Funnily enough, Falling and Missing the Ground is exactly how orbits work. You start high enough and fall fast enough that you just don't hit the planet anymore. That guide was right, after all.
Warrior Nun actually is a very obscure 1994 comic so its not a Buffy remake by another name.
I don't even care because it is amazing and I am so glad I found out about this being a thing.

It being a comic does explain why it is Anime As Fuck though. :V

e: Man, imagining what this looks like from the other side really hammers home just how goddamn fast Doom Guy and Relatives are.

Everyone focuses on the ludicrous firepower, but the speed, the speed!

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Just think, that was when Doomguy was still a bog standard human, before he trapped himself in Hell and (eventually) became known as the Doom Slayer. Before he got subjected to whatever lets him absorb hell energy to heal.
Just think, that was when Doomguy was still a bog standard human, before he trapped himself in Hell and (eventually) became known as the Doom Slayer. Before he got subjected to whatever lets him absorb hell energy to heal.
Yup, that's pre-Divinity Machine Doom Guy.

Apparently Original UAC Power Armor is just that good.
He wasn't even wearing power armor. Just whatever helmets and chest pieces he can pick up. In the original games the art shows Doomguy isn't wearing power armor. As you can clearly see, it's not even environmental armor.
Original UAC Soldier Enhancements and Genetic Engineering then. :V

Also, I never noticed before, but he's totally catching that Imp fireball so he can throw it right back where it came from.
Iirc, Doomguy strafes, i.e. runs sideways at something like 60mph.
Doom Guy's lateral speed in any cardinal direction is 49.5mph (going by official ID Software metrics) he runs forward exactly as fast as he runs backwards and sideways, his diagonal speed however is 57mph, because yes, he does in fact run faster while running forwards\backwards and sideways at the same time. His maximum speed, enhanced by powerups or shenanigans, is 90mph.
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Doom Guy's lateral speed in any cardinal direction is 49.5mph (going by official ID Software metrics) he runs forward exactly as fast as he runs backwards and sideways, his diagonal speed however is 57mph, because yes, he does in fact run faster while running forwards\backwards and sideways at the same time. His maximum speed, enhanced by powerups or shenanigans, is 90mph.
Hey, I was only off by (basically) 10mph! that's pretty good for something I only barely remember hearing years ago.
8. Omake - DOOM R&R: Observation
A little more of this for your delectation. Delect it with gusto! ;)

Cordelia slammed on the brakes, her car fishtailing to a halt, then hammered the horn while glaring at the two idiots who had walked right out in front of her without even looking. "Hey! Stupid guys! You want to pay attention a little more?" she shouted having lowered the window a little.

The two large burly men, one with a stetson on, looked at each other then at her, while she irritably motioned to them to either keep walking or go back. Instead of doing either, the pair walked over to the car. She made sure the door was locked and put her hand down the side of the seat to grab a large crucifix just in case.

Sure enough, as they bent down to peer into the car, they changed from rough looking men to rough looking vampires, their eyes turning yellow and their faces distorting. "Hey there, girly," the stetson-wearing one said with a nasty grin. "It's not nice to call people stupid."

The cheerleader suppressed her fear and fixed her gaze right at him. "I call it like I see it," she snapped.

They exchanged glances again. "You… do know what we are, right?" the second one said, sounding slightly baffled. He apparently wasn't expecting defiance rather than fear.

"Yeah, yeah, you're big scary vampires," she replied dismissively, lifting the crucifix and waving it at them. "I know all about those. Not that there are many around the place these days. You guys must be new in town."

"You're not the Slayer," the first one stated, staring at her and sniffing.

"Her? No, I'm not her. Either one of them." She shrugged.

"Either one… There's more than one?" He looked momentarily worried. She nodded, smirking a little.

"Yeah. I know both of them."

"But they're not here right now," the second vampire commented, having quickly glanced from side to side, and checking her back seat to be sure. "So that cross ain't gonna to help you much."

She looked past them at the mouth of a dark alley on the other side of the road, then refocused on the pair, smiling darkly. "All I needed to do was delay you," she said, in a manner that seemed to make them puzzled.

"What, so the Slayer can get here?" the first asked, chuckling. "Don't think she's going to manage that in time."

"No, so they could get here," she replied with a sweet smile. Then she pointed over his shoulder.

The two vampires looked at each other yet again, then slowly turned further.

She was pretty sure she saw the near-impossible, a vampire paling with fear. "Fuck, what the hell are those things!" the first one shouted, whirling around, his friend spinning and diving sideways at the same time.

"No idea but they like eating vampires," she replied with a shrug, rather blasé these days considering how weird the town had become since that crazy woman dived into the Hell Mouth like a lunatic. Her friends seemed to be all over the place and turned up when you least expected them, and to be honest she'd got over being scared of them. It was getting old, and they were a lot more polite than most demons in her view. And they cleaned up after themselves which was a welcome difference.

