So something no one seems to have picked up on, but that has potentially worrying implications: if MadoSaya are already being given the meguca sales pitch by Mami, today isn't March 16th.

Hopefully Ashy's partial subsumtion of Homu just made her time travel spit her out at a later date this one time, and didn't do permanent damage to her ability to rewind.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure your lack of early interference with Tira in this timeline led her to despair alone offscreen.

It's been a while so I don't recall for sure, but isn't Tira the witch that nearly ate moeblob Homuhomu in the OG timeline?

So something no one seems to have picked up on, but that has potentially worrying implications: if MadoSaya are already being given the meguca sales pitch by Mami, today isn't March 16th.

We kinda already knew that, seeing as Ashy was dropped in right at the moment of witchification, including whatsherface still being around, which was clearly a while into the loop given how things went the first time through.
We kinda already knew that, seeing as Ashy was dropped in right at the moment of witchification, including whatsherface still being around, which was clearly a while into the loop given how things went the first time through.
Oh! Of course! Yeah, I totally missed that - so the working theory is that Homura went back to March 16th, but Ashy couldn't go back to any time before she became a witch? Makes sense.
Oh! Of course! Yeah, I totally missed that - so the working theory is that Homura went back to March 16th, but Ashy couldn't go back to any time before she became a witch? Makes sense.

I think that's the general assumption, yeah. Ashy couldn't go back any further and still be Ashy. Possibly because of the Witch-ness in general, possibly because of some additional factor related to whatever made her forget details about her pre-Witch life, and possibly because the author thought it would be more interesting this way. Or some combination thereof.

Technically we don't know that Homura looped as normal, but we did see her wake up in the hospital at the end of her interlude and nothing was sufficiently out of place to be immediately noticed, so it's probably a safe bet.
eyyy it's back.

[X] pull a full throttle retreat then see if theres a fake you roaming around, if we are going to get answers best get it from one you can easily predict
-[x] Distract Mami by giving her her body back.
Woo-boo. The story's back and just in time for Walpurgisnacht too

Pardon, did you just imply that Kyubey is an alien-?

Maybe I'm wrong but don't a lot of magical girl characters feature aliens (Sailor Moon, Nanoha). Kyubey. Considering Sayaka's supposed to be a magical girl fan, she shouldn't have been surprised that the talking non human creature wasn't of this planet.

As Sayaka turns the device's screen back on, you privately note the time again — it's nearly evening, apparently. You still don't understand where all the time went; Madoka's probably been worrying herself to death all day...
Wouldn't the date appear on the phone screen? At which point Ash and the girls would've the date was different from when they remembered it

You allow Sayaka to guide you back out into the city, directing your barrier essentially on auto-pilot as you continue to silently stew, multiple half-formed theories continually flitting in and out of your thoughts. One in particular is starting to gain a rather uncomfortable amount of evidence, several small, strange details from earlier in the day starting to come together into an uncomfortably well-fitting picture... but you're not going to share it with the girls just yet. At least, not until you've confirmed with your own- er, their own eyes what's actually going on, as that particular idea seems rather ridiculous just to think, and it's not like there aren't other potential explanations for all this...

Looks like Ash is starting to catch on to the whole time travel thing. Not that's much comfort seeing as how she's still a witch plus Sayaka and Tira now having to deal with the emotional conundrum of viewing alternatives of themselves living the lives now denied to them

[X] Send Tira down as an emissary. It went wrong once, but things were going okay up until you screwed it up, so if you can just... not do that this time, it might work out?

Running away has never worked well for us so may as well at least try to talk. Worse case scenario if Mami decides to attack us, it'll be five (3 witches + 2 magical girls) against one.
[-] Leave, as quickly as you possibly can. You don't see another Tira at least, and without her help, the Mami clone surely can't get to you up here, right?!
-[-]Wait a minute... Sayaka's phone, and now this... it couldn't be...?

