Wouldn't it make sense for Impermeable Fur (Frog Squirrel), Mudcrab Chitin (Mudcrab), Mushroom Cap and Glowing Mushroom(Anomura Fungus) to be added to the loot? Besides Glowing Mushroom's, and apparently Mudcrab Chitin's, usage in potions, they're all fairly mundane and they're available through Material Extraction, and the three unique items from Anomura Fungus I excluded since you can only extract them once each.
Edit: Realized Mudcrab Chitin was also a potion ingredient, so I slightly modified a sentence.
I only put loot that's exclusive to the Dungeon. Of course, the Minion can leave behind loot taken from Material Extraction but I didn't want to clutter that part.
Digital humans like Gennai exist. He doesn't Digivolve so he has to get clothes from somewhere. Alex's Digi partners might like to dress up with out getting naked every time they do something digital based. Dragon or other tinkers might be interested. And at the furthest end, thou I don't think you'll do it, you could affect the Digivolutions by equipping Digital items made from digital materials.
Get a Digimon with robot bits you could get Digital metal same as you could get Digital gems from Gobimon.
I would like to recommend Olky, Scorgem, and Lucy start Dungeon diving from among Alex's summons. Olky already has some skill with magic and would likely benefit from a caster-type Class. Scorgem comes from a world where Classes seem to already exist as a natural aspect of reality. And Lucy could probably use the ego-boost from gaining a rogue-type class and becoming much more useful for stealth missions.
So, I've started reading thru our list of creatures to see which ones might qualify for entering the dungeon, and unless one is familiar with the setting it's not as easy as it looks. Just from the first few, it sees likely the spider-bot has no sapience, but I honestly can't tell whether Raptor the Redeye Watcher is or not, since I'm not familiar with the setting. It would seem Scalpa the Sphoeroid is, though, because while the entry doesn't specifically say so, if the omnitrix has an entry on it and they are space pirates, it would seem obvious they are sapient. Unfortunately, with two full time jobs and only some time on the weekends to really get into this quest, I can't be the one who makes a list of what creatures fit the criteria....
Digital humans like Gennai exist. He doesn't Digivolve so he has to get clothes from somewhere. Alex's Digi partners might like to dress up with out getting naked every time they do something digital based. Dragon or other tinkers might be interested. And at the furthest end, thou I don't think you'll do it, you could affect the Digivolutions by equipping Digital items made from digital materials.
Get a Digimon with robot bits you could get Digital metal same as you could get Digital gems from Gobimon.
I would like to recommend Olky, Scorgem, and Lucy start Dungeon diving from among Alex's summons. Olky already has some skill with magic and would likely benefit from a caster-type Class. Scorgem comes from a world where Classes seem to already exist as a natural aspect of reality. And Lucy could probably use the ego-boost from gaining a rogue-type class and becoming much more useful for stealth missions.
Olky might work, though he might be reluctant.
Scorgem I'm not sure. Technically it's smart enough but among the class available I can't find one that really works for it. And I'm not sure I want to create one juts for it right now. Perhaps later.
Lucy is a fantastic idea. Thank you I wouldn't have thought about her. Not sure what class yet but it could be awesome.
So, I've started reading thru our list of creatures to see which ones might qualify for entering the dungeon, and unless one is familiar with the setting it's not as easy as it looks. Just from the first few, it sees likely the spider-bot has no sapience, but I honestly can't tell whether Raptor the Redeye Watcher is or not, since I'm not familiar with the setting. It would seem Scalpa the Sphoeroid is, though, because while the entry doesn't specifically say so, if the omnitrix has an entry on it and they are space pirates, it would seem obvious they are sapient. Unfortunately, with two full time jobs and only some time on the weekends to really get into this quest, I can't be the one who makes a list of what creatures fit the criteria....
Get him a healer class and he'd go for it to improve his ability to Heal Alex I think.
Though I'd enjoy Okly The Combat Butler class.
The power to vacuum the carpet and fight ninjas all at once.
Butler was my first though. But then I tried to think of abilities that a Butler would have that he didn't already possess as a house elf and come up short. Healer is not a bad idea, not Cleric unless he worshiped Alex but that would be weird. I'll need to think on it.
Would you welcome us participants creating and suggesting Classes or would you prefer to do it yourself? I cannot promise I will be able to help but I figured I should at least ask if you are open to the possibility.
With stuff like Digi-cloth I bet Armsmaster and Dragon etc would love to figure out how to interface with the Digi-Material so they can program it to do stuff.
