Heh, intriguing questions, even if it's unlikely that most of them will be answered across Subsumption's run.

The questions, I think, can be boiled down to whether Ash is sharing actual senses, is sharing perception, or if she treats subsumed people as sort of divination anchors for her own "senses".

Since she was described blinking with Sayaka's eyes it's probably not the third option. I don't remember if it was ever described how she noticed something that the girls didn't using their viewpoint. Has she? It would help differentiating between options one and two. What do you think of this train of thought?


<By the way, while I'm still 'here', can you get a little closer to Charlotte's cave? I swear I- well, you can see something over there.>

Blinking, you look back up at the structure in question

Here is an episode of Ash noticing something Tira didn't, which is an evidence (though not conclusive) that she is getting feed from raw senses directly rather than processed perception. If so it would mean she is still susceptible to sense faults like colorblindness but not perception faults like prosopagnosia.
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Junko: "Sayaka's a lucky girl."
Madoka, panicking: "N-no, wait, I didn't mean to Sayaka!"
Junko, frowning: "Hmm? Why not? I was so looking forward to having her as a daughter-in-law."
Madoka, panicking harder: "Because she's already married to Hitomi!"
Tomohisa: "...oh? Well, it's nice that you have such supportive friends."
But that's forbidden love :oops:
Having reread the update, I wonder if Ashtaroth could subsume the Kyu before Sayaka does onto him as she did onto those Pyotr when she ran off into Charlotte's barrier. Girl really needs a stress ball.
Finally finished reading through this 'quest'. I think what I like most is how the characters interact with each other, and how they respond to the increasingly absurd situation they find themselves in. Everyone has their own assumptions and their own ways of thinking, which may cause conflicts with others. And due to these conflicts and the inherent nature of the PMMM world, the situation just gets crazier over time.

I also really like seeing the evolution of Ashtaroth and her barrier as new powers, witches, and barriers get added. Its always exciting seeing how things change whenever something/someone new gets added. One day, Ash might have a fully functioning society in her barrier, though its bizarreness would probably put even Mitikihara to shame.

Lets try to see what Kyubey could have learned from observing the conversation we just had. Assuming he was observing everything that happened after the barrier started moving away, and that he can't 'hear' Ashtaroth, the conversation would look like this:


"What the hell is going on...?" Sayaka asks in a low voice as you continue guiding your barrier as far up and away as you can, dropping your facade of the outside world as you do so. "Why is there another me, and another her? Nothing's registering on my Knight Sense, but if that wasn't you, then it had to be some sort of trick by a different witch, or a magical girl, or- or something, right?!"


Sayaka turns to Tira, even as the latter immediately trails off.

"Perhaps what?" she repeats.

Tira sighs.

"Perhaps, Kaname-san ended up making a wish after all." she elaborates. "Say, for her friends to be 'returned' to her, or something along those lines. Except, rather than bringing you and Tomoe-san back, her wish simply... made new ones."

"Madoka said she hadn't made a wish while we were on the phone though!" Sayaka protests.

Sayaka blinks. "Well yeah, of course it did! That fake looked exactly like me!"

"She even stole my metal bat!" Sayaka rants. "That was at home, which means she's probably fooled my parents into thinking she's me too! Not to mention Madoka and that other Mami-san, to the point that they're all hanging out at-"

She breaks off, seeming momentarily lost in thought, before resuming at a quieter volume.

"Huh. Actually, that... kinda looked like when Mami-san took us witch hunting on Saturday."

Sayaka shakes her head.

"It's nothing. Just... before all this happened, Mami-san saved Madoka and me from some familiars at the mall." she explains. "That's how we learned about all this magic stuff in the first place. She and Kyubey-" she spits the name out like a curse, "-told us we could be magical girls too, but Mami-san wanted to show us what hunting witches actually involved first, so that we could... make a more informed decision."

She looks down at the floor, for all that it's not actually showing anything anymore. "So, on Saturday, we met up at that café for a bit, then left to go hunt down the witch who made the familiars that attacked us. I brought my metal bat from home for protection, and we left just as the sun began to set..."

She trails off again, seeming rather puzzled by the apparent coincidence...

Sayaka's attention snaps back to you. "Seriously?"

"Well then spill, because I'd really like to know."

"Seconded." Tira concurs.

Tira tilts her head slightly in apparent confusion. "...yes? It is one of the newest models, so of course it does, but why does that matter?"

Tira frowns, but draws her phone back out of her bag and hits the power button, reactivating the home screen display. As it reappears, you subtly direct her gaze away from the time, and up toward the small, fairly unobtrusive bit of text in the corner that displays today's date.

March 26th

"...wait, the 26th?" Tira notes aloud, frowning. "Strange, I could have sworn that it was the 28th...."

"Huh?" Sayaka remarks, still lost. "What the heck does a phone glitch have to do with anything we just saw?"

Sayaka slowly looks up at you with the flattest, most disbelieving expression you think you've witnessed from her thus far.

"Are you serious?" she asks, monotone.

Sayaka's expression gradually shifts into one of absolute incredulity.

"Wait, are- are you saying we've time-traveled?" she sputters.

"That... would make an unfortunate degree of sense." Tira mumbles, moving one hand to her lips.

"No – I'm sorry, but just, no." Sayaka says, moving her arms into an "X" of denial. "Just because Tira's fancy-schmancy phone is having issues does not mean that we've literally been thrown two days back in time. Even with the fake me and the extra Mami-san, there's nowhere near enough evidence to come to a conclusion that crazy!"

