[X] Send Sayaka and Tira down as emissaries. It went wrong once, but things were going okay up until you screwed it up, so if you can just... not do that this time, it might work out?


This may not be the 'right' option but its certainty the most entertaining.
And here we go again. Wonder what Candle oars is going to do if/when she sees the Magical girl version of herself. Would it be called a Doppel if it's a full on Witch grafting themselves to a copy of themselves?
Also Homu having a legitimate heart attack when she hears we are back when?

[X] Send Sayaka and Tira down as emissaries. It went wrong once, but things were going okay up until you screwed it up, so if you can just... not do that this time, it might work out?

Also I want to see Sayaka get into a slap fight with herself, and see how radically different a wish this version will make because of this. If at all. Hey what do you think NotOur!Sayaka will do if we pre-empt her and heal Kyosuk or whoever?
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And here we go again. Wonder what Candle oars is going to do if/when she sees the Magical girl version of herself. Would it be called a Doppel if it's a full on Witch grafting themselves to a copy of themselves?
Also Homu having a legitimate heart attack when she hears we are

And here we go again. Wonder what Candle oars is going to do if/when she sees the Magical girl version of herself. Would it be called a Doppel if it's a full on Witch grafting themselves to a copy of themselves?
Also Homu having a legitimate heart attack when she hears we are back when?

[X] Send Sayaka and Tira down as emissaries. It went wrong once, but things were going okay up until you screwed it up, so if you can just... not do that this time, it might work out?

Also I want to see Sayaka get into a slap fight with herself, and see how radically different a wish this version will make because of this. If at all. Hey what do you think NotOur!Sayaka will do if we pre-empt her and heal Kyosuk or whoever?

Sayaka v Sayaka would be hilarious with Our!Sayaka trying to get into her counterpart's thick skull about how Kyubey can't be trusted and the part about soul gems = souls and witches = fallen magical girls. Meanwhile, Mami would probably assume it was all a trick of the witch, maybe dropping a reference to a girl who could make shadow clones of herself and insist that Sayaka and Madoka not let themselves be deceived by the fake!Sayaka and fake!Tira.

As for our!Sayaka healing Kyousuke, other Sayaka would probably insist on it being a trick. Remember this is the same girl who held on to a belief that Homura was evil after the latter saved her three times so she'd probably assume our Sayaka was trying to lure her into a false sense of security. This will lead to our!Sayaka complaining about how someone could be so stupid and thick headed before Ash reminds her about whom she's complaining about
It lives!!!!

Doylistically, letting Homura keep the time-travel secret isn't in our interest, and Watsonianly, Sayaka will kill herself trying to get back to Madoka.

[X] Send Sayaka and Tira down as emissaries. It went wrong once, but things were going okay up until you screwed it up, so if you can just... not do that this time, it might work out?
- [X] Be careful about Candeloro, and be very careful about witchbombing.

The biggest question here is if Ashtaroth will choose so stay or flee. Ashtaroth was tired of having to fight for her life way too many times in the last few days, and with previous experience I doubt Ashtaroth is willing to have a rematch with Mami.

[ ] Send Sayaka and Tira down as emissaries. It went wrong once, but things were going okay up until you screwed it up, so if you can just... not do that this time, it might work out?
...but if Ashtaroth chooses to stay, I'm sure she's so shocked she doesn't realize Tira is effectively trapped inside the Barrier, unlike Sayaka who can at least get a few meters out of it. Tira is wearing Candeloro after all, and if Ashtaroth's reaction earlier is anything to go by a witch finds painful to get too close to reality so Candeloro is going to flinch and trash around in pain if Tira tries to leave.
I don't see what the problem is. They're at a cafe; Ashtaroth is the Witch of Nom. Surely Mami must realise that this is a perfectly innocent witch just here for the cheesecake.

Hmm... For some reason, I'm not entirely completely confident that Mami will buy that. I also wouldn't quite rule out the possibility of Ashtaroth herself at least having a fleeting thought of trying such a line anyway, though. Hey, it would be completely unexpected!
Too busy to catch up on everything, but I can at least get the important stuff.

please enjoy this commission of the outer layer of Saar's barrier!
Nice! It's actually less creepy than I'd pictured. Looks like a nice place for a walk, depending on the weather.

That's an interesting title. Several things it could apply to.

