I think he's referring to whenever Naruto actives more than 4 tails of Kurama's chakra that he starts growing a bone-like armor over his body. Unfortunately, I'm not sure about the actual question.
Yes, and Behemoth can also manipulate nuclear forces. These Entities are old hats when it comes to atomic science. Thus, the question becomes who can do it better?
Explain tomorrow or late tonight. When I am awake and have wifi that doesn't deny me YouTube to show you what I mean. I just remember Kurama breaking out of Naruto's body. First as energy then condensed enough to form bones and then other body parts.
i think doccer want to ask if is posible that rex in jinchuriki mode escape the seal like kurama almost did at the Pain battle
i dont know just what i get
i think doccer want to ask if is posible that rex in jinchuriki mode escape the seal like kurama almost did at the Pain battle
i dont know just what i get
Not escape just leave in a similar manner. Don't know enough Naruto to know if that only happens when the Biju tries to leave against the Jinkurichi's wishes. But that does bring up a good point. Can Rex leave when he/she wants to? Or is she/he trapped?
Not escape just leave in a similar manner. Don't know enough Naruto to know if that only happens when the Biju tries to leave against the Jinkurichi's wishes. But that does bring up a good point. Can Rex leave when he/she wants to? Or is she/he trapped?
Thanks for the clarification.
First here's a link about Jinchuriki and a second one about their forms.
That should help you understand things better.
But there's a factor that you need to take into account, unlike Naruto or the other Jinchuriki from the Elemental nation, Alex does not need to tame, dominate, or befriended Rex. From the very start, he got complete cooperation from the radioactive iguana.
He will just need some time to master the various power and ability but it will be far easier for him.
As for the ability, he will be able to use, we already talked about Nuclear Chakra so that's a given.
He will be able to use the Initial Jinchuriki Form, Version 1 and Version 2. With various levels of difficulty of course.
Manifesting the tail will be possible, not very useful, but possible and maybe as an extra limb for combat.
Your question was mostly about Tailed Beast mode and freeing Rex from the seal.
On this point, I will do things a little differently.
It will be possible to release Rex with no real harm because Alex is protected by the CM, but the initial one-hour summoning duration will be maintained. If Alex wants Rex to remain longer he can summon him normally from the start.
But no full transformation because it would make some other power of the Menagerie redundant.
If you are still having difficulty getting Armsmaster and co. To hold that idiot ball in a realistic way and Compendium to not spill. Then I suggest don't. Either he spills or Armsmaster and co have a little falling in mutual trust as they know he's hiding something and won't tell them for whatever reason. But they don't press because 1. He's proven himself until then, and 2. He's damned powerful. So they give him some benefit which makes him just feel guilty.
Does that help?
If you are still having difficulty getting Armsmaster and co. To hold that idiot ball in a realistic way and Compendium to not spill. Then I suggest don't. Either he spills or Armsmaster and co have a little falling in mutual trust as they know he's hiding something and won't tell them for whatever reason. But they don't press because 1. He's proven himself until then, and 2. He's damned powerful. So they give him some benefit which makes him just feel guilty.
Does that help?
[X] I promised Kid Win to do some Tinkering with him.
[X] I received the go-ahead to craft Vista's weapon. Time to craft.
[X] Power
Roll: (840 points)
Power Roll D125=72
500 Creature Acquisition, "Variable" Dimensional Adaptation, 1000 Dimensional Travel (Too Expensive)
Sub vote result: "Variable" Dimensional Adaptation: 100Rex: Become a Biju with Radioactive Aligned Chakra (Unusual Combo of Fire and Earth)
Banked: 740
So you may notice that the first part of the chapter has nothing to do with the activity vote result. That's because I want to show some of the consequences of the Empire's attack. Originally I want to present it more organically, like in a discussion or something, a show don't tell. But I'm still pants at dialogue and couldn't make it work, couldn't even manage to find a good starting point. So instead you got Alex reading his mail, not very elegant but it does the job. Hopefully, the next chapter will be more focused on the activity.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thursday, 04/07/2011
When I reached the HQ the next day, there was a lot of agitation. In addition to all the usual employees running everywhere, there was also a fair number of workers taking care of the repair, plasterer, plumber, electrician, painter, and so on.
Everywhere I go I was met with whispers and looks of awe directed my way. Apparently, my Tuesday adventure got spread around and amplified along the way. I did my best to not react in any meaningful way.
