Demon followers actually aren't...that...unusual in Doom...

I present...Endgame!

Where our halpless, but not helpless Doom Marine converts the masses of Hell after a simple misshear
I, for one, gladly ship Taylor's fist with the inside of Vicky's skull.

... Look, I came here for hyperviolent escalation and ludicrous gibs. Vicky's response to Taylor's destruction of a public school will be her standard, and at this point Taylor's response to anything being aggressive in her general direction is a very unilateral 'chunky salsa' method of threat removal. Though if Vicky survives that, she'll probably skip straight past 'fine mist' to 'glassed craters'.
Vicky's force field is good for tanking one shot of anything. But Taylor rarely never stops at a single attack on anything, so if she drops the hammer on her, Glory Girl will be radioactive plasma.
Vicky's force field is good for tanking one shot of anything. But Taylor rarely never stops at a single attack on anything, so if she drops the hammer on her, Glory Girl will be radioactive plasma.
That is exactly what I just said, yes. I'm not entirely sure Vicky will even survive a basic one-two from Taylor, so the streets might make it out in one piece.
That aside, I am sure Mr. Death would still one-shot Glory-Girl despite her shield; even if the initial explosion doesn't finish it instantly, the residual heat and radiation will be more than enough to flash fry her afterword.
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That is exactly what I just said, yes. I'm not entirely sure Vicky will even survive a basic one-two from Taylor, so the streets might make it out in one piece.
At this point, I don't think anything outside of the chainsaw isn't capable of massive overpenetration on anything but the most armored targets. It's likely only due to the fact that everything she has is intended to contact RAGE DETONATE on a target that the surroundings aren't also being rendered into large fields of slightly radioactive plasma (beyond the obvious cratering effects of her rounds, that is.)
Vicky's force field is good for tanking one shot of anything. But Taylor rarely never stops at a single attack on anything, so if she drops the hammer on her, Glory Girl will be radioactive plasma.

Well, there's the chance Taylor uses a reactive punch that the shield tanks and just launches Glory Girl out to sea with serious air friction burns from the time her shield is resetting.
Well, the smartest ones would tend to adopt what killed the Big Boss as their new superior, and it would be a way for her to continue receiving hell energy without having to actually wade through more hellspawn, I guess.
Maybe, but its one hell of an escalation. Even Doomguy/DoomSlayer didn't manage to actually get them to stop attacking him despite how scared he made them, i guess the added girlish laughter and songs tipped the scales towards 'do not fuck with'.
I don't think that this has been discussed yet, but will Ms. Militia be able to duplicate any of Taylor's Hell-modified weapons?
Even if she can duplicate the original, unmodded versions, she'd have the problem that without the power suit she probably doesn't have enough strength to hold them on target or brace against the recoil.
Even if she can duplicate the original, unmodded versions, she'd have the problem that without the power suit she probably doesn't have enough strength to hold them on target or brace against the recoil.
Maybe set up a pintle mount on various vehicles so that she can mount them as needed. Two BFGs are better than one after all. And a mount on her motorcycle for a plasma rifle would make taking on Squealer a breeze.
Half a mile later, it stopped and watched as three humanoid things came out of a half-wrecked concrete and stone building a hundred yards away. They looked pale, more or less female, and nearly but not quite human in a disturbing manner that would make a normal person very worried before running for his or her life.
Are those who I think they are?
When, a quarter of an hour later, the procession of strange creatures came through, they all stopped and looked at the quarter mile glass lined crater where a small city had once been. Many glances were exchanged. A ripple of sound went through the huge group, one that almost sounded… awe-struck.