"Yeah, well, I still don't even know who that was." Sayaka huffs, crossing her arms. "How does she prove anything?"

Sayaka cautiously nods, while Tira just frowns

Sayaka abruptly looks sickened. "Wait, so you mean... she..."

"Wha- that doesn't mean anything!" Sayaka objects. "That girl was obviously nuts anyways!"

"It cannot have been her."

"I was in attendance at the initial meeting that ultimately led to this morning's." Tira elaborates. "During it, Shizuki-san was directly told by Kyubey that she did not meet the minimum potential requirements to become a magical girl. To my knowledge, that is not something that can simply be changed, which would eliminate the possibility of her direct involvement."

"Personally, I am already in large part convinced." Tira replies. "Our perception from within this barrier is admittedly limited, but it explains too much to simply write off out of hand..."

She pauses, raising her right index finger to her chin as she does so. "Though, while I am unfamiliar with the individual in question beyond what you have told me, if this 'Homura' girl's magic is truly teleportation-focused, would it not make slightly more sense to assume that rather than being pulled through time itself, we have instead been translocated to some manner of parallel universe?"

"Oh come on!" Sayaka interrupts, throwing her hands up. "This is ridiculous! We're not only seriously assuming that we somehow got dragged into the past, but that the alternative is that we're now in a parallel universe? Can Kyubey even grant magic like that?!"

"It hardly seems entirely out of the question." Tira notes. "Though, perhaps Ashtaroth-san would know better? She did previously imply that she knows him to in fact be an alien, rather than a creature of magic, as I myself had assumed."

Sayaka's mouth opens again, then closes as she turns back to you with narrowed eyes.

"Good point. Where exactly did that little tidbit even come from, Ash? Just how much do you actually know about Kyubey?"

"Huh?" Sayaka squints. "When was this?"

"I thought you said you didn't remember anything from before becoming a witch!" Sayaka stubbornly counters.

"Whatever!" Sayaka shouts. "I don't really care! The point still is, we can't ACTUALLY be in the past!"

"What about is it so difficult to believe, Sayaka?" Tira asks, arching an eyebrow at the other girl. "Kyubey is capable of a vast number of things that most people would think impossible, and you yourself seem to recall previously taking part in the exact event we just now witnessed."

"We just can't be!" Sayaka insists. "We can't! Because it's- it's not-!"

"...yeah." Sayaka mutters, facing the ground. "But I guess fairness never meant anything anyways."

She sucks in a long, heavy breath, then looks back up, her gaze hard.

"Fine then. I don't suppose this is the kind of time travel where we can just wait around until we catch back up to the present, and everything goes back to normal?"

Sayaka's teeth clench together. "Then we need to find the transfer student and force her to fix this!"

"We have to at least try!!!"

Sayaka lowers her eyes to the floor again. Every muscle in her body is wound tight as a spring, to the point you're almost worried her tendons are going to snap, and you can feel her straining to hold back tremors strong enough to send her to her knees.

Its pretty jarring at times and has sudden cutaways from one topic to another, with no apparent reason for them. Even so there are quite a few things Kyubey could gleam from this.

Sayaka has a 'Knight sense', Both Sayaka and Tira speak to the witch as an intellectual equal, and can hear it talk to them, this Sayaka hates Kyubey, the trio believe they have time travelled, Tira refers to a meeting involving Hitomi that never happened, Homura either pulled them through time or brought them to an alternate universe, and Ash seems to be against finding Homura.

Kyubey also may or may not have scouted out the rest of the barrier. If he has he should also know that Saar's barrier is present without Saar herself, and Charlotte is also present.

Notably, there's no mention that Ash has subsumption powers, though Kyubey can probably see the link between Ash and her companions, and might suspect something like that as a result.

He also doesn't know what Candeloro is, other than a novel witch, though if he's seen her familiars he might be able to tell.

As for the vote:

[X] Dine on rabbit stew
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Maybe they have a chance to save Nagisa!
Nah, by the time Ashy arrived during the last loop Nagisa was already a Grief Seed. If she had just turned into a Witch, she would have still been a Witch complete with her own Labyrinth.

That she was a Grief Seed means someone beat Nagisa after her transformation, used her Grief Seed to clear their Soul Gem, then gave the full Grief Seed to Kyubey, who then dropped the Grief Seed near the hospital to motivate Sayaka and Madoka into making a Wish.
Indeed – all these convenient qualities going for her, and yet she fights against it tooth and nail. Not that Ashtaroth was planning on subsuming her, of course...
she was just going to do it accidently, like she did Sayaka?
A lovely idea, but I'm afraid the logistics make it impossible – after all, Ashtaroth can hardly take on new tenants when Kyubey is the only one who knows how to make contracts. :V
that just means Ash should subsume Kyuubey first!
At the very least, I'll tell you that Charlotte's grief seed is not at the hospital right now.
wait, does that mean Nagisa is still a meguca? if so pog, and we should go add her to our collection so we have both the Witch and MG variants
Sci-fi? Whatever could you mean? Tira is far too upper-class for that sort of thing! Perish the thought that a refined lady such as herself could be interested in shows comprised primarily of impenetrable technobabble, laughably hammish dialogue, and admittedly epic tales of exploration that still manage to retain a core grounding in-

Er, nevermind that.
I did not expect to learn that Tira had an embarrassed love of sci-fi, but it fits and is a delightful bit of character building.
Junko: "Sayaka's a lucky girl."
Madoka, panicking: "N-no, wait, I didn't mean to Sayaka!"
Junko, frowning: "Hmm? Why not? I was so looking forward to having her as a daughter-in-law."
Madoka, panicking harder: "Because she's already married to Hitomi!"
Tomohisa: "why would that stop you? I"m sure the three, well four including the lucky girl you already married, of you would make a lovely polycule"
Maybe they have a chance to save Nagisa!
and by "save" we of course mean nom
The questions, I think, can be boiled down to whether Ash is sharing actual senses, is sharing perception, or if she treats subsumed people as sort of divination anchors for her own "senses".

