Uh, she memorised every document in the UAC library. She definitely knows how to make more and given the existence of tinkers and Dragon, the means are surely not far away. Heck, a development contract with the DoD for combat-proven reliable non-tinkertech power armour would have her set for several dozen lifetimes and raise the general tech level of earth bet to nearly kardashev 0.9 just from the ancillary spinoffs and manufacturing techniques. Not to mention the quantity of tinkertech that would suddenly become, if not 100% duplicable*, a totally explicable result of known physics and therefore recreatable.

*The toaster-based death ray for example; the ray itself would be possible to build but precisely how parts from a toaster and a washing machine generate it might remain a mystery.
Yeah, Taylor is rocking the majority of the Doom 2016 UAC's tech database, or at least their weaponized tech database (which, this being the UAC, covers most of their tech). Unlike Tinker-tech, 2016 UAC tech is perfectly normal and comprehensible demonic magitech that can be reproduced by anyone who understands how it works and has the mental fortitude to fuck with literal demon magic as a power source and not claw out their eyeballs in the process.
(It can be reproduced by people who claw out their eyeballs too, but you really don't want those people working with your demonic magitech; that way cultists lie.)

I'm pretty sure that Doom Guy respawns by just waking up in hell and tearing his way out of there. Eventually, they just gave up and don't even let his soul get down there unless he actively walks in.
Entirely possible.
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No, that was given to him by the Wretch when his suit was upgraded with Argent Accumulators; which Taylor's suit also has, as the tech was originally developed by the Doom 2016 UAC. (Which raises some interesting questions about the identity of the Wretch.)

The Divinity Machine just beefed the Doom Slayer up enough to be able to face-tank Cyberdemon\Tyrant rockets and survive the experience, as well as making him strong enough to literally tear apart Hellspawn with his bare hands.

It's also implied that the Divinity Machine is behind the Doom Slayer's respawning ability, as Marauders are stated in their Codex entry to have been resurrected by the Divinity Machine. Of course, Doom Guy was capable of respawning well before he got Divinity Machine'd, and his respawnery is questionably canon anyway. The only thing we know for certain that the Divinity Machine granted the Doom Slayer was enhanced strength, endurance and agility, but specifically what that actually means is unclear.

Uh, the Doom Slayer could already face tank Cyberdemon/Tyrant rockets and survive. Granted, not many of them. But some. He was also able to take out demons with just a single spiked brass knuckle. Not very efficiently, mind you. And at high risk. But he was able to do so. The brass knuckle is your default "melee" weapon in the original game, replaced by the chainsaw when you find that. And what an upgrade that is.

As for how the UAC from the timeline Taylor ended up in was able to reverse engineer the praetor suit, I don't think they did. I think that particular world found the praetor suit, studied it a bit in the field, and got barely escaped with their lives. It's implied in Doom 2016 that the praetor suits used by UAC marines you find periodically are reverse engineered after recovering The Doom Slayer and his armor. The suit Taylor is wearing is likely designed based on notes recovered, but by the time that UAC sent a team that managed to survive reaching the location, the UAC in Doom 2016 had already recovered the sarcophagus and armor for study. Does Taylor at any point in this story recover health after killing a demon? Or does she use those healing nanite stims to recover?

Uh, she memorised every document in the UAC library. She definitely knows how to make more and given the existence of tinkers and Dragon, the means are surely not far away. Heck, a development contract with the DoD for combat-proven reliable non-tinkertech power armour would have her set for several dozen lifetimes and raise the general tech level of earth bet to nearly kardashev 0.9 just from the ancillary spinoffs and manufacturing techniques. Not to mention the quantity of tinkertech that would suddenly become, if not 100% duplicable*, a totally explicable result of known physics and therefore recreatable.

*The toaster-based death ray for example; the ray itself would be possible to build but precisely how parts from a toaster and a washing machine generate it might remain a mystery.

The knowledge of how to make them does not equal the capability of making them. Earth Bet just doesn't have the tech level to do so, and Tinkers don't change that since their shards cheat while also black boxing things. And I was wondering how many she has left in the main story right now. I mean, weren't they suppose to be experimental? I know she's probably modified her armor by now so it can recharge spent energy cells. It might generate ammo over time for the kinetic weapons too. But I don't think she's healed from anything except using a nanite injector yet.
Uh, the Doom Slayer could already face tank Cyberdemon/Tyrant rockets and survive.
Only if he was bloated at 200% health and armor and\or got lucky with the damage rolls; original Cyberdemon rockets do 20-160 direct-hit damage and 0-128 splash damage, for a total of 148-288 damage on a direct hit, one third of which would be absorbed by armor. Cyberdemons also fire three rockets in rapid succession, so even if you survived the first one you'd probably catch at least some splash damage from the second and third rocket, which would often be enough to kill even a 200%\200% Doom Guy.