Unfortunately, unless you're just doing something wrong, so far it seems like that "ability" isn't something you can replicate unless you're actively drowning in excess corruption.
Makes you wonder how it works for other witches. Do they have to overfeed before creating familiars? Or is Ashtaroth just missing something?

Not that you particularly want to flood your barrier with even more familiars than it's already housing, but you'd really like to at least confirm the theory.
Yay, science!

Maybe if you had Sayaka and Tira just, waste a bunch of magic
I'd use an ellipsis here rather than a comma. Of course, it's indicating a pause rather than serving a grammatical function, so there's no hard rule.

Continuous growth, sword creation, acid ink, dessert summoning, ribbon control; all these skills and more remain completely out of your proverbial wheelhouse
Assemblance 9: Long Overdue said:
On a hunch, you attempt to summon one of Tira's penbrushes — and in a flash of orange-gold, one appears, grasped within your front-right ribbon. It's huge, having come out sized proportionally to you — but before you can even do anything with it, a fountain of ink suddenly begins pouring out of the pen half. The dark liquid rapidly begins condensing around the writing implement, lengthening and narrowing of its own accord, until the tool itself has been all but swallowed up, and you instead find yourself holding a long, oddly shiny black sword.
Not what she meant, obviously.

...which, technically you were in fact doing.
Either remove the comma, or put a second one after "technically".

these apparent territorial(?) disputes?
I'm always happy when writers take advantage of their medium to do things which can't really be done otherwise. Even if it's just using one of the expressions which is only available in the written language. (Pet peeve: authors writing out slashes (as in "and-slash-or") outside of dialogue. It's just so obviously wrong.)

You genuinely don't want to see the familiars kill each other
But why? I don't necessarily disagree, but I think you should examine where this feeling is coming from, Ash.

Why should we be denied our own senses?
To avoid unpleasant sensations, to give people privacy, to maintain ignorance of currently undesirable knowledge, as a personal challenge… all the usual reasons that someone might close their eyes, cover their ears, wear blindfolds, etc.

"...yes, perhaps that would be wise." Tira replies, seeming thoroughly unsettled by the realization of what she was about to dip her hands into.
"Oh, right, barriers are frequently horrifying as well as fantastic."

free of similar contaminant.

"Oh, it really is rosewater." she murmurs, seeming less bothered by the floral notes than Sayaka, in spite of the liquid tasting identical to her so far as you can tell.
Oh, that's interesting. Scent and taste experiences are notoriously subjective, depending on both physiological and psychological factors. If Ashtaroth's flavor experience is identical despite being delivered through two different sets of gustatory (and olfactory) receptors, but Sayaka and Tira have different experiences, then that suggests… something. Maybe they coincidentally have similar distributions of receptors but are different on the psychological end. Maybe Ashtaroth's sense-hijacking is more conceptual than a direct sharing of sensation, and she's experiencing what the apple would taste like to her. Maybe witch apples don't yield a taste sensation via ordinary taste receptors, but by some stranger mechanism. Maybe transformed puella magi bodies all have identical gustatory and olfactory senses.

Speaking of which, there's a lot of questions about Ashtaroth's senses in general. For example, her sight appears to be standard human trichromatic vision, despite not having eyes with the specific photoreceptors involved. She saw and heard Sayaka's dream, suggesting that she shares subjective sensory impressions—but she sometimes seems to be able to focus her attention on a different part of their visual field than her subsumees and now there's the taste thing. Her sight has a distinct center, with a large blind spot there, suggesting that she senses light incident on some sizable surrounding surface—so how easy is it to occlude her vision? If you hold up a finger, you can still see things behind it, because what it blocks from the left eye is still visible from the right—does Ashtaroth's vision do the same? She has tactile sensation with a specific level of sensitivity, with no physiological basis.

…this calls for experiments! Would Ashtaroth experience differences in taste if she subsumed a supertaster and non-supertaster? If she subsumed a colorblind magical girl, would her sense-sharing include the colorblindness? If she subsumed a magical girl with appropriate protanomaly or deuteranomaly, could she synthesize that with more standard color perception from other sources to achieve limited tetrachromatic vision?* How does her taste perception interact with, say, heat sensitivity, of both the thermal and spicy sorts? What would she experience if she subsumed a synesthete, or someone with an agnosia? Can she integrate multiple sources of vision or hearing for a more accurate perception? If a subsumee has acclimated to a sense impression (e.g. a scent) such that they are no longer consciously aware of it and then Ashtaroth checks on them, would she notice it? Would the rose water have tasted differently to Ashtaroth if one of the girls had damaged their tastebuds?

