...my goodness that is a lot of extremely huge comments and responses. Which is awesome, but typing up and organizing this was... quite the task, as a result. ^^;

Oh hey, it's the cutie again! You did actually post that here already. :p :lol:

...well, if I didn't already know I wasn't spending enough time/focus on this story, this would confirm it. Thanks for the heads up; please feel free to pretend my moment of forgetfulness wasn't up for all to see for several hours beforehand.

Oh dear. How did she find witches before the start of the story, then? And how friendless and locked out of the loop was she, that none of her peers told her it's a thing? Ashtaroth does seem to have a knack for tracking though, so hopefully she'll have more chances to try it from now on.

Rephrasing - she knew that her soul gem could detect witches, as it would start glowing/flashing in the presence of one or its trail, but was completely unaware that their presence could also simply be felt in the way Mami, Tira, and quite frankly most magical girls are fully capable of. As she's noted before, she was basically always stuck playing a magical version of Hot or Cold, while everyone else was equipped with magic radar.

As for friends... let's just leave it at that she got most of her info from Kyubey, and Kyubey alone.

I'm glad Sayaka can finally start to relax and enjoy herself, though. She now has all the sweets, tea parties, and nice scenery that she could ever want, and she has a few friends to enjoy it with. Her third day as a magical girl is already so much better than her first two, drama notwithstanding.

...the irony of you posting this comment immediately before I posted this chapter; hoo. ^^;

But obviously witches do have bodies that you could touch and stuff, even if it's ultimately just a magical construct of evil ectoplasm. I suspect the issue here is that the grief seed can't be safely separated normally without running the risk of destabilizing the witch's form or leaving it an unfinished husk. If you're trying to produce a doppel or half-witch then that's probably sufficient, but Ashtaroth's magic demands a complete character.

And since we're on the topic, I'll flip the argument on its head and make the case that a magical girl is a soul without a body. Their human bodies are still theirs to keep, but only as convenient mediums, if that. It has been made abundantly clear that the soul is not truly fused to the body anymore. So, though it's a rare occurrence, we know it is possible for magical girls to share or swap bodies, and Ashtaroth's possession works within the same principles. I see the magical girl body as a chrysalis, rather than a true form. The closest thing they have to a real body is their unique clothes and armaments.

I wonder if Ashtaroth can figure out how to inhabit something without subsuming it, as that would bypass the limitations of "will only accept souled vessels" and "must manage it remotely without letting it have its soul". Of course, it can be argued that a witch kiss is a form of possession, but establishing that kind of connection (which is as-yet poorly understood, but I imagine makes it possible to impress thoughts and feelings and intentions onto the recipient) with some person is not quite on the same level as "I have my very own opposable thumbs, poggers".

I'm not sure I have much to actually respond to for this particular bit of theorizing/commentary, but I found it interesting enough that I felt obliged to spotlight it in this response post anyways. :D

Wouldn't that be throwing Kyubey, due to her lack of legs? How would Ashy punt anything without feet? Maybe if she controls Sayaka or Tira?
Well, Ashtaroth, er... that is... Tome, is rather... well-built...

It's rude to call someone bottom-heavy, you know. >:T

Shower thought after discussion of Ashy's leglessness. Since her move speed is limited by Tome's hover speed, could she speed up by grabbing swords and trying to ski-push off the ground? Or maybe using Sarr's fan as a boost. Blow into a compression chamber, dump fuel, afterburner time.
Homura uses gratuitous explosions; Tome is the thing to put in the way of explosions... and is what Ashy uses for hover movement. Pulse detonation explosion surfing! Nyoooom!

I'm intrigued/amused by the fact that one of the first ideas for giving Ashtaroth personal mobility aids is "explosions", given we already saw that she and fire don't exactly mix all that well. 📖🔥☠️

Have I recently mentioned how much I like your Sayaka? She's got a way with words.
Just said this, but I must say again, I really like this Sayaka. She just such a good kid at heart, even with all the shit that's happened to her.
Good kid. Strong kid. If this situation can get unfucked, she's got one hell of a future in store for her. Hell, even if she's stucks with Ashtaroth forever the future has many possibilities.

I'm glad! Sometimes I worry I've lost her voice in my own writing, so it's nice to hear otherwise, or at least to hear that she's a good character regardless. (❁´◡`❁) I really, *really* hope I can be a little nicer to her soon; she's seriously been going through it lately...