2016\Eternal Doom Slayer is measurably more robust in comparison.

Granted, not many of them. But some.
One. Even if both rockets rolled minimum damage and Doom Guy had full armor, armor would only absorb 48 points of damage, meaning a direct hit from a Cyberdemon rocket does 100 points of health damage at minimum. Two direct hits are thus a guaranteed kill on Doom Guy no matter what.

He was also able to take out demons with just a single spiked brass knuckle. Not very efficiently, mind you. And at high risk. But he was able to do so. The brass knuckle is your default "melee" weapon in the original game, replaced by the chainsaw when you find that. And what an upgrade that is.
Exactly, post-Divinity Machine tearing Hellspawn apart with his fists is both efficient and relatively low risk, to the point of being one of the primary methods of Hellspawn murder that the Doom Slayer employs. Pre-Divinity Machine Doom Guy's fists were only properly viable weapons when he was amped up on Berserk Pack juice.

Does Taylor at any point in this story recover health after killing a demon? Or does she use those healing nanite stims to recover?
I don't recall, but even if she doesn't that just indicates that she's using the wrong kind of Glory Kill; depending on how the Doom Slayer kills a demon he can get either health, ammo or armor from doing so.

Taylor definitively does absorb Argent Energy from the Hellspawn she kills; it is mentioned several times. Exactly what is happening with the absorbed energy is unclear, beyond that her suit definitely does have Argent Accumulators and that they are absorbing Argent Energy for something.

Whether the Wretch is the originator of Argent Accumulator tech which the 2016 UAC then reverse-engineered from the Praetor Suit, or whether Argent Accumulators are a product of the 2016 UAC's Argent Energy research which the Wretch somehow got a hold of, or whether both of those things are true and it is in fact a stable time-loop (because Hell gives no fucks about linear time) is unclear. This is further complicated by the potential semi-canonicty of Quake III Arena, with the Vadrigar being a possible explanation for how original Doom Guy ended up in Argent D'Nur millennia into the past and sideways across realities; the Vadrigar really did not give a shit about putting their abducted gladiators exactly back in the same space\time as where they picked them up, near enough is good enough by Vadrigar standards.

In short; it's a massive continuity snarl that will likely never be unraveled because Hell Just Does Not Give A Fuck About Causality.
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She's been shown many times using one demon to pummel another. Sounds like the default "recover health" glory kill. Also remember that Doomguy doesn't gain the ability to recover armor from enemies until Doom Eternal when he starts using the Belcher, which was likely developed after the events in Doom 2016. How chainsaw=ammo I've never understood, but this would explain why Taylor likes using it so much.

Actually, now that I think about it, the UAC that Taylor ended up in might not have been even tangently related to Doom 2016's UAC. It might be further down the timeline for Doom 3 with UAC returning after those events under someone more cautious, initially. Her power armor is implied to be more technological then tech fused with demon magic like the 2016 timeline is implied to use.
Actually, now that I think about it, the UAC that Taylor ended up in might not have been even tangently related to Doom 2016's UAC. It might be further down the timeline for Doom 3 with UAC returning after those events under someone more cautious, initially. Her power armor is implied to be more technological then tech fused with demon magic like the 2016 timeline is implied to use.
With how little Hell cares about linear timelines, that is entirely possible.
No, that was given to him by the Wretch when his suit was upgraded with Argent Accumulators; which Taylor's suit also has, as the tech was originally developed by the Doom 2016 UAC. (Which raises some interesting questions about the identity of the Wretch.)

The Divinity Machine just beefed the Doom Slayer up enough to be able to face-tank Cyberdemon\Tyrant rockets and survive the experience, as well as making him strong enough to literally tear apart Hellspawn with his bare hands.

It's also implied that the Divinity Machine is behind the Doom Slayer's respawning ability, as Marauders are stated in their Codex entry to have been resurrected by the Divinity Machine. Of course, Doom Guy was capable of respawning well before he got Divinity Machine'd, and his respawnery is questionably canon anyway. The only thing we know for certain that the Divinity Machine granted Doom Guy was enhanced strength, endurance and agility, as well as that being the moment he ascended from 'Doom Guy' to 'Doom Slayer' but specifically what that actually means is unclear.