…I'm probably repeating myself with some of this. Human senses, and hence also magical imitations and manipulations thereof, are so interesting and complex.

*Protanomaly and deuteranomaly are mutations of the "red" and "green"** photoreceptors, respectively, which shifts their peak sensitivities toward the yellow range. People with these mutations still have trichromatic vision, but it's different from the standard and less sensitive to certain colors and color distinctions, but more sensitive to (a mostly less useful set of) others. As both of these photoreceptors are coded on the X chromosome, someone who had the mutation on one X chromosome but not the other would have four or five distinct types of photoreceptor, theoretically adding dimensions to their color perception, though in practice most tetra- and pentachromats have only slightly expanded color perception.

**Each photoreceptor responds to a range of wavelengths—red, green, and blue are where their sensitivity peaks, but e.g. a blue light will still produce a weak response from a "green" photoreceptor.

Though, for how long will it have to, you wonder?
This one's a little tricky. It's definitely a statement, not a question, so it should end with a period—but you want to indicate a questioning tone. I think "you wonder" is essentially acting as a dialogue tag here, but for internal monologue which is not separated from the surrounding text, so you can't put a question mark inside the nonexistent quotation marks. The best thing to do, I think, would be to rearrange the sentence so that it ends with the question—"But, you wonder, how long will it have to?".

<It would have been more obvious if you'd walked in.> you point out, gesturing to the path of thrumming, "hovering" geometric platforms you added which lead from the entrance portal to where you're currently floating.
So this entire illusion is under the floor? Not just on the floor, because that would require perspective tricks from both girls' perspectives, but actually underneath the solid, invisible plane? Huh. For some reason, despite this having happened before, I had imagined the floor as the actual edge of the Canvas, with no space beneath it.

"Pardon, did you just imply that Kyubey is an alien—?"
<Did you think he was a Japanese citizen? He's actually from China, or at least that's where most of those little plush bodies are manufactured. There's also a bunch from India, and I've met one that was made in Sweden.>

Although... maybe it isn't actually that late, and Tira's phone is just broken or something? Because now that you look closer, the time it's currently claiming isn't even the weirdest part about its display. The fact that the sun is only barely hovering over the horizon does seem to bear out the former statistic though, so why—
—does it show a full battery? It's been hours since it was last charged.

—does it think it's connected to wifi?

—is it claiming be on an AT&T network? They don't operate in Japan.

—does it say it has a 5G connection when no such standard exists?

—is the date written in witch runes?

—does it claim to have 0% charge when it's obviously working?

—is it complaining about a "duplicate subscriber identity number"?

—is the wallpaper flickering and… moving? That kind of looks the inside of a Barrier, actually…

The dial tone rings once... twice...
That would be the ringing tone or ringback tone, not the dial tone. The dial tone is a signal sent to a landline telephone to indicate that the connected telephone exchange is ready for the caller to begin dialing. The ringing tone is the signal sent to a caller to indicate that a call has reached its destination but has not yet been picked up.

"I'm... at the cafe..."
In previous chapters, you spelled café with the acute accent. All instances in this chapter lack it.

Sayaka pauses, her eyes darting to the tiny witch still hanging from Tira's neck. A dull ache begins to rise in her chest, threatening to crawl up into her throat, but after a moment she swallows it down, and opens her mouth once more.


"Agreed." Tira concurs, her chest feeling tight.
As always, I like these bits where Ashtaroth is just passively sharing the others' senses. (These aren't the only instances this chapter, but they're the most clear-cut.)

"I'm sorry," Madoka suddenly interrupts, "but I don't really understand... who is this, again?"
An unhelpful person. Don't worry, your evening will only get more surreal from here.

"What the HELL?!" she all but screams. "There's some sort of— fake me running around with Madoka?!"
Nah. There's some sort of fake you running around with Ashtaroth.

Mami, whose gaze seems almost to pierce straight through the outside of your barrier, and laser in directly on you.