Before going to my office, I started by hunting down the person in charge of the repair for the HQ. Once I found her, a short blonde woman named Elyse, and managed to overcome her astonishment at being sought after by a Protectorate hero. I introduced her to Olky. I gave her some details about his powers, mainly his abilities to transfigure and conjure things. There were some limits, of course, mainly concerning electronic or complex mechanical devices. The woman was overjoyed, saying that this accelerated her timetable by a fair margin. She thanked me profusely before dismissing me and turning her attention to my elf, enthusiastically explaining where he could be the most useful. I left them to it, happy with my contribution.
Once in my office, I started reading the mountain of mails I missed the day before.
Among the important info was the decision concerning how my abduction and liberation would be presented. As expected the PR division chose to go with the "rescued while escaping" story. It gave the best light to both me and Eidolon. Thankfully they didn't go into too much detail, otherwise, it would be too easy to give conflicting stories. Simply stating that Eidolon arrived just a few minutes after I escaped the trap and was fighting for my life. Then together we managed to kick their ass, not in those words obviously. It makes for a fantastic propaganda piece, the two most powerful Trumps in the Protectorate fighting side by side.
The press release also mentioned that Bakugami, they just said constellation, was a secondary effect of one of my powers. Saying that seeing it in the sky was a good sign because it meant that I was on patrol. Cheesy, but if even a few people were relieved when seeing it that was fine with me.
Concerning our prisoners, the majority were held in a number of different PRT departments. They would stay there until their trial. Two special cases warranted some attention. Othala would be proposed a deal, commuting her sentence to community services in which she would avail her power to the PRT and Protectorate. And Rune would be put under probation in the Wards, somewhere else, maybe the west coast.
This left a bad taste in my mouth, again villains would get away with their crimes nearly scot-free.
For Rune, I could understand, she was just a teenager, and a second chance was understandable, particularly since she may not have been given much choice in joining the Empire.
Othala was a member for years however and an accessory in numerous crimes. That she would receive special treatment just because of her power, wasn't something that my morals appreciate. Healing capes, if you ignore my own special cases, were vanishingly rare, yes, but using that as an excuse, wasn't right.
Not wanting to delve more into that point I continued reading my messages.
On the subject of the Empire members, no news on Victor, the man seemingly disappeared into the ether. The question was would he come back for revenge? Or would he just cut his losses? There was no way to tell.
Adjacent to the matter of the members themselves and more worrying, the son of Kaiser, Theo Anders has disappeared. Max's house was searched and what could only be called a jail cell was found in his basement. Evidence suggests that the teenager was imprisoned inside. Strangely enough, the door was partially disintegrated. That would imply either outside parahuman help or a trigger event. Both possibilities are worrying. We would be keeping an eye on him. If we believed Purity's words he was nothing like his father. I could only hope that the kid was safe.
Another important topic was the future of Medhall. After all, we just put in prison its CEO and a lot of its upper management. But we didn't want to cause the collapse of this company, it was one of the last major employers in town. To prevent that we wouldn't be releasing their identities, it was standard procedure anyway. We would be contacting the board of directors discretely and informing them that Max Anders and a few of his collaborators were put in protective custody for their own safety. Obviously, they would immediately guess the truth, if they didn't already know, however, they would do everything in their power to hide it and keep the company running.
We would be keeping a very close eye on Medhall to root out collaborators and sympathizers. The IRS would be contacted to check their books too.
On a different subject, I found a message that contained a preliminary report on the reaction of the civilians in town. It was mostly positive. There was some panic and confusion during the attack itself but nothing too serious. To a large extent because each attack was self-contained in a specific location. In the evening, once the news of the arrest of the Empire's cape began to circulate, a few parties spontaneously started. And yesterday the atmosphere in town was cautiously hopeful.
The last interesting news among a number of useless mails concerned the other gangs. And that was a whole lot of nothing. Nothing at all. No movement, no scouting attempt, no tags, nothing. Habitually any weakness from a gang was swiftly acted upon by the others. This spoke of much more caution than usual. The proverbial calm before the storm, hopefully, it would last long enough for us to consolidate our gains.
Reading and responding to all those messages took me more than two hours, it was mind-numbing work. Luckily, if you call it that, I had a patrol right afterward from ten am to twelve am. And I was alone this time, it would be a flying patrol all over town.
Stepping onto the roof I nodded in greetings toward the troopers guarding the door. When choosing my mount for the day I decided to go with my most recent partners. Massue's roar when he appeared must have been heard by a quarter of the city.
Flying high above Brockton bay was always enjoyable. Nothing much happened during it. People waved in my direction and I waved back. The only real incident was a robbery in a grocery store, when the robber ran out with his ill-gotten gains Massue landed right in front of him. He surrendered on the spot, well right after peeing in his pants. It was a little funny.
