Why do we care about coal when we can reliably create fusion power plants?

Iron ore + coal = equals steel , maybe?

The point I am trying to make is Resources are an abstraction for any & every material needed to feed people, build stuff, etc. Does it matter if its clay or cotton or kaiju black market parts?

My point is low investment resources are laying at our feet in/around Seattle, might it be worth considering grabbing EVERY source of income available? Rather than shrugging and going "Eh, we kill kaiju make $, that's good enough..."
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My point is they are not "abandoned" because they are played out, but were closed due to environmental laws and politics.

Estimated 1/2 million tons of coal at john henry coal mine is not a 'negligible' amount by any metric.

The resources exist, whether they are worth the effort in comparison to solely exploiting Antiverse resources remains to be seen.

Diversification of revenue is never a bad thing and they aren't to my knowledge mutually exclusive.
What would be using the coal for, though? I know there are petrochemical uses for bitumen, but this is anthracite, if it's on the spot I'm thinking of. I mean, I guess it's carbon? We could make graphite out of it. Which has uses. But we can get carbon from tons of other, cheaper sources. Ones that don't require us to stick a ton of expensive gear out on a thin branch, and then hope a storm (read: Kaiju) doesn't hit and break the branch.
....Why do we care about coal when we can reliably create fusion power plants?

Like, for city-wide power we just build an over-sized fusion reactor with 10 layers/types of safety measures, so that no matter what worst case the reactor scrams quietly.
Clean power, cheap fuel.

Our vehicles either run on gas, or more likely some sort of hyper-advanced renewable biofuel that has a small fraction of the pollution profile.
Uh...I don't know how much you understand about fusion, but getting fusion to end quietly is actually kinda hard. Harder than it is for fission, anyway. Breaches seem pretty easy to end relatively quietly, though.
I *named* two within 30 miles of Seattle that although abandoned/untapped are both viable. If you like I can research and draw up other SPECIFIC examples. I understand a lot of my supplemental info was editted in and may not have been seen by you. Please take the time to review these before you hand wave it as not worth it. To my ears Its beginning to play out as "My mind is made up, don't try to confuse me with facts..." if that is my mistaken impression I apologize.
You named one I already knew about (the coal), and what's basically a panning stream, which doesn't show up on maps of mineral resources, because it's not a mine, nor is the actual source of the gold likely to be anywhere near the point you mentioned. Because that's how such locations work.

When I made my assessment, I was operating off the assumption we wanted to be dealing with actual metal deposits, and not the results of a river flowing through metal-rich areas. I'm skeptical that a creek has a fast enough flow rate to produce enough metals to support a long-term operation. That proposal sounds like a short-term cash-grab, mostly based on the monetary, rather than practical, value of the gold. Give me some numbers, and I may change my mind, but such operations have historically been small-scale, from what I know.

Thirty miles out is a bad distance, too. Too far for good, close support, too short to be a separate settlement. I'd rather not have a situation like the one here at Outpost MICHEAL, albeit most likely smaller scale, on our hands.
Iron ore + coal = equals steel , maybe?
Depends. Anthracite would probably be better for that than bitumen, but steel isn't usually used on it's these days. It's usually used with added chromium or aluminum. So steel may not be our sticking point. And we may be using more advanced materials, anyway. Still, that does up the value of a coal mine, yes.
The point I am trying to make is Resources are an abstraction for any & every material needed to feed people, build stuff, etc. Does it matter if its clay or cotton or kaiju black market parts?

My point is low investment resources are laying at our feet in/around Seattle, might it be worth considering grabbing EVERY source of income available? Rather than shrugging and going "Eh, we kill kaiju make $, that's good enough..."

Reposting this because the details of what the resource IS ; are frankly inconsequential... the fact coal = resource THAT my friends is the true and only relevant point.