It's actually significantly heartwarming that Sayaka's brain went here first instead of "if you kill her, I die too." It really speaks to Sayaka's general selflessness. Her clarity, meanwhile, probably speaks to the fact that a significant chunk of her negative emotion just vacated her premises to start wrecking the metaphorical scenery. Good on Sayaka.

Though she may feel it's been broken multiple times now, Sayaka still has her heart in the right place.

Symbolic for Sayaka deciding things with her heart and ignoring her head?

Symbolism can be conjured from anywhere if you look hard enough for it — but I like this interpretation regardless. :)

Whatta ya know, I was right about magical girls being despair pokemon.

I wouldn't really put it that way, but "Gotta Ash 'em all." does have a ring to it...

Though I'm gonna point out that Kyubey is spouting guesswork and ideas, not facts. He thinks Sayaka and Tira are familiars, but how the novela categorizes them suggests otherwise. Likewise, he doesn't know why there's an extra Sayaka and Tira, just that their witch came from an alt timeline.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if was just saying things that would piss her off in hopes that she'd let some information slip.
Note that Kyubey might genuinely be mistaken here. Remember, He hasn't seen Ashtaroth subsume anyone, and we haven't even mentioned that power. By all appearances, he doesn't know its something we can do, he just sees that we have copies of Tira and Sayaka with us. He might have assumed that Tira and Sayaka were just that, rather actually having Tira and Sayaka's souls through us.

That is entirely possible, yes. Kyubey is millennia old at a minimum, and has access to a multitude of resources and abilities that most don't — but the fact that he doesn't specifically speak lies (at least from his own perspective) doesn't mean he's at all incapable of being incorrect, or making judgments based on incomplete information.

Interesting that Kyubey would automatically assume Sayaka and Tira were familiars created by Ash. Then again, Kyubey never saw the two of them get eaten and he wouldnt have the memories of his alternate self anyway. Without the knowledge that Ash had taken their soul gems, it wouldnt be a big leap to assume that Sayaka and Tira were famiscles created by the witch particularly when there is a witch (Mirrors) capable of creating near perfect copies of people.
This also kind of disproves Kyubey's spiel about the girls being familiars, if them having their own consciousnesses wasn't enough for that. The fact that it's even possible for you to mess with them and get their witch at all implies that these are more than just generic copies. I mean, he also presumably doesn't know their current state as basically extensions of Ashtaroth that she's letting their souls pilot from inside her, but it at least confirms that these are probably not just copies, they're most likely the original girls' minds. You know, as if that was ever in doubt.

I'm actually rather heartened that so many people are pointing this out/refuting the possibility. I was quite worried before posting this chapter that everyone would just sort of take Kyubey's word for it, despite his noted untrustworthiness/lack of actual facts in this circumstance. Not that he couldn't still technically be right in at least some regard, but I'm quite glad to know that those fears weren't founded. :)

'Something cracks', at least, implies that her Soul Gem just broke. I was pretty skeptical that her Soul Gem was around, but that much was confirmed at least.

Not going to confirm nor deny, but I will say that a soul gem fully breaking would be better described as "shattered".

You know, I recall something from earlier in the story about a horrible magic chestburster. I guess Ashtaroth's fears were well founded.

Heh, funnily enough, I recently removed that line from the chapter it was part of with the intention of moving it/using it in the next one instead, where I figured it would have more impact. If that was memorable enough for the exact phrase to stick in your mind this long after though, perhaps I should just put that back where it came from. ^^;

Ah, this is like those doppels from magia record. Except Ashtaroth is the doppel. Also interesting to that Oktavia view Sayaka as her weaker self. And is the last line in reference to Kyubey or Ashtaroth. She's glaring at Kyubey but the sentence seems much more relevant to Ashtaroth. If it is meant for Ash, it would make Kyubeys confusion more reasonable, since that doesn't make much sense directed at him.

It's in reference to Kyubey. Also, who says anyone else even necessarily "heard" anything? Note that the sentence in question has no <>'s around it.

Even though Octavia doesn't use people's actual names (which is always a tad annoying when a story does that but whatever), this is clearly directed at Kyubey, given the fact that the newly Octavia'd narration mentions "focusing on the target of her weaker self's ire" or something immediately previously. So that would mean that the "squires" Octavia's referring to are actually magical girls, which makes sense because squires are knights-in-training (usually by full knights) and Kyubey has positioned himself as a mentor figure to magical girls, even if he's actively harmful as a mentor. It also makes sense on the level that Sayaka has no love for the magical girl system.

