Yeah, I've had longer-ranged lasers on the research queue for a long time, for pretty much this exact reason.
Won't fix the short range of the Acoustic Tanks, though. I'm actually tempted to build more Laser tanks and have those act as escorts for the Acoustics. Acoustics are almost certainly worth using, especially in larger numbers. Alternatively, if we manage to increase our tanks' movement speed, positioning them further out will be more tactically viable. And thinking more about what the range brackets on our various different Cons look like and being more willing to deploy them away from the DP aren't really bad ideas either. Thinking about such things is kinda integral to coming up with decent tactics.
Sniper lasers would be applicable to a lot of our units, even if it does just add to the conventional dice bucket thats still worth some R&D
While I really don't see a reason why the lasers couldn't be longer ranged, their range isn't really that much of a problem. Honestly, they'd probably be performing just fine, if we positioned them a bit further out. So long as the difference in ranges is 10 or less, with the right placement, we can still cover all of our units with the Hlin. They'd still be slightly more vulnerable, but that's not a huge deal. Our aircraft, including the Dragonflies, take that risk regularly.

Now, the land units' lower mobility could make that forward position a problem in, say, a hunting scenario. But for city defense? The odds are fairly good we'll engage any Kaiju in melee combat before they can be targeted. And, even if they are, we lose units sometimes. Usually our aircraft, but losing some land units every now and then wouldn't be the end of the world or anything.

Another alternative would be to equip the units with shorter ranges with support functions of some description. We could potentially give the Acoustic Tanks the ability to intercept incoming fire, like Alto could, for example. Could probably equip the laser tanks similarly, since lasers as point-defense is a thing IRL. The AKBs could probably do something similar too, or we could give them some sort of distributed system device, where having enough of them within a certain range of each other activates some new ability, like a visual distortion field or something.

That said, increasing laser ranges isn't a bad idea either. I admittedly already have some laser research lined up for next turn (upgrading our newly acquired Anti-Armor Lasers to use UV, because we're going to have to cut back on Tacit's total laser armament when we give him flight, and the whole schtick of the current Laser Vulcans is mass-fire, so I feel like the AA Lasers are going to have an edge over the Vulcans after that), but I could probably fit in increasing our lasers' ranges, too.
Here is another Jaeger design, since I enjoy designing Jaegers:
Maverick Eagle
Class: IV
Motivation: Rule the Skies
Starting Stats 20 (mk IV, maybe mk 3 if we get a flight method for Mk3)
HtH: 3
Ran: 5
Str: 3
Tou: 3
Agi: 5
Dex: 1

Archetype/Theme: Fighter jets.
Preferred Defense Action: Dodge
Primary Weapon/Method of Attack: Maverick uses his Phoenix Missiles to shoot down enemies, and finishes them off with his heavy laser Vulcan or his fists
General Aesthetics: Sleek, Grey with gold visor, like F-22 Raptor or the F-14 Tomcat

Stat Priorities: Agi=Ran>HtH>Str>Tou>Dex

Gear Breakdown:
Weapons, Gadgets, and Armor:
-Phoenix Missile Launcher: Phoenix Missiles are propelled by a powerful scramjet, giving them better burn time and thus higher accuracy at long range.
- limited magazine, since missiles are huge
- can't shoot at point blank, and penalty to short range, but no range penalty for shooting further away since scramjet can run until impact.
-High powered maneuvering thrusters help the missile to correct for last minute evasive actions (Can at least partially negate abilities like improved evasion or dodging ranged attacks, but won't reduce attack difficulty below the normal difficulty for that range.)
-The Phoenix Missile Launchers are a pair of launch tubes, 1 in each shoulder. (or maybe wing mounted?)
- Heavy Laser Vulcan on left arm
-built in sword?
-Jadgarium Armor
Mods, Perks and Augments:
-Mod/Augment: Integrated Flight Unit (S-3 Vortex Flight Booster or similar integrated in Jaeger Frame)
-Mod: Targeting Computer (Reduce move and shoot penalties)
-Augment: Heightened Evasion augment