...oh fu
Yeah, the combination of "Mami" and "laser" has historically been bad news.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure your lack of early interference with Tira in this timeline led her to despair alone offscreen.
This is around the same time that Tira met Ashtaroth in the previous timeline, maybe a bit earlier. She was actively hunting, and shouldn't be in danger of witching just yet.

What soul? I don't recall him ever claiming to have one of those.
All those grief seeds he collects. Sure, those souls used to belong to other people, but after they're inside his body it's hard to say that they aren't his.

BTW, you may already know this, but when you do the identical-reply-on-SV-and-SB thing, your quotes include links to the relevant posts—but they're referenced by post ID, so you get links to forums.sufficientvelocity.com/goto/post?id=[SB post ID] on SV and forums.spacebattles.com/goto/post?id=[SV post ID] on SB. SB post IDs are much higher, so the SV ones will be "post not found" for years yet, but some of the SV post IDs are valid SB post IDs and lead to random years-old posts. (Only some, though. The current SV post IDs seem to be in a region with few valid SB post IDs.)

If you're also copy-pasting the member ID field, it might be sending spurious quote alerts, too. Maybe. Depends how those are generated; I don't actually know anything about the forum backend. It's easy enough to test, though: if you got an alert that I quoted you in this post, and you aren't deleting that field, then you're sending spurious quote alerts.

(Or maybe you're already aware of all this and deliberately including the post IDs so that a savvy reader can find the referenced posts on the other site. I have noticed a distinct lack of people showing up asking why they got an alert…)

This looks like a diplomacy problem. We know how to deal with diplomacy problems, don't we?

[x] Call Hitomi and beg for help. Sayaka should know her number, right?
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(Beth2 response coming later, since that'll take me a while. ^^; For now, have the rest!)

There's something about good old 'monster is actually good and doesn't want to commit murder misunderstanding soup' stories that I absolutely adore, and imo this story is a near perfect execution of that.

It's been a blast reading so far!

Glad you've been enjoying it! Hopefully future chapters will continue to be as entertaining! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

Sayaka: "Wait, did you actually realize that I should take priority over some maybe-not-even-person stranger?"
Sayaka: "Whoa, no."

I admit I may be thinking a bit too little on what Ashtaroth herself wants rather than does on impulse, being that I had forgotten about the skull witch at start. So, I guess I should do that: Sayaka has her school( crush) , family, friends to think about. Tira...well, doesn't have that much, and that's really a damning even if it is less inconvenient.

Ashtaroth is just thinking whether there's other witches she can merely communicate with and wishing to understand her own body.

That's ...great, fellow humans, but it's something both Tira and Sayaka already have and don't even think about being grateful for.

And if you don't care for it and have no sense of curiosity & exploration, no wonder witches like Candleloro just want to host tea parties forever.

Ashtaroth doesn't really think of herself as such, and she does try not to be, but she might just be a tad self-centered. I wonder why that might be...? :rolleyes:

I notice Ashtaroth and Sayaka are liiiittle alike in( panic) that Madoka doesn't really complete her sentences while Sayaka is really forceful.

You're not wrong, but I don't imagine Sayaka would appreciate the comparison. ^^;

Anyway, end result echoes the last chapter: Ashtaroth, the witch whose first instict is to run from danger.

Can you really blame her, given that she can't seem to stay out of trouble even when she tries?

(Oh boys and girls it's gonna result in a fight again, isn't it? Bets on Mami thinking Ashtaroth has doppleganger familiars?)
Mami would probably assume it was all a trick of the witch, maybe dropping a reference to a girl who could make shadow clones of herself and insist that Sayaka and Madoka not let themselves be deceived by the fake!Sayaka and fake!Tira.

Hey now, just because there's precedent doesn't mean Mami will immediately jump to the worst-case scenario!

...not that it necessarily means she won't, either. I just like being pedantic sometimes. :V

Also I want to see Sayaka get into a slap fight with herself, and see how radically different a wish this version will make because of this. If at all. Hey what do you think NotOur!Sayaka will do if we pre-empt her and heal Kyosuk or whoever?
As for our!Sayaka healing Kyousuke, other Sayaka would probably insist on it being a trick. Remember this is the same girl who held on to a belief that Homura was evil after the latter saved her three times so she'd probably assume our Sayaka was trying to lure her into a false sense of security. This will lead to our!Sayaka complaining about how someone could be so stupid and thick headed before Ash reminds her about whom she's complaining about

Get a few more Sayakas, and soon there'll be enough to compete in a full on battle royale of- wait, no, I already made that joke; nevermind. ^^;

I like how Sayaka jumps in with a barrier an struggles against Mami's projectile.