Ash has to figure it out sooner or later, right? :V
Everybody's here talking about time travel and clones, meanwhile I'm sitting here in the corner thinking about the meeting of the Mamis. Seriously though, imagine how surreal it would be to see your own Witch as a Magical Girl. Your innermost traumas, fears, dreams, and obsessions smeared onto the canvass of a world and personified into this ... thing. What are you even supposed to do at that point?
Everybody's here talking about time travel and clones, meanwhile I'm sitting here in the corner thinking about the meeting of the Mamis. Seriously though, imagine how surreal it would be to see your own Witch as a Magical Girl. Your innermost traumas, fears, dreams, and obsessions smeared onto the canvass of a world and personified into this ... thing. What are you even supposed to do at that point?
Witch out :p
Everybody's here talking about time travel and clones, meanwhile I'm sitting here in the corner thinking about the meeting of the Mamis. Seriously though, imagine how surreal it would be to see your own Witch as a Magical Girl. Your innermost traumas, fears, dreams, and obsessions smeared onto the canvass of a world and personified into this ... thing. What are you even supposed to do at that point?

Accept yourself as "I'll Face Myself" plays in the background?

... What? It could work! Magic and shit, ya'know!
Everybody's here talking about time travel and clones, meanwhile I'm sitting here in the corner thinking about the meeting of the Mamis. Seriously though, imagine how surreal it would be to see your own Witch as a Magical Girl. Your innermost traumas, fears, dreams, and obsessions smeared onto the canvass of a world and personified into this ... thing. What are you even supposed to do at that point?

Assuming Mami even believes the part about how magical girls turn into witches rather than dismissing it as an insane lie. In canon, it took Sayaka witching out in front of her, Madoka, Kyoko and Homura for her to start taking it seriously
huzzah! More Subsumption!
Great that this is back! I am never not looking forward to these updates!
It lives, it slumbers, it lives again!
It's nice to see you again.
Woo-boo. The story's back and just in time for Walpurgisnacht too

Indeed! Couldn't miss Walpurgisnacht again; would have been bad form. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

What do you mean you're worried about disappointing us!? This is the most interesting of the suspected answers! Love it ❤️
Gosh, this is going to be so fun. Mami versus Candeloro is a possibility now.
I agree. Now Ash just needs to eat Mami before she witches or wait for Sayaka to wish and witch and eat that, and we'll have even more interesting answers!

Well, I'm glad this doesn't seem to have been a contentious choice after all. :) Just to note, the original idea for this particular plot element sprang from Witch Quest, which I recall being rather adamant about "no doubles" after loops, with the excuse that anything in a divorced reality (a barrier) at the time of Homura looping got brought back as well. That... didn't really make much sense to me, and I felt failed to address a few things I would have liked to see, hence I decided to do my own take on it. I did definitely consider the very-plausible alternative of the Sayaka and Tira of this timeline seemingly "evaporating" into thin air upon Ashtaroth's arrival (even if it would have required nixing/tempering a certain other element of why things have happened the way they did), but it would have made for a very different plot that, while theoretically interesting in and of itself, wasn't the one I wanted to write. Hence, this.

The penny.



Yes, after managing to stay in a seemingly-terminal hover for over a year, it has finally dropped!

(...or has it? ;))

well, homura is going to find out the witch travelled back with her
welp, here we go! let the homufreakout commence

Oh? I don't think that's necessarily true, especially if you manage to successfully escape. There's still a chance it might not happen!
So whatever happened to investigating the possibly intelligent skull witch?
Left behind long ago. and not as currently relevant as other immediate issues.

I wouldn't say "long ago", but it's definitely been set aside for the time being in favor of something potentially way more pressing. Hence Ashtaroth's <Change of plans!> at the start of the chapter.

Did say sayaka and Tira ever get to see ashtaroths "normal girl" home? Given that she would have one, having been a normal girl once.

I remember ashtaroth visiting it (alone) but rereading, I can't find that section so it must have been in the old version of this

Correct, that was only in the older version of this story. Perhaps it will happen at some point in this version as well, but that point is unlikely to be any time soon.

don't want to descend, but running is not unreasonable, at least right now, since we still have the phone to get in contact, and it's quite possible we won't have a choice due to witchstincts
I dont think risking for round 2 with Mami (and more than Mami, Homura) is in anyway acceptable to Ash.