Gear Priorities:
Critical: Phoenix Missiles, Integrated Flight Unit
High: Heightened Evasion, Targeting Computer
Medium: heavy laser Vulcan, better melee
Low: Flight Compensation unit (Reduces difficulty of toughness test from being hit while flying), Faraday Cage
Well. I'm actually going to start going back through the old Kaiju Sheets, because apparently I missed some interesting stuff. Was looking over the old thread for nostalgia reasons. Both Kay and Grae had some interesting aspects to their equipment and Traits that I had missed, and there's a number of K-Sci entries that could be improved with more data. Also, I have barely any data on Slam stuff, and that's a major oversight.

@LostDeviljho might find this one interesting:
Linear Needle Gun
Built-in Ranged Weapon (scatter, Right Shoulder)
Attack Dice: 2/1d10
Armour Penetration: 2+1d5
Damage Type: Blunt/Edged
Damage Bonus: 2
Range: 4/7
Hair Trigger: May be fired as a Reaction, even if Grae has already attacked already.
Slow: May only be used once per round (e.g; if fired as an attack, cannot fire as a Reaction. May not be used multiple times in a grapple)
That Hair Trigger could be really nice on Revolver's Shotguns, I think.
Here is another Jaeger design, since I enjoy designing Jaegers:
Maverick Eagle
Class: IV
Motivation: Rule the Skies
Starting Stats 20 (mk IV, maybe mk 3 if we get a flight method for Mk3)
HtH: 3
Ran: 5
Str: 3
Tou: 3
Agi: 5
Dex: 1

Archetype/Theme: Fighter jets.
Preferred Defense Action: Dodge
Primary Weapon/Method of Attack: Maverick uses his Phoenix Missiles to shoot down enemies, and finishes them off with his heavy laser Vulcan or his fists
General Aesthetics: Sleek, Grey with gold visor, like F-22 Raptor or the F-14 Tomcat

Stat Priorities: Agi=Ran>HtH>Str>Tou>Dex

Gear Breakdown:
Weapons, Gadgets, and Armor:
-Phoenix Missile Launcher: Phoenix Missiles are propelled by a powerful scramjet, giving them better burn time and thus higher accuracy at long range.
- limited magazine, since missiles are huge
- can't shoot at point blank, and penalty to short range, but no range penalty for shooting further away since scramjet can run until impact.
-High powered maneuvering thrusters help the missile to correct for last minute evasive actions (Can at least partially negate abilities like improved evasion or dodging ranged attacks, but won't reduce attack difficulty below the normal difficulty for that range.)
-The Phoenix Missile Launchers are a pair of launch tubes, 1 in each shoulder. (or maybe wing mounted?)
- Heavy Laser Vulcan on left arm
-built in sword?
-Jadgarium Armor
Mods, Perks and Augments:
-Mod/Augment: Integrated Flight Unit (S-3 Vortex Flight Booster or similar integrated in Jaeger Frame)
-Mod: Targeting Computer (Reduce move and shoot penalties)
-Augment: Heightened Evasion augment

Gear Priorities:
Critical: Phoenix Missiles, Integrated Flight Unit
High: Heightened Evasion, Targeting Computer
Medium: heavy laser Vulcan, better melee
Low: Flight Compensation unit (Reduces difficulty of toughness test from being hit while flying), Faraday Cage
Interesting build concept, got some very interesting concepts in the form of the flight stuff being Frame integrated. Which is not quite the same as a Mod, but is actually something that needs to be added when building the Jaeger.
Well. I'm actually going to start going back through the old Kaiju Sheets, because apparently I missed some interesting stuff. Was looking over the old thread for nostalgia reasons. Both Kay and Grae had some interesting aspects to their equipment and Traits that I had missed, and there's a number of K-Sci entries that could be improved with more data. Also, I have barely any data on Slam stuff, and that's a major oversight.
Wanna compile a doc for the rest of us to go through? I mean, not trying to be insulting here, but you might miss something going through that many enemies. Or someone else could get inspired by them in ways that wouldn't occur to you.