I'm surprised no one has pointed out what the original context of that phrase is, especially when that information is literally in this update. :rolleyes:

Wow, okay, Okky is just bein all sorts of down on Sayaka, which is herself, according to her. I guess having an external version of yourself you can safely pin all your issues on makes it easier to not be self-loathing?

I mean, depending on one's interpretation of what witches are, I kind of feel as though that still qualifies. ^^;

I can't tell if this is just suicide or an attempt at defiance that will end in a murder-suicide. It's like she wants to exist in a state of constant despair, but only on her terms.

Here's a fun quote that you might be interested in:
Wikipedia said:
Betta fish, better known as fighting fish, will often become territorial when forced into a confined space, typically resulting in the death of one or both.

My theory is that it was due to the "quality" of said grief, and one more variable.
Most magical girls accumulate a mess of random issues, causing a misery bloat, clouding their minds, eventually leading to a downward spiral. The witch that is then born embodies the madness of their last moments.
Sayaka here however, did had not been clouded by said build up, leading to a much sharper will, and being able to identify the source of her issues, she gave her witch an "identity" to "crystalize" around.
Another difference between Sayaka and Tira was that sayaka chose a "negative resolution" by doubling down on her anger upon the target right in front of her(a negative wish), while Tire chose a "positive resolutin" of seeking forgiveness from caneloro and forgiving her in turn.
If I were to guess, Ashtaroth, I'd say it was one or more of a number of factors. Sayaka's anger and grief were clear and focused enough (primarily at Kyubey) that they aligned along that focus and formed the beginnings of Octavia before you could stop it, like iron filings lining up along magnetic field lines. There wasn't anything else for your grief to do, since by definition there is only one Shemesh and he is currently extant right now.

No comment on if this is correct, but I feel compelled to note that, before Subsumption was really a thing and Ashtaroth was still just a witchsona, this is the same sort of reasoning I used to justify her retaining a semblance of an actual goal post-witching (based off Latria's existence and actions in Oriko Magica, though we now know that those operated off a different, wish-related principle). She wasn't exactly "sane" in that version the way that she at least appears to be here, but I thought it was worthy of mention.

Boy, I just love trying to highlight a section for unrelated reasons and finding goodies. The ones with that musical notation I don't know the name of in front are clearly the Octavia proto-being's lines, and the ones that aren't are... Ashtaroth's subconscious? Some deeper but still conscious level of Ash? The witch-stincts? I'm not certain, mainly because it didn't seem like Ash was consciously aware of Octavia's formation, at least enough to actually hear her.

Anyways, this definitely confirms that it's specifically Octavia's burgeoning consciousness that held back the grief from being ejected, almost certainly because she needed it to fully form. Ash also comments that it seems like there's a will pulling back the grief around the same time, which is further proof. This has some really interesting implications to the question "exactly how separate is this 'Octavia' from Ashtaroth," because it sets the minimum bar at "at least independent enough to resist Ash's main consciousness."

Questions of "who exactly are you" get rather fuzzy when it comes to Ashtaroth. She's not been the best at maintaining a personal identity to begin with...

This carries interesting implications, because Octavia is some kind of weird outgrowth of Ash's own being. How much is this Octavia her own being, and how much is she just an expression of Ash through the lens of "Octavia?" We know it's at least some from earlier when Octavia stopped Ash from jettisoning the grief. Depending on the answer, it has really interesting implications for Ash's general level of self-loathing, and potentially some other things about her psyche as well. Or it could just be a legit version of Octavia that hates being shackled, which is its own form of fascinating.
Do it, Ashtaroth. Introspect, and in doing so find answers to sate our hunger. But really, I can't tell whether thinking about it would potentially benefit her mental health or not, and it largely depends on how much of Octavia's consciousness was actually Ashtaroth, like half of this monstrosity of a reply. If Octavia was mostly-to-fully her own thing, then that kind of hatred might be something you want to just move on from and purge from your mind. But if it was sourced from within Ashtaroth, that's something you're gonna wanna confront before it starts causing you any more problems.

Well of course it was sourced from within Ashtaroth. Every part of this equation other than Kyubey was part of her, after all. :p

More seriously: why should Ashtaroth hate herself? I mean, it's not like she turned into a literal despair monster, ate a couple magical girls by accident/necessity and in doing so ripped them out of their lives for what's looking increasingly likely to be forever, has nearly died like five or six times in the past couple days, has had basically every decision she's made of late blow up in her nonexistent face... honestly, what's she got to complain about? ¯\_(O_O)_/¯

The grief/witch mechanics revealed here are really interesting, even if it took me reading other's commentary for things to make sense.