I admit I have been casually going thru the creature list, and am eagerly awaiting rulings on the sapience of some of them. The baby Thunderbird, for example, has already (according to it's SCP file) engaged in spiritual practice, but if it is the age equivalent of, like, 5, then maybe too young? The Magical Owl, Staria, on the other hand, might be of marginal sapience, but since they can determine postal destinations, maybe it could recognize language well enough to interact with the menu, and therefore might qualify? Fascinating things to consider! Also, I'm assuming you're going to rule that size reduction or babyfication won't work to get some of our larger creatures in thru the door? And on a similar note, if we were to ever get the "Skilled Critter" enhancement power (from the Disney section) could we use that to sneak some of our less aware creatures in, and if so, would they still have powers they got from the dungeon when they didn't have the enhancement?
Edit: One thing for sure I will be doing in future... considering whether a creature would be a candidate for going thru the dungeon when choosing it. To use a recent-ish example, our first (and so far only) Companion was chosen to be Dingbot Prime, which I'm not sure if it will qualify. (Maybe it will? It did act fairly independent on occasion in the comic, but that could be Spark shinanigans...) On the other hand, it's nearest competitor in voting, MuShu the Dragon, certainly would. Would that have made a difference in outcome? Don't know myself, I already had voted for MuShu.....
Would you welcome us participants creating and suggesting Classes or would you prefer to do it yourself? I cannot promise I will be able to help but I figured I should at least ask if you are open to the possibility.
Of course, I would love that. Feel free to create classes whole cloth or even just ideas for the one I already mentioned. In particular, I would welcome ideas for Parahuman.
I admit I have been casually going thru the creature list, and am eagerly awaiting rulings on the sapience of some of them. The baby Thunderbird, for example, has already (according to it's SCP file) engaged in spiritual practice, but if it is the age equivalent of, like, 5, then maybe too young? The Magical Owl, Staria, on the other hand, might be of marginal sapience, but since they can determine postal destinations, maybe it could recognize language well enough to interact with the menu, and therefore might qualify? Fascinating things to consider! Also, I'm assuming you're going to rule that size reduction or babyfication won't work to get some of our larger creatures in thru the door? And on a similar note, if we were to ever get the "Skilled Critter" enhancement power (from the Disney section) could we use that to sneak some of our less aware creatures in, and if so, would they still have powers they got from the dungeon when they didn't have the enhancement?
Edit: One thing for sure I will be doing in future... considering whether a creature would be a candidate for going thru the dungeon when choosing it. To use a recent-ish example, our first (and so far only) Companion was chosen to be Dingbot Prime, which I'm not sure if it will qualify. (Maybe it will? It did act fairly independent on occasion in the comic, but that could be Spark shinanigans...) On the other hand, it's nearest competitor in voting, MuShu the Dragon, certainly would. Would that have made a difference in outcome? Don't know myself, I already had voted for MuShu.....
Hey @zagan, if you don't mind the suggestion, how do you feel about Glitch choosing the Rogue Class?
To start my thoughts off, I admit now to not knowing just how she does anything in the game, I worked off of context clues and my own understanding from playing through those levels three times over for accuracy, but overall every hacking minigame in the series was based on hardware rather than software. I stand by my judgment of her abilities, though my wording may have been inadequate to describe what I was thinking.
Putting her in the Class that emphasizes breaking and entering with a dash of mobility would enhance her skillset greatly when she finally needs to enter the field for a mission, and sending her in the dungeon under Pint-sized Gigantification would be a neat use of her time. She has the Electro-Guns and Blitz-Infectors, electric blasters and rockets, for being a ranged fighter along with her spider legs to climb walls, perfect additions to a rogues arsenal as far as my DnD experience goes.
Most importantly, High level Rogues had the skill to pick and disable enchanted or magical locks and traps, a boon as far as Shard chicanery for Tinker firewalls are concerned, as some of them like to split the work by making things functional from their end, that makes those locks and traps magical as far as the equivalency should be concerned, in my mind at least.
I'm not expecting her to crack Bakuda's code the first time she gets near one of her bombs, as sending Glitch to diffuse stray bombs would be a good use for her when Bakuda decides to put them around town instead of people, but it could help Armsy and Dragon to have data on attempts made when Bakuda digs out that EMP she was building in canon, if the storyline even involves that bit of trivia.
