Emergence 14: Genesis of Union
> ??? MERGE

While you're busy pondering the best course of action by which to proceed, you notice your barrier slowly begin drifting forward, despite the fact that you're not presently moving it, or even making any effort to do so. The motion is slow but steady, as if you're being pushed from behind by a gentle, consistent gust of wind.

Um, what is this...?

Unsure of what's going on, you attempt to pull your barrier backwards... but it does not seem to care, heedlessly continuing to advance despite your efforts. Huh? Are you doing something wrong, or did your barrier just suddenly up and decide to steer itself? It can't actually be the wind; you're pretty sure that physical forces can't even interact with-

Your train of thought screeches to a sudden halt, as you notice that the ripples signifying the position of the other witch's barrier have also begun moving towards your own. Slowly at first, so much as to be almost unnoticeable, then matching your current drift- at which point, both barriers quicken again, accelerating towards each other like a pair of enormous invisible magnets. What the-?!

You desperately attempt to regain control, but for naught, your barrier seemingly no longer taking orders from you. What is going on?! You have to make this thing stop, or veer off, or something, because otherwise it's going to-!

You don't even manage to complete the thought before the dimensions meet in the middle and complete it for you, colliding with each other in a silent, invisible crash.

...at least, the crash itself is silent. What happens immediately afterwards is... not.

You frantically pan your gaze around the interior of your barrier as it begins to shake, the landscape itself starting to violently heave. The nearby grass past a roughly horizontal threshold suddenly starts to rapidly wither away, while the tendril-like roads above you warp and twist off to the side, as if newly repelled from area. The ground beneath the decaying grass proceeds to crumble out of existence a moment later, and in its place, long canals filled with dark pink water form from nothing, immediately beginning to branch off into the distance. Is this-?!

Like nature in fast forward, lines of bone-white trees over twice your height sprout up around the still-forming waterways, their bare branches arching unnaturally over the water to form a series of towering natural "halls". Flickering streetlamps shoot out of the ground around them in seemingly random spots, while wooden rowboats rise from the newly-made depths and float varying amounts upward into the air, rose-colored liquid ceaselessly spilling up and over their sides like a procession of endlessly-overflowing sinks. The color of the sky itself shifts into a gradient, changing from the veined aquamarine you were only just getting familiar with to a shadowy green, which quickly fills with dark, ominous-looking clouds... and finally, a moon so dimly lit that it's barely more than a large pale dot forms, shining just enough light on the world below to cast it into dark, creeping shadows.

The rumbling gradually dies away as the shift appears to complete, the land settling into its new state of being. You look out upon your barrier's newly renovated outer layer, nonexistent eyes wide.

[-] Remove. Uh... you- you can fix this, right? This isn't permanent, the way it kind of looks?
[-] Inspect. It tends to pay to be cautious, and you doubt that's changed just because you're no longer a magical girl — especially given what you think you may be looking at.
[-] Proceed. You... think you have a way into the other barrier now. In which case, you may as well make the best of this, you guess?
[-] Write in.
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[-] Pray for divine guidance.
- [-] When one of those stupid rabbit things show up, give up all pretext and just freaking eat it. :sour:
[-] Inspect. It tends to pay to be cautious. This is not something that has changed just because you're no longer a magical girl, especially given what you think you may be looking at.

[-] Inspect. It tends to pay to be cautious. This is not something that has changed just because you're no longer a magical girl, especially given what you think you may be looking at.
[X] Proceed. You… think you have a way into the other barrier now. In which case, you may as well make the best of this, you guess?
Okay, anybody recognize this Barrier?

I wouldn't worry too much about it- I made this up wholesale. Like I said, this is a witch who definitely exists in canon, but whom we never see. Her barrier is also never witnessed nor described... which makes her the perfect target for me to expand upon. With that, you can almost certainly figure out who I'm talking about, should you search in the right place. :)

Witches, how do they work?

Miracles. Clearly just miracles.

I know you're joking, but that's honestly a very good question when removed from the intended context. More on that in a bit. ^^;

Side note, this story will contain ZERO juggalos if I have anything to say about it.
Side note, this story will contain ZERO juggalos if I have anything to say about it.