Then the entire collection carefully rounded the crater, which glowed deep at the bottom with eldritch energies, and resumed following the footprints, which ultimately vanished into another cloud of pink mist.
Well, that's the end of the Three Blasphemies. I get the impression that her transport system (or maybe her Shard) is thinking itself amusing by preemptively doing some cleanup.
Also, I might be drooling a little. I want one. If you ask which, the answer is "yes."
Many miles away, in a small log cabin half buried in snow, a man suddenly woke and stared into the dark. He didn't move a muscle but lay there rigid and lightly sweating for nearly half an hour. Dimly in the distance he could hear a couple of odd-sounding explosions, then all was quiet. He relaxed a little, but tensed again shortly after. His head lifted and seemed to follow something in the distance for a while, then finally he relaxed properly, sagging into his bed and letting out a breath.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead with a hand he looked at it in the dim rippling light coming through the window, shook his head, then rolled over and went back to sleep.

"Not getting involved in that," he muttered in Russian, rather vehemently.
"Line three, it's Sleeper. He wants to turn himself in. Apparently it's preferable."
*cue everyone losing their shit*
A sound from one of the apparently abandoned buildings to the side made it snap around and inspect it suspiciously, moving almost too fast to see the movement, the effect almost being like stop motion animation. A different weapon than the one it had been holding was suddenly in its hands. It peered carefully at the building, which emitted another strange sound.

Tilting its head, it chuckled unnervingly. "Oh, I see you in there," it said menacingly. "Yeah, you'd better hide. Not that it's going to help you much. I'm really not in the right frame of mind to play games."

A different building made a different noise, which echoed throughout the otherwise weirdly silent city. With a mechanical grinding sound, something deep inside the darkened interior stirred.
...And Eagleton.
The scream of unalloyed rage rang out over the entire area, causing thousands of demonic things to stop what they were doing instantly, then turn and as one stare towards where it came from. Deep underground their leader and god looked up, a worried expression crossing his distorted face, although he had no idea why a wave of terror had gone through him.
"And someone sedate the director! It might be funny, but her tapdancing in a bathrobe on her desk is still traumatizing the Wards!"
Armsmaster and Miss Militia joined her at the window, all three of them watching as the fireball ascended into the night sky and faded from view. The effect was that of a very small nuclear weapon, she thought in horrified awe. Left behind past the buildings she could see a glowing area that was rather more slowly dimming away.

"That was Winslow school," Miss Militia said in horror.
In sepulchral voice: "She's baaaaack..."
I wonder if there was anyone there to upset her, or if she was simply offended by its existence.
...Does even she know that she has an entourage? This might get even more fun in the near future.
Piggot might be tapdancing on her desk for now, but I somehow think that having one of Hell's legions infesting her city might cause her a wee bit of stress.

I think this reminds me slightly of Godkiller, now that I think of it.
Even some of the quotes probably still apply (if for different reasons): "And Gallant confirmed she was both telling the truth and her personality smells like brimstone… for some reason."

What did you think she is using now? DOOMlor ran out of ammo a long time ago, but the universe was too scared to tell her that and keeps providing more.
Yes, yes. I love this idea. It solves so many problems all in one go.
And soon they'll discover PHO and become the worst trolls/demons on the platform. They will argue that the "the end is nigh" crowd aren't extreme enough, that a god now lives in Brockton and that everybody should bow down before her if they do not wish to be smushed.
Perfect. And then Lisa and Ziz join in in freaking out over it... or egging them on.
'The End of All already came for us, and now She walks among you! Fear Her, worship Her, and pray your tribute is accepted, for the only way to survive Her is for Her to allow you to! The Razing of Worlds, The Singularity of Rage, The Implacable Woman - these are names you may know Her by. Her presence is heralded by explosions and giggling!' - Imp4682 (Verified Demon)

That kinda thing?
Needs more ham.
She has absorbed who knows how much demon magic, including the demon magic from what was probably the King of Hell; there is every possibility that she is in fact capable of killing lesser beings with a sufficiently forceful Word of Power.

