To top it off, though time is wonky in Hell, it was suggested that the events of previous DOOM games had already occurred (with DOOM Eternal to not yet have occurred, maybe?[/SPOILER]
I think we're post Doom Eternal as well and it was just a different Earth that got invaded; the age of the UAC stuff Taylor found implied it had been centuries since Doom 2016, which doesn't necessarily mean anything because Hell, but she also didn't run into any of the named characters from Doom Eternal.

I would guess that after saving what was left of the world in Doom Eternal and killing basically every major demon in Hell except for that one last one that got away, probably in a cutscene like the cheating bastard that he no doubt was, the Doomslayer decided to take a bit of a sabbatical on an alternate Earth that hadn't had anything to do with Hell yet and somehow found his way onto Earth Bet, where he adopted the identity of Danny Hebert and has been enjoying a nice peaceful demon-free life ever since.

No doubt he fully expected that this wouldn't last, but did not expect that it would not last by abducting his daughter instead of by demons suddenly invading the shit out of reality all around him. That twist probably caught him off guard, in so far as anything is capable of catching the Doomslayer off guard.

but he eyeballed her armor (and weapons are not visible as they're in another space), and he deemed his TRUCK (he's a Dockworker, I'm sure he got one meant to haul some tonnage) to be insufficient to carry the armor. FFS, implications of familiarity... Taylor just joined the family business didn't she?
Presuming that Danny is indeed the Doomslayer as seems to be implied, he would of course recognize the armor. Taylor may have modded it to hell and back, but the Doomslayer would still recognize UAC power armor anywhere; not only has he encountered it many times over his career, but the Praetor Suit is itself a demonically modified set of UAC power armor.

While Taylor's suit comes from a different UAC than the Doomslayer's Praetor Suit, it is ultimately still similar technology as the Doom 2016 UAC reverse-engineered much of the Praetor Suit's magitech for their own use, so Taylor's suit likely masses around about the same as the Praetor Suit, give or take half a ton.

Are...are the demons worshipping Taylor now? The awestruck looks at the destruction left in her wake and the LITERAL PILGRIMAGE following her makes it seem like she's accidentally managed to terrify the demons so much that they have decided to worship her as their new god rather than fight her.
She killed their previous god and absorbed its power, so yeah, I'd say its pretty likely that the survivors of her rampage through Hell have declared her the new Being in Charge and are now doing their very best 'good minion' impersonation, which of course being demons translates to 'follow after master invading this world and kill anything that was beneath her wrath', because demons.

The inevitable confrontation between them, Taylor and Danny is going to be interesting, especially if they manage to convey that they consider Taylor to be their boss now.

Speaking of Taylor killing Sophia.

Doom Hell is actual Hell, right? Where souls of the wicked go? What would happened when Sophia goes there and they learn she is the reason a second unstoppable ragebeast come to their dimension?
We don't actually know what happens to normal mortal souls in Doom Hell, maybe demons eat them, maybe they turn into demons, maybe demons jam sippy straws into them and suck Argent Energy out of their ethereal forms. 'What happens to souls that go to Doom Hell' is one of the questions that we're hoping Doom Eternal will finally answer.

What did you think she is using now? DOOMlor ran out of ammo a long time ago, but the universe was too scared to tell her that and keeps providing more.
Well now she's found her dad, he can take her to go find The Wretch and get her suit upgraded with the same Argent Energy to Health and Ammunition converter that the Praetor suit has, and then she can turn the souls of slain enemies into more bullets with which to slay more enemies (it is a vicious cycle).
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I'm thinking that Glory Girl should skip her near-standard introduction to Taylor. I can't see Vicky surviving an attempt to hit Taylor, let alone have time to think afterwards.
I really do not remotely see where people get that implication about Danny being the Doom Marine from, because all he's doing is to threaten the PRT with a PR nightmare along with a dead man's switch to keep himself safe. The reason he doesn't react to his daughter blowing up her school after showing back up in power armor is because this is a crackfic and the deadpan is just funnier in that situation than a realistic reaction would be.