Yeah, sorry about that — I'm not overtly *trying* to make this overly complex; it just is. ^^; Hopefully I'll manage to make everything relatively clear in time.

Maybe not kill but Jubey is proof that it can be changed.
Extensions can be changed, but Kyubey is still around and very much not Jubeyed, at least as far as I can tell from all the way over here having no knowledge of Jubey aside from a dash of wiki reviewing...

So "Kyubey can't be changed" seems accurate, because Kyubey-as-kyubey is unchanged, even if a kyubey was changed.

Indeed. You can alter a single body of his, or even kill one with relative ease, but Kyubey endures anyways, because ultimately his nature remains the same. Besides, what really is a single terminal to him, in the end? He may not want to lose them, but he's not particularly bothered by their loss either.

Strange, he should be able to work out Ashy's magical girl identity. He knows how fast she can move, that she hasn't been a Witch for long(due to the low number of "unique" Familiars), and that she had regular interactions with Kyubey.
That should create a pretty short list of candidates.

Perhaps — but as noted above, Kyubey is not omniscient, and interestingly, from what we see in the various mangas/spinoffs, he doesn't actually seem to keep great track of this sort of thing. Once the witch out has happened and the energy from it has been collected, he seems to judge it no longer his concern unless a witch starts causing long-term problems. I also haven't detailed it in story yet, but barriers can move at different speeds depending on the witch (just look at Box Wood in Magia Record, whose barrier carried Iroha to an entirely different city in seconds), Ashtaroth didn't actually confirm much beyond that she's presumably spoken to Kyubey at least once before, and I'm not honestly not entirely sure what you even mean with the unique familiars bit, but I'm pretty sure that would be correlation, not causation. Even assuming no external factors, it is entirely possible that Kyubey genuinely doesn't know who Ashtaroth was, how long she's been around, or where she came from.

... I would like to note that this doesn't say, at any point, that Kyubey doesn't know Ashy's magical girl identity. Only that there wasn't a magical girl named Ashtaroth.
Actually, this doesn't necessarily mean Kyubey doesn't know Astaroth's human name. He could just be referring to her witch name and bringing up the lack of magical girls with that name to mislead Ash.

...though yes, this detail is *also* worth bearing in mind. :evil:

This could just be Kyubey explaining things in the most accurate way he can by the standards of his emotionless race, but there also might be more to it than that. Remember, Kyubey considered forming a telepathic link with a witch to be an experiment. This whole conversation is basically just him gathering data. Perhaps Kyubey is trying to cause as much pain as possible to see what happens if any of the three very sane despair monsters despair. If that was his plan then he probably got his wish.
WOW, Kyubey really can't turn off the constant spin, can he? It's like he just shifts blame on autopilot. Then again, he is incapable of feeling emotions, so he might not have realized how volatile Sayaka was—or, more troublingly, this might have been a calculated move, an experiment to see what would happen.

Kyubey has poked and prodded at humanity for millennia, searching for the best ways to go about his given task. Given the opportunity, why would witches be any different?

What would happen if ash absorbed kyubey tho? Now that has me curious.
Maybe take control of kyubey? Become a virus that starts infecting the hive mind?

Well, if she really wants to try it, Kyubey's second body is technically still present. Though, I don't imagine it seems particularly appetizing, especially now that it's been scattered across the floor of the Canvas again. :sour:

Honestly, guys, I can't stop thinking of what would happen if Ash subsumed one of Kyuubey's terminals. He lacks the information, as of now, he needs to truly worry about such a thing, but...if eating a bit of Homura's magical time shield lets her get a free ride to the past whenever Homura hops, there's a chance eating a terminal will grant Ash some bits of knowledge from the network.

She's eaten worse things than a cat she hates, too, so she was likely only grossed out because auto-cannibalism is only OK on the scale of, like, nibbling dead skin off your lip...
The question then is can we make kyubey seem appetizing to eat after witnessing the cannibalization faux pas that even made ashtaroth the backseat driver disgusted

Hey, at least when Ashtaroth has previously "eaten" something, it's been relatively clean and whole. Kyubey was just going up to his various bits of bloody offal and eating them raw, with wild speed and abandon at that. Savage. :mad:

What? Can't a guy eat himself without be judged for it? I figured Ashtaroth of all people would be okay with that.

...and the things she eats are only her after they're consubsumed, not before. Totally different!

