Hey, DOOM 2016 had a great plot. This was mostly accidental. It was still great, though!

Considering all the lore entries were like, the last thing they put together, it's a pretty rich setting.
and you're free to either ignore the extra material in favor of shooting more demons, or take a break from shooting demons to read the lore about shooting demons before going back to shooting demons .
certainly the Slayer doesn't care one bit about Hayden's motives, he just wants to shoot demons and stop them invading. by shooting them. i think there's a theme here, dont you? 🤔:evil:
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and you're free to either ignore the extra material in favor of shooting more demons, or take a break from shooting demons to read the lore about shooting demons before going back to shooting demons .
certainly the Slayer doesn't care one bit about Hayden's motives, he just wants to shoot demons and stop them invading. by shooting them. i think there's a theme here, dont you? 🤔

Ah yes, but then you get backstory on the Doom Slayer, and the fact that this isn't a one off; he's been doing it for thousands of years!

And now we have the DOOM Taylor (not to be confused with the DOOM Tailor, who makes snazzy outerwear for the enterprising demon slayer).

Something something Rip and Tear.
So when she get to that dimension teleporter at the bottom of the facility is she going to get back to Bet, or end up in Hell and have to fight her way through to the end where she force feeds some punches to John Romero's severed head?
FIFY that is the true final boss just listen to what the icon says backwards and for once it is a hidden message.
Fun idea:
The locker? Has a one-way portal, ala 'viewing mirror', showing everything Taylor is going through, if at 3x speed.

Cue Hess at first thinking Taylor finally grew a bit of a backbone.

Then getting respectful.

Then a 'little' bit of awe.

Then, slowly, oh so slowly, starts to realize how truly fucked she is when Taylor finally makes it back, due to the sheer unrelenting brutality Taylor is displaying, and how often she monologues about doing....things to Hess.
Unspeakable things. Involving BFGs and chainsaws and rubber chickens (Run#752, Monologue recording 7).

Cue a frantic Hess trying to get the portal shutdown, even as the Protectorate starts truly looking at her actions towards Taylor AND keeping that portal 'safely' guarded.

Would be hilarious to see the shoe on the other foot as she progressively becomes terrified of Taylor, even though Taylor isn't even there.
I never liked the idea of rage-crazed berserker Taylor tearing through Brockton Bay. I'd rather she retain her soul, as it were. This is an ideal solution as far as I'm concerned.
And constantly have SOMEONE in the Protectorate be mentioning yet another way to keep the portal open and/or turn it into a doorway....

While Hess is internally screaming at every new attempt, and trying with increased desperation to keep them from succeeding, while also trying not to trip up in being revealed as the saboteur.

Meanwhile, nobody has a clue about Cauldron, who has figured it out, but is letting Taylor stay there to 'age well'....until needed. And haven't quite gotten the mental memo, yet, that doing so is just going to piss her off even more than Hess.
The Taylor is not amused by theorycrafting that does not result in her getting home or at least enemies dead faster and with less use of ammo.
Just wait until she finds the memory stick with the archive of this forum and you will be too late to repent. :whistle:
The Taylor is not amused by theorycrafting that does not result in her getting home or at least enemies dead faster and with less use of ammo.
Just wait until she finds the memory stick with the archive of this forum and you will be too late to repent. :whistle:
I play Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Code Vein on NG5+.

Į̴͐'̶̤͌v̷̺̿e̴̝̍ ̷̯̉s̶͉̕ȅ̸̬ė̶͓n̵̘͑ ̸͚̇t̴͉͂h̷̡͐i̴̛̤n̵͇͋g̶͉̿s̸͖͌.̵̯͆.̸̥̚.̴͔͐ enough times that Taylor wouldn't phase me.
I never liked the idea of rage-crazed berserker Taylor tearing through Brockton Bay. I'd rather she retain her soul, as it were. This is an ideal solution as far as I'm concerned.
Who knows? Maybe she'll work out her anger on the demons and come back to Brockton Bay calm and ready to talk things out with the trio in a polite but firm manner. <_<
Who knows? Maybe she'll work out her anger on the demons and come back to Brockton Bay calm and ready to talk things out with the trio in a polite but firm manner. <_<
dont forget she'll have the BFG casually slung over her shoulder. calm, but at the same time ready to dish out unspeakable violence.

any bets on how long a fight vs. the S9 would last?
dont forget she'll have the BFG casually slung over her shoulder. calm, but at the same time ready to dish out unspeakable violence.

any bets on how long a fight vs. the S9 would last?
BFG is too overkill, as it'd wreck the city she fought to get back to. Unless someone was stupid enough to take a stab at her near the boat graveyard....then, hey, its free urban renewal time!!

