"I thought it was just for combat."
"It is."
What LostDeviljho said. You don't reroll 10s.

Only if they're really damaging!

You'd have to work out the power issue-- as currently, you'd either need to shove a reactor into the shield (which would be heavy and need a cooling system), or hardline it to the jaeger's power core (which could backfire).
I fail at the reading comprehension forever.
Hello, new to the quest. I have just barely caught up and have to say that you have a fancy thing going on here (although i still have to wrap my head around the rules sometime). I like the short time span for the fights being complemented with the rip and tearing brutality of it.

I know i could get the answer by reading the part 1 of the quest, but i noticed quite the bit of volume so i'll just ask and maybe catch up with the old quest later. What is ascalon. From reading this i got that it's a new Kaiju and you got some loot off of it. But what did it do in the previous quest?
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Hello, new to the quest. I have just barely caught up and have to say that you have a fancy thing going on here (although i still have to wrap my head around the rules sometime). I like the short time span for the fights being complemented with the rip and tearing brutality of it.

I know i could get the answer by reading the part 1 of the quest, but i noticed quite the bit of volume so i'll just ask and maybe catch up with the old quest later. What is ascalon. From reading this i got that it's a new Kaiju and you got some loot off of it. But what did it do in the previous quest?
Ascalon was a semi-recent kaiju that was basically a super robot made of meat. It could fly, had a really kickass sword, could parry bullets, and had hammerspace.
Sounds fun. Although i greatly disapprove of the Heimdal thing. If we are going to do more practical tanks it kind of defeats the purpose of Jaegers.

I am assuming there is good reason you guys aren't going for type V Jaegers (Eureka Striker being the first type of the V class during the movie ).

Also i am having trouble picturing how the AI Jaeger looks.
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Sounds fun. Although i greatly disapprove of the Heimdal thing. If we are going to do more practical tanks it kind of defeats the purpose of Jaegers.
I greatly disapprove of your disapproval. Superheavies are cool.

I am assuming there is good reason you guys aren't going for type V Jaegers (Eureka Striker being the first type of the V class during the movie ).
Yup. Namely, no-one has the slightest fucking clue how it works, so we basically have to reinvent it from scratch if we want it.

Also i am having trouble picturing how the AI Jaeger looks.
Her profile does have a picture...
I thought pacific rim stuff was a bit on the slow end. Are you guys really going to the whole super robot thing whole hog?
Blame us successfully researching 'Magic'.
Sounds fun. Although i greatly disapprove of the Heimdal thing. If we are going to do more practical tanks it kind of defeats the purpose of Jaegers.

I am assuming there is good reason you guys aren't going for type V Jaegers (Eureka Striker being the first type of the V class during the movie ).

Also i am having trouble picturing how the AI Jaeger looks.
IIRC the VS The World quests use the Jaeger Marks as a sort of level system. You can only improve a Jaeger up to a certain point per Mark, then it's powersource needs to be upgraded to push it up a mark. Mark VI is the designation for AI Jaeger's.
Yup. Namely, no-one has the slightest fucking clue how it works, so we basically have to reinvent it from scratch if we want it.
Weaponising the eldrich portal is easier than rediscovering movie tech?

Her profile does have a picture...
Found it!

IIRC the VS The World quests use the Jaeger Marks as a sort of level system. You can only improve a Jaeger up to a certain point per Mark, then it's powersource needs to be upgraded to push it up a mark. Mark VI is the designation for AI Jaeger's.

Ok, thanks
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Obviously the plan is to research Fragmentation Slicer Fangblades (Fragblades?) next turn, and then cry when they require a MK IV reactor to power them.

Only if they're really damaging!

We should research them anyway. I mean, even if they require a Mk IV, we'd still have them ready!

(I don't recall. Can we install Mk. IV equips in the same turn that saw the actual Jaeger reach Mk IV class?)
That was a productive downtime!

Yay, energy shields! I personally would like to try and make them into "modules" that could go on the Shoulders, and maybe thus risk less damage to the Jaeger if they overload.

I'll re-point folks to this post and this post about Jaeger ideas.

I'm going to advocate for Paladin Victor for the following reasons:
-Gives us a "tank type" that general consensus seems to believe we need
-By virtue of having both good Strength and good Hand to Hand, and probably okay Dex (hand-held weapon), PV will likely be at least decent in a grapple as a backup
-PV's design intentionally incorporates some ranged options to go along with melee; currently I'd propose either wrist-pod-mounted Laser Vulcans and shoulder/torso-mounted Missiles (of some kind), or putting pod-contained Plasmacasters on the arms and Vulcans on the Torso/shoulder
-My dream was to make PV a HAMMERTIME Jaeger. With that said, we've got a fair bit of research going into the Frag Slicer weaponry, and the reference picture for PV is a Gundam with a big sword. I would be open to giving PV a Frag Slicer weapon, and/or something based on the Ascalon Sword. That said, if we want to diversify damage types, I'll still advocate for the HAMMER.
-I would argue that we mount Shield Generator(s) on the Shoulders, for the above reason of damage containment.
Hello, new to the quest. I have just barely caught up and have to say that you have a fancy thing going on here (although i still have to wrap my head around the rules sometime). I like the short time span for the fights being complemented with the rip and tearing brutality of it.

