically Drake.
Wait seriously? How much trouble does she normally have and how bad can\does it get?
According to discord she just doesn't get reality or understand how others aren't like her, Drake is a moderating influence on her but without him she would probably be a low key supervillain. Potentially bad enough that there is an understanding between Drake, the Federation and Jen that Drake has to reign her in if she goes too far and that could include the possibility of killing her if she cannot be contained safely.

Picking Anathema was a really good pick for Jen's sake.
According to discord she just doesn't get reality or understand how others aren't like her, Drake is a moderating influence on her but without him she would probably be a low key supervillain. Potentially bad enough that there is an understanding between Drake, the Federation and Jen that Drake has to reign her in if she goes too far and that could include the possibility of killing her if she cannot be contained safely.

Picking Anathema was a really good pick for Jen's sake.
wow though that does lead me another question of just how does she perceive reality and just how different is that perception from normal humans

like is it simply that her witch sight is so strong that it overlaps with her normal sight
To the point she has difficulty distinguishing reality from the warp kind of like a. . .what were they called the Eldar wraith guard who are almost in a dream like state

( if memory serves right )

and whose perception slips in and out between material and immaterial causing them to get disoriented

does she have sociopathy psychopathy or
does her mind simply function differently perhaps fundamentally so that

say if a human were to somehow read/see/ feel her thoughts would they still feel/be fundamentally human or
. . . Like something else something not human in the least ?

which begs another question if she who is ONLY an alpha level already perceives the world differently then imagine how the monstrous psykers like malcador or the emperor see the world

Also how does the anathema perk help her exactly?


Do they have a specific spot in the Discord where this kind of character info can be found or would I have to go through all the comments till I'd find what I'm looking for?

Now that I think about it I wonder who's are jens parents

Also am I the only one who finds it kind of funny and almost cute that the federation's plan for an angry or otherwise distressed jen
. . . . . . . . . is literally throw her transhuman boyfriend at her like some kind of emergency emotional support plushie and hope that works

. . . . It is now my personal head Cannon that she has a plushie of Drake that she keeps on her at all times and refuses to give up unless she's about to go fight
until the Qm says otherwise because it's cute

It also gives me the funny image of her grabbing on to him and refusing to separate from him for a week after some kind of emotional event or something

Which makes him have to attend all sorts of important meetings and all sorts of speeches well she is on his back or arm clinging to him like a koala in her pajamas cutely snoring like a puppy
. . . Adorable