And yes, I'm fully aware that I'm asking a lot of you with this. Sorry if it leads to you getting overloaded, but it could be useful for... literally everyone in this quest. Yes, that means I suspect Fyr has forgotten most of what he's thrown at us by now.
Interesting things found in my run through looking at past Kaiju so far:
-Ranged being used for the Damage bonus is apparently a thing. Have mostly seen it on Electric weapons, but also seen on things like Charlie's Pneumatic Rifle. Might be more common on early Kaiju, I dunno.
-We've run into biological missiles before (Gorgon, Thread 1)
-We got really lucky when fighting Hellwyrm/Raiju, because that f*cker could bite. Major wounds would Destroy limbs.
-Spit-based Ranged attacks apparently get Strength for their Damage Bonus.
-Corbel is not the first Kaiju with a Burst-dealing Bite. Skinner apparently had a slightly worse version.
-Ravager's solar beam attack dealt "Burst, Fire", which I think is the one where it effectively deals both? Also another example of Damage Bonus: Ranged.

Also added a Armor/Defense section to the K-Sci section.
Wanna compile a doc for the rest of us to go through? I mean, not trying to be insulting here, but you might miss something going through that many enemies. Or someone else could get inspired by them in ways that wouldn't occur to you.

And yes, I'm fully aware that I'm asking a lot of you with this. Sorry if it leads to you getting overloaded, but it could be useful for... literally everyone in this quest. Yes, that means I suspect Fyr has forgotten most of what he's thrown at us by now.
Compile a Kaiju Doc, you mean? Wouldn't really be that much more work, honestly. I'd have to go back a bit, but it wouldn't take that long. It'd probably be pretty unorganized and raw, because I'd basically be copy-and-pasting the sheets, and I'm not all that competent with Google Docs.
Interesting things found in my run through looking at past Kaiju so far:
-Ranged being used for the Damage bonus is apparently a thing. Have mostly seen it on Electric weapons, but also seen on things like Charlie's Pneumatic Rifle. Might be more common on early Kaiju, I dunno.
-We've run into biological missiles before (Gorgon, Thread 1)
-We got really lucky when fighting Hellwyrm/Raiju, because that f*cker could bite. Major wounds would Destroy limbs.
-Spit-based Ranged attacks apparently get Strength for their Damage Bonus.
-Corbel is not the first Kaiju with a Burst-dealing Bite. Skinner apparently had a slightly worse version.
-Ravager's solar beam attack dealt "Burst, Fire", which I think is the one where it effectively deals both? Also another example of Damage Bonus: Ranged.

Also added a Armor/Defense section to the K-Sci section.
Those're some interesting (and, in Hellwyrm's case, terrifying in retrospect) things we could look into. Glad you decided to go back through, and looking forward to the opportunity to take a look myself.

Compile a Kaiju Doc, you mean? Wouldn't really be that much more work, honestly. I'd have to go back a bit, but it wouldn't take that long. It'd probably be pretty unorganized and raw, because I'd basically be copy-and-pasting the sheets, and I'm not all that competent with Google Docs.
Cool, if it's only a slight increase in the workload I'm sure you can manage. Especially since I don't really mind the formatting being lacking in the first draft; we can just leave that to someone else once everything's in there.

Of course, including the fluff for each kaiju would increase the workload more (and might uselessly bloat the document), but it could include potential research projects that aren't actually in the stat sheets; I'll leave whether to add that stuff up to you.
Cool, if it's only a slight increase in the workload I'm sure you can manage. Especially since I don't really mind the formatting being lacking in the first draft; we can just leave that to someone else once everything's in there.

Of course, including the fluff for each kaiju would increase the workload more (and might uselessly bloat the document), but it could include potential research projects that aren't actually in the stat sheets; I'll leave whether to add that stuff up to you.
Yeah...that did occur to me as a complication. I think that was something of a problem with the older attempt. I may include that kind of data, but it might be in the exact same place as the sheets. I dunno.
Something I forgot from the last batch:
-We've actually fought a Kaiju with AV 6, though it was more because of having a built-in shield on its shoulder than anything else. Reikon, the first Kaiju we ever hunted.

