Candeloro just doesn't really want to be alone, right? Is there any way we can convince the girls and Candeloro herself that she be treated as some shoulder pet or an actual hug doll they can carry everywhere they go?

Outside-of-labyrinth excursions are still going to be a problem, but I want them to give this doll some HUGZ at least until they reach Kazamino. Is it too hopeful to think that current Kyoko may be able to do something about this?
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Maybe Candeloro will allow them to "leave" if they're with her? As in, side-by-side, hugging her as they walk out the door. Yes, Candeloro wants the party to go on forever, but she mainly cares about not being alone. So if they're physically with her while going out the door, she might not object? Maybe Ashy could bring some candy from Charlotte's barrier to the front door, to further entice her to come out?

Also, how small can Ashy's shatterwords get? Can she fit them in the door, and give her a message that way?

Ultimately, even if Sayaka and Tira sometimes exit the barrier, Ashy basically can't, so Candeloro could just be clingy to Ashtaroth?
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No wait, I got it:

[X] Attempt to lure Candeloro outside to talk, by...
-[X] Grabbing the makings of a tea candy party from Charlotte's barrier and inviting her to YOURS.
Yay, Candeloro! I mean, also :cry: Mami :cry: and stuff but... uh, other than that, yay!

Also, this is such a fun story. Witches are one of the most interesting parts of the PMMM setting and it's always fun to see interesting takes on the idea of "what is being a witch like (besides suffering)". I've spent a distressing amount of time coming up with headcanons and interpretations for how witch-related stuff might work and it's neat to see other people's takes on the same topic.

You can't spend your whole life mad about being short, Sayaka.

Fun fact, Sayaka is apparently about one standard deviation above the average height for her age, and is in fact a bit taller than the average adult Japanese woman. (Meanwhile, Madoka is about as tall as the average 12-year-old. Heh.)

...on the other hand, official anime characters heights are kinda weird sometimes, so eh.

It'd only be a temporary solution, Charlotte will want to wander off later

Maybe, maybe not. Does Candeloro know any cheese recipes?
That's not the worst idea. If Candeloro just wants someone around, we could plop Charlotte down here and have them watch each other. It'd only be a temporary solution, Charlotte will want to wander off later, but for now it'd be decent.

Hmm, but that makes me think of the first time we met Charlotte. I wonder, if we bust open the doors and invite her to come with us, would she? Charlotte was eager to follow, and Candeloro just wants friends, not to be a hikineet that stays in her room all day. She might go for it.
I was originally joking, but that's actually a pretty good idea and I see no reason not to try it.

Worst case; she tries to kill us but it brings the fight outside where our superior mobility would give us an edge.

Best case; the situation is resolved w/o a fight and we get a new friend to back us up when trouble finds us again.

So as I see it, it'll work out rather well for us in pretty much any outcome.

<Right, have we tried fire?>

"Seems dangerous..."

<... What about MORE fire?>

"So what have we learned?" A singed Tira enquired of her slightly charred dread-overlord.

<Fire spreads?>

"Yes, fire spreads, and?"

<Don't start fires in paper-based barriers> The witch conceded, still staring blankly into the roaring blaze that used to be her paper-grasslands, and was most likely soon to be paper ash-lands, despite the best efforts of the late Saar's familiars.

"Well, at least we won't be getting lost in there anymore" A similarly scorched Sayaka chipped in. "Anyone got marshmallows?"
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Hmm, I'd suggest to Candel that they have a friend outside, but can't fit through the doors, would it be acceptable for a picnic outside? Something to that effect.
We should explain* that letting people go results in more of them coming back later. For example, we let both Hitomi and Tira go, and now we have 4 permanent residents, and some friendly acquaintances outside, and we didn't even have any tea or cakes to offer at the time!
With her abilities, she could have swarms of people showing up!

*via interpretive dance
My guess is that the witch really is not Mami, as in - does not remember anything from Mami's life.

But she has the familiars based on Sayaka and Kyouko, so there must be something there.

My guess is that it's either some sort of agnosia--Candeloro can remember a blue-haired friend but can't match that to either a name or the girl sitting in front of her--or that she's so wrapped up in the narrative of her barrier, playing hostess and whatnot, that the details of who her guests actually are gets brushed aside as not important right now, like 'yes Sayaka I know who you are but we're having a tea party forever now so can you just play along'.
But she has the familiars based on Sayaka and Kyouko, so there must be something there.