Buffy wasn't too happy about it, probably because she didn't have anything to kill right now, but even the blonde Slayer wasn't crazy enough to attack one of these things. It turned out she could learn. Eventually. Cordelia was somewhat surprised it had taken her six separate attempts that had all ended in the thing she was attacking basically laughing at her and patting her on the head, but she'd always been stubborn…

Right now, though, there were two of the pink things with claws and teeth staring at the pair of vampires, along with one of the floating ball demons which was watching with its huge green single eye. The vampires stared back, looking abruptly very cautious.

If she'd been in their position she'd have been running as fast as possible, not that it would actually have helped.

"More parasites," the globular demon rumbled, sounding almost happy. "SHE does not approve of your type. We serve HER will."

"What?" the stetson-wearing vampire said, sounding extremely confused.

"We await her return with eager anticipation, knowing that SHE is smiting those not worthy of worshiping HER Glory and Rage," the ball with teeth said in an almost chatty way, although in a voice that would make most people shit themselves. Having seen what she'd seen Cordelia was mostly inured to the effect although it was still impressive. "Until that day, we occupy ourselves with actions that SHE would find appropriate if they were not beneath HER personal attention."

"What the fuck?" the other vampire said dumbly.

Cordelia tapped on the window with the crucifix, making them look at her. "He means run," she advised with a nasty smirk. "They like it when you run."

The vampires turned back to the three demons, just in time to see one of the bipedal ones lunge at them. "Shit!" the one in the hat screamed as it slashed at his face so fast there was a tearing sound of claws through the air. He barely managed to drop to the ground in time, then rolled frantically as the thing slashed again, six inch claws tearing gashes in the tarmac and spraying fragments at Cordelia's car.

"Hey!" she shouted. "Watch the paintwork!"

"Apologies, blessed one," the clawed demon said, "It will not happen again."

"It better not," she muttered, rolling the window down all the way and leaning out to inspect her car door. "This is a custom paint job."

The demon nodded to her, then charged off down the street after the fleeing vampire who had jumped to his feet while the thing was distracted and booked it, losing his hat in the process. His friend shouted "Kyle!" and ran after him, both to help him and to avoid the other smaller demon that had jumped at him from at least twenty feet away. He pulled out a revolver, which made the girl blink as she'd never heard of a vampire with a gun before, and fired a couple of shots at the demon chasing his friend.

The one following him produced a large fireball which it shot at his back, the vampire looking behind him when he heard the whoosh and dropping flat with a scream of horror as the orange ball went overhead and blew a pothole in the road with a loud boom, then jumping to his feet and changing direction, pelting off down another alley to the side. The demon who'd clearly decided he was its chew toy followed eagerly. The first vampire and his own pursuer had already vanished around the corner ahead of her.

Shouts and more explosions sounded in the distance before everything went quiet.

She shook her head in mild wonder and put the crucifix back down beside the seat.

"Thanks," she called to the floating demon, which lifted one dangling arm in a sort of a wave at her, then rotated in mid-air and flew off down the sidewalk in the direction its companions had gone.

"God, this town is bizarre," she said to herself, closing the window and putting the car back in drive, then resuming her journey. "A lot less vampires around right now though, so I guess I can live with it."


Kendra watched open-mouthed as the dark-haired cheerleader girl she'd met a couple of times before, the snarky one with a mouth that was one of the other Slayer's hangers-on, drove off without an apparent care in the world. The interaction between the three strange demons that didn't correspond to anything that her Watcher had taught her about, the two vampires, and the girl, was just… wrong.

Sure, she knew that the other girl knew about the supernatural, that ship had already sailed, but the way the brunette had merely sat there insulting the vampires while apparently waiting for the demons to intervene seemed extremely strange to her. Not to mention that the demons had apparently been polite to her, and didn't seem to be a threat at all. Nor did the other girl appear to see them as a danger either, considering her parting comment.

What the hell was wrong with this town? Even for an active Hell Mouth, that was not normal.

She scratched her head with the blunt end of the stake she was holding, while looking down from her position on the roof of the two story building she'd climbed the fire escape of to get a better view when she'd spotted the obvious vampires a few blocks back. The Chase girl turning up had been unexpected, but the subsequent events were just the sort of information Zabuto wanted.

Giant floating demonic balls with teeth and glowing green eyes were certainly new to her. So were clawed monstrosities that shot fireballs at things they didn't like.

And so was that nine foot tall thing with hooves, horns, and a rather unpleasant grin that was staring at her from the road right below her.

She gaped at it. How the fuck had something that size snuck up on her like that? It was only about thirty feet away and she hadn't heard a damned thing.