More bits:
-Argent was really neat. Massive debuff field for mechanical foes, and an auto-hit AoE EMP that also hurt itself, but synergized with said field. And also Electric resistant Armor that would get worse if any piece was broken, probably because it worked to channel the electricity around the shell.
-A double bite attack ripped straight from Ripley Scott's work, that has a whopping 3x Strength long as it isn't Blocked or Parried, which drop it to just Str.

And I've decided to make the Doc available to you guys now, while I'm still going through. If you guys want to format it better, that would be fine by me, because this is fairly raw. Also, it should be noted that some Kaiju, esp. early hunt Kaiju, lack fluff, and that Fluff isn't matched with the relevant Kaiju for multi-Kaiju fights. It's close by, but not matched. Data is also entered as it was written and formatted. The formatting and language may thus be somewhat inconsistent.

Link: Kaiju Doc

Also, we are still in the midst of combat. We probably need more votes to move forward.
...Hey, @Fyrstorm, how does Acid and Fire sticking/igniting work again? Is it random, or based on damage dealt? Because the latter would certainly explain why our Acid Shells and Dragon's Blood barely ever seem to stick/ignite these days, and would indicate that we need to improve our Shells or missiles. Sorry for the sudden question, but I ran into some aspects of Jason's Napalm Bombs that seemed to indicate that it was purely about damage. If we can't stick Acid on most targets these days without a Crit off an Elite, or, maybe, on a really high roll at close range, then we need to either improve the Shells/missiles, or figure out something else to be doing with our tanks.

Speaking of which...
-Guilion's Headbanger special attack was pretty neat. Called Shot to the Head would potentially have higher AP and stun. Basically, head-butt to the enemy's head=Stun. Simple, but I like it. Definitely on my list of Kaiju abilities I might use in some sort of chimera Raubtier (a Raubtier built from a combination of numerous different Kaiju we've fought, rather than something totally new).
-Polaris was also pretty neat, even if much of what made it interesting isn't too useful for us. I'm almost sad it went BOOM!
-Jason was a smorgasbord of interesting abilities. Not entirely sure what it used that Free Action off Prehensile Tail for, but it's neat. Master of the Mind is like...pretty much exactly what I'd give a Commander Raubtier. The venom off Thin Jaws, and the fire-wall producing Napalm Bombs were also very interesting. I can't think of too many Kaiju with as many varied and interesting characteristics. It's perhaps the closest thing I've seen to a Treantmonk-style God Caster from D&D in this system that I can think of. Literally had buffs, debuffs, and battlefield control, which are the Holy Trinity of a God Caster. Kudos, Fyrstorm. I'd love to see more Kaiju like this in the future. Even if they would probably kick our asses.
-Alaska, a Kaiju with an earthquake-producing weapon that trips opponents, was immune to the negative effects of being Prone, and could stand up for free. Not sure if it had a high chance of knocking itself Prone, though I suppose it could happen. It's a potentially synergistic ability, in some cases. Kay's got an ability with nice synergy.
-Not sure if Texas was intentionally kinda similar to the Battleship of the same name, but uh...half-tempted to mount similar guns on one, just for S&Gs, now.
-Is it weird that Ascalon feels kinda unremarkable, in light of all the other Blade-Class Kaiju we've fought? I know it had a huge impact on the game and our weaponry, but, in-terms of build, the other Blades are a bit more interesting. Though the Ranged Parry thing is notable, I guess.
And added to the front page. I'm a bit busy at the moment, but I'll try to get another combat/roll request post up soon-ish.
Half-tempted to share the credit with @Sir Plusse, honestly. Especially if SP is willing to go through and match fluff to Kaiju, maybe help with some of the formatting. And don't feel like you need to push yourself on our account. I mean, I've kinda got a project to distract me. Was more worried that how few people have voted was slowing things down for you.
...Hey, @Fyrstorm, how does Acid and Fire sticking/igniting work again? Is it random, or based on damage dealt? Because the latter would certainly explain why our Acid Shells and Dragon's Blood barely ever seem to stick/ignite these days, and would indicate that we need to improve our Shells or missiles. Sorry for the sudden question, but I ran into some aspects of Jason's Napalm Bombs that seemed to indicate that it was purely about damage. If we can't stick Acid on most targets these days without a Crit off an Elite, or, maybe, on a really high roll at close range, then we need to either improve the Shells/missiles, or figure out something else to be doing with our tanks.
It's a bit of both. Each hit with a Fire/Acid weapon has an extra d10 it rolls (and by that, I mean that I roll). If this d10's result is equal to or lower than the amount of damage dealt after armour, the acid sticks/fire ignites. It can be useful, but given the usual damage output of individual conventionals, it's kinda dependent on crits and stuff. And sometimes I also forget that those damage types should be checking for that, both for you and the kaiju.