My guess is that it's either some sort of agnosia--Candeloro can remember a blue-haired friend but can't match that to either a name or the girl sitting in front of her--or that she's so wrapped up in the narrative of her barrier, playing hostess and whatnot, that the details of who her guests actually are gets brushed aside as not important right now, like 'yes Sayaka I know who you are but we're having a tea party forever now so can you just play along'.
With witches I have always thought there are 4 things that makes them the way they are there inherent nature of the girl or boy in question, there major thoughts and sometimes regrets at the time of the transformation , either there outfit or inherit magic from the contract and sometimes there environment
<Pretty sure I won't fit through the front door, so yes, just you two. Besides, if Mami does still remember herself, I doubt I'd be particularly welcome anyways.>

A smile ghosts over Sayaka's lips. "...yeah, probably not."
It could be worse. Charlotte could be with them, which is only worse if Candeloro remembers something.

You only realize after already having said it just how... motherly that sounded. Ick, bad thoughts.
I wonder if those are bad thoughts simply because Ashy dislikes them or if this is some reflex of her pre-Witch life.

Sayaka nods, and the two of them hop down from you onto the landing-pad-sized platter below. Cautiously moving past the familiars, whose heads slowly turn to watch them go, the girls make their way over the nearby rainbow bridge and tentatively step down onto the small island at the other end.
So the familiars stayed with Ashy? I expected them to guide Sayaka and Tira into the cottage.

Beyond the entrance of the cottage lies a grand chamber, far larger in size than should be physically possible given its comparatively minuscule exterior.
So a standard Witch Labyrinth.:V

It's remarkably stylish in appearance, with velvety-soft red carpet flooring and checkerboard-patterned walls, the design of which is slanted to put the squares on a diagonal. Elegant marble support arches frame the left and right sides of the room, helping to hold up the high ceiling, and soft music is playing from somewhere nearby, a slow, cheerful tune primarily composed of gently chiming bells. At the same time, there's a bizarrely festive atmosphere to it all, owing mostly to the golden, key-laden chains strung like party streamers from the walls, as well as the colorfully-wrapped presents spread all across the floor, huge piles of which are stacked up in every corner like miniature dragons' hoards. A bush covered in white flowers and trimmed into the shape of a picture frame is set high upon the back wall, at the center of which is another set of witch runes, these ones in white and which read "Happy Birthday".
Stylish. Kind of depressing thought; a party with not a single guest.
I wonder if the witch runes will change by tomorrow or if every day is her birthday.

Interesting; you've never actually seen those on a witch before... if only you had some idea what "Candeloro" is supposed to mean.
... She has a name tag. This reminds me of the very first day of school when you meet a bunch of new people and have to learn their names.

"Er. Thank you?" Tira says uncertainly, staring at the single burning candle atop her slice, which doesn't seem to be melting at all.
@Flairina How many candles are there? I'm curious if the number matches Mamis' age, her time as a magical girl or if there is some other metaphorical meaning.

The witch turns and seems to gesture to two of the maid familiars standing near the end of the table, which silently walk over and move a pair of teacups in front of the girls. A matching teapot follows, along with a large bowl of sugar, and a pot that you can only assume to contain either milk or creamer. One of the maids also places a much smaller teacup from its serving platter down in front of the witch, before the tiny being gestures again, and they both back away to their previous positions... wait a second, she's communicating with her familiars? So that is a thing! Why can't you do that?
Ashy can communicate with her familiars. They just don't listen. Maybe it's because Candeloros familiars are archetypal servants?
Or maybe its because Ashys familiars aren't her familiars.

<...hang on a sec, are you telling me those weird symbol things are an actual language?>

If it were possible for you to mentally squint at Sayaka, you would doing so right now.
Oh no, Sayaka showed her uncultured side during a tea party!

Sayaka tentatively nods. Hmm... well, you don't think you know enough about your own hyper-specific amnesia to say how likely she is to be right, but you certainly can't deny it's possible.
But Candeloro could communicate with her familiars and there are witch runes around. Maybe she forgot how to talk but she can communicate.

She pushes her plate back towards the center of table, joining Tira's similarly discarded one. The witch glances at the two rejected servings of cake, then turns and beckons to another familiar, which walks over and sweeps the unwanted food up onto its empty serving platter. It swiftly produces a large silver lid from somewhere, which it uses it to cover said platter, then waits a few seconds before lifting it back up... revealing that the plates have magically been replaced by a pair of golden lacquer bowls, each one with a pair of ornate black chopsticks delicately laid upon its rim.

You feel like someone should be clapping right now.
In the hidden depts of Ashys Barrier Shemesh claps... without hands, somehow.

"Is this... toshikoshi soba?" Tira questions, squinting confusedly at her own bowl. "But we are months past New Years."
Oh right, Candeloro has that Christmas/end of the year theme going.