Wow, he grossed out the witch. Even the witchtinces didn't seem interested anymore after that display.

One wonders if they were ever interested in him the first place.

This does give me a question, could astaroth theoretically offload her greif to one of the others to temporarily assume a truly human form much like the spider witch

Based on what happened in Confrontation 16, Ashtaroth herself, at least, would be inclined to say no. ^^;

And if astaroth dies and homura turns back time/jumps universes would the dead astaroth be merged with the new one

Well, what happened to this one?

I would assume their contribution was their memories of Michiru(and with that a "flavor" of their magic)? Something to jog any memories left in the Witch they used as the source for their work.

Fair point. I was sort of assuming that was all Umika's work, but even if she implanted the memories, they presumably still had to come from somewhere other than just her.

They didn't fail as such. They just couldn't keep their earlier attempts stable. Kind of like how the modern world has fusion technology, but that only works in experiments for a few seconds.

...sure, but those earlier attempts still qualify as failures, to the point Satomi literally describes them as such. That Michiru's revival became an ongoing process the Saints had to repeat was arguably a failure in and of itself, since it certainly wasn't mean to be.

So I'm guessing a trip to Asunaro is in order for the future

It may not be the immediate priority, but at least Ashtaroth has a solid lead on something now.

The egocentrism strikes again! This is maybe the worst way to phrase this sentiment that I can think of. It's combative and incendiary in a situation where emotions are clearly running high. You're not counter-arguing here, Ashtaroth, you're just telling her she's wrong. Not a good look.

Honestly, I mostly wrote it that way because I just didn't like how the first way I phrased it read/sounded, so we'll call that a happy accident. Ashtaroth's original incarnation was based on me, and, well, I chose that nature for a reason. ^^;

On first reading, my brain read the interjection of the spoilers box for the music as a section break, so it interpreted the Octavia creation bit as a new scene that was not properly led into, so it created the impression that the pacing of the back half was a bit off. I was able to catch and correct this misunderstanding of mine in the second reading of the full chapter, but since the experience of reading the chapter is essentially equivalent to the quality of the chapter, I thought I should bring up that my initial experience was hampered in a way that might happen to others too.

Ah, sorry about that; the coding for spoiler boxes weirdly adds two extra spacing lines underneath them, so it probably did come off somewhat oddly. I've amended it to only one space (which requires placing the next paragraph on the same line as the spoiler for some reason); hopefully that now looks less like a break.

Anyways, thanks for the chapter! Your work is always awesome, and I'm glad I'm posting now so I can actually say so. I actually found this site at all because ABG came up in a Google search, so thanks for that. Have a nice day, and thanks again for the wonderful reading material.

You're quite welcome! I hope you're enjoying the site, and I'm thrilled that you're enjoying my work. Thank you for the extra long comment/reaction post; they are as lifeblood to my stories. ;)

(...and now, 1.5k words later, back to writing the actual next chapter. ^^; )
I'm glad! Sometimes I worry I've lost her voice in my own writing, so it's nice to hear otherwise, or at least to hear that she's a good character regardless. (❁´◡`❁) I really, *really* hope I can be a little nicer to her soon; she's seriously been going through it lately...
At this point I'll just be impressed if you find anything else to do to her. But yes, but kind to the blueberry, she really doesn't deserve this shit.
One wonders if they were ever interested in him the first place.
Yes, yes they were.
[-] Subsume, and bring him in.
[-] Write Right in...
And since we're on the topic, I'll flip the argument on its head and make the case that a magical girl is a soul without a body. Their human bodies are still theirs to keep, but only as convenient mediums, if that. It has been made abundantly clear that the soul is not truly fused to the body anymore. So, though it's a rare occurrence, we know it is possible for magical girls to share or swap bodies, and Ashtaroth's possession works within the same principles. I see the magical girl body as a chrysalis, rather than a true form. The closest thing they have to a real body is their unique clothes and armaments.

Hmm, Ashtaroth summoning one of the subsumed magical girls from her book is basically creating a new body from scratch.

I wonder if she can use that ability to become a body printer.

Make a deal with magical girls and let them know if their friends are 'killed' but the soul gem is still intact that their friends aren't actually dead but in need of a new body. Or hell, have a 'work' body and a civilian body to keep their lives separate. That way if they 'die' on the job but their gem can be recovered, civilian body is still around.
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Yeah, sorry about that — I'm not overtly *trying* to make this overly complex; it just is. ^^; Hopefully I'll manage to make everything relatively clear in time.
My understanding coming late is my fault, not yours. I simply haven't exercised my mystery-solving skills much. The hints are there, I simply didn't take the time to figure out what, exactly, was going on with Ashtaroth. Others in the threads have much stronger mystery-solving skills, and things made more sense after reading their interpretations (and accompanying evidence/theories).