And yeah, I'll throw in credit to Sir Plusse as well.
Half-tempted to share the credit with @Sir Plusse, honestly. Especially if SP is willing to go through and match fluff to Kaiju, maybe help with some of the formatting. And don't feel like you need to push yourself on our account. I mean, I've kinda got a project to distract me. Was more worried that how few people have voted was slowing things down for you.
If I do this, I'll probably remove everything irrelevant from the fluff entries. Nothing actually talking about their anatomy, mind you (because you never know when you'll find a use for fluff), but stuff like the conditions of their corpses. I'll look into it later, if nobody beats me to it.

Speaking of Ridgeback, though... damn. 5 Tou on the first enemy in the quest?!
It's a bit of both. Each hit with a Fire/Acid weapon has an extra d10 it rolls (and by that, I mean that I roll). If this d10's result is equal to or lower than the amount of damage dealt after armour, the acid sticks/fire ignites. It can be useful, but given the usual damage output of individual conventionals, it's kinda dependent on crits and stuff. And sometimes I also forget that those damage types should be checking for that, both for you and the kaiju.

And yeah, I'll throw in credit to Sir Plusse as well.
So we're about due for an upgrade or two. I'll see if I can slot it in somewhere...honestly, replicating the stuff on Jason's Napalm Bombs (the whole "Damage is treated as higher for the purposes of igniting" thing) would probably work pretty well at actually giving us some better odds. So, stickier acid. Seems fairly basic, but it would potentially give it a decent chance to do something. Another option, at least for the shells, would be to replicate the other aspect of Jason's Napalm: an alternative method of firing to produce puddles of Acid as terrain hazards. Even 1 unit wide ones could be handy. Has the obvious problem of being likely to reduce our environmental score, though.

That said, maybe we should just make new rounds or warheads. I dunno. There was some talk about dedicated AA rounds for the Tanks, something like the Airburst Rounds Inko had, I think, which I was planning on working on next Downtime. Or we could try and do the Electric rounds again. I feel like those would either be overpowered, or really useless, though. I think the big missile/bomb versions are more likely to be effective, but not game-breaking. Maybe make some more supportive or debuffing warheads/shells. Like the old magnetic rounds to make subsequent hits easier, or the like.
If I do this, I'll probably remove everything irrelevant from the fluff entries. Nothing actually talking about their anatomy, mind you (because you never know when you'll find a use for fluff), but stuff like the conditions of their corpses. I'll look into it later, if nobody beats me to it.

