Danny seemed far too calm with Taylor's new getup and whole... demeanour.

Perhaps... perhaps Danny might be the One Who Came Before?

The Hell Lord did make mention of someone who I guess is the Doomguy, so... Danny is the retired Doomguy confirmed?

Took what was meant to be a quick vacation in Earth Bet where he met Annette who managed to get past his anger enough to cool it down and calm him somewhat while making friends with him so he decided to stick around longer than he originally intended, this eventually lead to them getting married and having Taylor.
Danny seemed far too calm with Taylor's new getup and whole... demeanour.

Perhaps... perhaps Danny might be the One Who Came Before?

The Hell Lord did make mention of someone who I guess is the Doomguy, so... Danny is the retired Doomguy confirmed?

Nah Obviously Danny is Old Commander Keen, Doomguy is Taylor's eventual Grandson. Jeremy Berimy and a Time-Wimey Ball are involved.
Lisa was not having a good day. She'd been online, doing a little digging into the case of the girl who vanished from her locker at Winslow for her boss and to satisfy her own curiosity when the Bay had lit up with a small green sun. When the strobe had finally died down, her power had, without any prompting supplied a single sentence.

Death comes. Nowhere is safe.

After that particularly heavy handed and oddly cryptic warning, her power had gone completely silent for the first time she could remember. It hadn't vanished; she could still feel it there and, when she mentally prodded enough, it would respond with waves of crushing dread rather than the comprehensive detail she was use to. It was bizarre, frustrating, and, if she was honest with herself, more than a little terrifying. When Rachel barged into her room, hackles raised, to check on her, Lisa decided that the Undersiders were taking a vacation. Rachel actually showing concern for anyone aside from her dogs was, well, just as worrying as her silent and cowering power.

Lung was not having a good day. Early in the afternoon, his power attempted to force the transformation and he'd been struggling to remain human-shaped since. Despite what his power was telling him, he knew there was no threat aside from the Endbringers that could force him to escalate to the level he could feel his power pushing for, and even when he'd fought Leviathan, his power had taken time to ramp up. But now, in the modified warehouse he was using as office space, without any threats around, his power was desperate to force him to his maximum size.
When the green sun lit up the bay, taking a chunk of his territory with it, though, he found he couldn't transform at all any more. No matter how he raged and struggled, the most he managed were a few scales and wisps of smoke. When he realized why, Lung could only curse in frustration and, though he'd never admit it, fear, at whatever was powerful enough to completely cow the dragon within him.

Gallant was having an awful day. Shortly after he'd gotten out of school the entire world turned a deep, crimson red that he normally associated with anger. He'd dutifully reported the apparent change to his power's perception and was going through Master-Stranger screening protocols when, somehow, the red became more palpable, as if whoever was generating the wall of hatred that was now his world was suddenly much closer. Moments later the world flashed green, the Rig shuddered from some devastating blast-wave, and everyone else became very busy. Suddenly the M/S tank seemed like a very nice place to be, since it meant he didn't have to deal with whatever that was after all. Despite being utterly terrified, Gallant decided that maybe his day wasn't so bad after all.
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Well, kudos to the people who guessed that the Doomslayer was Danny, looks like they guessed right.

And it would appear that Taylor is indeed now the Queen Bitch of Hell and the survivors of her rampage and new subjects are following in the footsteps of their mistress and cleaning up anything she missed, which so far just seems to be some Machine Army remnants. Going to be interesting to see the Dannyslayer's reaction to his daughter's minions turning up.

Death comes. Nowhere is safe.
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Wow. Just wow. A DOOM-Train has just marched through Earth Bet, and Hell literally following on her heels. Or at least her devout worshiping demon attendants/clean up crew? Or perhaps they're just Hell's scout force, sent out to be sure where she is at all times in case she ever turns back around to return to Hell? The scariest possibility is she is now Head-Honcho of Hell, and Hell will be immigrating to any place she goes.

Danny. At first, just from the atmosphere, I was thinking he was the Doom Slayer. At first. Either he's been out of the game so long he's managed to refocus from combat to management/business, or he's not the Doom Slayer. But I could see a relation. That RAGE that Taylor seems to posses is clearly something Danny also has. To top it off, though time is wonky in Hell, it was suggested that the events of previous DOOM games had already occurred (with DOOM Eternal to not yet have occurred, maybe?). Could Danny be a descendant of of our intrepid DOOM Slayer? Like he somehow got off the Hell Train for a short while and treated it like shore leave for a week or two before leaving, having started a line in this world? We know nothing, after all, about Danny's family in general. He could be adopted, he could have had a single mother? He could have come into being from a single splatter of blood, saliva and pure, limitless RAGE perhaps?

Either way, nice foreshadowing of potential down-the-line issues, along with subtly accidentally-ing most of Earth Bet's A-List threats. Endbringers and S9 are some of the big ones left I think. I hadn't even recognized any but the Sleeper and Nilbog until another later comment.