"Another small creature that thinks it is dangerous," the monstrously large demon said in a sub-bass voice that made her bones itch. It sounded amused more than anything else. "You are not in HER league, 'Slayer.'" The thing emphasized the last word with a distinct smirk. "Neither have you received the blessing of HER permission to live."

Kendra tensed. That didn't sound… ideal.

"However, SHE is merciful in her infinite Rage. We serve HER will, and SHE would allow your pitiful life to continue until such point as you defile her Glorious generosity. Should that day come we will take joy in ending you, even as insignificant as you are." The demon smiled more widely as Kendra tried to work out if she'd been insulted, and if so whether it was really worth acting on.

Sam had taught her to kill demons without mercy. But he'd also taught her to think things through first, and she wasn't at all sure this creature was something she could handle.

It clearly didn't think that was the case either. And it would probably know…

The demon chuckled, turned, and walked off, the thudding footsteps fading far more rapidly than they should have done. She watched it, completely motionless and ready for any tricks, until a distinct explosion off to the side made her snap her head around. A green flare of light in the distance, somewhere near or in the cemetery, dimmed away over a couple of seconds.

When she looked back, the enormous demon was gone without a trace.

The junior Slayer looked around suspiciously for some time, moving across the roof she was on to peer down on all sides of the building, then stood in the middle of the flat area next to an air conditioner and mulled over what she'd seen. Another even more distant boom made her look to see a rising blue fireball fade into the dark on the other side of the town perhaps a mile away.

She decided that her Watcher needed to know what she'd learned. Strange demons unlike anything she'd heard of roamed Sunnydale, apparently killing vampires for sport, and didn't seem even slightly concerned about a Slayer spotting them. And, even more peculiar was the fact that other people who knew about the things that went argh in the night weren't too worried either. Or at least that cheerleader wasn't.

And, for that matter, why did the entire town seem to be completely ignoring all this? She looked around again, unable to spot a single person on any of the streets she could see from her elevated position. No cars other than the brunette girl's one seemed to be driving around although it wasn't all that late at night, and while she could see lights on in various buildings, no one appeared to be sticking their heads out of windows to look and see what the explosions were caused by.

It was downright freaky, in her opinion. She knew that this town had a reputation for people being pretty much willfully oblivious to the supernatural but there were limits to that blind spot, surely? Giant floating balls and little imp things that blew up vampires were, one would have expected, obvious enough to attract at least some attention…

Not to mention nine foot tall things with hooves, whatever it was that was making mushroom clouds of supernatural fire in strange colors every now and then, and that thing!

Gaping upwards in total disbelief, Kendra watched as some sort of flying creature like a vast pterodactyl as imagined by a horror film special effects guy glided overhead five hundred feet in the air, the huge head tilting slightly to let one virulently deep red glowing eye study her for a second before it moved past. She tracked it, moving only her eyes, until it dipped behind the taller buildings near Sunnydale University.

Letting out a breath, she shakily decided that she needed to report to her Watcher right the fuck now.

She was a vampire slayer. Not a dragon slayer.

If that was what they were up against, they were definitely going to need some larger stakes…


"Overwatch One to Team Leader," the dark-garbed man whispered, his throat mic picking up his voice clearly and activating the vox circuit, keying up his radio. He was peering through his night vision scope at the school library from a few hundred yards away, the magnification wound up all the way, and he could clearly see the Sunnydale Watcher Rupert Giles through the windows. The man was pacing back and forth, apparently speaking, while his Slayer and several other teenagers, one girl and two boys, were sitting at a large table in the middle of the room surrounded by books and papers. As he watched, a woman in her late twenties or so came into view, holding a book of her own, one finger pointing at the page.

The Watcher stopped talking and turned to her, both of them examining the apparent picture, then he shook his head. She nodded and turned the page.

Wishing they'd managed to get an audio bug inside the room, as he was curious to know what was being said, the observer moved his point of view as motion caught his attention, seeing another teenager, this one a tallish and very attractive brunette, park her car on the street near the school and get out, then lock it before heading inside. As she disappeared through the door, he looked back to the view through the library windows. A few seconds later she reappeared inside, waving her hands expressively as she apparently described something.

Based on the motions, it was something very large and probably round.

Watcher Giles sat down, looking tired and confused, and took his glasses off, putting his free hand over his eyes and shaking his head. The girl shrugged as he said something. One of the boys started laughing, causing the red-headed girl next to him to poke his shoulder with her finger.

"Go ahead, Overwatch One," a voice crackled in his headset.

Not lifting his eye from the scope, which was mounted on a suppressed semi-automatic rifle on a bipod, the observer replied, "Watcher Giles and Slayer Summers in view, along with known local contacts including Janna Kalderash, Willow Rosenberg, and Xander Harris. Two further personnel on site, a brunette female teenager matching the description of Cordelia Chase, and an unknown male teenager. Group appears to be engaged in research based on large quantities of documentation present. Watcher Giles looks to be somewhat exasperated."