Since she was described blinking with Sayaka's eyes it's probably not the third option. I don't remember if it was ever described how she noticed something that the girls didn't using their viewpoint. Has she? It would help differentiating between options one and two. What do you think of this train of thought?

Here is an episode of Ash noticing something Tira didn't, which is an evidence (though not conclusive) that she is getting feed from raw senses directly rather than processed perception. If so it would mean she is still susceptible to sense faults like colorblindness but not perception faults like prosopagnosia.
Pretty sure Ashy has been noted to specifically move her characters' eyes around when she wants to look at specific things through their pov? not sure how meaningful that is for your speculation but it's another data point.
Pretty sure Ashy has been noted to specifically move her characters' eyes around when she wants to look at specific things through their pov? not sure how meaningful that is for your speculation but it's another data point.
Marginally more interested now, you look a little closer, though the image you're getting from the side of a single eye isn't perfect. Judging by the shoulder-length auburn hair you can see fanning out around the familiar's neck, this one is based on Tira, which you suppose you really should have expected after seeing the Sayaka ones – the redheads are probably based on someone Mami knew as well. For some reason however, the Tira-maid appears to be unique, or at least is the only one of its kind currently present in the room. It's unlike the other familiars in more than just hairstyle as well, not only lacking the silver serving platter that otherwise seems standard, but also any ribbons wrapped around its limbs, leaving both its hands and arms completely free. On a subtler note, you can just barely tell that instead of the wide, plastic smile all the other familiars are sporting, this one is actually frowning, the unique expression making it look oddly... tense?

<Hey, girls? Not to interrupt your staring contest, but have you noticed the->

The Tira-maid abruptly sprints out of the corner and leaps forwards like an Olympian, soaring over almost half the room in a single bound before coming down directly in the center of the dining table. Sayaka and Tira both yelp in surprise, and Candeloro squeaks in much the same manner, but before anyone can react beyond that, the familiar jumps again, this time landing almost directly in front of the cottage door. Hang on, what-?
Ashtaroth observed the Tira Du Polignac from the side of one of Tira's eyes, and described the image as imperfect, which would be strange if she were fully directing Tira's gaze. Furthermore, Tira herself was surprised when the familiar jumped onto the table, implying that she didn't notice it, which seems implausibly imperceptive if Ash was indeed directing her gaze towards it.

Based on this, I think Ashtaroth really can focus on somebody's sensory data, but can end up taking over their eyes if she gets too into it like she did when she was observing the barrier through Sayaka.
The 'hear him out' option is redundant since we can just interrogate him after eating him. Worst case scenario is that doing so cuts bunnycat off from his external hard drives, but at least that'll give us useful information about how they work.
The 'hear him out' option is redundant since we can just interrogate him after eating him. Worst case scenario is that doing so cuts bunnycat off from his external hard drives, but at least that'll give us useful information about how they work.
We can still hear him out then, just contact another drone.
The 'hear him out' option is redundant since we can just interrogate him after eating him. Worst case scenario is that doing so cuts bunnycat off from his external hard drives, but at least that'll give us useful information about how they work.
No, worst case scenario is that it self-destructs before Ashtaroth subsumes it.

Others include:
Subsuming it gives nothing.
Subsuming it just gives an informationless body.
It escapes.

Not to mention what the Clarke-Tech civilisation will do if it considers it an unacceptable security-breach. You're running the risk of permanently alienating the Incubators in every timeline, because they may be able to detect that Ashtaroth has subsumed one of them.

Essentially, you should really think this through instead of just voting for "screw this guy" because you hate "him".
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Well, looks like I chose the perfect story to branch out into reading PMMM stuff. Even with only generic knowledge of the series (and the main twist), it's been easy to follow and highly entertaining. Also because fics where the MC really has to struggle to survive are much more interesting to me, since having to grasp any straws available to survive often creates a need to explore the deeper mechanics and background events of the universe.

It's been a blast, and thanks for the read!
This is a wonderful read! Was hooked by the idea and then had a lot if fun going through the story. I wonder if that call initiated a sequence of events. I also wonder, if they share this timeliness with that Homura, or if the timeliness connection is not linear and they got another one. Probably the same one, but still.
Finally finished reading through this 'quest'. I think what I like most is how the characters interact with each other, and how they respond to the increasingly absurd situation they find themselves in. Everyone has their own assumptions and their own ways of thinking, which may cause conflicts with others. And due to these conflicts and the inherent nature of the PMMM world, the situation just gets crazier over time.

I also really like seeing the evolution of Ashtaroth and her barrier as new powers, witches, and barriers get added. Its always exciting seeing how things change whenever something/someone new gets added. One day, Ash might have a fully functioning society in her barrier, though its bizarreness would probably put even Mitikihara to shame.

Huh, lots of new people reading this lately. I'm glad you're all enjoying the fic so far! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o I too quite like stories where the protagonist is constantly struggling to survive and/or improve (as noted a bit below, it's essentially one of the central themes of many of my stories), and I'm happy the character interactions/barrier evolutions are keeping your interest. Ashtaroth still has a long way to go in both regards, so I hope you'll all stick around to witness it!

