It's a fake quest, and this is usually how quests are posted around here. I'm for keeping the current format and update pace.
I like the frequent updates as well. The format, yeah, is why it works here I reckon.
Looks like the overall sentiment towards keeping the current update format outweighs that of wanting to change to a "cluster update" style, so the current method will stay unless that starts trending differently. Thank you everyone for the input!

Next update should be up tomorrow at about 6 PM EST.
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Emergence 19: Saar, Witch of the Netherlands
> Attack!

You have no idea what's going on, but if this is an attack by the other witch, then she's got you completely at her mercy right now, and it is entirely possible you will be dead in a few moments if you don't start defending yourself. You need to fight back-!

As what you think is one of the hand-like familiars smacks into your straps, you start throwing shatterwords blindly into the floral blizzard, tossing them with no real care in virtually every possible direction. The sound of breaking runes increases tenfold as your runic projectiles enter the whirling dervish of petals, all but deafening you to anything outside of them. Without being able to see you can't exactly aim, but with sheer numbers on your side, a lucky shot might not be out of the question. Hopefully you've at least discouraged anything from getting close to you for the moment-

The windstorm chooses that moment to abruptly end, dying away just as suddenly as it began. The gale vanishes as if it never was, and things finally stop flying around, yourself included. After a couple moments of flat confusion, you straighten up and attempt to regain your bearings.

Well, you're still upright at least, most likely thanks to Tome making you too bottom-heavy to easily be flipped. You're also absolutely covered in petals, though thankfully not any mud, at least so far as you can tell. The blades of the windmill appear to have locked themselves in place again, while the uprooted flowers are now gently raining from the sky once more. Nothing else looks to be around...

Huh. Was that wind just some sort of natural phenomenon of the barrier then? If so, you suppose it's a good thing you weren't actually being attacked, but in that case, you just senselessly wasted all of your ammunition trying to defend yourself against a nonexistent threat. Not that it really mattered, since it was all breaking anyways...

You look down at where your numerous shatterwords were previously orbiting around you. Yep, none left, and you definitely didn't throw all of them. Damn, even just stuff being tossed about in the wind was enough to destroy them? You suppose they have to be somewhat fragile to fragment on impact the way they do, but if they're that liable to breaking, they could potentially end up being a greater threat to you than your opposition. You can't help but feel this isn't a great start-

A cacophonous grinding noise issues from the windmill atop the hill, forcing your attention onto it as it begins to haltingly rotate around its base. As the brickwork turns to face you, a colorful aura spirals into being and wreathes itself around the top of the structure, while a second, rusted metal fan that was previously hidden from view is revealed...


You were wrong. The witch is not inside the windmill.

She IS the windmill.

[-] Attempt communication...
[-] ...via rune words.​
[-] ...via an illusion.​
[-] ...via magical girl style telepathy.​
[-] ...via... pretending to talk as if you still have a mouth...?​
[-] ...via interpretive dance. Obviously.​
[-] Bow to show respect.
[-] Windmill your arms in greeting! Oh wait.
[-] Arrange some of the falling flowers into a bouquet and present it to her. You're going full romance route here.
[-] Write in.

She appears! As previously stated, this is based on a witch from canon who we know existed, but was never elaborated on. I tried my best to ape the style of the canon PMMM witches here, which I don't think I completely succeeded at, but hopefully I at least got close. Again, tell me what you think; I could use the feedback, and I wouldn't say no to a pointer or two if anyone has any.
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Take 1:
[X] Attempt communication...
- [X] Windmill your arms in greeting! Oh wait.

Let's try it again

Take 2:
[X] Attempt communication...
- [X] ...via magical girl style telepathy.

'Hell-' *Ashtaroth is knocked out from linking her mind to the Grief of a matured witch*

Take 3:

[X] Attempt communication...
- [X] Arrange some of the falling flowers into a bouquet and present it to her. You're going full romance route here.