There's definitely a reason the "run" option is at the top of the immediate choices.

Where there's a will, there's a way. And hooo-boy, is there will when Mami's involved and there's a witch in play.
I'd vote to run, but that won't work.

Such certainty! I'm sure Mami appreciates the faith you seem to have in her. :D

Honestly, Mami alone has no chance against three Witches and two magical girls, especially because Candeloro can tie her up with her own ribbons. Homura also shouldn't be too dangerous, assuming her time stop doesn't work anymore.
Running away has never worked well for us so may as well at least try to talk. Worse case scenario if Mami decides to attack us, it'll be five (3 witches + 2 magical girls) against one.

The odds are more in Ashtaroth's favor than before — but I wonder if that would really be enough. There's an awful lot of assumptions in play here...

Send tiara, since she doesn't have a copy here.
Seams reasonable.
OH WAIT no you can't because of Candeloro.
We don't really know if Candeloro would be amicable towards her human half if they were to interact. She might just go berserk upon making actual eye(?) contact with Mami for all we know, we should have Tira temporarily drop Candeloro off with her maids or our Sayaka while she plays arbitrator with this loop's version of the gang.
I think separating Candles from their... host. Would provoke an extreme and violent reaction?

Poor Candyladle just wants to not be left behind. Is that so wrong?

I think it's been implied that Witches can't survive out of their Labyrinths in this Quest.

Ashtaroth certainly didn't seem to enjoy attempting to leave hers back in Confrontation, no.

Maybe Tira could pretend she figured out how to puppet a witch

Oh ho~, what an interesting idea. Almost wish I — or rather, Ashtaroth — had thought of that option my/herself...

Under/over on getting a second Candeloro?
Yeah, I'm wondering if Mami is gonna wind up getting bookmark'd.

...Kinda wondering if that would be enough to reconstitute Candeloro as Mami, even partially. Double the Mami! Even if one is made of clothes.
If we play our cards right here we could catch ourselves a Mami! We'll be 2/2 on Mami forms.
Gotta catch 'em all… Mamimon!

Can't claim you have a truly complete Puelladex without having all the available forms! I hear there's a special "holy" version of Mami too, only available through mystery gift! :V

Yeah, I'm pretty sure your lack of early interference with Tira in this timeline led her to despair alone offscreen. Now you can collect both the magical girl and the witch instead of choosing between them. You monster. :V

Man, the scope of this collect em' all quest just keeps expanding. Can't it slow down a little? We lost our only Homura, and we haven't even pulled one of the ultra rare MG Madokas yet!

I doubt they would be up to talk. Especially with a witch they believe has the capacity to clone MGs.

I mean, we don't know that's assumption they would make. Mami has better judgment than that, don't you think? (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

Technically, it could be argued that Witches are aliens too, due to existing in their own pocket dimension and never properly appearing on Earth. That would depend on if a Labyrinth counts as part of the Witch that created it or as an effect it produced.

Arguably, yes, I suppose that's true. Most of them certainly look alien enough to fit the bill, if nothing else...

Maybe I'm wrong but don't a lot of magical girl characters feature aliens (Sailor Moon, Nanoha). Kyubey. Considering Sayaka's supposed to be a magical girl fan, she shouldn't have been surprised that the talking non human creature wasn't of this planet.

That was Tira who spoke out about it, not Sayaka.

Being stuck in an illusion, having traveled to a parallel world at an earlier point in time(which is probably what actually happened instead of literal time travel), a magical double replacing Sayaka, etc.

In a world where reality-warping magic can be a mere wish away, the possible causes of anything strange expand to cover a whole host of increasingly-complicated options...

Bwahahaha! Sayaka just casually roasts Ashy for being callously selfish at her expense until now.

One day, Ashtaroth may even pick up on it!

Ashy may not understand Madoka at all, but she does know Kyubey suspiciously well.