Interesting… either Charlotte's Magical Girl hasn't given in to grief yet in this timeline, or she time traveled back with them. If the second, I'm assuming the only reason Sayaka (and probably Tira) have duplicates is because they aren't technically themselves, but rather parts of Ashtaroth. In that case Saar is probably back too.
Like, "back" in the sense that there's a Saar from this timeline, or that Saar from the previous timeline come back separate from Ash?
The first one. It would be more accurate to say that Saar hasn't been replaced with her future counterpart, which is what seems to have happened with Ashtaroth. Of course, Flairina could just be trolling us and Charlotte's grief seed is just somewhere other than the hospital.

Hey, trolling is only if I'm deliberately leading you in the wrong direction! Leaving something open to interpretation can hardly be qualified as such, right? :whistle:

Btw, what happens to the grief seeds Bunnycat collects?
Because if every MG can kill dozens of witches over their carrier, and all witches come from MGs, doesn't mean the witches get killed over and over again?
So presumably, after the bunnycat collects power from them it then deploys them at random. So may be that the bunny cat simply hadn't dropped it there yet.
presumably it farms energy from them somehow, but we're never explicitly told what they're used for IIRC
That she was a Grief Seed means someone beat Nagisa after her transformation, used her Grief Seed to clear their Soul Gem, then gave the full Grief Seed to Kyubey, who then dropped the Grief Seed near the hospital to motivate Sayaka and Madoka into making a Wish.

I'd wager Kyubey does have a method of getting something from grief seeds, given that once Madokami resets the way the world works, collecting used-up "grief cubes" (which are basically just less efficient grief seeds so far as I can tell) is apparently Kyubey's main source of entropy-combating energy. As such, even if he is replanting them, he's probably still not holding onto every grief seed he's ever collected solely for that purpose.

(After all, why would he ever need more than a few on hand at a time...) :drevil:

If I understand my Puella Magi lore correctly, all Magical Girls become Witches, but not all Witches came from Magical Girls. Some of them used to be familiars who ate a lot of humans, and became powerful enough to graduate to Witch-hood.

There's probably also a few Magical Girls who kinda just die on their first outing- no training/experience with the utter nonsense that are Witch barriers means mistakes, which can be deadly. After all, Kuubi's primary objective is the witching out of Magical Girls, so while the removal of Witches is *nice*, as long as the contractee has the potential, I'm not sure they care about any long-term survival. Well, long-term for Magical Girls anyhow. I think the expected survival time is counted in months?

I don't recall it ever being explicitly stated in canon, and the survival time varies pretty drastically, but on average the time is probably pretty close to the low end, yes. The system that PMMM magical girls operate in deliberately isn't built for sustainability — eventually, you're either going to meet that witch you can't beat, get locked out of the grief seeds you need for survival by other magical girls, or simply have a bad day you can't recover from. The latter is oftentimes either compounded or directly caused by the effects of a wish that gave the wisher what they asked for, but not what they actually wanted, and/or just the stress of being a magical girl in general. Tira exemplifies this latter circumstance in a lot of ways when she's first introduced, such that if she hadn't encountered Ash...

Well. I've hardly been coy about the canon "character" she's based on.

The following possible future has had segments translated from [Witchspeak] for ease of reading.
Candeloro: [Do you all like my new hat?]
Tira: "Do you ever wonder what Candeloro is saying, Sayaka?"
Sayaka: "I actually wonder what Oktavia says sometimes too."
Smol Oktavia: [These new boots are so wonderful!] *she's on Sayaka's head, and no, it wasn't her idea. Well, technically it was her idea, but you know what I'm alluding to anyhow.*

Ashtaroth complains that she's feeling left out because she doesn't still have her accessory, only for her smaller cohorts to point out she's basically permanently borrowing theirs anyways, without even having asked their permission, so maybe she should just shut up. :sour:

Having reread the update, I wonder if Ashtaroth could subsume the Kyu before Sayaka does onto him as she did onto those Pyotr when she ran off into Charlotte's barrier. Girl really needs a stress ball.

Sadly, Kyubey terminals aren't terribly durable, so a "stress ball" in that vein likely wouldn't last very long. Unless Ashtaroth could make another, of course... ✪ ω ✪

Yeah, but you write fics about your SI living those stories, not about your SI writing SI fics. It's the difference between having Ashy as the Protagonist and it being the Witch of Subsumption.

You just wait — some day, far off in the future, I'm gonna zoom out the perspective on this story, and you'll find out it was actually being written by the Witch of Literature all along.

More importantly, remind me what you tend to do to your protagonists again, Flairina?

Just because "Being Meguca Flairina is suffering." may as well be my motto at this point doesn't mean you need to rub it in. ^^;

she was just going to do it accidently, like she did Sayaka?

Exact-! Wait, no, er...

<...I refuse to answer on the grounds that I may incriminate myself?>

wait, does that mean Nagisa is still a meguca? if so pog, and we should go add her to our collection so we have both the Witch and MG variants

I like that your first reaction to that theory isn't "Oh, lucky her, we should prevent her from witching out again!", but "Oh, lucky her, we should prevent her from witching out again... by adding her to the ranks of the Dramatis Personae, of course!"

(Not that you're necessarily wrong — this collection is looking quite incomplete as things stand.)