Edit: On re-read, that's a lot of subtext and implication Danny gave/made in the PRT headquarters. And while at first it seemed like his temper, connections and maybe friends he could get should applied violence be called for was what I thought was discussed. But now I get the feeling Danny really thought he could take everyone on, even if it became physical. And the whole relying on others seemed to not be the fallback nuclear option he was implying either. What gets me is his physique isn't suggestive of the DOOM Slayer, unless he's seriously dressing to conceal, though his eye-to-eye height matching his daughter definitely adds some points to Dockworker Danny being in 'retirement.' It could be his anger at the situation and relief that Taylor is back that he doesn't question anything... but he eyeballed her armor (and weapons are not visible as they're in another space), and he deemed his TRUCK (he's a Dockworker, I'm sure he got one meant to haul some tonnage) to be insufficient to carry the armor. FFS, implications of familiarity... Taylor just joined the family business didn't she? Also, while all the maps I can find show the Rig and not PHQ, I would guess PHQ was somewhere closer to down town, or outside of the docks. How did Danny get to Winslow so fast from wherever PHQ was?

Also, I know it was stated in the beginning she was wearing a UAC Mark 9 armor, and it is purple in color, as well as having been seriously kitted out and modded and demon-juiced to hell and back (pardon the pun). But what does her armor look like now? If it was a UAC standard armor, I doubt it was the Praetor Armor, though did it become that armor (just purple) after all the upgrades? Or is it one of the UAC armors from the DOOM (2016) multiplayer mode? Maybe another game, or just something else?

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I don't like double-posting, but seriously 5 minutes after I finished a comment that took me maybe 5-10 minutes to type, edit and rewrite. And that Chapter still has me pumped and excited and looking forward to what is about to happen.

Seriously. I love many of your stories. I comment on many of them lately after having a month of catching up on another story. But really, as great as everything thus far has been? Humor, Drama and otherwise? I don't think I've read a chapter of anything you've written before and been this stoked. I'm not even a serious DOOM fan or anything, and this was HELL F-ING YEAH!

I mean it man, the tone, the imagery, the delivery. Amazing.
Why do I have the feeling those demons are going to be doing silly things like attempting to appease the Taylor with thoughtful gifts? Gifts such as nice altars to her eternal rage, or the heads of her enemies in hopes they're spared.
Speaking of Taylor killing Sophia.

Doom Hell is actual Hell, right? Where souls of the wicked go? What would happened when Sophia goes there and they learn she is the reason a second unstoppable ragebeast come to their dimension?
Speaking of Taylor killing Sophia.

Doom Hell is actual Hell, right? Where souls of the wicked go? What would happened when Sophia goes there and they learn she is the reason a second unstoppable ragebeast come to their dimension?
Tortured eternally as a form of ritual worship to their DDoMD(Demonic Deity of Moar Dakka)?
I'm confused at who she was attacking. The Russian was obviously sleeper but who the 3 beings were I have no idea. I seriously doubt it was the 3 blasphemers cuz no one of importants was near sleeper. The demons following her to bet also are strange and confusing
I think there following her cause she's there new leader now. She did kill their god(?) in front of them and from what I can tell Doom Guy got X'ed off sometime before Tayler got there so they hadn't known the fear that he caused them.
Are...are the demons worshipping Taylor now? The awestruck looks at the destruction left in her wake and the LITERAL PILGRIMAGE following her makes it seem like she's accidentally managed to terrify the demons so much that they have decided to worship her as their new god rather than fight her.
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Never thought I'd say this, but...

Holy hell.

DOOMlor definitely earned that trip back home to Brockton Bay, and then some.

Sooo... who else wants to see the upcoming carnage and slaughter? I vote we all look for good spots to watch from, pack some drinks and snacks, and sit back for the show.

... Oh, wait, the banners and flags. Gotta show support for DOOMlor.

EDIT: minor typo, thought I'd already set up autocorrect for it... *le sigh*
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Sooo... who else wants to see the upcoming carnage and slaughter? I vote we all look for good spots to watch from, pack some drinks and snacks, and sit back for the show.

... Oh, wait, the banners and flags. Gotta show support for DOOMlor.
I'll just sub Taylor's channel and spectate the 100% completion Ultra Nightmare speedrun when it begins. Maybe donate in her superchat if I have any spare cash. ;)
You know, if what was happening to Taylor also happened to Doomguy/slayer then his escalating rage would be even more understandable, especially if he was originally sent back to the day before the Demons killed his pet bunny.
My guess is the demons following her are her fan group.:)
And soon they'll discover PHO and become the worst trolls/demons on the platform. They will argue that the "the end is nigh" crowd aren't extreme enough, that a god now lives in Brockton and that everybody should bow down before her if they do not wish to be smushed.
And soon they'll discover PHO and become the worst trolls/demons on the platform. They will argue that the "the end is nigh" crowd aren't extreme enough, that a god now lives in Brockton and that everybody should bow down before her if they do not wish to be smushed.
'The End of All already came for us, and now She walks among you! Fear Her, worship Her, and pray your tribute is accepted, for the only way to survive Her is for Her to allow you to! The Razing of Worlds, The Singularity of Rage, The Implacable Woman - these are names you may know Her by. Her presence is heralded by explosions and giggling!' - Imp4682 (Verified Demon)

That kinda thing?
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