It's not "oh no I lost my grip I have to try harder" because it actually is "oh shoot my left wrist just snapped in two like a fucking twig. Let me just take a fraction of a second to throw my left arm backwards just so, fast enough to realign my wrist with my forearm, and heal it back into place... all right, back to blocking Mami's big shot. Ho hum."

Yeah, if you watch it at .25 speed, you can see that her arm doesn't just snap in two, it straight up comes off, with the only thing still attaching it to her arm being a fragment of fabric from her glove. I can't even really tell if she reattached it or just straight up grew herself a new one, but suffice to say Magia Record's version of Sayaka seems to have gotten very good with personal healing magic.

This seems like a worse version of tetris to me. That had emotional weight, this just has stupid amounts of dakka and nonsensically useless bullets.

"Worse" is a weird word to use, since the scenes quite intentionally serve completely different functions. Mami's original breakdown is supposed to be emotionally affecting, whereas this one is supposed to be a lot more unnerving, while simultaneously establishing Mami as a major enemy/threat. Which it does quite well, in my eyes.

It'd be extremely funny if Ash keeps collecting more copies of herself with each loop.
Even funnier if each loop version is her entire previous barrier due to some weird time ineraction stuff from half eating homu.

For each loop, I make a brand new thread, and the story continues from the next Ashtaroth-in-line's POV, usually starting with her horrible confusion as the increasingly bizarre-looking "original" barges in and enlists her as the newest member of her growing one-witch army. ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭

The biggest question here is if Ashtaroth will choose so stay or flee. Ashtaroth was tired of having to fight for her life way too many times in the last few days, and with previous experience I doubt Ashtaroth is willing to have a rematch with Mami.

Ashtaroth, the Witch of Caution. Her nature is conflict avoidance. Repeated near-death experiences condensed into a short period of time have transformed this witch's nature, making her far more prone to flee than to fight. On the rare occasions she seeks out prey, she does so from on high, quickly dropping and drawing her target into her world before retreating back into the heavens. To defeat this witch, one must first find a way to get that damn high in the first place, like jeez she's halfway out the atmosphere already-

I don't see what the problem is. They're at a cafe; Ashtaroth is the Witch of Nom. Surely Mami must realise that this is a perfectly innocent witch just here for the cheesecake.

Yeah, she's just here for the food!

All that tasty, moving, emotion-filled food... (⓿v⓿)

And Tira is wearing Candeloro... would reality be as painful to Candeloro as it was for Ashtaroth? Is Astaroth even in a state of mind to realize this?

Only one way to find out! :D

Wonder what Candle oars is going to do if/when she sees the Magical girl version of herself. Would it be called a Doppel if it's a full on Witch grafting themselves to a copy of themselves?

No, I don't think it would be called that... there's another name for such anomalous instances. Either way, probably best to avoid that, since your best case scenario in such an event would likely be something like this...

"H-huh? What did that witch- what did I- oh..."

...which isn't really as good an outcome as you might initially imagine it to be.

(Art once again commissioned by phee from Kerubii)
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Ashtaroth, the Witch of Caution. Her nature is conflict avoidance. Repeated near-death experiences condensed into a short period of time have transformed this witch's nature, making her far more prone to flee than to fight. On the rare occasions she seeks out prey, she does so from on high, quickly dropping and drawing her target into her world before retreating back into the heavens. To defeat this witch, one must first find a way to get that damn high in the first place, like jeez she's halfway out the atmosphere already-
Clearly they need to hire a plane. Sky diving for fun and profit!
No, I don't think it would be called that... there's another name for such anomalous instances. Either way, probably best to avoid that, since your best case scenario in such an event would likely be something like this...

"H-huh? What did that witch- what did I- oh..."

...which isn't really as good an outcome as you might initially imagine it to be.