The 'hear him out' option is redundant since we can just interrogate him after eating him. Worst case scenario is that doing so cuts bunnycat off from his external hard drives, but at least that'll give us useful information about how they work.
No, worst case scenario is that it self-destructs before Ashtaroth subsumes it.

Others include:
Subsuming it gives nothing.
Subsuming it just gives an informationless body.
It escapes.

Not to mention what the Clarke-Tech civilisation will do if it considers it an unacceptable security-breach. You're running the risk of permanently alienating the Incubators in every timeline, because they may be able to detect that Ashtaroth has subsumed one of them.
Good try, Kyubey in a top hat, but your logic and reason will not deter us!

Onward! To ill-conceived decisions!

Amusingly on-point avatar aside, they are very valid points/possibilities. That's the thing with Kyubey — even when you want so desperately to wipe that permanent :3 off his face, he's definitely someone you prefer "on your side" (so much as he's on anyone's side other than his own) than not, as he's perfectly capable of marshaling a rather considerable amount of influence against anything he sees as an issue. In this case, are the potential downsides of making an enemy of him worth the potential — and only potential — rewards of acting on your immediate impulses?

...well, then again, this is Ashtaroth we're talking about here, so I suppose it doesn't really matter. :rolleyes:

Were all the previous chapters edited recently?

Not all of them (yet), but I am currently doing a full edit pass on the fic as I slowly go back through it. I don't intend to change anything too major, but Emergence as a whole definitely needed some refining, and Confrontation at the very least needs the hyphen vs emdash (- vs —) punctuation standardized. I've been trying to get around to that for like two years now, ever since I was told I was using the former wrong, so I'd really like to manage it this time.

Lets try to see what Kyubey could have learned from observing the conversation we just had. Assuming he was observing everything that happened after the barrier started moving away, and that he can't 'hear' Ashtaroth, the conversation would look like this:


Its pretty jarring at times and has sudden cutaways from one topic to another, with no apparent reason for them. Even so there are quite a few things Kyubey could gleam from this.

Sayaka has a 'Knight sense', Both Sayaka and Tira speak to the witch as an intellectual equal, and can hear it talk to them, this Sayaka hates Kyubey, the trio believe they have time travelled, Tira refers to a meeting involving Hitomi that never happened, Homura either pulled them through time or brought them to an alternate universe, and Ash seems to be against finding Homura.

Kyubey also may or may not have scouted out the rest of the barrier. If he has he should also know that Saar's barrier is present without Saar herself, and Charlotte is also present.

Notably, there's no mention that Ash has subsumption powers, though Kyubey can probably see the link between Ash and her companions, and might suspect something like that as a result.

He also doesn't know what Candeloro is, other than a novel witch, though if he's seen her familiars he might be able to tell.

A good summary of what he could have overheard, to be sure. But then again, if Kyubey was eavesdropping on all that, I think Ashtaroth should more concerned about why he's suddenly initiated contact...

But, but Mami is one of said witch-related entities!?

Mami: "I'm what?! *Tetris theme starts playing*

Okay I admittedly don't trust her on that, but I think that's the fandom in general - any sort of sapient witch quest has the default assumptions lean pretty strongly towards intelligent = ‼friend‼

A wonderful perspective to have — if only it was shared by more in-universe characters. :V

Trauma can harm ability to form memories, granted, but forgetting someone rather important in just two days raises questions like "What else has she already forgotten forever?" and "How long until she forgets today?"

Basically, I read it as sign of dementia.

Oh. Well, not to crack down on theorizing, but I didn't mean it that way. ^^; Though that would be pretty damn horrifying... and is actually pretty similar to something I speculate could apply to Shemesh, were he to become an independent witch him/herself. But that's highly unlikely to happen anyways, for a number of different reasons. 🌏

B-but, I thought she merely wished to be upper-class( face) ? Implying she wasn't one before( heel) ?

Being a meguca must have sounded sooo romantic, tho.

She saw it as a way to definitively prove herself better than others... only to end up having it thrown in her face that she very definitively wasn't.

Having it as an explicit theme/nature does raise the attention such details get. It'd probably have passed without a mention with regular characters; heck lot of protagonists don't even get to show internal-only thoughts!

Yeah, I like my writing style, but it can cause some issues in that regard sometimes. I've edited that section slightly again; hopefully I won't need to do so a third time.

...In that case, what happens to the unattended familiars, dumped all over Mitakihara? I suppose there will be lots of sweet witches soon in that case.... Good thing there's Mami to take care of tha-wait, nevermind.

Collect them all and set up a sweet-selling company? I'm sure there's an use or two for mundane power, if only to buy things that aren't sweets.

Thankfully, the Pyotr are not exactly amazing hunters, and the Polina don't tend to go off on their own very often. Though with so many familiars now residing in the barrier, I imagine at least a few may have already slipped away without notice... :ninja:
I don't recall it ever being explicitly stated in canon, and the survival time varies pretty drastically, but on average the time is probably pretty close to the low end, yes. The system that PMMM magical girls operate in deliberately isn't built for sustainability – eventually, you're either going to meet that witch you can't beat, get locked out of the grief seeds you need for survival by other magical girls, or simply have a bad day you can't recover from. The latter is oftentimes either compounded or directly caused by the effects of a wish that gave the wisher what they asked for, but not what they actually wanted, and/or just the stress of being a magical girl in general. Tira exemplifies this latter circumstance in a lot of ways when she's first introduced, such that if she hadn't encountered Ash...