Considering that these are Doom demons, 'Fuck' is absolutely a Word of Power when backed up with sufficient magical oomph. When it comes to Doom demons, their magic basically operates on the Rule of Metal; as long as it is sufficiently Metal, it works. Screaming 'FUCK!' in a furious rage and causing everything in the vicinity to wither and die is extremely Metal, and thus is a valid candidate for Doom demon magic.
You know, at some point I want to see her take on some really hard target (by Earth Bet standards) just by winding up a good and sulfurous cursing streak.
Like an Endbringer. She starts expressing her vehement disgust with the universe at large, at two minutes in, it's smoldering a bit (bonus points if it's Leviathan or Behemoth, both of which would be rather hard to actually burn), and decides to leave again before she even notices that it's gone to stop cursing. And then she asks what happened to it. :D
All of a sudden, Vicky's aura starts making Vicky fear Taylor instead of the other way around.
That makes a weird enough sense that I want it to happen.
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8. DOOMed VII: The Coming of the Who?
Three days before The Winslow Event

Three teenagers looked around as the fourth one of their group shambled into the shared living area, looking like she'd been punched in the brain. Her face was slack yet somehow also contorted into a rictus of horror and fear. All her friends stared as she leaned against the wall and just looked into space.

"Jesus, are you all right?" the larger of the two young men asked with a worried note in his voice, putting his game controller down and standing up, then walking towards her.

"SHE COMES," the blonde girl said absently in a way that made him, and the other two, freeze. Downstairs three dogs yipped like they'd been kicked then went silent again.

Then the girl very gently fell over, face forward, as unconsciousness took her. By the expression she was wearing it was something of a blessed relief. Her friend only just caught her before her nose met the floor with no doubt unfortunate consequences.

Easing her to the ground, he examined her, then looked at the other two, who were watching with very confused faces.

"Who comes?" the younger man asked plaintively. "Why does she come? When does she come? What the fuck was that?"

The first one looked down at the girl he was kneeling next to and shrugged helplessly.

None of them got much sleep that night.


A twelve year old girl sat bolt upright in bed, her eyes wide in the dark of her room. "100% CHANCE SHE COMES," the girl said without meaning to, then slapped her hands over her mouth. She winced in anticipation before looking puzzled about something.

Then she got a very curious look, muttered to herself for a while, before grinning in a completely diabolical manner and lying down again. When she fell asleep she was still wearing a distinct smirk, which was present the next morning at breakfast, but she wouldn't be drawn by her parents as to why she looked like that.


Deep under the middle of the city, a skeletal man shrieked in horror, screamed "SHE COMES," at the top of his voice, fell off his chair, then cowered under his desk for the rest of the night until he eventually passed out from terror. When he woke up he couldn't remember why he'd apparently slept under his desk, and was not happy about having apparently had something of an accident in the urination department.


In San Francisco, in a government building that from the outside looked like nothing other than a fairly boring office, nearly a dozen people in an equivalent number of rooms stiffened, sweated, and simultaneously said "SHE COMES."

Then two of them passed out, one had a mild stroke and was quickly surrounded by a very worried EMT team, another one hid in a closet, and the last two clocked out, went home, and got very, very drunk. Their superiors spent the rest of the night in emergency meetings but found no answers that anyone liked. They did, however, classify the incident at the highest level and go out of their way not to let anyone else know about it except for a select few people in government, none of whom were particularly happy about the situation.


Inside the highest security prison on the planet, a number of the prisoners all said, screamed, or shouted "SHE COMES." Most of them fell unconscious immediately, one or two even before they spoke, although that didn't stop them.

One, by appearance a young teen girl, stared off into space while gently rocking back and forth holding her knees whispering "SHE COMES," under her breath for the next few hours, before finally climbing into her bed and very deliberately falling asleep.


Similar scenes occurred all over the world, at what would eventually be found to be the exact same moment, but since many of the people involved were either criminals, or members of government organizations that spent considerable effort not to mention their activities to anyone especially other such organizations, no one would work this out for some time. When they did, of course, it didn't really help.


Two days before The Winslow Event

In her room, a blonde teenager of about seventeen or so moaned, while her friends watched her with sympathy, even the two that were pretty bad with people. "She looks horrible," the younger male pointed out.

"Yeah, you don't have to keep saying that, you know," the older one said.