Suspiciously well indeed... ಠಿ_ಠ

You've got me really hyped for the dialogue, for some reason! Maybe it's because different people explaining themselves to each other leads to making better, more balanced decisions and is exactly what Ashtaroth needs.

She could use that, yeah... too bad she's not so great at it, herself. Usually ends up coming off as rather insensitive, for some strange reason. :rolleyes:

How bold of both Sayakas, in a world where magic makes almost anything possible, to assume there can only be one. Yes, I'm pretty sure this is possible only because one of them is an Ashtoreth, but that's not relevant!

Or maybe Sayaka just doesn't feel like having an existential crisis so soon after getting over an existential crisis, with another case of someone else using her voice. First Ashtaroth, now this... She just can't get a break!

She really can't, can she? Even with her multiple breakdowns, it's honestly kind of impressive she's held up as well as she has.

I bet Kyubey just sort of inserted himself into the group alongside Mami, and Madoka just sort of let it happen because refusing him at that point would be rude and confusing. Really, even if she's told to distance herself from Kyubey, it's not as if she was given a clear reason to distrust the little weasel.

Or, perhaps, he was already present — telepathy isn't known to be audible over phones after all, especially for those on a different station entirely.

It's difficult to reach a diplomatic solution if you're too self-centered.

That tends to make things difficult, yes. ^^;

She is the witch that on a subconscious level thinks of things in terms of herself, not the biggest leap in logic for her to assume there is a fake her roaming around her stomping grounds, plus we have 2 puella magi allies that can fight off little miss ahab

No comment on the first part (yet); I just wanted to note that I quite enjoy the idea of "Little Miss Ahab" as a nickname for Hirako. (*^▽^*)

Not if this timeline's Tira witches out!

Gotta look on the bright side y'know. :V
Your bright side looks about as black as Kyubey's soul.

What soul? I don't recall him ever claiming to have one of those.

Everybody's here talking about time travel and clones, meanwhile I'm sitting here in the corner thinking about the meeting of the Mamis. Seriously though, imagine how surreal it would be to see your own Witch as a Magical Girl. Your innermost traumas, fears, dreams, and obsessions smeared onto the canvass of a world and personified into this ... thing. What are you even supposed to do at that point?
Assuming Mami even believes the part about how magical girls turn into witches rather than dismissing it as an insane lie. In canon, it took Sayaka witching out in front of her, Madoka, Kyoko and Homura for her to start taking it seriously

Helpfully, Magia Record may hold some insight into this very subject!... though, I'm pretty sure that everyone involved would rather Mami not cope with the revelation the same way she did there. (CC on)

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Helpfully, Magia Record may hold some insight into this very subject!... though, I'm pretty sure that everyone involved would rather Mami not cope with the revelation the same way she did there. (CC on)
I like how Sayaka jumps in with a barrier an struggles against Mami's projectile.

It's not "oh no I lost my grip I have to try harder" because it actually is "oh shoot my left wrist just snapped in two like a fucking twig. Let me just take a fraction of a second to throw my left arm backwards just so, fast enough to realign my wrist with my forearm, and heal it back into place... all right, back to blocking Mami's big shot. Ho hum."
Helpfully, Magia Record may hold some insight into this very subject!... though, I'm pretty sure that everyone involved would rather Mami not cope with the revelation the same way she did there. (CC on)
This seems like a worse version of tetris to me. That had emotional weight, this just has stupid amounts of dakka and nonsensically useless bullets.
There's something about good old 'monster is actually good and doesn't want to commit murder misunderstanding soup' stories that I absolutely adore, and imo this story is a near perfect execution of that.

It's been a blast reading so far!
[X] pull a full throttle retreat then see if theres a fake you roaming around, if we are going to get answers best get it from one you can easily predict

She is the witch that on a subconscious level thinks of things in terms of herself, not the biggest leap in logic for her to assume there is a fake her roaming around her stomping grounds, plus we have 2 puella magi allies that can fight off little miss ahab
It'd be extremely funny if Ash keeps collecting more copies of herself with each loop.