Edit: not again, BRB need to finish writing this... done
After thinking about the Dungeon Master class some more, I realized that it lacks powers usable in combat the only two being Boss Summoning (It can now be used thrice per day) and Manifest Floor, and both are only available at higher levels. All the other powers either enhance the Dungeon itself or remove a limitation from lending creatures. So I create two more powers, Deploy traps and Themed Wall. Those powers won't allow Alex to beat an Endbringer but they do add some fun options.
-Deploy Traps: Starting at 2nd level, you can once per minute manifest one trap that exists in your Dungeon within 50m of you. The trap appears where you wish, altering the environment to fit. The trap can remain for up to one hour before disappearing and you can have a number of traps deployed equal to your Dungeon Master level.
-Themed Wall: Starting at 10th level, you can once per hour, summon a wall within 50m of you, that remains for up to 10min. This wall can be vertical, horizontal, or anything in between but it must be anchored to a surface. You determine the size of the wall when you summon it within the following limits, Height between 50cm and 5m, Thickness between 5cm and 1m, and Length between 1m and 20m. You can also choose its shape freely, straight, angled, curved, or even fully circular. By default, the wall appears to be made of stone but you can choose to change its appearance based on any Theme that your Dungeon used. The wall benefit from the effect of the theme should it be appropriate. For example, an insect-themed wall could look like it's made of chitin and release a swarm of bugs when struck. No matter its appearance your wall always possesses the durability of stone.
So @zagan I'm assuming each level comes with stat increases? Or are the stat increases independent of level? Also, are a Parahuman's base powers capable of growing stronger when used in the Dungeon or only when their Class levels up?
So @zagan I'm assuming each level comes with stat increases? Or are the stat increases independent of level? Also, are a Parahuman's base powers capable of growing stronger when used in the Dungeon or only when their Class levels up?
The classes don't grant stat increase unless specifically mentioned, Fighter would for example.
Parahuman base power can be enhanced if they take an appropriate class, but not just by being used in the Dungeon.
Perhaps for Visa she could get a class that allows her Velocity Manipulation so she can control direction AND speed? Or perhaps Illusionist?
For Velocity he might benefit most from a brute class like Brawler, Fighter, Monk, or my current favorite for him: Barbarian. Maybe a special Class called Daredevil? Daredevil might be better for Assault?
Triumph Bard or a special Class: Thu'um
Perhaps a Jekyll and Hyde type class for Clank as he is a smart backpack most of the time and has the ability to Hulk out to Giant Size?
Now that I think about it does the Ultimate Summoning mean that it can transform to get even bigger and deadlier thanks to Clank?
Add-on: @zagan
It just occurred to me that most of the dungeon fics I read often have a mechanic in them concerning the Final Boss/Dungeon Master/Core Room. On that The Dungeon Master/Final Boss is often at their strongest/healthiest in their Boss/Core Room. Like if you get get heavily damaged then they are taken to this room because it is the best place to heal up.
You could add this to your Dungeon Master Class somehow, saying that if they are taken to a place that is uniquely theirs then they'll be at their strongest or heal the fastest or just that they can summon this faux Boss Room around them. Or something.
Perhaps for Visa she could get a class that allows her Velocity Manipulation so she can control direction AND speed? Or perhaps Illusionist?
For Velocity he might benefit most from a brute class like Brawler, Fighter, Monk, or my current favorite for him: Barbarian. Maybe a special Class called Daredevil? Daredevil might be better for Assault?
Triumph Bard or a special Class: Thu'um
Okay, thanks I guess. Not to sound ungrateful, having names for classes is a good first step but it's only the first step. Do you have any inkling of what they can actually do?
I mean Daredevil is pretty vague.
While Clan could gain a class it's not a priority because he's already pretty strong. And because his days are pretty busy between Tinkering and patroling with Alex. He'll get one someday certainly, particularly if I do a timeskip but not right now.
It just occurred to me that most of the dungeon fics I read often have a mechanic in them concerning the Final Boss/Dungeon Master/Core Room. On that The Dungeon Master/Final Boss is often at their strongest/healthiest in their Boss/Core Room. Like if you get get heavily damaged then they are taken to this room because it is the best place to heal up.
You could add this to your Dungeon Master Class somehow, saying that if they are taken to a place that is uniquely theirs then they'll be at their strongest or heal the fastest or just that they can summon this faux Boss Room around them. Or something.