"Sayaka!" Tira objects, much louder this time. "I reiterate, we have no idea if this food is edible, or what sort of effects it may have on one if eaten! Are you truly going to risk ingesting this when doing so could be actively harmful to you?!"
Well, she is a magical girl so she can shrug off most things. If worst comes to worst, she can take a short dip into Novella, that was enough to fix Tira.

The witch chirps delightedly, rapidly circling around Sayaka's head for a couple of seconds as the magical girl takes another, larger swig of tea. Having direct access to Sayaka's taste buds, you second her opinion — while the noodles probably aren't of quite the same quality as Charlotte's candy, they're still quite tasty, and the tea is exceptionally good, even without anything added to it. Man, why is witch food so consistently amazing?
Suffering. Its the karmic balance of a Witch's existence. They are insane monstrosities but in exchange, they get great food.
Now that I think about it, Charlotte's reaction should be even more extreme than expected if she ever gets Rebeca's cheese.'re kind of thinking the same, honestly. Granted, you probably wouldn't react to your old name either, not remembering it and all, but if you were trying to convince someone you still had a human mind in any respect, this would not be how you'd be going about it. The witch — Candeloro, you're going to assume for the time being — does actually seem decently intelligent, but not... human intelligent.
In her defense; Mami had this tendency to ignore uncomfortable truths. It wouldn't surprise me if her reaction was to ignore everything in favor of something familiar like a tea party.

A pair of enormous yellow lengths slam into the exit with enough force to rattle the entire wall it's attached to. Sayaka and Tira let out simultaneous startled cries, the former jumping back towards the center of the room as Candeloro floats upwards, her golden aura reigniting as her ribbons retract and return to normal size. She leans forward in the air, chirping in a notably more menacing manner than before, and a pair of maid familiars moves to block the door.
She really doesn't want them to leave.

"...what the heck?" Sayaka says in a slightly befuddled tone.
It's because of Candeloros nature, huh. She needs guests, so she won't allow anyone to leave, but attacking them risks them dying, causing her to lose her guests anyway.

Given the access to food and tea, her guest would probably die because of the despair instead of starvation or thirst.

You'd need the other witch to come outside to try and talk with her though, and it doesn't really seem like she's planning on going anywhere any time soon. Besides, you do have other options...
Not really? Ashy can control Sayaka or Tira, and Tira has this giant pen...

That's not the worst idea. If Candeloro just wants someone around, we could plop Charlotte down here and have them watch each other. It'd only be a temporary solution, Charlotte will want to wander off later, but for now it'd be decent.
Charlotte won't leave if Candeloro can give her cheese.

For the vote, I'm torn between getting Charlotte or letting Ashy knock. Or maybe Tira could make some fake guests with Forgery? Maybe Ashy could try talking.

[-] Take over Tiras' body, after asking, and write some messages in witch runes. Sayaka and Tira can't communicate with Candeloro, but maybe you can?
...well, I feel silly. I was in such a rush to get this chapter up at least vaguely on time that I completely forgot to add Candeloro's picture to her introduction. ^_^; That has now been fixed. Sadly, I'm stuck using the ripped official art of her for now, which looks a little odd contrasted with the runes, but at least there's now some visual for her --- I may make a better version later if I can get a cleaner image.

So canon Candeloro then, Unfortunate.

Well... close, but not completely. More on that shortly.

You're the only adult by technically here Ash, get used to it.

Well, as a witch, yes, she is technically a magical "adult". As a person however, she's not terribly keen on the idea.

I know it's confirmed later down, but this here made me sad because it confirmed this wasn't really Mami anymore. Mami thought Tira was dead, so you'd think she'd have more of a reaction to seeing her alive and well.

There's something I wanted to say about this, but I just realized I can't yet, because it will very likely end up being spoilers. So, same answer I gave Farseer above. ;)

You can kinda talk to Shemesh, I think most of the others just don't care about what you have to say.

(As is natural for familiars that aren't really meant to be interacted with --- shhh, don't tell Ashtaroth. :ninja:)

Really should avoid pissing off or killing Candeloro. She's got food on demand, and while it might be the familiars making it we don't know if they'll make more if anyone else askes.
Charlotte won't leave if Candeloro can give her cheese.

They certainly offer more variety than Charlotte's barrier does, at least in terms of flavor. Though, the familiars only make a very specific category of food (which you can probably figure out without too much difficulty), so whether or not they can make cheese is up for debate.

Also, how small can Ashy's shatterwords get? Can she fit them in the door, and give her a message that way?