I can really only hope that this isn't actually going to happen, because that is an awful twist and would make this story just objectively worse.
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'The End of All already came for us, and now She walks among you! Fear Her, worship Her, and pray your tribute is accepted, for the only way to survive Her is for Her to allow you to! The Razing of Worlds, The Singularity of Rage, The Implacable Woman - these are names you may know Her by. Her presence is heralded by explosions and giggling!' - Imp4682 (Verified Demon)

That kinda thing?
i need this in my life
And soon they'll discover PHO and become the worst trolls/demons on the platform. They will argue that the "the end is nigh" crowd aren't extreme enough, that a god now lives in Brockton and that everybody should bow down before her if they do not wish to be smushed.
Soooo... does this mean we can look forward to a PHO interlude, at least in an omake?
I really do not remotely see where people get that implication about Danny being the Doom Marine from, because all he's doing is to threaten the PRT with a PR nightmare along with a dead man's switch to keep himself safe. The reason he doesn't react to his daughter blowing up her school after showing back up in power armor is because this is a crackfic and the deadpan is just funnier in that situation than a realistic reaction would be.

I can really only hope that this isn't actually going to happen, because that is an awful twist and would make this story just objectively worse.
To be fair, they mentioned that Taylor saw Danny looked calm but she could the years brimming in his eyes behind the's probably taking everything he has just to act calmly and and not embarrass himself blubbering like a child.
I just thought of something: it's entirely plausible that Danny and Taylor might choose to fire off their PR nuke anyway, either deliberately, or just by being preoccupied with other things until the timers for the dead man switches expire.
Pretty sure Taylor wouldn't care either way until she hears Sophia is involved then its NUKE BFG to the face.

For Sophia personally, yes, as was prophesized.
And Blackwell, as was prophesized.
And the PRT handler.

But the entire pair of organizations?

Those, Danny might try to convince her to trash the PR of first.

And... just possibly... bait them* into attacking first.

*Armsmaster, very likely. Then probably either Alexandria comes, or the PRT and Protectorate abandons Brockton Bay.
So... Demon followers... Not something I think was in DOOM, but, some sneaky demons might be shapeshifters. And, once they've figured-out the Brockton Bay scene might take human form to fit in. Somehow, I imagine them looking like very twitchy men and women in suits...
I soo hope Taylor armor has a camera that has been recording everything she has been doing that she can show the prt/protectorate
So... Demon followers... Not something I think was in DOOM

Were they not?

Did DOOMlor not first have to wade through the weakest of the demons, on the outer edges as the weakest and most cowardly of the Imps strove to be near... but NOT TOO NEAR... the greater powers deeper down?

Did DOOMlor not encounter braver and more cunning hellspawn as they basked in the power of the Lord of Hell, following their chosen Lord at a distance, seeking to be be nearer their Lord... but not be obliterated?

And surrounding - following - the greatest Lord of Hell were the greatest of each species of demon. The strongest and bravest of the Plasma Imps may not have raw power, but they are deadlier than their brethren following on the mere edges, far from the concentrated power of the Lord of Hell, and brave enough to court their own destruction by their Lord and the more powerful demons around them to be close.

I think a pack of varied demons following at a distance adequately explains the distribution of demons we have seen.
THIS WAS GLORIOUS!!! A great update, and Winslow go BOOM? That must of been carthric for Taylor. Add in seeing her dad and she might be having a few good moments. Still, she is now Her Eternal Empress of RAGE and ESCALATION so... Now, give us MORE!!!
Were they not?

Did DOOMlor not first have to wade through the weakest of the demons, on the outer edges as the weakest and most cowardly of the Imps strove to be near... but NOT TOO NEAR... the greater powers deeper down?

Did DOOMlor not encounter braver and more cunning hellspawn as they basked in the power of the Lord of Hell, following their chosen Lord at a distance, seeking to be be nearer their Lord... but not be obliterated?

And surrounding - following - the greatest Lord of Hell were the greatest of each species of demon. The strongest and bravest of the Plasma Imps may not have raw power, but they are deadlier than their brethren following on the mere edges, far from the concentrated power of the Lord of Hell, and brave enough to court their own destruction by their Lord and the more powerful demons around them to be close.