[X] Power
Power Roll: (810 points)
Entry Roll D46=32
"Variable Cost" True Customization, "Variable Cost" Dimensional Adaptation, 200 Choose one (100)
Sub-vote results: "Variable Cost" True Customization: Custom Dungeon Core (800): Carefree, Pocket Space Dungeon, Class System, Invader Revival
Banked: 10
I may have gone overboard with the visit to the first floor but I was inspired. I promise any future visit will only be summarized in one or two paragraphs. Expect perhaps the first visit from an outsider's point of view, we'll see.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sunday, 05/01/2011 (19 AM)
Choosing my class took some time, I'll be stuck with it for a while after all. I needed something that would bring rapid benefits but that wouldn't overwhelm me. Considering that I already possessed so many powers that I managed to forget some occasionally, I would prefer more passive or constant effects than active ones. A class that would benefit my partners would be welcome too.
The problem was that I didn't receive much detail on each class. Only the name and a few words, almost a dictionary definition. For Wizard I got "A wizard can manipulate magic to cast spells." While that at least confirms the basics it wasn't that useful.
After much debate among my Minds, and after almost choosing Magus because I was damn curious about what was the difference with a Wizard, I opted for Dungeon Master. Enhancing Nimue's powers could only be a good thing in the long run, and that would benefit everyone. We'll see how it goes.
As I finished my selection I didn't feel different in any way but I realized that I could mentally call on the interface to check on my class progression. Doing so I discovered that I was now a level zero Dungeon Master. This struck me as weird so I consulted Niume. It took a bit to understand considering she only communicated with feelings and impressions but I managed to piece together the fact that I need to run through her Dungeon to gain my first level.
And it was logical, I need to be exposed to the Mana inside for my class to crystallize.
With that answer found it was time to step into Camp Camelot. Passing through the misty doorway I found myself underground in what looked suspiciously like the inside of an anthill. Packed earth made up the ground, the walls, even the ceiling, and I can't find any straight angles, only curves. It was weirdly unsettling as if anyone entering had been reduced to the size of an ant. Thinking about it I nodded in approval, if it made people more careful that could only be a good thing.
Before going further I made a point to dismiss as many boosts on myself as possible. The class system works best when the class holders are challenged, the tension and the danger generate more mana for Nimue.
In my case even divest of multiple enhancements I didn't think that the first floor could challenge me in any meaningful way. I had too many passive boosts from multiple sources to be in any real danger. Still, I would make the effort, even cutting off the majority of my enhanced senses.
The entrance room was roughly a square three meters to the side. If I considered the staircase behind me to be to the north then to continue my exploration I need to go south. But there was another mini-corridor to the east that I knew led to an even smaller room. I approached carefully, tapping the ground with the tip of my foot to test for traps and taking my time. Nothing happened so I continued my advance. The corridor had a lower ceiling than the entrance room so I was forced to lower my head before entering.
Still advancing cautiously, I entered the small room and looked around. It appeared to be empty, with no objects, no decorations, not even rocks. While it was appropriate for the Anthill theme I may suggest to Niume to add a little something, maybe a rock or a log that could potentially hide something underneath. Even if she didn't put anything it would incite people to check, potentially distracting them.
As I turned around to backtrack a small shape hanging above the corridor entrance jumped on my face and tried to gouge out my eyes. Caught off guard I stumbled, waving my arms around, before finally falling down on my butt with a thump. Hurriedly I grabbed the creature that was still furiously assaulting my face. Blinking away the tears from my eyes I look at the thing that I was holding by a leg in my hand. As I suspected it was a Frog-Squirrel covered in chitin and with bulging compound eyes, the result was ugly as a sin. The minion was spitting mad, hissing, and clawing at my hand. It was far too weak to deal any real damage to my skin considering my enhanced toughness. Regretfully I bashed the minion against the ground, killing it and making it disappear in a burst of smoke, leaving behind a bit of fur. I was assaulted by a swarm of bugs but they couldn't hurt me either and disappeared in short order.
I grabbed the fur, got up, and dusted my pants. Looking at the ceiling I spoke out loud. "Well, that was embarrassing. Excellent work Nimue. I didn't expect this one. This was really a masterful placement."
A mix of pride, joy, and embarrassment filtered through our link and I laughed. For some reason, I imagined Nimue's core blushing under the attention.
I continued my exploration of the first floor, much more carefully, remembering to look up often. I may have come to rely a bit too much on my enhanced senses. Maybe the occasional bit of training without them could do me some good. I'm sure It will be easy to slot in my copious amount of free time.
Passing through the entrance room, I advanced through the south corridor and when I entered the next room I spotted right away two more insectoid copies of Greenie hanging from the ceiling. They attacked right away, one going for my face again and the other for my throat.