Just as I got back, for the third time in less than a week, the artificial voice of the Celestial Menagerie echoed in my head. What now?
{Dimensional Adaptation Available}
{Searching for suitable Patterns…}
{Multiple suitable patterns founded}
{Engaging randomization function…}
{Pattern selected: [7-44: G: Zilla]}
{Searching for appropriate adaptation…}
{Multiple suitable adaptations founded}
{Engaging randomization function…}
{Adaptation selected: A9: Tailed Beast}
{Determining Chakra Nature…}
{No Existing Chakra Nature fitting}
{Creation of artificial Chakra Nature in Progress…}
{Chakra Nature generated, Designation: Nuclear}
{Converting Pattern from Living Tissue to Pure Chakra in Progress…}
I felt the Menagerie working. Like with Shadow it was transforming one of my partners into something else. I didn't know what exactly but it was affecting Rex.
{Conversion Completed}
{Alert! No other Tailed Beast Detected in Keeper Soulspace}
{Initiating Jinchūriki Preparation}
{Drawing Sealing Matrix}
A crawling sensation spread across my torso and also inside my body. It wasn't pleasant by any stretch of the imagination but still far less painful than gaining magic circuits.
{Installation Completed}
{Operation Completed}
{Resuming Normal Operation}
As the Menagerie finished, the knowledge of what were Tailed Beasts, Jinchuriki, and the nature of the change affecting Rex filtered in my mind.
Tailed Beasts were giant intelligent monsters made purely of an energy called Chakra. They were immensely powerful and each one possessed some elemental powers specific to them.
And Rex was now one of those beings. His element was Nuclear Chakra, and just the name worried me. Still objectively this was purely a power boost, with a lot of new abilities and traits. In my eyes, the most important one is that Rex would get more intelligent and will be able to talk. Not that he was stupid before, I knew that he was able to learn and even devise tactics, but this would go beyond that into full sapience.
If it was just that it would already be great but Tailed Beast could be sealed into a human being to lend him part of their powers, called a Jinchuriki. Apparently, the Menagerie judged that to be an important aspect of their nature and transformed me into one by tattooing such a seal on my torso. I was currently empty, and invisible thankfully, but when summoning Rex I could choose to put him in the seal. That would shorten the summoning to only one hour, however.
I digested all that while walking toward the cafeteria. The main question was, do I need to justify the change? So far I only called on Rex as a baby, something that was still possible.
After a quick look in the mental realm to check, his look didn't change overly much, some slight glow coming from his joints and spines. Nothing that couldn't be explained easily enough. Power wise the changes were much greater but again I never summoned him before and only Collin was even vaguely aware of his capabilities. In the end, I settled on not saying anything. And if anyone asks questions I would say the truth, my power upgraded him.
The Celestial Menageries threw enough curveballs my way that it wouldn't even be strange.
After eating lunch, I looked at my schedule and I realized that I had some time to tinker this afternoon. And that reminded me that I promised Kid Win to have a tinkering session with him. Knowing that Arcadia practices half-day classes, I send him a message and he promptly responds that he could join me at two.
Right on time, I heard a knock on my lab door. I was in the process of improving a spare costume by adding an inner lining made of a mix of chitin, arachno's silk, and a few pieces of element. Putting that to the side and walking toward the door, I wasn't surprised to find the young tinker behind it.
"Good Afternoon Kid Win." I moved to the side and gestured for him to enter. "Come in, come in." The teenager was wearing plain clothes with just a domino mask, as a token to keep his identity secret.
He entered the room hesitantly and muttered a timid hello. He was looking around curiously.
"So this is my lab." I pointed at various pieces of equipment. "As you can see there's nothing really unique about it. Apart from perhaps from the variety and mundanity of the tools." Indeed my lab did not possess any tinkertech tools, only mundane ones. A 3D printer, a welder post, an alloy furnace, a sewing machine, a drilling machine, and so on, nothing impressive in themselves. The only thing that would stand out would be the variety itself, not many Tinkers manipulate that many different materials. And of course, it includes numerous cabinets containing all the materials I extracted daily.
"No, no, it's fine. At least I can use everything there." He turned toward me. "I want to thank you. Armsmaster is always busy, he rarely has the time to mentor me. So thank you again."
He appears to be sincere about that and it made me a little uncomfortable. " It's not a problem. It will be the first time I tinker with someone else. So, how can I help you exactly?"
Slumping down he responded. "I got two, no, three problems when I tinker. I haven't found my specialty yet so I don't know what I should concentrate on, I rarely manage to finish my projects each time my power refuses to give me a full blueprint, only bits, and pieces, and finally, I got dyscalculia."
