Run #85: Only headshot kills when possible.
Run #1378: All voice logs shall be imputed in limerick.
Run #1829: Trained a Baron of Hell to dance.
Run #2233: Killed End Boss with a Rube Goldberg Machine

Run #3285 Disco danced to make the demons Deader than Disco.
Run #3324 Killed the demons using only the doors.
Run #3393 Spent this run contemplating what to do to Sophia when I get back. Ran out of room for the list halfway through.

Seriously though Taylor is known for refusing to give up and die. She is going to get home and Hell has no hope of standing in her way. Also the question arises of what trapped her here because either A. they know what the end result will be or B. they thought this would stop her.
Run #3324 Killed the demons using only the doors.
Run #3393 Spent this run contemplating what to do to Sophia when I get back. Ran out of room for the list halfway through.

Seriously though Taylor is known for refusing to give up and die. She is going to get home and Hell has no hope of standing in her way. Also the question arises of what trapped her here because either A. they know what the end result will be or B. they thought this would stop her.
I was thinking one run where she only used HTH on the demons, but the doors works.
As for this mysterious 'they', 'they' don't know what 'they' are in for once she makes it back, but it won't be pleasant.
I cannot wait for Taylor's reaction to realizing what she is fighting, and the reason they are inside the UAC

VEGA: The UAC's main goal was to bring about a brighter future through the extraction of renewable energy from Hell. The locals have taken issue with this.

Taylor: ...Huh, I just looped back around into calm.
I cannot wait for Taylor's reaction to realizing what she is fighting, and the reason they are inside the UAC

VEGA: The UAC's main goal was to bring about a brighter future through the extraction of renewable energy from Hell. The locals have taken issue with this.

Taylor: ...Huh, I just looped back around into calm.

This is feeling more classic DOOM rather than DOOM 2016, otherwise I think VEGA might have autoconnected to this power armor since its a UAC model, not doom slayer custom.
I suppose DOOMed Taylor arriving early in NGE might have some entertainment value... Particularly if she detects as an Angel... The Angel of Escalation?

Misato: "An Angel the size of a human? Just getting its bearings? Take it out!"

Taylor, looking at an Eva: "You are HUGE!"

Taylor dodges the first attack easily.

Taylor: "Now I'm angry at you, specifically! You are too huge for my guns. Berzerk! RIP AND TEAR!"

Gendo: gets a very bad feeling.
At the rate Taylor's understandable anger issues are progressing, I fully expect that by the time she gets back she'll be willing to show Emma a bit of love. Or rather, a heart. Sophia's. After ripping it from her chest with her bare hands. Before shoving it down Emma's throat, choking her to death........
Especially if she keeps her whatever-Doom-has-for-levels and they increase each time.
Doom has no levels. The only thing with you on you descent into the burning pits are your skills, a slick green suit of power armor, a selection of guns fit to any taste, and all the ammo you can carry.
You can carry alot of ammo. Which is good, since you need most of it.
If that's the modern 2016 Doom, there's also modular upgrades for the guns and a few upgrades to improve the armor's durability and usefulness.

What this means for Taylor is simple: She's going to get out of hell a genuine badass by simply learning the hard way. No school of harder knocks than soloing an endless army of demons, after all.

At the rate Taylor's understandable anger issues are progressing, I fully expect that by the time she gets back she'll be willing to show Emma a bit of love. Or rather, a heart. Sophia's. After ripping it from her chest with her bare hands. Before shoving it down Emma's throat, choking her to death........
Alternatively: The Chunky Salsa or Fine Red Mist methods of revenge. I guess it depends on how hands on Taylor's feeling, and how big a bang she wants.
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Doom has no levels. The only thing with you on you descent into the burning pits are your skills, a slick green suit of power armor, a selection of guns fit to any taste, and all the ammo you can carry.
You can carry alot of ammo. Which is good, since you need most of it.
If that's the modern 2016 Doom, there's also modular upgrades for the guns and a few upgrades to improve the armor's durability and usefulness.

What this means for Taylor is simple: She's going to get out of hell a genuine badass by simply learning the hard way. No school of harder knocks than soloing an endless army of demons, after all.

Alternatively: The Chunky Salsa or Fine Red Mist methods of revenge. I guess it depends on how hands on Taylor's feeling, and how big a bang she wants.
I'm wondering if she's going to get irritated enough she actually takes the suggestion of one of the comments above and teaches a baron how to dance. From there it's only a step or 2 to scaring the imps into following orders. And wouldn't it be just so ironic if she took a few pets back with her, and used helmet footage to point out EXACTLY what Sophia put her through. Assuming she can show it to anyone anyway, on the first run at least I only see this ending in mayhem when the protectorate tries political fu on a literal Berserker.
on the first run at least I only see this ending in mayhem when the protectorate tries political fu on a literal Berserker.
Pretty sure on the first run, Taylor's going to be so far past 'cold fury' once she gets out of the locker that Winslow will be little more than a burned out husk in a matter of minutes, and then it'll be only minutes more before she gets hit with an S-class and a kill order. On the next run she might remember to people.
Run #3285 Disco danced to make the demons Deader than Disco.
Run #3324 Killed the demons using only the doors.
Run #3393 Spent this run contemplating what to do to Sophia when I get back. Ran out of room for the list halfway through.