Another thing to note also is that as a magical girl grows older her magic potential decreases. An example being Mifuyu from Magia Record who's been a magical girl for seven years since she contracted at age twelve and noticed that her magic was growing weaker with her barely keeping up her transformation at times. This would be handicap towards MGs surviving for long periods of time as that would mean despite the experience they gain from fighting witches and even if they lived in an area where grief seeds weren't an issue, eventually at some point they're magic would be insufficient to protect them from witches or other girls resulting in them either dying or witching out from corruption. It's rather telling that along the 100+ characters from the PMMM franchise, only a small handful lived beyond their 20s (Isabeau, Pernelle, the girl who became Roberta, Mikoto Tsubaki) all of whom are dead by the present day. The only character who could be said to be a fully grown adult is Livia who's implied to be decades old and she could be considered an exception due to her position of a Coordinator allowing her to obtain grief seeds without fighting by adjusting soul gem in exchange for seeds
Posting now? Posting now.
You can scarcely believe you even considered anything else, however briefly. You don't care if she's real or not, you are not risking having to fight this girl twice, technically THRICE in the same day!

Your barrier surges upwards into the sky, thankfully not quite as close to the ground right now as it was the last time Mami was around. Sayaka lets out a cry of protest as her illusory view of the group starts growing visibly further away.


<Do you want a repeat of what happened this morning, Sayaka?!>

Sayaka's mouth snaps shut.
Yeah, holy shit, just skedaddle. That fight was tragic enough the first time. And if another battle to the death is inevitable, at least don't make it awkwardly right next to a cafe!

"What the hell is going on...?" Sayaka asks in a low voice as you continue guiding your barrier as far up and away as you can, dropping your facade of the outside world as you do so. "Why is there another me, and another her? Nothing's registering on my Knight Sense, but if that wasn't you, then it had to be some sort of trick by a different witch, or a magical girl, or- or something, right?!"
Hm. Would Knight Sense work on the other Sayaka? Or, to put it another way, is Sayaka Sayaka-friendly? (I would hope so!)

Mami's eyes stay trained on your barrier as it moves, and you think you see her start talking to Madoka and the faux-Sayaka before you get too high to make out her facial features – but to your great relief, she doesn't transform or visibly attempt to follow you. Maybe because she's in public right now, and it's not so early that there's no one else around this time? Whatever the case, you'll count that as a win. Even if she can clearly still tell exactly where you are, without anyone to literally fly her up here, she probably can't reach you anyways.
Ah, so it's an uneasy truce based on keeping magic secret from the general public? Or at least that's what it looks like from up here. But it can only last until either Ashtaroth attacks in the area or Mami finds a more convenient spot to transform and engage, right?

<...and, more importantly, I didn't see a ring on her finger.> you add.

Granted, you were pretty far away, but it was the first thing you looked for after you got over your initial shock, and the only glint of silver you spotted was the one on Mami's hand.
Damn, that is really good sight, and Ashtaroth doesn't even have eyeballs in her own head. I'm jealous!

Which, going by the bloodstains still decorating the sound blocker, she had... though, come to think of it, you also only saw blood on it, bereft of its source. Where the hell did your body end up...?
If Hirako didn't move it, then obviously it's in the barrier somewhere. It's not as if the corpse just got up and walked away from the murder scene to make way for Ashtaroth's rebirth. I'm convinced it's incorporated into Ashtaroth somehow (although I have no evidence directly pointing to that being the case) because I thought Ashtaroth would have noticed the body at some point otherwise.

...though not nearly as much so as you would have liked, as you certainly didn't learn about what soul gems or witches really are from him.
Interesting detail. I can imagine a few ways that could have gone down, but it was likely a more unpleasant revelation than if it had come directly from Kyubey. The only thing that could make this substantially worse is if she contracted before the witchbomb, and actually that seems likely because I have no clue what could have compelled Ashtaroth to contract (via Kyubey) after the witchbomb (which, it bears repeating, didn't come from Kyubey).

We don't have an good timeline of when the witchbomb happened, but it's possible that Kyubey ditched Ashtaroth just after it because he realized he was too sus, and having experienced this exact problem numerous times before, he saw the warning signs and just didn't want to risk a magical girl's wrath this time. This is pure speculation, mind you, and maybe the limit of what I can speculate with what I remember about both characters. This topic seems important because backstory, so I'll just make a note of it and maybe come back to it later...

"What about is it so difficult to believe, Sayaka?" Tira asks, arching an eyebrow at the other girl. "Kyubey is capable of a vast number of things that most people would think impossible, and you yourself seem to recall previously taking part in the exact event we just now witnessed."

"We just can't be!" Sayaka insists. "We can't! Because it's- it's not-!"

She can't seem to spit the last word out, but you think you might know it anyways.

Of course it's fair! But explaining that to Sayaka would take a while, because she doesn't really know Homura at all. It's not as if Sayaka could make the same wish and expect it to work as well; the impetus behind the wish is crucial for making it "surpass entropy". Not to mention that Homura still has a really hard time in spite of her magic...

<Hate to remind you, but I doubt we could force Homura to do literally anything.> you reply. <Also, I don't imagine she'd be particularly inclined to listen to us, assuming that we could even find her, and she didn't just try to kill us again on sight.>

"We have to at least try!!!"