I nodded thoughtfully as he spoke until he reached the last point. "Dyscalculia?" I wasn't familiar with that term and my veterinary knowledge was no help.
"It's like dyslexia but for numbers and math."
I winced. That was rough for a tinker. Briefly, I wondered if Miss J could help with that.
"I see. I'm not sure how much help I can be with your tinkering. But I'll try my best. From what I understood I work in a way opposite from that of a "normal" tinker. Maybe a new perspective could be useful."
"How so?"
"In my understanding, a tinker got an idea for an object or got a problem that he needs to solve and his power provides a blueprint of sorts in his mind. Then the tinker goes looking for the materials needed to build that blueprint, occasionally leading to a tinker fugue." I gave him a questioning look.
He nodded. "Yes, that's basically it."
"Well for me it's different. My power provides the materials." I gestured toward the various shelves and cabinets of my lab. "And give me a limited list of blueprints that I can use with those materials. Of course, I can combine various materials so that gives me more options."
He looks thoughtful at that. "Combined?"
"Yep. And the second difference is that the work I do is mostly based on normal science. Apart from a few specific cases, anyway. In theory, I could teach anyone how to build items using the material here. But as I'm the only one that can provide them and in very limited supply it's not really relevant for now. Maybe at some point, I'll have so many that I'll need to delegate but I haven't reached that point yet."
I pointed to a workbench in a corner where Clank was working on my request to recreate a Slug Blaster.
"In fact, I already have some help. This is Clank, one of my partners. He's a fantastic engineer and helps me with a lot of things."
After an exchange of greetings between the Ward and the robot I continued.
"Do you have anything that you want to work on today? A goal?"
He shook his head. "No, not really, I didn't know what to expect."
"Feel free to look around, see if anything inspires you. Maybe try working with unusual materials. For my part, I intended to work on Vista's new weapon."
"Oh, that's great! She'll be overjoyed. And the other Wards too. She doesn't like it but she's like the little sister of the group. She's strong but knowing that she'll be able to defend herself is a huge relief."
With that, we both felt silent. The young tinker wandered around, looking among my materials for inspiration. As for me, I already knew what I wanted and I gathered the components I needed. Godwood for the handle, leather for the grip, blue steel for the striking surface, and a static Cell to power the taser component.
As I was starting to work Kid Win approached me with a few things in hand. I saw a roll of Archano's silk, a small clothes beam, and a roll of cloudtwine.
"I found that, I think I could build a really good undersuit for my armor with it." He looked hesitantly at me. "Is that alright? I don't think we can call that tinkering but maybe it will inspire me?"
I gave him a smile. "That's perfectly alright. Let's get started then."
We both got to work and as we do we started talking. I suggested a number of possible specialties and keywords, to see if his power reacts to any of my ideas. It started pretty tamely, vehicles, lasers, tools, camouflage, architecture, and so on. Then it starts getting into amusing territories, toys, makeups, candies, or fashion, the last one got a laugh out of us both because he was currently stitching clothes. My propositions become ridiculous after that, dimensional travels, time travels, mental control, and power manipulations.
Sadly, there was no sudden illumination and no revelation.
After that our talk drifted toward theories on how Tinker's powers worked and why they were black-boxed.
The most popular theory postulates that Tinkers all possess a secondary subconscious striker power that altered the materials they were working with during construction. It was an appealing theory because it neatly explained why nobody could recreate tinker tech besides other tinkers even if they reproduce step by step the same building process.
Another popular one was very similar, but instead, it was a Shaker power interacting in some way with all their creations all the time. It got less traction because it implied at least a planetary range for the power. Understandably people didn't like that assumption.
In the same vein, a more extreme variant of the previous ones postulates that all tinker techs are just props and function entirely because of a power expression. Kid Win argued that this one was just impossible because some very limited success does exist in reproducing tinker tech. So if all works by all tinkers were all props that wouldn't have happened.
A more reasonable idea theorized that tinkertech uses physical principles so far in advance from our own knowledge of sciences that we simply couldn't comprehend them. The young tinker was a proponent of this one. It appealed to him because it made Tinker different from other parahumans.
From what I knew of Shards, I was pretty sure that all those theories were true to various degrees plus some other possibilities that we didn't even think about. Some shards may only use one method, some may combine them all. Solar couldn't give me more information because it wasn't configured with a tinker power.
In the end, we spent two hours working side by side. I'm not sure it helps him find his specialty. He seemed to enjoy it nonetheless. When he left he hadn't finished his undersuit but I gave him enough materials to do so. Just before leaving he gave me his name and revealed his face, Chris and I returned the favor. I also invited him to come back any time he wanted.