News at eleven.
Actually, now that I think about it, the UAC that Taylor ended up in might not have been even tangently related to Doom 2016's UAC. It might be further down the timeline for Doom 3 with UAC returning after those events under someone more cautious, initially. Her power armor is implied to be more technological then tech fused with demon magic like the 2016 timeline is implied to use.
I wonder, did Taylor leave the door open at the base of that facility? Or did the warp that the demons came through close?

That would be interesting to see what Earth coming back to Mars found in her wake. I'd guess that she cleared out the base before leaving, so it's much safer for the next wave of scientists who visit. Might even be nothing for the military they bring along to do but the grunt work of lifting heavy equipment out of the way.
I *think* that Doomguy doesn't respawn, exactly. Or at least he didn't in Doom and Doom 64. I think in those games the canonical events are that Doomguy is just that much of a badass that he tore through the ranks of hell as an unstoppable juggernaut. The player respawning at the start of the level when they die is just a glimpse of a timeline where this wasn't true, and Doomguy died. When you complete the level, that's the events that actually happened for the canonical timeline.
I *think* that Doomguy doesn't respawn, exactly. Or at least he didn't in Doom and Doom 64.
No, he does. If you die in original Doom you just respawn at the start of the level with a pistol and everything you killed up till then remains dead\progress made remains progressed, this was a deliberate design choice by John Romero part-way through development; originally Soul Spheres were extra lives, but Romero decided that he didn't like how 'lives' made the game feel 'arcadey' and so lives were removed and replaced with unlimited respawning.

Incidentally; every single Doom level is completable from starting with just the pistol, Romero actually deliberately made sure that every level could be completed from the 'default' spawn explicitly to ensure that the respawning mechanic would not screw players over and render a level unwinnable.

Whether the respawning is canon or not is entirely up in the air however. Probably not, but I wouldn't be all that surprised if it was. At the very least, the Divinity Machine being said to have resurrected the Marauders is a reference to respawning.
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Well, she did say this was a vacation for her. Maybe she's taking her time to savor the kills.
IIRC time doesn't pass the same way in the Hellmouth dimension as it does in Sunnydale, so Taylor might not have been down there all that long from her perspective.
Regarding Taylor memorising documents - she was in a R&D lab, and the chances that such a lab doesn't have complete set of textbooks from zero to PhD is pretty close to nil - the point of library in isolated R&D lab would be so that you can check all those details that you forgot or which weren't part of your education path, or just to simply recheck theories.

So at worst she might just lack the tools to make the tools to make the tools... but those might be much easier to achieve with early 21st century tech than from zero.
IIRC time doesn't pass the same way in the Hellmouth dimension as it does in Sunnydale, so Taylor might not have been down there all that long from her perspective.

The only reference like that I know of is the events between seasons 2 and 3 when Buffy had ran away from home. In which case time traveled faster in the hell dimension.

So at worst she might just lack the tools to make the tools to make the tools... but those might be much easier to achieve with early 21st century tech than from zero.

It's more like she'd need the tools to make the tools needed to make the tools required to make the tools it takes to make the materials needed to make the tools to make the tech.

Of course she does have a full toolbox or twenty (thousand), but that lets her modify what she already has. And things like the BFG would be impossible to duplicate without extreme risk.
There might or might not be a difference between the Hellmouth, and Acathala's mouth Hell, @Neruz.
What does Acathala have to do with anything? He's still busy being a statue at the moment.

The only reference like that I know of is the events between seasons 2 and 3 when Buffy had ran away from home. In which case time traveled faster in the hell dimension.
The important part is that time in the hell dimension != time in Sunnydale; maybe time in the hell dimension is running slow at the moment because it is terrified of the Doom Queen. *Shrug*
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What does Acathala have to do with anything? He's still busy being a statue at the moment.

Might be more busy being rubble now.

EDIT: A thought... Would The Initiative be setting up in Sunnydale yet? And if so, how badly has Walsh messed up while trying to capture one of these demons to experiment on?
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In Angel, the dimension Fred got banished to (and Lorn comes from) also ran on different time. Like 50:1 or something. Fred had been there a month in LA time when Angel's team found out about her but she'd spent almost five years trying to math out a way home and nearly stopped believing LA was real.

(It's not, btw)

As for the Initiative… Adam might prove to be almost as strong as a Baron, but probably not. He might also be intelligent enough to know when he's completely outclassed and shut the hell up.
What does Acathala have to do with anything? He's still busy being a statue at the moment.
Angel spent 100 years in Acathala's Hell, so I thought you were specifically referencing an in series event where time was faster there.