The desperation in Sayaka's voice is strong enough that, at least for a moment, you can't help but reconsider. Would it really hurt just to make an attempt...?
Beeg oof. Being Sayaka is suffering, and this particular continuity really gave her the shortest end of the stick so far. To recap:
  • She sucks in battle. Mostly it's just recklessness and inexperience, so she can improve, but that's cold comfort because she already risked life and limb only to lose... multiple times.
  • Her purpose as a magical girl is unclear, and her reasons for becoming one in the first place are voided. A fish out of water.
  • She is trapped and has little control over her life, helplessly dragged around from place to place.
  • And most recently, she no longer has a place to return to, because someone else is now living the life that was always hers.
  • Am I missing something? I think I covered everything.
I suppose her best bet now is to help the next Sayaka learn from the past/future and do better in her place.

Anyway, if Homura's hostility is the problem here, why not give Homura a long-distance call, where she can't attack? Just use the previous timeline as blackmail, threaten to tell Madoka and Mami and Hitomi and Kyousuke (also with phone call) that Homura once made Sayaka very distressed in an alternate future and they'll just have to take Ashtaroth's word for it that this really happened. I'm sure that would work like a charm, convincing Homura to undo everything. Phones are such a convenient technology for witches to have! :V

A Kyubey strolls into the barrier (or maybe just materializes inside), finds two witches and two magical girls hanging out, and notices they are engaged in conversation... for how long?! How long did he just sit there listening? How long did Ashy take to notice she wasn't just talking to herself? How much Kyubey could have learned just now depends largely on this, so it'd be really unnerving if he was actually here the whole chapter! 😱

All three of you simultaneously freeze, the mood of your personal dimension shifting in an instant. A silent moment passes before you abruptly jolt back into motion, unable to restrain yourself from briefly retaking full control of Sayaka and Tira as you frantically scan your surroundings – and manage to spot a few small splashes of red, pink, and yellow standing out against the blankness of the Canvas, the body they're attached to otherwise all but invisible against the pure white void.
Ah, I think I know what makes this cool visual so unsettling. It's not just the peekaboo entrance. It's the stealth. In addition to being visually indistinct on a pure white background, Kyubey seems to be too subtle to ping to magical sense the way a magical girl or witch might. I think you are making some kind of comparison here, between the blank Canvas and the pit of Kyubey's soul.

<Magic has never been entirely predictable,> Kyubey remarks, his high, childish psychic voice seeming to almost echo through your mind, <but it has been quite some time since I last encountered an Irregular.>
Well, communication established I guess! That's a step forward, probably. Definitely a step up from the silent treatment, right?

I can't know this for certain, but the fact that he decided to show up now of all times could imply Kyubey doesn't expect Mami to break through in time to interrupt the talking, at least not where Ashtaroth is now. Either way, I do think he is at least genuine in his implicit offer to chat and learn through conversation here.

[-] Subsume, and bring him in.
I approve. He's already inside. Just invite him even further inside. Give him a warm welcome, embrace him all friendly-like. :V

But I think he'd be less open to future communication if he's eaten immediately from the get-go, so before that...
[X] ...hear him out...?
-[X] ...and maybe also ask for Homura's phone number?
-[X] ...and try witch kiss if he's being a jerk?

Word salad! Yummy yummy. :V
Ashtaroth, the Subsumption/Tourist/Hermit/Caution Witch, with a malleable nature. Torn between-

...no, no, I'll stop there. I'm coming close to running this joke into the ground as is. ^^;
The Multifaceted Witch. Her nature is debatable/complex/confusing! :V

Considering the route they went with Mami in Magia Record, this isn't at all an unviable route for things to progress down, should she somehow end up with Ashtaroth after all – though, the former circumstance required additional brainwashing to truly be effective, and even then the cracks were kind of showing from the start, so I imagine Ashtaroth would really have to sell the benefits of being subsumed to reach such a point.
Ashtaroth would do a poor job of marketing her curse to a magical girl like Mami. Good thing she has Shemesh Tira to do that in her place, with solid selling points like "Grief seeds are unnecessary and I am among friends; I'm genuinely more at peace now. You too can have this salvation at the low low price of !"

Or, you know, Ashtaroth could just gobble up Mami when she is at her weakest. It's not the most diplomatic option and would be more problematic for the magical girl in question, but it worked well enough the first two times and ultimately it's for her own good anyway. What could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:

*insert It Is A Mystery music*
Y'know, the more I think about this, the sillier I find it. Because it's... the entire situation up to now is just, like: "I was reincarnated as a time-looped allegorical monster but with my cumulative victims and a futuristic flip phone!" The phone itself is uninteresting, but you've drawn attention to its possibly anachronistic design and made it just barely important enough as a plot device that it could fit in an uniquely dumb light novel title, and that just tickles my funny bone.

A lovely idea, but I'm afraid the logistics make it impossible – after all, Ashtaroth can hardly take on new tenants when Kyubey is the only one who knows how to make contracts. :V
Well, there is the option of approaching humans to push Kyubey to push the humans to contract. I doubt Ashtaroth would do it on purpose or anything, but she has accidentally done it once, and if she's not careful there's no reason it can't happen again. And really, just in general, I bet it's a surprisingly common occurrence for witches that just muck around (witch kiss, leaving the front door open to passersby, etc.), to the point that witch/familiar interference is a not-unlikely first introduction to magical girl life.

I am nearly positive he does not need to eat his other selves to get their memories – he only does that because it's a "waste of resources" otherwise, so far as I recall.
Also, the halos are his brains (I forget where I learned this, but it might have been Magia Record.), but if he shares info with his other selves anyway then it shouldn't really matter which one has which memories to begin with. In any case, eating the dead body would recover some of the energy it had, so that it's not as much of a net loss when he replaces it. This extreme frugality is likely meant to not get in the way of his own magical girl energy plan, and by simply not dying he can cut down on those energy costs even further.