The other girl shoved the younger man and muttered, "Shut up, you're annoying."

"I know," he replied, smirking, which got him another shove.

The blonde suddenly sat up, taking all of them by surprise, especially as her eyes were still closed.

"SHE IS CLOSER NOW!" the girl said in a loud and eerie voice, before going boneless and falling back into her bed. "SHE COMES."

The other three remained pressed against the wall as far away as possible from their friend for several minutes, watching her closely with wide eyes, until she began to snore gently.

"I don't know that I really want to meet her," the youngest of them said, his voice wavering.

His friends nodded soberly. They weren't keen on it either.


Miles away, a tall young man with an unusual ability suddenly woke in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat. His ability was for some reason giving him the distinct impression that it was very, very worried about something. What that was he had no idea aside from being totally sure that it was very angry. And getting closer.

The worst part was that he didn't have a clue why he felt that way. Which worried him nearly as much as his own special ability appeared to be.

He lay there for hours, his heart racing, until he finally got up, went into the living room at about four AM, dug out a bottle of his father's best bourbon, cracked the seal on it, drank about half a cup of the stuff without hesitation, put it back, then returned to bed. He was snoring minutes later and woke up to the most vicious headache he'd ever experienced and a very annoyed father who was completely unsympathetic and spent quite a long time explaining how much it cost and how he was going to be replacing it.


The skeletally thin man finished locking the last door between him and the outside world, making sure that all the newly installed traps and other precautions he'd hastily arranged were armed. Unusually for him he was so worried that he hadn't used his own special skill to ensure he had a backup outside his current location, because when he'd tried that he'd spent nearly an hour screaming in horror. And he couldn't remember why.

Sure he was under attack, he put himself into the deepest hole he could arrange on short notice and basically pulled it in after him. Outside, on the other side of six separate blast doors, the codes for which he was the only one that knew, several dozen armed and somewhat puzzled men patrolled, on heightened alert and ready for anything.


He blinked, looking around quizzically. He could have sworn someone had said something. But he was absolutely certain he was alone…

Picking up the machine gun at his elbow, he suspiciously prowled his secure apartment, the weapon leading the way, until in the end he satisfied himself that he really was alone. Putting the gun down again he poured himself another coffee and went back to obsessively watching dozens of screens on which camera views of every possible approach to his secure bunker were displayed.

Every now and then, he looked around, subconsciously reacting to a sensation that something was getting closer without even realizing it.


Smiling a little, in a dark way that would have made her parents exchange glances then start very carefully asking leading questions, a twelve-year-old brunette girl lay in bed and thought.

"SHE IS CLOSER NOW!" the girl whispered under her breath, then giggled somewhat oddly.

She dreamed of strange things and impossible places.


Governments around the world became even more alert to…something.

The problem was that they had no idea what, which made life considerably more difficult than ideal, which in turn made them very grumpy.

Grumpy governments seldom end up helping.


One day before The Winslow Event


The blonde looked earnestly at her by now more than a little scared friends. The other girl was surrounded by dogs, all of whom were trying to sit on her lap at the same time and all of whom were whimpering.

"You know, that doesn't actually fill me with confidence," the younger of the two men said, in a somewhat higher pitch than he liked.

Neither of his friends could honestly dispute this. And the remaining one seemed to be lost inside her own head, which by the look on her face wasn't a particularly comfortable place to be right now.


Putting his helmet on, the last part of his power armor, the tall young man shivered.

"Problem?" one of his friends and co-workers asked, apparently noticing.

"No," he replied, lying through his teeth, which he could get away with since none of the others had the same ability he was currently wishing he didn't have. Mostly because it was somehow staring off in a direction that didn't exist and trembling, which was the most unnerving thing he'd ever experienced and something he deeply wished he wasn't experiencing now.

"Just a little cold," he added. "It snowed again last night and I guess I'm feeling it."