This is even assuming my current mental model is correct- which it very well might not be, seeing as there's one glaring hole in it. Namely, why would the primary personality be that of the source MG? I'm currently of the thought that the witch of subsumption, Ashtaroth, is a separate personality (and seemingly either passive or weak. Prolly just passive) from that of the form-shifting magical girl who's death at the freeway gave rise to Ashtaroth.

However, the only times we've seen additional personalities be added (or additional sources of nudges, as Saar isn't trying to make many decisions) is when Ash subsumes an... intact vessel. Now, 'vessel' here doesn't refer to a 'body' per-say, (though they may well be the same thing for witches) but rather whatever holds the soul. This was demonstrated when Ash subsumed Mami's body in Assemblance 3- the body was intact, but her soul gem was not, and Ash gained nothing.

Coming back to the question at hand, why would Ash come with an included second personality? She can't have subsumed the soul gem for it (that already broke) and she also can't have subsumed the body (it seems to have disappeared some time before Ash looked outside, not that it would have done anything anyway) so where di- hold up. Where the heck did her body go? A MG witching out doesn't destroy the body, so there should have been something slumped against the concrete sound divider, but the only things of note were the blood and the hole from Hirako's harpoon.

I suppose the answer to that question will also contain/be very close to the reason for why Ash seems so sane, which is a core question of this faux-quest. Speaking of:
[x] Wake her up.
Putting things off rarely helps anyone, and somehow I don't think Sayaka would appreciate being left unconscious on the floor.
Ashtaroth, is a separate personality (and seemingly either passive or weak. Prolly just passive) from that of the form-shifting magical girl who's death at the freeway gave rise to Ashtaroth.
Where the heck did her body go?
Huh. Sometimes you just need to be presented with two pieces of information at once.

That's something very different about Ashtaroth's former self. Unlike almost every Magical Girl I've ever heard or read about, her magic directly manipulated her body, beyond Soul Gem remote control. More over, we have never been told the limits of her magic, just that turning into bigger animals cost more. She also wasn't limited to real animals, she turned herself into a Drider at one point. So unlike a the vast majority of girls who wish, her body might've had some more magic in it. And Word of Writer is that her Wish magic is what allowed this situation to occur.

I'm seeing two possibilities. First, and less likely, is that after she became a Witch, Ashtaroth could feel the magic in her old body, ate it, and enough of a magical impression was left that at least some copy of her mind was able to take over. First come, first serve. Seems a little weak though.

Second, and more out there, but at the same time, well... what if it hasn't gone anywhere? What if, in fact, she still has it? What if, as that girl felt herself becoming a witch, her last act was to use her magic to become her own witch?
Huh. Sometimes you just need to be presented with two pieces of information at once.

That's something very different about Ashtaroth's former self. Unlike almost every Magical Girl I've ever heard or read about, her magic directly manipulated her body, beyond Soul Gem remote control. More over, we have never been told the limits of her magic, just that turning into bigger animals cost more. She also wasn't limited to real animals, she turned herself into a Drider at one point. So unlike a the vast majority of girls who wish, her body might've had some more magic in it. And Word of Writer is that her Wish magic is what allowed this situation to occur.

I'm seeing two possibilities. First, and less likely, is that after she became a Witch, Ashtaroth could feel the magic in her old body, ate it, and enough of a magical impression was left that at least some copy of her mind was able to take over. First come, first serve. Seems a little weak though.