Seriously though Taylor is known for refusing to give up and die. She is going to get home and Hell has no hope of standing in her way. Also the question arises of what trapped her here because either A. they know what the end result will be or B. they thought this would stop her.

Run #3500 Killed everything with the first spoon I found, everything.
Run #3782 Opened my eyes only to put the armor.
Run #3783 Didn't open my eyes at all.
Run #4000 Made edible cake out of demons.
Run #404 Run not found.
Run #3500 Killed everything with the first spoon I found, everything.
Run #3782 Opened my eyes only to put the armor.
Run #3783 Didn't open my eyes at all.
Run #4000 Made edible cake out of demons.
Run #404 Run not found.
Run #6666 Beat every demon to death with another demon.
Run #7777 Train a bunch of demons to serve my every whim. Conquer the world with an army of hellspawn.
Run #9001 Naked run. No guns, No armor, just RAGE.

Since it's a Doom mashup, is Taylor going to run into any double crossing androids and/or crazy cultists? Because seeing Taylor smash Dr. Roboto would be great.
When she gets out of this Taylor is going to be incredibly dangerous and incredibly easy to piss off.

A very bad combination for our least favourite track star.
Run #3500 Killed everything with the first spoon I found, everything.
Run #3782 Opened my eyes only to put the armor.
Run #3783 Didn't open my eyes at all.
Run #4000 Made edible cake out of demons.
Run #404 Run not found.

Run #666 Stared demons into submission became ruler of hell. Fun times
Run #1337 0n1y wr0t3 1n l33t 5p3ak 4 n0 g00d r3a5on.
Run #4004 Started cooking show. Was a success until lawyers sued.

at some point it would be fun to have something like these be found once Taylor escapes by armsmaster as he examines the suit. Especially if she starts noting runs where she escaped as well. Cue him finding "Run #???? Escaped Hell, met Protectorate, Armsmaster is a dick."
Run #666 Stared demons into submission became ruler of hell. Fun times
Run #1337 0n1y wr0t3 1n l33t 5p3ak 4 n0 g00d r3a5on.
Run #4004 Started cooking show. Was a success until lawyers sued.

at some point it would be fun to have something like these be found once Taylor escapes by armsmaster as he examines the suit. Especially if she starts noting runs where she escaped as well. Cue him finding "Run #???? Escaped Hell, met Protectorate, Armsmaster is a dick."

Compared to that doctor or sgt Kelly in Doom 3 or that cultist lady in Doom 2016, Armsmaster is just lacking in social cues. He hasn't tried to sell earth to hell itself
Some elements to consider:

It is unknown what happened at the locker end. Did the transport from the locker send out some kind of "dinner bell" signal to some beings of the hells for them to lock on to? If so, then that raises the question of when Taylor returns if Earth Bet might have had some cults (maybe the Merchants or Fallen or others who might be susceptible to corruption by demons) summoned (or otherwise opened some gate device Hellraiser style possibly Yangban) a demonic invasion to that world.

Taylor might have to over the course of the respawn effects to become completely familiarized and expert on all the technologies of that base, if for no other reason than she will need to figure out how to get the dimensional gate to even take her to her world which might require making equipment to carefully scan where she respawns and making the equipment to connect to her world instead of those hells. This will require considerable cross-disciplinary skills including manufacturing and programming (even with the help of an AI as there might need to be a lot of repairs needed for any equipment to make things). If she gets back, she probably would refuse to go to school after that since she probably at that point regard it as useless and might become a mercenary like the Faultline's Crew (using whatever method of how they avoid being hunted down by the PRT/Protectorate given that they apparently operate relatively openly as mercenaries) and maybe use her father's union as a front to manufacture high-tech equipment for money and make extra supplies for herself.
Hoping her respawn works back on Bet too but sends her right back to the start - she dies at home or on Mars and she gets sent back to the room with the PA and she has to bust out of hell. every. single. time.

Faces Leviathan for the first time, gets killed by it, and is just like oh fuck NOT AGAIN!

Then much latter fighting her way out of hell essentially becomes a vacation - she's that used to it it's a relaxing (RAGEaxing?) recreational hunting getaway.

Can't wait until she gets back to bet and just mows down all of the ABB/E88/Merchants/Teeth etc etc and everybody is just not ready for the ultraviolence Taylor can do.

Uses the chaingun to cut down an army of gang members, blowing them to chunks.
I just had a thought.
If the DOOM game franchise is a thing on Earth Bet, what will Uber and Leet's reactions be?