(Art once again commissioned by @Pheonix14 from Kerubii)
My morbid curiosity, and my scientific and artistic curiosity but mostly the morbid one, desperately wants to know how many powers she got out of that, and see Sayaka and Tira get this treatment.
(Beth2 response coming later, since that'll take me a while. ^^; For now, have the rest!)

Oh right, I almost forgot to vote!:V

So here's my inflated two cents. Talking still sounds like a good idea in theory, and is the most obvious way to progress the Mami and Homura subplots, but going down there means Mami can just tie someone to a table again if everything goes wrong, and she is in the mood to battle as soon as she forces her way into the barrier. So run, Ashtaroth, run! You failed to evade Mami last time because you were momentarily distracted, but this time I kinda-sorta believe in you!
[X] -ck!
-[X] Have Tira distract Mami with a phone call and hope nobody notices your deception.

Madoka, Sayaka, Kyubey, Mami right now: "BUT WHO WAS PHONE?"

(beth2 vote is equally clever and silly, for the same reasons)

And now for more word vomit.

Heyyyyyy. Sayaka's got a baseball bat. Did Homuhomu drop us into the canon timeline
That was the previous timeline, but this one should be similar enough. It's just that canon is being derailed even earlier. Last time Mami showed up around episode 3 and Ashtaroth replaced Charlotte, but now it's episode 2 and Ashtaroth is replacing Gertrud. So yeah, chances are Mami was going to look for witches soonish anyway and will enchant the bat for Sayaka any minute now.

I think that's the general assumption, yeah. Ashy couldn't go back any further and still be Ashy. Possibly because of the Witch-ness in general, possibly because of some additional factor related to whatever made her forget details about her pre-Witch life, and possibly because the author thought it would be more interesting this way. Or some combination thereof.
Honestly, I assumed the time travel just runs on narrative logic, so it never seemed too strange to me that both Homura and Ashtaroth returned to the beginning of the story subjectively instead of a single specific moment.

-[x] Distract Mami by giving her her body back.
No can do! A corpse is not a character.

Maybe I'm wrong but don't a lot of magical girl characters feature aliens (Sailor Moon, Nanoha). Kyubey. Considering Sayaka's supposed to be a magical girl fan, she shouldn't have been surprised that the talking non human creature wasn't of this planet.
To be fair, Kyubey usually isn't very upfront about where he comes from or why he does anything. He needs to collect grief seeds and have magical girls fight witches, ostensibly to keep despair from getting out of hand, but he never claims to be motivated by altruism and nobody really questions it at first. And he is not very picky about who becomes a magical girl; he has no special reason for offering contracts to anyone in particular, beyond "you have the potential".

Whereas other cute mascots may simply reveal "I come from W planet for X reasons, which is why I need someone to carry Y responsibility, and that person must be someone like you because Z!" as soon as it's exposition time.

Seriously though, imagine how surreal it would be to see your own Witch as a Magical Girl. Your innermost traumas, fears, dreams, and obsessions smeared onto the canvass of a world and personified into this ... thing. What are you even supposed to do at that point?
Accept yourself as "I'll Face Myself" plays in the background?

... What? It could work! Magic and shit, ya'know!
It would be entertaining to see Mami face herself for once. Since they are so evenly matched in ribbons, dakka, and attitude, obviously the one with the stronger spirit will triumph.

Assuming Mami even believes the part about how magical girls turn into witches rather than dismissing it as an insane lie. In canon, it took Sayaka witching out in front of her, Madoka, Kyoko and Homura for her to start taking it seriously
Well yeah, but Tira's clingy companion should still seem kinda sus to Mami, what with the identical powers and familiar familiars...

Oh? I don't think that's necessarily true, especially if you manage to successfully escape. There's still a chance it might not happen!
Homura showing up here means she realized something must have fucked up her perfect schedule (again). Right now she actually expects Madoka to be with Mami (and not contract), and she probably expects Mami to go witch hunting soonish (and not die). So far, so good, all keikaku. They just found a barrier a little earlier than expected, and only from there will everything go wrong. So of course, by the time Homura realizes it may be too late to step in and fix everything.

Ironically, it's possible Kyubey may be the one to step in and tell Homura the situation is fucked, if only after realizing that Homura is somehow involved and deciding that even contracting Madoka or Sayaka is somehow not viable right now. On the other hand, if he stays to offer a contract, that means Ashtaroth can make first contact with Kyubey, which should be interesting because Kyubey has no idea just how well Ashtaroth remembers him.