It's too late for that now! As the one responsible for writing up the Clown Church for a group AU, I am obliged to say- I am already here.

Or, well, that's the Lord of Time, or should be in purple for clown church colors. But then either way I'd just be Homura. }=o)

I know you're joking, but that's honestly a very good question when removed from the intended context. More on that in a bit. ^^;

You give us these hints, and the conspiracies start up. Be interesting to see where this goes, then.
Emergence 15: Foreign Element
> Inspect.

You're... not entirely certain what just happened, but if you had to guess, you'd say that your barrier and its counterpart just attached themselves to one another. You've no real idea why that happened, but given that the former did so against all reason and effort on your part, you can't really imagine this to be a good thing. Maybe not a bad thing necessarily, but... just, what IS this? Is this normal for barriers? Do they always have an imminent need to latch onto each other if they get too close? This isn't something you really know if there's precedent for...

You take a moment to check on the outside world. The ripples in the air are gone, and the rather miserable "impressions" seem to have ceased entirely — so unless the other barrier just performed a vanishing act from right under your nose, you're taken to assume that it indeed has somehow merged with yours. Great...

Floating as near as you dare to the almost perfectly straight divide now running through your barrier, you sweep your gaze over the treeline. Just like your own section of the barrier, it appears to extend past the horizon and on into infinity, though the looming "archways" of the leafless trees that tower overhead are much more imposing than the grass they replaced. Beneath their branches, the overflowing rowboats, small enough to you that they could almost be toys, drift slowly through the air as if being pushed along by ghosts. The water overflowing from them continually falls and splashes into the canals beneath, disturbing the otherwise perfect silence pervading the darkened area.

Seems innocuous enough... you don't see anything that blatantly looks like it's going to spring out and attack you, at least. However, witch barriers are kind of like back alley dealers when it comes to appearances, in that they're typically already pretty shady to begin with, and absolutely untrustworthy in practice. You'd better test this...

You pen a few shatterwords into existence, then send them flying at one of the boats, figuring those are the most likely suspects to be secretly dangerous or malevolent. They hit their target, causing the boat to gain a rather large hole in its back and capsize into the canal below, but nothing else in particular happens as a result. You get much the same non-reaction from barraging the streetlights and trees, and while you can't really attack the sky, you don't think there's likely to be anything up there, unless it's somehow hiding in the clouds.

Relatively satisfied with the results of your inspection, you find yourself somewhat torn. On the one hand, you kind of want to rip the invading barrier off your own immediately, simply for the sake of caution. On the other, your former problem of having no idea how to get inside appears to have been neatly solved, albeit in a way you did not remotely intend. You're obviously somewhat wary, since you have no idea why this happened — for all you know, this could be some sort of bizarre attack launched by the other witch — but maybe you should try to just accept this as a convenience, potential trap or not?

You ponder the predicament for about half a minute, before coming to the decision that you can't really afford to look this gift horse in the mouth, at least given that the alternative is having no horse at all. You'll wait to try re-separating the barriers until after you've found the other witch and at least attempted to communicate with her. Who knows? Maybe she did join your barriers together, but only because she wants to be friends, or something like that. You did feel a real sense of loneliness from her barrier, and if she's still sapient, then it's certainly possible.

...or, maybe she had nothing to do with this, thinks you're at fault, and plans to attack the moment she sees you. You suppose you'll only know for sure once you actually find her.

Either way, you need to figure out how you're going to approach moving through the outer layer of this place. Your former go-to method is no longer possible, and while you didn't turn up any familiars lying in ambush just now, that doesn't necessarily mean there aren't any. You've yet to encounter a barrier without at least a few wandering around, and while you're not sure they'd attack a witch, you'd rather not take the risk to begin with.

[-] Pass over the canals, through the "halls". You assume this is the standard path, so to speak.
[-] Float over the treetops. That's probably the safest way to go, right?
[-] Cloak yourself in illusion. None shall see you...
[-] Write in.
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[-] look for the other witch and say hi to your new roomie, this combined barrier is half yours after all.
[-] Float over the treetops. That's probably safest, right?
-[-] Cloak yourself in illusion. None shall see you… They will see a large boat
--[-] Floating. A large boat floating over the treetops.
---[-] ... shut up.