Heh, funnily enough, Kyubey actually might be perfectly on board with this exact sort of reasoning, assuming it was presented properly, and that certain factors weren't in play. As noted above, he did seem fairly nonchalant about letting the Pleiades Saints experiment on one of his bodies to create Juubey... though, perhaps that was simply due to a lack of ability to directly stop them.
Also keep in mind that the body was already functionally dead, or at least close enough. Kyubey was already resolved to sacrifice it one way or another, so he probably wouldn't have tried to stop the Pleiades directly even if he objected to what they were doing to it. But we've seen that Ashtaroth can only make use of live specimens, so Ashtaroth might imply as much and I think Kyubey would be very keen to ask what she wants with one of him.

Furthermore, he knew that the Pleiades couldn't keep going forever, so his whole plan there was basically to wait until Juubey died. If things go south for him here, he can't take that same patient approach, because Ashtaroth has no time limit and no track record of dying to magical girls (in her current form). And if Ashtaroth doesn't stay in Mitakihara and doesn't like interfering with humans, he can't just rely on a lone magical girl( Madoka) using incomprehensibly overwhelming force to take her down in a single shot for great justice, so...

Well, we'll see how it goes. Ashtaroth can pose some sort of threat and Kyubey might pick up on that (though I don't think she would go out of her way to hurt Kyubey's cause out of pure spite). I just think he's too shrewd to willingly submit to subsumption in these circumstances, though he'd have a hard time resisting or running away with four of his victims staring back at him.

I'm not so sure keeping his hand hidden is the only reason Kyubey might hold back on attaching his telepathy network to a witch...
Kyubey didn't bother showing up this close in the previous timeline and Ashtaroth hasn't yet eaten anyone Kyubey was previously aware of in this timeline, so it's possible that the whole time travel stuff made things confusing enough to warrant a visit without explaining enough about Ashtaroth's capabilities to seriously concern him.

Alternatively, if more disappointingly, maybe the time travel and the phone call have little to do with it and he wasn't specifically trying to confirm how weird things were getting. Maybe scouting out barriers when an unknown witch is sus... is just a thing Kyubey does sometimes? It makes perfect sense in the interest of finding imperiled humans to contract or alerting magical girls to nearby phenomena, and in any case it couldn't hurt to know in advance how the witch behaves even if he can't understand or care why.

Hey, trolling is only if I'm deliberately leading you in the wrong direction! Leaving something open to interpretation can hardly be qualified as such, right? :whistle:

The system that PMMM magical girls operate in deliberately isn't built for sustainability – eventually, you're either going to meet that witch you can't beat, get locked out of the grief seeds you need for survival by other magical girls, or simply have a bad day you can't recover from.
On a greater scale, it is sustainable in the sense that most magical girls and witches are easily replaced for another, but that's contingent on the human population and Kyubey's role of tossing them into the grinder.

And the horror of treating people as resources like this can't just suddenly stop, because the moment Kyubey decides he's done being the lynchpin is the beginning of the end of the world because witches would eventually stop being hunted, however long that takes. So the system isn't built to not be sustainable. 😩

You just wait – some day, far off in the future, I'm gonna zoom out the perspective on this story, and you'll find out it was actually being written by the Witch of Literature all along.
...Okay, have it your way. I'll unironically wait for that to happen. :p

But that's highly unlikely to happen anyways, for a number of different reasons. 🌏
Shemesh sticks to Ashtaroth like a butler. He's too loyal to break away and do his own thing independently, right?

Meanwhile, I get the feeling the Ummashtart might have grown bored and wandered off in search of more interesting labyrinths, if not for the fact that Ashtaroth subsumes new biomes frequently.
I got something we should ask the bunnydevil:

[X] How are you even on this telepathic channel?
-[X] Because we've spent almost an hour trying to contact others outside this group with telepathy and had no luck.
Well, communication established I guess! That's a step forward, probably. Definitely a step up from the silent treatment, right?

I can't know this for certain, but the fact that he decided to show up now of all times could imply Kyubey doesn't expect Mami to break through in time to interrupt the talking, at least not where Ashtaroth is now. Either way, I do think he is at least genuine in his implicit offer to chat and learn through conversation here.
Mami probably can't break through. As OP as she is, I'm not aware of any flight ability she has, and without that she won't be able to reach the barrier.
Beeg oof. Being Sayaka is suffering, and this particular continuity really gave her the shortest end of the stick so far. To recap:
  • She sucks in battle. Mostly it's just recklessness and inexperience, so she can improve, but that's cold comfort because she already risked life and limb only to lose... multiple times.
  • Her purpose as a magical girl is unclear, and her reasons for becoming one in the first place are voided. A fish out of water.
  • She is trapped and has little control over her life, helplessly dragged around from place to place.
  • And most recently, she no longer has a place to return to, because someone else is now living the life that was always hers.
  • Am I missing something? I think I covered everything.
And for all that, she's still better off than this timeline's Sayaka is likely to be. How much do you wanna bet the new one's gonna witch?

That does make me think of a somewhat related possibility though. Sayaka heard someone call Madoka and pretend to be her (and Madoka knows she warned her about Homura and Kyubey). This does not happen in a normal timeline. If they happen to talk about it in earshot of Homura, say at school, Homura might put 2 and 2 together and realize 'Oh shit, that witch followed me back', especially if Madoka elaborates on what she said.