Man, the scope of this collect em' all quest just keeps expanding. Can't it slow down a little? We lost our only Homura, and we haven't even pulled one of the ultra rare MG Madokas yet!
Hopefully finding the hidden Rewind event to find the permanently missables and the version exclusives will make up for not getting Homura. Become a raid boss, catch lots of Puellamon!:V

I mean, we don't know that's assumption they would make. Mami has better judgment than that, don't you think? (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Clones? What clones? Mami doesn't see any bodies. She only hears friendly voices, beckoning to her over the phone, dissuading her from leaving the cafe and promising to be with her shortly. That witch must be IMPERSONATING THEM from the safety of its barrier, the fiend.:V

Okay, honestly, you're right. I have no clue. Mami's disposition was decidedly unhelpful last time, but the circumstances are now different. I'm just taking it for granted that something will go wrong soon, but I don't know how wrong or who will be responsible (besides Homura and Ashtaroth, in the broader sense that they are responsible for literally all of this). But again, the first response to witches is to go for the kill and ask questions later, so already this is a terrible start as usual.

What soul? I don't recall him ever claiming to have one of those.
It's implied that living things necessarily have souls, considering that magical girls spontaneously and completely die without one. And like any living thing, Kyubey suffers, albeit less than anyone else. Do you suppose he has a really thin, colorless soul? He's not very useful as an ectoentropic energy generator, by his own admission.

Would it be called a Doppel if it's a full on Witch grafting themselves to a copy of themselves?
A doppel, though useful and interesting in its own ways, is basically just a deliberately botched transformation. Grafting an actual witch to a magical girl would be more permanent and dubiously beneficial to both, I think.:Citation Needed:

And now you've got me thinking... A doppel is often conjoined to its host. Should Mami and Candeloro team up, how closely would they bind together? Would they merge at the soulular level, like a doppel? A true fusion of same yet different beings would be fascinating, because PMMM has had only the smallest taste of this trope. Only Isabeau managed it, and even then for all intents and purposes she was regarded more as a witch with remarkable magical girl (and other) qualities instead of a perfect 50/50 frankensteined hybrid. Kazumi, the next example worth a mention, qualifies even less because she was just a witch glamoured into a magical girl, not a real magical girl at all until she wished the witchiness away. And Ashtaroth's weird case is parasitic, relying on other people being magical girls and separately doing magical girl things in her shadow.

Oh, that's interesting. Scent and taste experiences are notoriously subjective, depending on both physiological and psychological factors. If Ashtaroth's flavor experience is identical despite being delivered through two different sets of gustatory (and olfactory) receptors, but Sayaka and Tira have different experiences, then that suggests… something. Maybe they coincidentally have similar distributions of receptors but are different on the psychological end. Maybe Ashtaroth's sense-hijacking is more conceptual than a direct sharing of sensation, and she's experiencing what the apple would taste like to her. Maybe witch apples don't yield a taste sensation via ordinary taste receptors, but by some stranger mechanism. Maybe transformed puella magi bodies all have identical gustatory and olfactory senses.

Speaking of which, there's a lot of questions about Ashtaroth's senses in general. For example, her sight appears to be standard human trichromatic vision, despite not having eyes with the specific photoreceptors involved. She saw and heard Sayaka's dream, suggesting that she shares subjective sensory impressions—but she sometimes seems to be able to focus her attention on a different part of their visual field than her subsumees and now there's the taste thing. Her sight has a distinct center, with a large blind spot there, suggesting that she senses light incident on some sizable surrounding surface—so how easy is it to occlude her vision? If you hold up a finger, you can still see things behind it, because what it blocks from the left eye is still visible from the right—does Ashtaroth's vision do the same? She has tactile sensation with a specific level of sensitivity, with no physiological basis.
Even in her own barrier, Ashtaroth fails to grasp the nuances of every witch and magical girl she experiences firsthand; a failure of a cosmopolitan. The best she can hope for is to wander about, sampling their senses and culture. She is... the tourist witch!:V

This is around the same time that Tira met Ashtaroth in the previous timeline, maybe a bit earlier. She was actively hunting, and shouldn't be in danger of witching just yet.
Well yes, but actually no. Tira literally said she wasn't as strong as Mami, and had trouble keeping up with the magical girl lifestyle. But it's not just how strong or experienced Tira is, nor how many witches she can hunt, but also how quickly she burns through her limited resources.