"Yeah, it's pretty chilly out there tonight," his friend nodded as he put his own mask on. "Glad we're only doing a short patrol, this isn't the warmest clothing I've ever worn." The Hispanic teenager slapped his friend on the back in a comradely manner. "Come on, sooner we get out there the sooner we get back inside where it's warm."

The armored teen nodded, not really listening. He was trying to work out why he had the urge to hide under something very heavy with his eyes shut…


The twelve year old girl produced a faint snigger as she wrote in a small notebook under the illumination of her bedside lamp which she'd sneakily turned on in defiance of her bedtime.

"SHE IS NEARLY HERE!" she said very quietly under her breath. In a more normal, although still somewhat disturbing voice, she added "100% chance of a fucker getting fucked."

Giggling a little, she closed the book, put it under her pillow, and turned the light out.


Around the world, people prepared. They had no idea for what, as none of the usual or predicted problems appeared to be active. Every asset available was tasked to investigate even the most outlandish concepts, none of which came up with any real explanation to what was going on, although almost accidentally a surprisingly large number of nefarious plots were foiled in the process.

This didn't really make them as pleased as it usually would have done, sadly.

Some people are never satisfied.


Five hours before The Winslow Event

"What do you mean, Moord Nag is dead? How?"

"No one is sure but the thermal bloom on the satellite was off the scale, sir."

"Get a team out there right now."


Four hours before The Winslow Event

"Großer Gott, wo ist die Stadt hin? Ist der Krater radioaktiv?"

"Anscheinend nicht, aber der Durchmesser beträgt fast einen halben Kilometer, und noch weiß niemand genau wie tief er ist."

"Wir brauchen sofort eine Einsatztruppe vor Ort, volle Schutzausrüstung."



Three hours before The Winslow Event

"Что происходит? ОН проснулся?"

"Не хотелось бы. Из зоны ни слуху ни духу не было уже много лет."

"Так что? Досматривать зону будем или как?"

"А толку? Если это всё-таки ОН, что мы можем сделать? А если не он, какой нам резон его злить ещё больше?"

"Куда не кинь - всюду клин..."


Two hours before The Winslow Event

"Fuck me, what the hell was that?! Who authorized heavy weapons?"

"Unknown, sir. We have no record of any Blaster or Tinker on site. In fact, there isn't anyone on site at the moment."

"Get a bird in the air, I want full surveillance of the entire area immediately. Call Washington and get backup out here as soon as possible."

"On it, sir."


One hour before The Winslow Event

"Perimeter breach, unknown method, intruder on site!"

"Is it one of ours?"

"No, we don't know who it is. Or how they got inside."


"Possibly, but nothing like anything we've… FUCK!"


"Oh dear lord, what's that?!"

"I have no fucking idea but it's the angriest thing I've ever seen in my life."

"It's looking right at us!"



Two minutes before The Winslow Event


The three conscious members of the group looked at each other, then at their blonde friend, who was sitting on her bed staring at the ceiling with wide eyes.

All of them, very slowly, followed her gaze.

There was a very long pause.

"You see anything?"


"Me either."

"Does that make you feel less worried?"


"Me either."

An enormously bright white-green flash soundlessly illuminated the entire building, the glare building over half a second or so to a painful intensity even through the mostly boarded up windows and making them all flinch violently. The detonation that followed five seconds later shook the entire place like a small earthquake, causing all them to hit the floor with their hands over their heads. When the rumble died away, the blonde girl blinked a couple of times, apparently back in the room for the first time in several days.

"Why are you guys in my bedroom?" she asked quizzically. "And on the floor?"

She tilted her head. "And why are there so many sirens going off out there?"

The other three slowly stood up, exchanged glances, then the two young men grabbed her arms and over her protestations carried her down the stairs while their remaining friend hastily packed everything important. In a surprisingly short period of time they were in a slightly-stolen van heading away from the direction the blast, which had been upsettingly close, had come from.

The blonde was still bitching as they drove but that didn't stop them.


In his underground room, the thin man fell over as the entire place shook, then lay on the ground staring at the roof with trepidation in his eyes. That wasn't good, whatever it was.