I know i could get the answer by reading the part 1 of the quest, but i noticed quite the bit of volume so i'll just ask and maybe catch up with the old quest later. What is ascalon. From reading this i got that it's a new Kaiju and you got some loot off of it. But what did it do in the previous quest?
Hello! Good to see you're enjoying this!

Expanding on what was already mentioned, Ascalon was the second Category Five encountered by Neo-Seattle. It was far more artificial in appearance, powered by an organic reactor, and featured several very potent abilities that cost the city. Besides its high speed flight and extremely rapid reactions, Ascalon had laser weapons in its hands, a "plasma heart beam", and a large, impressive sword (the Ascalon Blade) that it could store via the Breach. Said sword promptly broke Tacit's arm when the kaiju rocket charged into melee.

Sadly, our beauteous villain met their demise when they got into a grapple with Jagdhund, who was damn well pissed about Ascalon hurting Tacit.

He was a very fun kaiju to run.

I thought pacific rim stuff was a bit on the slow end. Are you guys really going to the whole super robot thing whole hog?
Normal Pacific Rim is like 30% super robot. Tacit quest is 60% super robot.

And yes, yes we are. Everything moves with the speed and grace of a Mark IV/V-- except the Mark IV/Vs, which move twice as nicely. Things are closer in speed to something like the Evangelions (in specific, Unit-02 in End of Eva when it fights the MP Evas. Think of all the jaegers and kaiju moving like that).

Weaponising the eldrich portal is easier than rediscovering movie tech?
Technically, Striker also runs off of the eldritch portal-- but Striker's Supercell is leagues more powerful than anything around, and there was only one, and that's in Australia.

Plus, y'know, magic research.
Tbh looking at those two posts always make me salty because they basically just say "your idea is bad" whenever they mention Revolver Shogun. :/
Tbh looking at those two posts always make me salty because they basically just say "your idea is bad" whenever they mention Revolver Shogun. :/
Well, I don't intend to make you salty, but I'm still not really a fan of Revolver Shogun. It just doesn't feel like a Jaeger the same way all the other ideas have, and it just doesn't "click" or "resonate" for me. I'm not really going to apologize for stating my opinion in a calm and thoughtful manner.
Well, I don't intend to make you salty, but I'm still not really a fan of Revolver Shogun. It just doesn't feel like a Jaeger the same way all the other ideas have, and it just doesn't "click" or "resonate" for me. I'm not really going to apologize for stating my opinion in a calm and thoughtful manner.
Which is reasonable, which is why I'm not more salty.

Still though, it's not not a Jaeger, hell, its base elements are taken from a canon Jaeger. The fact that you say it isn't is kinda annoying, especially when you call it less of one than something you provide a pic of that is clearly not a jaeger in the very same post.
Tbh looking at those two posts always make me salty because they basically just say "your idea is bad" whenever they mention Revolver Shogun. :/
I think their main view is that Revolver just isn't a "third jaeger" type. It seems like something that'd be made once three jaegers already exist-- and partially fills the same role as another Jaeger.

Honestly, I do think it'd be a good Jaeger-- a fast, blitz attack jaeger could very much work in the system. However, it'd probably go over better in the alternate timeline where you guys didn't bother to diplomacy Jagdhund and ended up needing a ranged jaeger more. Not saying she won't happen-- just that you'll need work.

Oh, and speaking of Revolver; my gundam-obsessed imagination is currently portraying her as a combination of Strike Noir, Kampfer, and Gundam Flauros-- lots of guns, lots of fast, possibly ditches used-up weapons for speed, and has a sickass pair of pistols for some jaeger gun-kata. Probably not fully what you had in mind (I.e. less Gundam, more Tango), but I'll say your jaeger does have a lot of potential!

Also also, you guys do remember what I mentioned about oblivion bay, right? You found three jaegers on a sucky roll, and I'll promise that no jaeger (of the whole bay, not just those three) is a bad jaeger. You have options.
Oh, and speaking of Revolver; my gundam-obsessed imagination is currently portraying her as a combination of Strike Noir, Kampfer, and Gundam Flauros-- lots of guns, lots of fast, possibly ditches used-up weapons for speed, and has a sickass pair of pistols for some jaeger gun-kata. Probably not fully what you had in mind (I.e. less Gundam, more Tango), but I'll say your jaeger does have a lot of potential!
I don't much into gundam, but some recent googling has had me thinking that Heavyarms or Freedom might be fairly decent analogues.
*goes to google the ones you mentioned*

Also also, you guys do remember what I mentioned about oblivion bay, right? You found three jaegers on a sucky roll, and I'll promise that no jaeger (of the whole bay, not just those three) is a bad jaeger. You have options.
We're going to take everything not nailed down and then come back with a crowbar.
Let's keep an eye on the Graveyard, and take notes of the options we have.

Also, part of me is thinking about Waltz, and if there's the possiblity he really is a Tango (well, more like thrying to know if he would be our Tango, although breach bullshit could also be a thing for Seijin).
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