Gauss Cannon (that or the new thing replacing it in Eternal) would be just as good. Especially in siege mode + ability to move while in siege mode.
Could make this whole thing end up really screwy by getting the entire Blazkowicz family in on it. Especially if you subscribe to the thought that each Doom Warrior is a separate entity and Taylor's arrival has screwed with the timelines and dimensions and they all meet.
Who knows? Maybe she'll work out her anger on the demons and come back to Brockton Bay calm and ready to talk things out with the trio in a polite but firm manner. <_<
I think for maximium amusement Taylor is going to be a raging berserker and will come full circle and become a lucid berserker that on zerks on people that really piss her off.
Who knows? Maybe she'll work out her anger on the demons and come back to Brockton Bay calm and ready to talk things out with the trio in a polite but firm manner. <_<
dont forget she'll have the BFG casually slung over her shoulder. calm, but at the same time ready to dish out unspeakable violence.

any bets on how long a fight vs. the S9 would last?
BFG is too overkill, as it'd wreck the city she fought to get back to. Unless someone was stupid enough to take a stab at her near the boat graveyard....then, hey, its free urban renewal time!!

Gauss Cannon (that or the new thing replacing it in Eternal) would be just as good. Especially in siege mode + ability to move while in siege mode.
Well, she already has the chaingun. That should be enough Superior Firepower for anything in BB short of a ramped-up Lung or the Valkyrie twins at full growth.
As an aside to how much I enjoy this concept, it convinced me to buy DOOM 2016 on Steam during the sale yesterday and I'm just starting to go through with it now.
4. DOOMed: Interlude the first!
"Are you certain this will work?"



"Oh, very helpful. So you might be putting that girl through all this for nothing?"

"Or perhaps creating a problem that's in the long run even greater than the one this is meant to solve..."

"She is going to be very, very angry by the end. Not that she's particularly pleased right now, of course."

"It is necessary for the plan. Unfortunately. And we'll just have to accept the long term effects."

"And if… he… finds out?"

"That would be bad. Really bad. Really, really bad. He wouldn't be happy. You know what's liable to happen then."

"By the time he finds out it will be too late, one way or another."

"So you keep saying, but..."

"I know what I'm doing."

"You always say that, but I can remember more than once where things went… odd."

"So can I."

"Both of you can shut up. We don't have much choice after all."

"I'm not happy either. I'm the one she's likely to take it out on, you know. I'm doing my best, but some of this is going to take a hell of a lot of experimentation to handle."

"Ironic, really."

"Very funny. You idiot."

"I do what I can."

"All I'm saying is that this is way outside my experience or abilities to immediately deal with. I can help her, but a lot of the necessary work is going to be up to her, and she's really not going to enjoy it. At all."

"She is smiling..."

"That is not a smile. Not one that you'd want aimed at you, at any rate."

"I wouldn't be too keen on having some of those weapons aimed at me either, not with her on the other end."

"Which is distinctly possible."

"Too late now. We're committed. She was the best candidate after all, especially considering her background. All we can do is wait, and give any help we can on the way. I have faith in her."

"So do I, but then I'm the one actually giving the help. You lot are basically just watching at this point."

"It's all we can do. I have faith in you too."

"Thanks very much. And I mean that in the most sarcastic manner possible."

"I know. And… I really am sorry. There was no other way."

"Yeah, well, eventually you're going to have to explain that to her. I'll be watching from way over there..."

"Stop laughing, will you?"

"Can't help it. I'm just picturing the girl chasing you around with that ridiculously big gun and screaming 'Get back here so I can kill you properly!' like she did with that… whatever the damned thing was."

"Maybe we should start stocking up on popcorn? We're going to need a lot of it."

"Go away, all of you, and let me work. Especially you."

"Fine. We'll be ready when she's ready."

"I hope you're ready for her when she comes for us..."

"If we succeed, that's hopefully something we can explain. If not, it won't matter."

"Still not convinced. Too late now though."


"I said go away!"

"We're going, we're going. No need to get upset."

"Now you're just being deliberately obtuse. I'll let you know when I have more news."

"Good luck. See you later."

"Yeah, yeah, like that's going to help. Idiots. Sorry, Taylor, I know this sucks..."
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I'm sorry, but I feel like a lot of people in Brockton Bay that are NOT privy to The Family's secrets in your other story, as my only response to this chapter is basically "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!"
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