Fyrstorm isn't looking to see if we have x tons of anthracite when we go to build X widget, they check the balance sheet to see if we have enough resources.
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Uh...I don't know how much you understand about fusion, but getting fusion to end quietly is actually kinda hard. Harder than it is for fission, anyway. Breaches seem pretty easy to end relatively quietly, though..
Apparently, no I don't know enough. You'll have to forgive me sticking more with sci-fi tropes for our Giant Robots Fight Giant Monsters game, where non-exotic-material fusion reactions can be at least comparatively safe.

My point about clean energy stands regardless.
Worrying about the kinds of minerals and their uses is silly, because they'll all be abstracted away into Resources. Heck, Fyr can make up some new mines in the region if he wants and the Rolls are good enough, since this universe is not exactly the same as ours.

If we really want to open a few mines or harvest Anteverse lifeforms around us, we just need to spend an action.
Reposting this because the details of what the resource IS ; are frankly inconsequential... the fact coal = resource THAT my friends is the true and only relevant point.
Actually, no, it's not. Because the exchange rate is relevant. How much would we be getting from the mine? How many tons of coal to how many resources? How much would setting up an outpost that far cost us? How would we defend such an outpost? Would we be using a Gate? That costs an incredible amount.

If this was Russia, or Hawaii, or DC, or hell, even if we were further inland in Washington state, I might be considering mining. Because we could probably do stuff close by. But it's not worth it at these distances, for these Resources,
Apparently, no I don't know enough. You'll have to forgive me sticking more with sci-fi tropes for our Giant Robots Fight Giant Monsters game, where non-exotic-material fusion reactions can be at least comparatively safe.

My point about clean energy stands regardless.
"Non-exotic matter fusion" is...something approaching an oxymoron, though not quite. We usually use deuterium IRL.
Worrying about the kinds of minerals and their uses is silly, because they'll all be abstracted away into Resources. Heck, Fyr can make up some new mines in the region if he wants and the Rolls are good enough, since this universe is not exactly the same as ours.

If we really want to open a few mines or harvest Anteverse lifeforms around us, we just need to spend an action.
I guess. Seems like a bit of a cop-out, and I suspect the kinds of mineral would have different conversion rates, based on their industrial usefulness, given our situation. But that's because that's how I'd do it, because I know enough about the subject to incline me in that direction. A uranium mine and a coal mine being equivalently useful just feels wrong to me.
Thirty miles out is a bad distance, too. Too far for good, close support, too short to be a separate settlement.
Remember Vulcan's nest? did harvesting those resource require building a hamlet we had to defend? nope , we recognized a resource cache took an action and snatched said resources.

You are trying to bog my idea down with minutiae that doesn't exist, because this is not spreadsheets and return on investment analysis its giant robots punching giant monsters. I'm sure we could either grab the cache and handwave the logistics of the mine or Fyr will tell us it would require an abstraction like the kaiju harvesting factories... or do we actually really play through the harvesting , posting guards, the transportation convoys going to/from the kaiju kills?
Actually, no, it's not. Because the exchange rate is relevant. How much would we be getting from the mine? How many tons of coal to how many resources? How much would setting up an outpost that far cost us? How would we defend such an outpost? Would we be using a Gate? That costs an incredible amount.

/facepalm and pray tell goodsir what is the going rate per ton of kaiju gall bladder... I'm losing braincells arguing nonessential information.


How much would we get for Coal? Um how about whatever Fyr give us, same as kaiju scrotal tissue.
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I guess. Seems like a bit of a cop-out, and I suspect the kinds of mineral would have different conversion rates, based on their industrial usefulness, given our situation. But that's because that's how I'd do it, because I know enough about the subject to incline me in that direction. A uranium mine and a coal mine being equivalently useful just feels wrong to me.
It pretty much is a cop out, but we don't know the exchange rates, if they exist, and how much the mine is worth in the first place. Arguing the subject without more information is going to result in little more than wear in our keyboards.