Being more prepared I managed to punch the one going for my face right away, splattering it against the wall, and generating another swarm of bugs that I ignored. The one going for my throat proved trickier, it didn't do any damage but managed to make me choke on my own spit. When I tried to grab it, the minion scrambled down my costume until it reached my ankle and tried to bite. A vigorous kick managed to dislodge it, stunning it for an instant. And using my other feet it stomped on it. The swarm that appeared this time was more troublesome than the previous one because the bugs slipped under my pants. It didn't hurt but they tickled, making me laugh out loud for a minute.
Now that I wasn't distracted by two aggressive minions I looked at the room I was in. It was fairly bare, apart from a rock on the ground. I flipped it over but it didn't reveal anything.
Before moving on I decided that I could use a weapon, punching the minions wasn't very practical. But bringing out Cressidus would entirely defeat the point of coming alone. Mentally I rummaged through my list of partners' weapon shapes. I end up opting for the pair of knives coming from Max.
To continue I should take the passage going east, but I knew that there was a small room with a chest protected by a Mudcrab minion to the north. This one would be more dangerous, not enough to hurt me but still much stronger than the Frog Squirrels.
Looking through the I spot the big crab immediately, the insect Theme didn't appear to have changed its look in any way. It was positioned against the north wall of this small room. Unlike the Frog Squirrel, despite the fact it had spotted me, it didn't move. It snapped its pincer in warning when I stepped into the room but remained on the defensive.
I kept my knives at the ready and looked around, to the west was an alcove with the chest, and before it was a pit. It wasn't very deep. If I stood inside it the ledge would only come up to my stomach, and I would need to do so to reach the chest. But it would also put me well within reach of the Mudcrab's pincers. It was far from foolproof but anyone that tried to ignore the passive crab and go for the chest may be in for a world of pain. The crab could also try to trip people into the pit. If they fall at the right, well wrong, angle it could snap their neck. That would be a nasty way to go.
Again I glanced at the ceiling and whispered. "That's a good one Nimue." I could almost feel Nimue's core vibrating from joy in her room.
For my part, I choose to dispatch the crab first. With my knives, it shouldn't be difficult even if its carapace may be a little tough to pierce. It did its best to defend itself, trying to catch my wrist in its pincers and running sideways erratically to avoid my blows. Once again the Insect theme proved its worth, each blow, even light ones, to its carapace released a swarm of bugs that hindered my vision. With a kick, I managed to flip it on its back and I promptly plunged a knife into his underside. A burst of smoke, and one more swarm of bugs, appeared. A pincer was left behind as loot.
I pocket it before carefully stepping into the pit and reaching for the chest. I remained wary of a secondary trap but I wasn't too worried. The knowledge of Dungeons that the Menagerie downloaded into my brain states that the complexity of objects that a Dungeon can create rises with the number of floors. That fact that Nimue could create a chest already was mostly due to the fact that the Menagerie gave her a few freebies to get her started.
Opening the chest didn't appear to trigger anything so I shrugged and looked inside.
I found three coins made of copper. Picking them up, I looked at them closer. The designs were simple and straightforward. On one side I saw a doorway identical to the one leading inside Nimue's Dungeon and floating above it was a sphere. That was a good representation of the Dungeon, a mysterious opening controlled by a crystal.
I flipped the coin to look at the other side. Hn, didn't expect that. In the middle of the coin was standing proudly the same symbol that was prominent on my costume, an open book with a dragon head coming out of it.
"Did you choose that design Nimue?"
Fierce agreement resonates through our link.
"Well thank you, that's very flattering."
Technically those coins had zero value, apart from the metal they were made from. But I had little doubt that they'll become collector items at some point. Pocketing the coins I continued my exploration.
The next room wasn't difficult to deal with, two more Frog Squirrels attacked me with a hiss of anger as soon as I entered. My knives made short work of them. The only hiccup was the trap at the entrance, a sort of spider web hidden under a layer of sand. Untangling myself was a little tricky, the web was well anchored to the ground and stuck to my boots like nobody's business. Not wanting to waste too much time I switch to plasma for an instant to burn it out.
I considered suggesting to Nimue that the web would be even more effective if it fell on people but decided not to. It was only the first floor and I didn't want to kill people. They need some challenge for the class system to work and for Nimue herself to grow but not that much.