Remember, while talking to Kyubey, Tira was already starting to grief spiral, enough that she feared the danger of losing control over her emotions. She seemed to be highly dependent on the short term relief grief seeds gave her, and she had dangerously few grief seeds, having used up the last of them earlier. I'm sure the big idea there is that she was almost at the end of her rope, running on fumes, and the social witch mystery was her only big distraction from despair at the time, and she can't have been significantly better off just a day or two earlier. And all of this is consistent with her later remark that embarking the subsumption train is actually an improvement, choo choo.

Ashtaroth doesn't really think of herself as such, and she does try not to be, but she might just be a tad self-centered. I wonder why that might be...? :rolleyes:
It's hard to think of yourself as self-centered when you have zero experience not being self-centered.

Personally, I would send both of them down to distract Mami and then motor on out of there.
...Seeing Tira and Sayaka #2 approach and then suddenly collapse dead would be an effective distraction, yes.
and is the most obvious way to progress the Mami and Homura subplots,
If by 'progress the subplots' you mean 'eat Mami' I agree. We can't make meaningful progress with her because of the 'timeline' resets. Even were that not the case, Mami can't handle the truth. Too much of her identity is wrapped up in being a magic girl and that beinging a good thing. Noming her soul gem might not even help there. It'll stop her from witching, sure, but she's plainly mentally fragile. A Mad Mami isn't a huge improvement.

Honestly I don't know how to solve that issue. How things worked out between the last her and Tira might arguably be for the best, but personally I don't consider Candle Oar to be Mami in any meaningful sense of the word.
You know, Mami would totally be into being Susbsumed, after the fact.

Mami's wish was to be connected to life, and her deepest dream is to have a permanent companion to share her own life with, to such a degree that she would never feel the crushing despair of loneliness ever again.

Being subsumed, Mami would quickly realize that her deepest wish of being connected to life is fulfilled, on a level she never thought possible.

Yes, she's now de-facto a witch's familiar and thus become the very thing she sought to destroy, and is now forever(until we get relays) separated from her fellow countrymen, but her every waking and sleeping moment is redefined with the ability to -ping!- Ashtaroth's existence in her head and soul whenever her loneliness psychosis kicks in. And that's not even mentioning Ashtaroth's own nosiness and tendency to butt-in with random opinions.

I predict it will get to the point that Mami will end up being even creepiest-er-ly than Ashtaroth is about their linked soul data stream.

Ashtaroth( The Witch Of Subsumption) will very quickly discover her title being rewritten to Ashtaroth( Mami's Throne World) .

Edit: if the loops continue, the instant we pick up one Mami and have her settled in, that Mami will insist on capturing every version of Mami from every loop so as to "save them from loneliness the way I was saved", with maximum cultism and multithread Mami hiveminding.
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Ashtaroth, the Witch of Caution. Her nature is conflict avoidance. Repeated near-death experiences condensed into a short period of time have transformed this witch's nature, making her far more prone to flee than to fight. On the rare occasions she seeks out prey, she does so from on high, quickly dropping and drawing her target into her world before retreating back into the heavens. To defeat this witch, one must first find a way to get that damn high in the first place, like jeez she's halfway out the atmosphere already-
Maybe she should get a space elevator as a fishing pole, so she'd never have to come down from orbit.

Up until someone wishes to be an ACE COMBATGUCA and flies up to missile her face in.
[-] Leave, as quickly as you possibly can. You don't see another Tira at least, and without her help, the Mami clone surely can't get to you up here, right?!
she might just be a tad self-centered. I wonder why that might be...?
Canvas is blank enough she can see the fourth wall and thus knows with absolute certainty that all existence is framed around her?

To defeat this witch, one must first find a way to get that damn high in the first place, like jeez she's halfway out the atmosphere already-
Astaroth: I assure you, this act of looking down on you short-lived, ant-like creatures from far above like some sort of aloof sky god with power over life and death should not have too much read into it - I'm just hiding where it's safe.
which isn't really as good an outcome as you might initially imagine it to be.
She has increased Hat, therefore is objectively better.