The tall young man froze, making his girlfriend look at him then appear worried, before slowly tipping to the side, his face locked in a look of horror.

Calling for her sister the blonde caught him and lowered him to the carpet, very worried indeed. When the other girl came running into the living room she was gently slapping her boyfriend's face and trying to get him to wake up, without success.


Smiling to herself the twelve year old girl watched out her bedroom window as a fading green glow many miles away in the city showed where something unusual had happened, rather loudly. She could see what looked like every emergency vehicle in the city heading in that direction from her position up on the hill overlooking the city center. It had taken them some time to get going, she'd noted, presumably having been waiting for more information, but now it was getting very busy out there.

As her parents came into the room to check on her, she let the curtain fall back into place and turned to them. "That was really loud," she said mildly. "I wonder what it was?"

Her mother knelt down and hugged her, but the girl wasn't sure if it was to comfort her or the older woman…


Twenty minutes after The Winslow Event

Sergio Ricardelli watched as the young woman wearing the most lethal looking power armor he'd ever seen even on TV peered at the menu. "Anchovies?" she muttered. "Yuck."

They were an acquired taste, he agreed silently, although he quite liked them.

"Quiet tonight, Sergio?" Danny Hebert, someone he knew quite well, said from beside his daughter as he looked up from his own menu.

Sergio shrugged a little. "Comes and goes. It's not too bad, considering what the weather's been like recently."

"Ah, yes, that would certainly put people off," Danny agreed with a nod. He glanced at the menu again, then added, "I'll have the house special with extra jalapenos, thanks. And a coke."

"Sure." Sergio wrote it down.

The girl moved her helmet to the side on the table and turned the menu over. "Two chicken, bacon, and pepperoni with barbecue sauce, please," she said. "And I'll have extra jalapenos as well. And…" She turned to the back of the menu for a moment. "A large sprite."

"OK. Hungry, then?"

She smiled at him. "I've had a very long day, and worked up an appetite," she replied.

He nodded. Writing her order down as well, he smiled back. "Won't be long. Help yourself to water if you want, and the bread sticks are fresh."

"Thanks." She took one and nibbled on it as he walked off. "Hey, Dad, you won't believe some of the stuff I picked up," he heard her say as he went into the kitchen.

Shaking his head, he nudged one of his cooks, who was staring out through the small window in the door. "It's Brockton Bay, you get used to it," he said to his cousin.

Gino shook his head. "Mom said this place was weird but I always thought she was pulling my leg," he replied as he moved to the oven and opened it to check the progress of the current order.

Sergio shrugged. "Like I said, you get used to it. I've seen stranger things come through that door."


They got to work, ignoring the noise as half a dozen emergency vehicles went past. Again, it wasn't exactly unusual around these parts and they had customers to deal with.
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Well, I'm only partially competent with German, but one of them was asking if the crater was radioactive (it wasn't) and there was something about everything within a one kilometer radius.
So can anyone translate the Russian and German?

Courtesy of Google Translate:


"God in heaven, where did the city go? Is this crater radioactive?"

"No, but the diameter is almost half a kilometer, and nobody knows exactly how deep it is."

"We immediately need a team on site, full protective equipment."


"It's him?"

"I hope not. It has been quiet for many years."

"Are we investigating?"

"What good would it be if he is? And if it is not, we could annoy him..."

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So can anyone translate the Russian and German?
from google translate.
"God in heaven, where did the city go? Is this crater radioactive? "
"No, but the diameter is almost half a kilometer, and nobody knows exactly how deep it is."
"We immediately need a team on site, full protective equipment."
"It's him?"
"I hope not. It has been quiet for many years."
"Are we investigating?"
"What good would it be if he is? And if it is not, we could annoy him ..."
and imp'd. huh. thought taylor got them all.

sheee's heeerrreeee. and enjoying pizza. do not poke.
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I really hope no one decides to interrupt Taylor getting her some Pizza finally. That would be a mess no one wants to clean up.