"Understood, Overwatch One. Have there been any sightings of either Watcher Zabuto or Slayer Young?"

"Negative, Team Leader."

"Sightings of unknown demonic presence?"

"Also negative. No motion at all other than four pedestrians in the last hour. All registered as normal human body temperature and left the area without deviation. Two vehicles passed also, one police cruiser and one civilian car. Neither showed any interest in the school."

"Understood. Continue surveillance. Overwatch Two will relieve you in three hours."

"Orders if Watcher Zabuto or his Slayer make contact with group?"

"Report immediately in that eventuality but take no further action without orders. It is highly unlikely to happen as both are currently in their motel room. Slayer Young returned in considerable haste half an hour ago and hasn't left since. We don't expect them to leave until dawn. However, remain alert just in case."

"Affirmative, Team Leader. What about if unknown demonic forces are spotted?"

"Do not engage without direct orders. If necessary, fall back to a safe position and contact us immediately when you're out of danger."


He paused, then added, "Do we know what the unknowns are?"

"Negative, Overwatch One. That is implied in the concept of 'unknown.'"

The observer rolled his eyes despite himself. Captain Bloody Obvious was on the ball tonight. He heard a snicker over the radio link but didn't say anything.

Observer Two was a dick sometimes.

"Next check-in in half an hour. Team Leader out."


"What about this one?" Willow said, pointing at another article in the local paper. "Someone broke into the Sunnydale Museum and stole an artifact that was being examined there. Some gnarly old thing the archaeologists dug up at a construction site outside the town yesterday." She examined the photo next to the article as Giles came over to stand next to her. "It looks really ancient, right?"

"It does appear to be extremely old," he replied with a nod, bending over the table and studying the image as closely as possible. "These engravings are intriguing... possibly an archaic form of Norse runes?" Picking up the paper he peered at the photo with interest. "Fascinating. Unfortunately most of the inscription is obscured in this picture."

"So could it be another evil artifact?" she asked. "I mean, an old box covered in runes or whatever that got dug up from centuries underground right next to a Hell Mouth? It's gotta be evil. They're always evil, the things that come from below. Especially around here." Willow was worried, but then she'd been worried for quite a while now.

Giles sighed as he put the paper back on the table. "Unfortunately I can't entirely disagree with you, Willow. There's a decent chance that this artifact is indeed something dangerous."

"So we add it to the list." She pulled a notebook closer and wrote another entry on the rather extensive list they'd been compiling for more than ten days now of bizarre happenings around the country that seemed they could be in some way connected to the supernatural.

The Mayor's disappearance after he'd been seen running away from a rocket firing demon that was laughing like a crazy thing. Wolfram and Hart in LA because of an earthquake. Then in San Francisco because of lightning out of a clear sky. Then in Denver due to a mysterious fire from nowhere. Then in New York because of another earthquake. Even though New York didn't really get earthquakes. Several places around the US that were known hot spots of evilness having all sorts of weird things happen to them for no apparent reason.

They'd been scouring newspapers and online reports and building quite a collection of peculiar events, most of which were explained away as strange accidents or random chance by the authorities. None of them really believed that, especially as there were reports of odd sightings in most of the places these things were happening. Odd sightings that corresponded quite well to some of the things that they'd all seen wandering around Sunnydale for awhile now.

The red-head glanced at the sealed Hell Mouth with a shiver.

Then she looked at Cordelia, who was talking to Xander about some of the things she'd seen that week. Most of those things were very dangerous but oddly polite.

Willow shook her head. Life had become far stranger recently than she could easily explain, and she was wondering what the next bizarre thing was going to be.

And what was going to happen when SHE came back…

"Got another one, I think," Oz called from the other side of the table where he was looking through a stack of out of state newspapers from the previous day. "Is Cleveland particularly evil?"

Giles sighed and reached for the paper her boyfriend was holding up, while she flipped to the next page in the notebook and got ready to write again.
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She's nearly done :)

Lots of things on the other side of the Hell Mouth that were stupid enough to try to resist, you see, but that only drags it out a little...

And she doesn't like to leave a job unfinished :D
I imagine by now that The Powers That Be are either feeling gratitude to the ones that are reducing the workload for the Forces of Good...... or crapping their pants at all of their carefully balanced plots and schemes going straight out the window.
Something tells me the Watcher's Council is going to get a minion visit about being foolish, and only Taylor's reappearance stops the escalation with one phrase.

"Their 'Hell' is empty."
Giles sighed and reached for the paper her boyfriend was holding up, while she flipped to the next page in the notebook and got ready to write again.
Unless Willow got her name changed in the span of a few minutes, I think this is an oops. That aside, I look forward to Taylor returning to Sunnydale from the Hellmouth.
It made sense to me. I thought it was pretty obvious we were seeing things from Willow's POV.