I think a pack of varied demons following at a distance adequately explains the distribution of demons we have seen.
Misunderstanding, I think... I could be wrong, but I'm not familiar with any demons in DOOM that can shapeshift, say, to human form. I was in no way suggesting a lack of Taylor-ite demon followers... ((Hmm. Could I imagine Taylorite to be a purple-glowing mineral, with a tendency to explode? :) ))
To be fair, they mentioned that Taylor saw Danny looked calm but she could the years brimming in his eyes behind the's probably taking everything he has just to act calmly and and not embarrass himself blubbering like a child.
Fair enough, but that isn't necessarily mutually exclusive. People are being weirdly literal about this story. I actually laughed a little when I saw people speculating about what kind of internally consistent, cursing-based power Taylor may have obtained that lets her cuss birds out of the air. Of course she hasn't. It's just for the humor of it.
Fair enough, but that isn't necessarily mutually exclusive. People are being weirdly literal about this story. I actually laughed a little when I saw people speculating about what kind of internally consistent, cursing-based power Taylor may have obtained that lets her cuss birds out of the air. Of course she hasn't. It's just for the humor of it.
She has absorbed who knows how much demon magic, including the demon magic from what was probably the King of Hell; there is every possibility that she is in fact capable of killing lesser beings with a sufficiently forceful Word of Power.

Considering that these are Doom demons, 'Fuck' is absolutely a Word of Power when backed up with sufficient magical oomph. When it comes to Doom demons, their magic basically operates on the Rule of Metal; as long as it is sufficiently Metal, it works. Screaming 'FUCK!' in a furious rage and causing everything in the vicinity to wither and die is extremely Metal, and thus is a valid candidate for Doom demon magic.
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First one isn't clear. That *could* just have been one of her own explosions.
Then Blasphemies, Sleeper (survived), Eagleton, Nilbog (wasn't sure at first but somehow I missed the underground god the first time.)
Ash Beast is the logical choice, but it's not certain.


They aren't near Sleeper. She's going through spontaneous Hell portals to various locations on Earth-Bet.
I'll admit, for the first couple of transfers, I thought maybe Doomgirl was possibly going to intersect with Phineas and Ferb on their clockwise trek back to their home dimension. Dr. Baljeet said it best.
Are...are the demons worshipping Taylor now? The awestruck looks at the destruction left in her wake and the LITERAL PILGRIMAGE following her makes it seem like she's accidentally managed to terrify the demons so much that they have decided to worship her as their new god rather than fight her.
Well, the smartest ones would tend to adopt what killed the Big Boss as their new superior, and it would be a way for her to continue receiving hell energy without having to actually wade through more hellspawn, I guess.
Taylor may have modded it to hell and back
I see what you did there. :p
I'm thinking that Glory Girl should skip her near-standard introduction to Taylor. I can't see Vicky surviving an attempt to hit Taylor, let alone have time to think afterwards.
Frankly, I can't wait to see what happens when GG tries to match her Aura against Doomlor's UNENDING AND EVERLASTING RAGE.
I soo hope Taylor armor has a camera that has been recording everything she has been doing that she can show the prt/protectorate
It's based on an advanced military powersuit. If it doesn't have an integral "gun camera", I'd be shocked, though the real question would be if the memory system managed to keep up with the sheer number of combat hours she's logged into the suit since the last reset.
I'm thinking that Glory Girl should skip her near-standard introduction to Taylor. I can't see Vicky surviving an attempt to hit Taylor, let alone have time to think afterwards.
I, for one, gladly ship Taylor's fist with the inside of Vicky's skull.

... Look, I came here for hyperviolent escalation and ludicrous gibs. Vicky's response to Taylor's destruction of a public school will be her standard, and at this point Taylor's response to anything being aggressive in her general direction is a very unilateral 'chunky salsa' method of threat removal. Though if Vicky survives that, she'll probably skip straight past 'fine mist' to 'glassed craters'.