@FaerieKnight79 brings up another good connection to another Hell Dimension. With the book portal to another that Fred falls in trouble with it seems that Taylor has picked her vacation start point Very Well for a target rich environment!
Angel spent 100 years in Acathala's Hell, so I thought you were specifically referencing an in series event where time was faster there.
Did he? I thought he got sent to normal Hell after Buffy stabbed him with a sword.

*Shrug* Regardless, I wasn't referring to Acathala; I'm pretty sure I remember at least one instance of time in the hell dimension on the other side of the Sunnydale Hellmouth being different from time in Sunnydale.

And that's not even getting into the known achronal mess that is Doom Hell and everything related to it.

As for the Initiative… Adam might prove to be almost as strong as a Baron, but probably not. He might also be intelligent enough to know when he's completely outclassed and shut the hell up.
Eh, Adam seems more like a Mecha Zombie or Possessed Soldier in Doom terms; pretty nasty by normal human standards but little more than somewhat robust fodder by Hellspawn standards.
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I'm pretty sure he went into that dimensional hole that Acathala was sucking the earth into in order to close it. In other words, he didn't dust.

EDIT: Not only that, it was said that he was pulled from Hell still in vamp form with soul still attached. Not recreated by the PTB.

With the Doom Queen's Demons having possession of Acathala now (it seems) I'd guess they can now open another dimension for Taylor to have fun in.
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Did he? I thought he got sent to normal Hell after Buffy stabbed him with a sword.

*Shrug* Regardless, I wasn't referring to Acathala; I'm pretty sure I remember at least one instance of time in the hell dimension on the other side of the Sunnydale Hellmouth being different from time in Sunnydale.

He was then pushed into the portal to close it. So he went to that specific hell dimension.
So yeah, Acathla's hell runs at 100:1, Pylea at 50:1, and that unnamed place Buffy ended up at like 15,000:1 (people would disappear one day and turn up one or two days later aged to death) so we can be fairly confident a lot of hells run at different rates, probably including the one under the hellmouth.
That said, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a lot closer to 1:1 since it's directly and permanently linked to Sunnydale. Perhaps 4:3 or similar - would explain a few discrepancies in the final assault, for example.
IIRC time doesn't pass the same way in the Hellmouth dimension as it does in Sunnydale, so Taylor might not have been down there all that long from her perspective.

While there were several explicit pockets of space/time and other dimensions that ran on a different time scale, nothing was ever said about inside the hellmouth itself, so far as I recall. That doesn't mean time is the same in there, either, just that there is no canon BtVS saying either way, so it certainly could be used as an excuse for how long she's been down there.

Then again, I think the main reason she's been in there so long is that scenes from this omake chain keep invading the author's mind. I have an army of plot bunnies bouncing around in my skull, but what little skill I had at writing went away with new medical conditions and the meds that let me be this coherent.
Just a correction on the DOOM side of things: 2016 Doom Slayer absolutely can regain armour from Glory Kills, it's just you need the right Rune equipped to make it possible. With the amount of Argent Energy Taylor's absorbed (and possibly some metaphysical mumbo-jumbo from now being the Queen of Hell) she can kill things by swearing, so I'm pretty sure that even if she didn't run across said Runes in her rampage through her UAC, Hell, alternate UACs that went full demon cult, and so on, she could replicate the effects.

The other thing is, at least one instance of Doom Guy respawning before he became Doom Slayer is definite canon - at the end of Episode I of the original DOOM, Doom Guy dies. Straight up, 100% d-e-d dead. He then fights his way out of hell and back to the living realm over the course of the next Episode, whereupon he continues to wreck Hell's shit on Mars. That's why there's a Zombie skin for Doom Slayer in Eternal - while Doom Guy managed to come back to life fully, being literally too angry to die to the point he murdered hundreds of demons on his way back to life (possibly unknowingly using them in a ritual to restore himself to life), there's always been the question of what if he only thinks he looks normal from his self-image (or if you've read Discworld his morphogenic field) and has actually been the undead terror of all demonkind ever since they ambushed and killed him early in his rampage. Especially since he specifically did not reinhabit his body. Said body was utterly destroyed in the ambush that killed him, and after killing his way out of hell he arrived in a completely different part of Mars to the one he died in.
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The important part is that time in the hell dimension != time in Sunnydale; maybe time in the hell dimension is running slow at the moment because it is terrified of the Doom Queen. *Shrug*
While every example we've seen has whatever is on the other side of the portal running faster, you make a very good argument.

If Taylor glares at time and tells it to run slower, by god it's going to run slower. And then hide under the bed whimpering.