*Windmill Witch is infatuated*
*Ashtaroth and Windmill Witch go to rach others' arms embrace location in a field of flowers and romantic music*
*arriving to an embrac-SUBSUMED


Take 4:
... Windmill Witch, were are you?

Hey Ashtaroth, have you seen the Windmill Witch?

*Ashtaroth points with three arms to the left*

*Filraen exits that way looking for the Windmill Witch*
Hell with it. In for a penny, in for a pound.

[X] Arrange some of the falling flowers into a bouquet and present it to her. You're going full romance route here.
[X] Bow to show respect.
[X] Attempt communication...
-[:V] ...via interpretative dance. Obviously.
-[X] ...via rune words.
--[X] Proclaim your everlasting devotion to her. Not even the mud of despair can drag down true love!
I tried my best to ape the style of the canon PMMM witches here, which I don't think I completely succeeded at, but hopefully I at least got close.

I think you got very close indeed! I usually think art shouldn't go with fanfics, because the art is so often bad... but when it's like this, it certainly enhances the story!
[X] Arrange some of the falling flowers into a bouquet and present it to her. You're going full romance route here.
[-] Attempt communication...
-[-] ...via interpretive dance. Obviously.

Now how does one dance with no arms or legs? We've got like, a trunk. Unless Ashtaroth took some hardcore belly dancing lessons it'd be some very limited conversation.
...saar? Like the area in Germany?

Technically yes I suppose, but it's also a Dutch name.

That is some cool looking art.

I think you got very close indeed! I usually think art shouldn't go with fanfics, because the art is so often bad... but when it's like this, it certainly enhances the story!

Thank you! Since I had more time to prepare for this version, I wanted to do more than just sketches of the witches. Saar took many, many different photos to make, and went through at least two different design changes, so I'm glad you think she came out well.

[X] Attempt communication...
- [X] Arrange some of the falling flowers into a bouquet and present it to her. You're going full romance route here.

*Windmill Witch is infatuated*
*Ashtaroth and Windmill Witch go to rach others' arms embrace location in a field of flowers and romantic music*
*arriving to an embrac-SUBSUMED

It's perfect! You don't even need to even illusion up the field of flowers, since you're already in one! Granted, it's a really ruined looking field, and all the flowers are kind of up in the sky, but that just adds to the experience, don't you think? ;)

[-] Attempt communication...
-[-] ...via interpretive dance. Obviously.

Now how does one dance with no arms or legs? We've got like, a trunk. Unless Ashtaroth took some hardcore belly dancing lessons it'd be some very limited conversation.

I would assume via swaying of said trunk and a lot of flight based back-and-forth/up-and-down movements. Not that this would likely make a very expressive dance, but hey, that's why it's interpretive.

[-] Prep for battle. If talking isn't possible, you'd prefer to be ready, even at risk of provoking something to begin with.
>[-] Your preferred set of Shatterwords will be "Don Quixote" for the Witch itself.

[-] Ask yourself: What would Don Quijote do in this situation?
-[-] Yell at it to stop while attacking.

[X] Go full Don Quixote up in this barrier.

Will you all please stop preempting my future post titles? ^^;
[X] Arrange some of the falling flowers into a bouquet and present it to her. You're going full romance route here.

Windmill-chan shall be best girl, I just know it. :V
Assuming the needle point is her eye and not her nose, I vote.
[X] Arrange some of the falling flowers into a bouquet and present it to her. You're going full romance route here.
- [X] Stare in to her eye as you do so, while ominous green clouds swirl and flowers fall.​
Just realized the Witch of the Netherland's grief seed wasn't linked on the SV version of the AN, so that's now fixed. Not that there's much there to see, but if you were wondering why I went with windmills and tulips as themes rather than literally anything else about The Netherlands, it's because those are the only two symbols we can link to the canon version. Also because those are apparently most of what The Netherlands are known for, period.
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