For my part, I managed to finish Vista's baton, I just needed to make the sheath for it but that wouldn't take long. Idly I glanced toward a shelf holding five leather-bound books. I didn't have much choice and I haven't yet had time to experiment with that type of magic. However, one book could work very well with the baton, Knockback.
Would it be wise to use it?
[] Yes, apply Knockback to the weapon. Note: The book will be lost.
[] No, it's too soon.
Wordcount: 3179
Excess words: 580
Real question: Do you think that Miss J would be able to help with dyscalculia? I'm honestly wondering. Could she overcome it by teaching math differently? From what little I understand of that affection it does not prevent someone from learning math, you can learn the formula and the theorem by heart, but it makes it much more difficult to put it into practice. What do you think?
Here's the vote for tomorrow's activity. With a few new options.
[] I should tell Armsmaster the truth about the Menagerie.
[] I think it's time to talk to Armsmaster about Grant Summoning
[] Velocity wants to speak with me, I should go see him.
[] I need to explore Princess's Orb. [] I promised Vista to go on patrol with her and Aylamon
[] I need to give Vista her weapon.
[] Elytra is joining the Wards and want me to be there
[] I want to talk with Assault and Battery about converted Villains [] My partners need some serious training, let's make a day of it.
[] I need to train myself more. I'm sure that there's some power combo that I haven't explored yet.
[] I'm being asked to certify my healing partners and powers at the hospital
[] Armsmater contacts me, it's time to summon a full-sized Rex.
[] I have an appointment with Doctor Yamada.
[] I want to spend time with my colleague, maybe dinner, testing my cooking.
[] Armsmaster said he want to talk
[] I've been called to Director's Piggot office.
The choice in green/orange can end up with either colored option, but not both.
For the roll, 1100 points. (New records! Let's hope we got something big.)
[X] I need to give Vista her weapon.
[X] Elytra is joining the Wards and want me to be there
[X] Creature
As for the Dyscalculia, I would say that there could be techniques that could be taught that could moderate/help with dealing with it, just like there are for Dyslexia, but perhaps not totally eliminate it. Perhaps even some that are not present on Earth Bet, since Miss J is from a world less openly damaged that Earth Bet is.
On a completely unrelated note, I noticed that Balrogs are the only entry from LOTR. Have you considered Ents or Entwives? If anything needs the Celestial Menagerie to avoid extinction it is them, since the Entwives are almost certainly already dead and the Ents therefore have no easy way to reproduce. Also, for another 1000pt entry, maybe the Two Trees? Lol.
[X] My partners need some serious training, let's make a day of it.
[X] I need to train myself more. I'm sure that there's some power combo that I haven't explored yet.
I know some options are color coded for synergy. @zagan is there meaning behind the colors themselves? Is the red on these two mean that these to are urgent and about to expire?
On a completely unrelated note, I noticed that Balrogs are the only entry from LOTR. Have you considered Ents or Entwives? If anything needs the Celestial Menagerie to avoid extinction it is them, since the Entwives are almost certainly already dead and the Ents therefore have no easy way to reproduce. Also, for another 1000pt entry, maybe the Two Trees? Lol.
I know some options are color coded for synergy. @zagan is there meaning behind the colors themselves? Is the red on these two mean that these to are urgent and about to expire?
Real question: Do you think that Miss J would be able to help with dyscalculia? I'm honestly wondering. Could she overcome it by teaching math differently? From what little I understand of that affection it does not prevent someone from learning math, you can learn the formula and the theorem by heart, but it makes it much more difficult to put it into practice. What do you think?
In the case of dyslexia, there are many learnable strategies to help compensate for the issue - I'd assume it's possible for dyscalculia to have similar strategies made for it. One of the biggest issues with said strategies in dyslexia is that no one strategy works for everyone, but if anyone could figure out how to teach someone the perfect strategy for it, it'd be Miss J.
In the case of dyslexia, there are many learnable strategies to help compensate for the issue - I'd assume it's possible for dyscalculia to have similar strategies made for it. One of the biggest issues with said strategies in dyslexia is that no one strategy works for everyone, but if anyone could figure out how to teach someone the perfect strategy for it, it'd be Miss J.
one thing that woks for some is using colored paper to write and read from. no idea why this works for some, or why they often have one color or a few that works better than others...
On Miss J as said before by the others there are techniques and ways to mitigate and work around it. For Miss J I would assume simply making her sessions longer due to this would be sufficient for him to learn.
[X] Elytra is joining the Wards and want me to be there
[X] My partners need some serious training, let's make a day of it.
[X] Creature