Second, and more out there, but at the same time, well... what if it hasn't gone anywhere? What if, in fact, she still has it? What if, as that girl felt herself becoming a witch, her last act was to use her magic to become her own witch?
"Alright, times up, you gotta become a witch."
"You cant fire me, I quit!"
"That makes absolutely no-"
the canvas unfurls
I'm seeing two possibilities. First, and less likely, is that after she became a Witch, Ashtaroth could feel the magic in her old body, ate it, and enough of a magical impression was left that at least some copy of her mind was able to take over. First come, first serve. Seems a little weak though.
Ash may have munched her mg's gem as soon as she could, potentially before the point in the process when it would normally shatter. If we are assuming that the mg and the witch are separate entities, the soul gem shattering isn't necessarily required for a witch to hatch, and might even only be a side effect of something formerly inside the gem suddenly growing in size. In that case, NotAsh could very well still be a projection of an mg that was eaten, like the examples we have in Blue and Orange.
Alright then that probably means The Book ie Tome is ashtaroth........... oh dear
What if ashtaroth is bigger than we thought
Think about it
Ashtaroth barrier has Enourmous Grass and paper figures almost fit for a giant diorama but if viewed from a fitting perspective basically toys lost on a lawn
The skyroads are also sized similarly
Ashtaroth has 2 books, the one she is growing from, Tome, and the tiny one, Novella
What if Novella is a tinier version of tome and ash by extension a tinier version of ashtaroth like some eldritch angler fishes Esca or equivalent
What if the reason ash can't make familiars is because she is one, one whose role is to act as an extension of the real ashtaroth like videogame protagonist or Cyoa book protagonist
Oh dear
Ash could be a lesser version of the real ashtaroth who's meant to basically gather things to absorb and subsume for her to allow her evolution into something like walpurgisnact
Thinking about this more, Ash is proof that a personality can be placed in control of a Witch.

If you can duplicate the process with an artificial personality, you now have a tool instead of an instrument of chaos.

AI controlled robotics are old news. AI controlled witches, that's where it's at.
You know, Tira's going to be really upset when she finds out that someone still has to take on the grief she generates.

Just earlier today she was so happy to learn that wasn't a problem anymore that she started laughing with joy, but really its just a problem that doesn't necessarily have to be dealt with by her.

It will be even worse if she makes the connection that her breakdown earlier may have caused her alternate self to become a witch.
Tira's breakdown has nothing to do with this Timeline's Tira witching out. Her big freakout was hours ago. This is form the update just after the whole Candeloro situation.
<So,> you announce, prompting both girls to turn back towards you, <I'm guessing that we've still got an hour or two to go before we make it to Kazamino.>
It's not hard proof, but the timing certainly doesn't match up.
Tira's breakdown has nothing to do with this Timeline's Tira witching out. Her big freakout was hours ago. This is form the update just after the whole Candeloro situation.

It's not hard proof, but the timing certainly doesn't match up.
..... Ya'know, I really should have caught that when I was confirming that Tira's breakdown happened after the jump back in time.

So, if we take Ashtaroth's ETA as roughly accurate, in order for my theory of timy-wimy quantum-linked soul gems to hold water, A) the amount of grief that Ash sent away would have to be lower than the amount of grief Past!Tira's soul gem could hold, and B) Past!Tira would have to deal with that grief for a minimum of 50-ish minutes. I can easily imagine a downwards spiral that would lead to witching out -'What the Heck, where did all this grief come from?' *que existential crisis*- but the first part is much harder to believe. Ashtaroth has signifigant grief stores, and they 'plummeted' when sending the grief away.

Dammit. I liked that theory.
I suppose that would mean Shemesh did, in fact, get resurrected from the first grief overload. (Him coming back b/c they time traveled was a bit shaky- nothing else in the barrier changed, so why would he?) Though that does raise the question of why the second grief overload couldn't have just made a lot of Ummashtart instead... except that's kinda been answered too- Oktavia was actively holding it in place. (There's also the chance that the Ummashtart might be un-summonable regardless, instead being passively generated by the barrier.)

That just brings back the 'What changed?' question, to which 'Sayaka had a Target' seems to answer fairly well. Except, while smearing Kyubey is the first thing Oktavia did, it doesn't seem like her motivation for manifesting in the first place. The invisitext makes it sound like Oktavia's primary motivation was ending her imprisonment, and smashing Kyubey is just the natural response to seeing Kyubey. (Which is a completely valid and normal response. Even moreso when taking into account that it seems like Oktavia's mind is just Sayaka's mind, but having a 'Nothing can get Better, everything is shit' outlook one would expect from giving in to grief.) It explains most of what happened, but it doesn't feel like The Answer to me. Mainly because why would Sayaka having a Target cause Oktavia to awaken, when the Target was not Oktavia's focus?

Though, if (and it's a big if) a subsumed MG's witch's mind is a direct copy of said MG, but with the twist of 'having given into grief', that could explain why Tira's witch didn't try to escape when it had the chance. While Sayaka is inherently uncomfortable with her current situation, and actively wants to make it stop, Tira is mostly fine. She's got what she has wanted for quite some time (the removal of grief upkeep, and the fighting it requires) with the cost of her life being tied to Ash, and she doesn't seem to broken up by that. Therefore, her witch has no motivation to try and break free like Sayaka's does.