Speaking of Ridgeback, though... damn. 5 Tou on the first enemy in the quest?!
That's fine. That said, the state of the corpse is kinda relevant for how easy replication is. If something wasn't very intact, we're probably going to have a much harder time replicating it. And I haven't really been looking too closely at stat spreads, but I'm not entirely surprised. Kaiju often seem to focus on Tou.
That's fine. That said, the state of the corpse is kinda relevant for how easy replication is. If something wasn't very intact, we're probably going to have a much harder time replicating it. And I haven't really been looking too closely at stat spreads, but I'm not entirely surprised. Kaiju often seem to focus on Tou.
Okay, finally free to take a look. I might make notes on when each kaiju showed up, too. It definitely needs work on formatting; the current thing makes it a bit hard to tell what fluff refers to which enemy. Let's see if I can figure out how to add headings to fix that... well, assuming you can figure out how to let me edit the thing. Right now it's set to view-only.
Okay, finally free to take a look. I might make notes on when each kaiju showed up, too. It definitely needs work on formatting; the current thing makes it a bit hard to tell what fluff refers to which enemy. Let's see if I can figure out how to add headings to fix that... well, assuming you can figure out how to let me edit the thing. Right now it's set to view-only.
...Well, this is embarrassing. Should be fixed now.

Part of the problem is that I really did just copy-paste stuff. Basically, I would snag all of the fluff at once, paste that into the doc, put in a divider, then copy-paste the Kaiju sheets, each with a divider between them. It's basically the lowest effort way to do it, but I didn't feel like trying to match Kaiju with fluff.
...Well, this is embarrassing. Should be fixed now.

Part of the problem is that I really did just copy-paste stuff. Basically, I would snag all of the fluff at once, paste that into the doc, put in a divider, then copy-paste the Kaiju sheets, each with a divider between them. It's basically the lowest effort way to do it, but I didn't feel like trying to match Kaiju with fluff.
Okay, started work on adding headers to each kaiju's section. I'll go back to Thread 1 now so I can also add when they showed up, for reference.
Okay, got headers on all the kaiju in the doc so far, though I haven't started sorting the fluff on the ones that showed up in groups yet. I also labelled them based on whether they attacked us or we hunted them down, though this part can be omitted if everyone else hates it.

I'll be taking a break before I do any more work; there's a lot of them to go through, and I'll need to pay more attention than "this is X, it showed up at Y time" to put the fluff in the right places. I'm kinda assuming that there'll be more kaiju that need headers by then, too.

edit: Break over; all fluff thus far sorted. Haven't gone through to decide what's relevant yet, though.
Last edited:
Not gonna lie I'm half-tempted to write up a mini-omake about Councilor Knight hacking the external speakers on Revolver and the other units present with him/her (@LostDeviljho which pronoun set do you see applying to RS?), just to play an appropriate song.
Everett, Washington, USA
Shatterdome Combat Information Center

Councilor Knight had been on-site during the spool-up of the new Shatterdome facility in Everett, focusing on the computer, network, and CIC systems. Most of the Council was back in Seattle, but it was felt that "flying the flag" would serve as a morale boost for the staff and citizens in Seattle's sister-city. Plus it gave him an excuse to stretch his legs and get out a bit more. Seeing Revolver Shogun in action first-hand would just be a bonus.

Now was the hour of truth, but as the Councilor stood and watched the incoming Kaiju, something felt wrong. Like something was...


One of the CIC staff looked at him, brow furrowed.

Knight realized he'd spoken aloud and smirked a bit before seating himself at one of the few empty consoles.
"Oh, nothing much. I'll take care of it, you worry about your duties."

His fingers flew over the keyboard, and after almost two minutes of typing, he hit the "Enter" key with a giant smirk on his face.


Even as he said that, the external speakers on the Jumphawks that had deployed the two Jaegers to the field flared to life, suddenly blaring the opening notes to a song over the field that would soon hold a mighty battle. Then the artillery vehicles in the rear took up the song as the Jumphawks sped away, ensuring the song continued to play.

As the senior staff in the CIC turned slowly to face the Councilor, he just put his hands behind his head and leaned back, an enormous smile on his face.