The entrance to the next room, the one with the boss Anomura, was partially barred by wooden stakes halfway buried into the ground pointing toward the inside of the room. This would force anyone entering to jump over them, landing on them if they failed, and add danger to the fight, the boss could try to push you into the stakes.
Despite the fact that she didn't like traps very much, Nimue was fairly good at placing them.
Before jumping, I looked inside the room and I could see the boss waiting near the downward staircase, ready to pounce on me as soon as I entered.
Anomura wasn't pretty to look at by default but the Insect theme didn't do it any favors. Its fungus carapace had been replaced by a hard chitin shell, giving it a much more intimidating look.
Conscious that I couldn't stay in the Dungeon forever, it's been twenty minutes since I entered, I jumped over the stakes and moved on the offensive immediately aiming for the eyes.
The boss lowered its head and countered with a charge, as expected it was trying to push me into the stake. On a whim, I decided to try an unusual tactic, I sidestep to the left and then pivoted before jumping on its back. Anomura was the size of a pony so riding it was possible even if not ideal.
It immediately tried to dislodge me by bucking every which way but the combination of my enhanced strength and the Rider power allowed me to remain firmly attached to its back.
I plunged both of my knives into his eyes. The screech that followed was horrendous. The buzz of hordes of bugs that appeared and fruitlessly assaulted me didn't help.
The boss tried to ram into the wall to dislodge me, to no more effect and I continued my attack on its head, trying to reach the brain. With one last strike, I managed to do so a few seconds later, the boss collapsing under me before dumping me face-first on the ground as it dissipated into smoke.
Getting to my feet, I was surprised to find a Shroomerang on the ground. I picked it up nonplussed. I already gained one of those using Material Extraction a few days ago, with the Menagerie specifying that I could only do so once. So how did another one appear here?
I think that's now it's considered Dungeon Loot, not Material Extraction./Yes, that's plausible./It does require killing an Anomura boss, with all the risks that entailed. And you need to be lucky enough for it to drop it./Still, it's a good loophole to know about. The weapons dropped by Anomura are nice but not groundbreaking. However, Xi can giveDefense Nucleus, so lending it to Nimue on some lower floor could give excellent results. And future partners may have even better loot.
Happy with this discovery I kept the Shroomrang in my hand and descended the stairs leading to Nimue's Core room.
"Congratulations Nimue, you've created a very good first floor. From what I know of Dungeon, for most of them, their first floor is little more than an alleyway intersected by two or three rooms with a minion inside each. If you continue with that trend you'll be a legendary Dungeon in no time."
Once more feelings of joy surge through our connection.
I called forth my new Class Menu to see that I was still a level 0 Dungeon Master, a halfway-filled progression bar appearing under my class name.
"Hn, it wasn't enough to hit level one. That's disappointing but not unexpected considering I didn't struggle much." I focus on the core. "And you, was that enough for a second floor?"
The feelings I got in response were clearly negative. "I'm sorry Nimue but I think I'm a little too strong for you at the moment, even without boosts."
A shrug of acceptance was the only response I got.
"I'll visit again tomorrow, hopefully, it will be enough for both of us. In the meantime, you can already start planning your second floor, that way you'll be able to carve it right away. For my part, I'll be considering which of my partners can most benefit from the class system to organize a team to run through you regularly. I won't be mentioning Camp Camelot to my superiors before you have at least five floors, perhaps even ten."
Nimue's feelings conveyed her understanding and I felt her starting to design her next floor.
Before leaving I left behind a number of items to augment Nimue's loot options, an assortment of Berries, a Flower of Krakoa, Aylamon's paralyzing seeds, some quartz, Green Jelly, and a few other odds and ends.
She may not be able to afford to create all of those yet, but the time would come.
I returned to the Orb satisfied with how my day had gone. It was nearing nine pm and I would be returning home. I just need to check on a few things before that. I was looking forward to sleeping in my own bed, and tomorrow morning I would prepare breakfast for Mom. I haven't been spending enough time with her recently.
Just as I was putting the finishing touch on my report, I heard an alarm resonate in the PRT building through my connection with my partners in the real world. A second later Aggretsuko's agitated voice resonated in my head. "Urgente message from Armsmaster. Come to my lab immediately. The Rig is under attack."
"Goddammit! What now?"
Wordcount: 2869
Excess words: 131
Again I hoped that you still enjoyed this visit to the Dungeon. Next chapter we go back to some Parahuman actions.
For the roll, 10 (Banked) + 240 (Chapter) + 120 (Excess words) + 240 (Interlude)
= 610 points.