Still doesn't answer why Past!Tira witched out tho. Unless I've got my times mixed up again (which is entirely possible), Tira would have merely been looking for a witch to replace her spare Grief Seed with when she witched. Her encounter in Saar's barrier didn't happen until well after nightfall, and I've got the impression that it's dusk right now at the latest. I'd blame Homura, but I don't see why she'd hunt Tira -who registers as 'unknown magical girl' to her- down or what she'd say that would cause Tira to witch. I suppose that if Past!Tira had managed to find Saar earlier this time, and got hit by to many Weep for the Flowers, being driven to suicide via drowning could be enough. Though when Ash got hit, she didn't recognize the impulses as hostile, so theoretically neither would Tira, so no witching out there? Hrm.
I'd blame Homura, but I don't see why she'd hunt Tira -who registers as 'unknown magical girl' to her- down or what she'd say that would cause Tira to witch.
I could maybe see Homura triggering a Mami bomb? I mean, if someone was living with Madoka, and told Homura that they and Madoka were madly in love with one another and leaving to explore the world, I could see Homura reacting strongly to that... . Jomura is currently interacting with Mami, who could have come up in conversation, and Tira seems to still feel bad about... "abandoning" Mami? I could see a "she doesn't need you anymore" taking the proverbial wind out of Tira's sails. I wouldn't say enough to witch her on its own, I think that she lives for plenty of reason other than a sense of unfinished business with Mami, but it could hit her in a large motivation that she wasn't consciously aware of, which could leave her feeling despondent... maybe even depressed...
Y'all forgetting something
Homura isn't a timetraveller but a timeline jumper
It's why the differences crop up
Different variables occur that alter each timeline subtly with homura dragging everyone for quantumnly linked ride
In short mayhaps tira was targetted by little miss ahab instead of ashtaroths past self
Or something else horrible happened
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Her encounter in Saar's barrier didn't happen until well after nightfall, and I've got the impression that it's dusk right now at the latest.

It's true that by the time everything was "concluded", night had fallen, but Ashtaroth found Saar's barrier a little before the end of evening.

The rippling in the air could easily be mistaken as a simple heat haze, or the reflection of the setting sun off the river's surface.

You know, Tira's going to be really upset when she finds out that someone still has to take on the grief she generates.
Tira's breakdown has nothing to do with this Timeline's Tira witching out. Her big freakout was hours ago. This is form the update just after the whole Candeloro situation.
..... Ya'know, I really should have caught that when I was confirming that Tira's breakdown happened after the jump back in time.

Also, while I'm already making this post, I'd like to note that while none of my reasoning on the back-end is changing, I am going to slightly alter Kyubey's wording pertaining to Tira's counterpart in the latest chapter, as he had no reason to be as exact about that timeframe as I inexplicably made him.

Now the real reason for this comment, I have a quick question for you readers: As you know, Candeloro has a "pendant form" in this story that I based off the information available about her at the time, and which I previously described as her just sort of folding herself into the rough shape of one, with her head still visibly sticking out. However, there is also apparently an actual, approximately canon version that looks significantly more like a genuine pendant, pictures of which I either just missed, or had not yet surfaced at the time I wrote Assemblance 8. As this is relevant to an upcoming event, should I simply retcon her previous appearances as said pendant to match the real one better (there's only been six chapters since then, and it wouldn't change anything major/plot-wise, so it wouldn't be too hard), ignore it, or attempt to incorporate both versions? I'm trying to stick to canon "mechanics" as much as possible, and I believe it might make later scenes work better, so my instinct is the former, but I figured I'd reach out for other opinions before I actually went through with that.
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As this is relevant to an upcoming event, should I simply retcon her previous appearances as said pendant to match the real one better (there's only been six chapters since then, and it wouldn't change anything major/plot-wise, so it wouldn't be too hard), ignore it, or attempt to incorporate both versions? I'm trying to stick to canon "mechanics" as much as possible, and I believe it might make later scenes work better, so my instinct is the former, but I figured I'd reach out for other opinions before I actually went through with that.
I mean, I'm down for retconning. Like, if Candeloro's pendant form is something that's going to be relevant soon and you want to stick with this canon sort-of-alternative, then do you.
I think it's cuter that she's just giving Tira a hug forever. Transmogrifying into a pendant is a neat trick, but it's just not as adorable.