"Couldn't help myself."
-Vortex starts things off on an interesting note, with an Edged/Fire/Acid Bite that takes off limbs on Minor+ Wounds, an Acid Scatter weapon that just ignores armor, and Arc Bombs, which might help for researching Electric munitions, even if they're technically dealing Impact/Electric.
-Kraken is an odd duck, it being a parasite and all. I wonder how it was born. Is it just a Kaiju parasite that managed to live long enough to grow into a Cat I, or was it designed to help Grae out? Or perhaps it was a Fang that developed an independent mind, given how it behaves. Not entirely clear, but either way, it's a weird one. Also, it had a stealth perk, apparently? Which doesn't seem much like Sickletongue's stealth.
-While our Research teams might think that Danslief was a knock-off Ascalon, it's honestly more scary, in-terms of armaments. I think the Danslief Rifle is much more intimidating that the Ascalon Blade. It's a better Schwert Gewher. Also, can we all just appreciate the fact that the Kaji Masters managed to mount such an advanced weapon on a Kaiju's tail?
-I have noticed a serious disparity between how many Kaiju get weapons with "Damage Bonus: Ranged" and how many we have. Mind you, given that we don't have a single one, that's not really a high bar. Really wondering what we have to do to get a scaling Damage Bonus on our Ranged Weapons.
-Kyton's Adrenaline Overdrive is a rather notable ability on an otherwise fairly standard Kaiju. Two expendable +2 boosts to any roll, at the cost of 1 Ongoing? That's a pretty good deal, since the Ongoing might not even inflict any Strikes before it heals. It's not game-breakingly good, mind, but it's a solid perk. Well worth choosing to use in a Raubtier.
-Kappa's Water Jet may be inexplicably Fire typed, but it does have a neat alternative attack while Kappa is in the water that can knock enemies prone.
-Musketeer's DNA and data has potentially given us a biological equivalent of our Jagdarium Armor, as well as Fangblades and SFTs, amongst other things. No Faraday Frame, oddly. Oh yeah, and he had a perk that replicated Lightning Strike, just in-case we want to replicate that in a Raubtier. Thanks Kaiju Masters, that's all quite helpful.
-While Zetsubo's hallucinogenic spores are cool, the fact that the originals couldn't effect Jaegers or Kaiju really makes me wonder about how useful anything we made with them would be.
-Kind of a shame we didn't recover any Kaiju bodies from the Bay. One had an interesting, auto-hitting Sonic Weapon, some others had hivemind shenanigans. Gonna be hard to duplicate.
-Say what you will about Kaizoku, but that regen is scary good, easily the best I've seen in this read through so far. Admittedly, with a good roll, you could possibly recover more Strikes from some of the other forms (as the others rolled for it), but most of them recover only up to Minor Wounds, and only get a couple of uses. Kaizoku could recover just about anything, and selectively heal by spending Regen Points (derived from Tou), which refresh every few turns. Still takes a Long Action to activate, of course. But so did many of the others, albeit as part of Full Defense. Which is a slight advantage, but not enough to tip the scales
-Nenauge is a rather overlooked, but interesting Kaiju. Which I guess is fitting because it has the Sneaky perk, which I think we've seen 3 different versions of. Kraken was the first, Neunauge was the second, and Sickletongue's is the third, yet Sickletongue is the one we think of for stealth. Odd. Anyway, it could have been a real pain-in-the-ass, especially if it had any Ranged weapons, because it had stealth, ignored Passing attacks due to being Slippery, and dealt damage when hurt in melee and grapples. I actually looked into how it died, because I was surprised it seemed so overlooked...and it apparently got taken out by Plasma to the spine. Which is a bit of a shame, it's a pretty solid build. Too bad the regenerating dick stole the spotlight.

On a possibly bad note, from week 35:
The investigation's results are negative. Waltz's shell has been in hibernation ever since the evolved Seijin's second appearance, and no scanner has detected any emissions of any kind along the hivemind channels it was determined to have initially used. Whatever was behind the info leak, it wasn't that.
If we want to try and contact Waltz, we might need to do some work to wake the shell up. And we don't have any active emissions to study. Might make creating a replica harder. On the bright side, we know something about how to detect hivemind signals, which is a necessary step towards being able to broadcast and recieve signals on those channels. If only we could make the hardware...more reason to work on Raubtier tech, I guess.