Better to come up with new equipment ideas or something like that.
Speaking of equipment, what do you think works better for Tacit, an upgraded IE-10 or a integrated electric claws to take advantage of his HtH stat?
It pretty much is a cop out, but we don't know the exchange rates, if they exist, and how much the mine is worth in the first place. Arguing the subject without more information is going to result in little more than wear in our keyboards.

Better to come up with new equipment ideas or something like that.
Speaking of equipment, what do you think works better for Tacit, an upgraded IE-10 or a integrated electric claws to take advantage of his HtH stat?

Electric fang blades?
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It pretty much is a cop out, but we don't know the exchange rates, if they exist, and how much the mine is worth in the first place. Arguing the subject without more information is going to result in little more than wear in our keyboards.

Better to come up with new equipment ideas or something like that.
Speaking of equipment, what do you think works better for Tacit, an upgraded IE-10 or a integrated electric claws to take advantage of his HtH stat?
IE-10+, hands down. Remember that if Tacit has hands, he has his FANGBLADES, which are probably better than any electric claw we can make.
what do you think works better for Tacit, an upgraded IE-10 or a integrated electric claws to take advantage of his HtH stat?

It would depend on the stats attached to both these currently unresearched items. An upgraded IE-10 would be my preference as the laser vulcans are lackluster for reasons you alliterated quite well. In melee Tacit is fearsome as is, the doing damage as you close vs something that could skirt out of melee needs something to fill that chink in our offensive capabilities.
Electric fang blade?
Secondary elemental damage is weird, though. They may not actually deal electrical damage.

IE-10+, hands down. Remember that if Tacit has hands, he has his FANGBLADES, which are probably better than any electric claw we can make.
The Fangblades occupy the Arm slot, which means the Hand slot is free. I think. The main difference I can think of is that, using the current IE-10 as a reference, tacit gets a total attack bonus of +4, versus a potential +5 if using an integrated melee weapon.

If the IE-10+ has an attack roll of 1d10+2, then they're in equal standing, so in the end the best option would depend on the actual stats of each weapon.

It would depend on the stats attached to both these currently unresearched items. An upgraded IE-10 would be my preference as the laser vulcans are lackluster for reasons you alliterated quite well. In melee Tacit is fearsome as is, the doing damage as you close vs something that could skirt out of melee needs something to fill that chink in our offensive capabilities.
The thing is, if you want to deal damage as you approach then you don't want a Scatter weapon like the IE-10, but a Rifle or if that's not in the cards, a Carbine. Nevermind that Electric attacks only deal normal Strikes with a total damage of 9+.

The IE-10 would be a good weapon to Combo with against Cat III and IV, since even low Electrical damage would cause a Stun in the former and an universal -1 penalty on the latter, which we can then follow up with an attack or fall back.

But to actually deal damage as we close in, we can either upgrade the Laser Vulcans or make a new weapon.
Another thought for communications beyond the safe range of radios without the high expense of angelnet.

Use Carbon arc signal lamps, visible to the horizon even in daylight. Sure you need a clean sight line, but we could do the whole beacon towers of Gondor thing.

Computer automate the reception & relay from tower to tower establishing a valid sight line. Sailors are capable of doing upto 14 words per minute an automated system could increase that substantially. If we wanted to be more covert we could use infrared lights.

Stationing relay towers on mountain peaks to maximize effective range and optimal sight lines.
Secondary elemental damage is weird, though. They may not actually deal electrical damage.

The Fangblades occupy the Arm slot, which means the Hand slot is free. I think. The main difference I can think of is that, using the current IE-10 as a reference, tacit gets a total attack bonus of +4, versus a potential +5 if using an integrated melee weapon.

If the IE-10+ has an attack roll of 1d10+2, then they're in equal standing, so in the end the best option would depend on the actual stats of each weapon.

The thing is, if you want to deal damage as you approach then you don't want a Scatter weapon like the IE-10, but a Rifle or if that's not in the cards, a Carbine. Nevermind that Electric attacks only deal normal Strikes with a total damage of 9+.