Still, that lack of activity is a little worrying. Hope Waltz is doing alright. Would suck if he got taken down. Honestly, I'd love to see a friendly Seijin sometime. I haven't gotten to interact with one yet, and I have questions. Not necessarily expecting to get answers, mind. Waltz can be kinda cryptic, and I'm guessing the others likely are, as well. But I'd love to be able to ask.
On a complete tangent, I was looking at the data we had on Jackal just now. And, since Kaizoku's sheet was fresh in my mind, I can confirm that Jackal's regeneration seems to work in a very similar fashion, though it's supposedly "Enhanced Regeneration". Not sure what that means, and the some of the entry is fragmented (because it got away), including costs of regeneration. But I can make some educated guesses, based on what we have, and comparison with Kaizoku's version.

Based on Jackal's stats and the Mark III stat limits, the most Jackal's Tou could have been was 4. That should be 8 Regen Points to work with, assuming there's no fine print complications we're missing. That would seem to match the amount we saw it heal, based on Kaizoku's RP costs: a Major Wound is 5, 3 Strikes are 1 each. But it didn't regen it's destroyed Armor, which would only cost 1 RP for Kaizoku. Which may indicate it hit its maximum, and also that the prices have stayed the same. Of course, it's possible they did change, and Jackal's Tou isn't 4, but I'm not sure that's the case. The prices were already very reasonable and made a lot of sense in terms of game-balance. Healing also seems to have taken a Long Action, as is true for Kaizoku. So I'm not seeing the Enhanced bit.

Now, Ongoing recovery wasn't mentioned with Kaizoku, and Jackal's regen healed all Ongoing. So maybe that's the Enhanced part...but there's also something on the sheet about Grapples that trails off into question marks, and that definitely doesn't match Kaizoku's version. So, yeah, it's probably got some sort of regen trick while Grappled. Not sure what that trick could be, exactly. Obvious one is regenerating while Grappled, but it didn't use that when it was Grappled, and bailed instead. Maybe regenerating while being Grappled is an expensive option, and Jackal had very little hope of doing so, and thus Disengaged when it had the chance, then used Regen? I dunno.

Edit: It's possible that Jackal's RP pool replenished more quickly, and that bit was the enhanced one, but, since Kaizoku's pool took 3 rounds to replenish, that seems unlikely. Perhaps it recovered a certain amount every turn, instead of having to wait for it to come back all at once?
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-Vortex starts things off on an interesting note, with an Edged/Fire/Acid Bite that takes off limbs on Minor+ Wounds, an Acid Scatter weapon that just ignores armor, and Arc Bombs, which might help for researching Electric munitions, even if they're technically dealing Impact/Electric.
Yeah wow, that sounds like a lot of things we'd want.

-I have noticed a serious disparity between how many Kaiju get weapons with "Damage Bonus: Ranged" and how many we have. Mind you, given that we don't have a single one, that's not really a high bar. Really wondering what we have to do to get a scaling Damage Bonus on our Ranged Weapons.
Let's ask @Fyrstorm

-Musketeer's DNA and data has potentially given us a biological equivalent of our Jagdarium Armor, as well as Fangblades and SFTs, amongst other things. No Faraday Frame, oddly. Oh yeah, and he had a perk that replicated Lightning Strike, just in-case we want to replicate that in a Raubtier. Thanks Kaiju Masters, that's all quite helpful.
*ominous laughter*

-Say what you will about Kaizoku, but that regen is scary good, easily the best I've seen in this read through so far. Admittedly, with a good roll, you could possibly recover more Strikes from some of the other forms (as the others rolled for it), but most of them recover only up to Minor Wounds, and only get a couple of uses. Kaizoku could recover just about anything, and selectively heal by spending Regen Points (derived from Tou), which refresh every few turns. Still takes a Long Action to activate, of course. But so did many of the others, albeit as part of Full Defense. Which is a slight advantage, but not enough to tip the scales
There's a reason Kaizoku is the basis I want to use for our Raubtier's regen perks.