The IE-10 would be a good weapon to Combo with against Cat III and IV, since even low Electrical damage would cause a Stun in the former and an universal -1 penalty on the latter, which we can then follow up with an attack or fall back.

But to actually deal damage as we close in, we can either upgrade the Laser Vulcans or make a new weapon.
It sounds like the Laser Vulcans are ripe for an upgrade.

Perhaps we could turn them into Laser Autocannon; lower rate of fire but slightly higher range and accuracy, and moderately increased damage?
The thing is, if you want to deal damage as you approach then you don't want a Scatter weapon like the IE-10, but a Rifle or if that's not in the cards, a Carbine. Nevermind that Electric attacks only deal normal Strikes with a total damage of 9+.

Maybe an electrical rifle variant, magnetic bottling of electricity to form a cohesive ball like natural ball lightning? Based on Sewards theory of ball lightning being a spinning plasma toroid.
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Soo... We're talking about replacing Tactic's hands with Plasma Casters, which since the Fangblades occupy the Arm slot, Ronin doesn't really lose anything?
Another thought for communications beyond the safe range of radios without the high expense of angelnet.

Use Carbon arc signal lamps, visible to the horizon even in daylight. Sure you need a clean sight line, but we could do the whole beacon towers of Gondor thing.

Computer automate the reception & relay from tower to tower establishing a valid sight line. Sailors are capable of doing upto 14 words per minute an automated system could increase that substantially. If we wanted to be more covert we could use infrared lights.

Stationing relay towers on mountain peaks to maximize effective range and optimal sight lines.
Interesting, but my mind went straight to "but wouldn't the particulate significantly reduce the range?" followed immediately by "use high power lasers to burn the particles in the air!"

I think I won't be very helpful in this line of discussion. :V

It sounds like the Laser Vulcans are ripe for an upgrade.

Perhaps we could turn them into Laser Autocannon; lower rate of fire but slightly higher range and accuracy, and moderately increased damage?
They are ripe indeed.
Fyrstorm already mentioned UV lasers could work and would be more powerful.

Maybe an electrical rifle variant, magnetic bottling of electricity to form a cohesive ball like natural ball lightning? Based on Sewards theory of ball lightning being a spinning plasm toroid.
We could always copy the design of real world stun guns. Shoot a Generator that attaches to the Kaiju and fries them.

Soo... We're talking about replacing Tactic's hands with Plasma Casters, which since the Fangblades occupy the Arm slot, Ronin doesn't really lose anything?
No, we're talking about the IE-10 Electromagnetic Projector, the Scatter thing Jagdhund has.

And giving Tacit some Plasmacasters came up when we first got them, actually. They take up the Arm and Hand slots, so we can't equip two Fangblades and a Plasmacaster.

That is despite the fact canon Gypsy had Plasmacasters, Chain-swords and Elbow Rockets crammed into his arms, so...

It's confusing when you lot use the Serial Numbers.
You try holding a long conversation where you have to keep typing Electromagnetic Projector and see if you don't want to switch to the serial numbers, m8. :V
Tacit can't use Plasmacasters unless you strip his Fangblades out.

Plasmas take up the hands as well as the interior of the arms. External arm stuff, like elbow rockets and chain swords (chain swords are stupidly compact when stored), can still be fitted in, but the Fangblades take up a lot of internal space with their rails, gyroscopes, and so on. They don't mesh nicely with Plasmacasters.

Also, I know Smith was making a joke about "kaiju scrotal tissue", but something similar to that would actually be fairly useful-- not for resources, but because the only way you can make a Bio-Jaeger is if you have a clone, and to get a clone you need reproductive cells from a Kaiju.

Also, yes, resources are mostly abstract, though some sources are important to note-- like weapons grade plutonium.
A railgun that shoots apartment building sized hunks of metal.
Why, Because there is no kill like Overkill...
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