She could possibly slide them through the door one or two at a time, but even so that probably wouldn't work terribly well. Also, shatterwords only remain in Ashtaroth's control while still within her general "orbit", which would make this somewhat difficult to even attempt without having her pressed up flat against the outside of the cottage.

Cutting it off and cutting it up definitely seems significant, and the tag may have had different text here.

This seems like a good time to mention that the runes on Candeloro's house sign are actually just supposed to be her name again, but since that seemed repetitive, and the only image we have of it was from a screenshot of the PSP game when it was still in development, I decided to put something more fitting on it instead.

...oh, and also, I have no idea what the runes on the familiars say. Trust me, I tried, but between the minuscule size of every image of them, the blurriness thereof, and fact that I can't even tell which of the pair has their runes facing the right way, I eventually just gave up. There might be a B, there might be a U, there might even be a TO, but what there isn't is enough value in the idea to keep bothering.

Also, this is such a fun story. Witches are one of the most interesting parts of the PMMM setting and it's always fun to see interesting takes on the idea of "what is being a witch like (besides suffering)". I've spent a distressing amount of time coming up with headcanons and interpretations for how witch-related stuff might work and it's neat to see other people's takes on the same topic.

Thanks! And I know, right? I really want to see more witch-focused fanworks in this fandom --- they're the most unique part of the entire setting, and based on the descriptions we have of them, it doesn't exactly seem like they spend all their time in a mindless, murderous haze like I've seen some other fanfics treat them. I'm doing my best to fill that gap, but I could really use some help in that respect.

<Don't start fires in paper-based barriers> The witch conceded, still staring blankly into the roaring blaze that used to be her paper-grasslands, and was most likely soon to be paper ash-lands, despite the best efforts of the late Saar's familiars.

I imagine Mami and Homura have already managed to hammer in this lesson in fairly well, but I suppose the "ashlands" pun was too good to pass up. :D A little too short for an omake I think, but funny nonetheless.

So the familiars stayed with Ashy? I expected them to guide Sayaka and Tira into the cottage.

They already did all they needed to. Besides, it's not like they were all that keen on hanging around --- you might even say that they were quite eager to leave upon realizing that there was somewhere else to actually go.

So a standard Witch Labyrinth.

Pretty much, yeah! Still worth noting though.

@Flairina How many candles are there? I'm curious if the number matches Mamis' age, her time as a magical girl or if there is some other metaphorical meaning.

There are exactly four of them.
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Well... close, but not completely. More on that shortly.
Interesting... very Interesting.

I imagine Mami and Homura have already managed to hammer in this lesson in fairly well, but I suppose the "ashlands" pun was too good to pass up. A little too short for an omake I think, but funny nonetheless.
*Cracks knuckles* *Glues knuckles back together, then starts typing*

There are exactly four of them.
Now, I can't remember exactly how long Mami was a Magical girl for; but I get the strange feeling that the number of candles may be related to that.
Well... close, but not completely. More on that shortly.
There's something I wanted to say about this, but I just realized I can't yet, because it will very likely end up being spoilers. So, same answer I gave Farseer above.
After learning the tag she tore up in Canon is a name tag I wondered if that was meant to imply that there was more Mami in her than meets the eye. Made me think of a PMAS omake where a Candeloro made sentient by Sabrina refused to be called Mami, probably out of shame. I wonder if it's something akin to that, where Candeloro is suppressing the Mami, either out of shame at her failure or fear of what her friends will think of her. Or something akin to that.
Now, I can't remember exactly how long Mami was a Magical girl for; but I get the strange feeling that the number of candles may be related to that.
I'm pretty sure she's been a magical girl for two years. I'd assume the four is for her four newest pupils/friends: Kyouko, Madoka, Sayaka, and Tira. Theoretically she's had more friends that have left her, but perhaps they're not on the cake since hasn't thought of them alot recently.

It's pretty sad all of Candeloro's familiars fucked off the moment they had the chance, but it makes alot of sense for Candeloro. All the more reason I really hope Candeloro gets to hang out with the MCs as a little companion and doesn't just get stuck with Charlotte (though I'd still want those two to be friends). Hopefully she'll begin to regain a little bit of her senses too once she realizes Tira, Sayaka, and especially Ash, won't be leaving her, since it's hinted she's got at least some Mami in her.
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Well, as a witch, yes, she is technically a magical "adult". As a person however, she's not terribly keen on the idea.
Eh, most teenagers get a little weird when they think they're acting paternal and aren't use to it. Makes me think Ash was an only child as a human. Not that everything else about her doesn't.
They certainly offer more variety than Charlotte's barrier does, at least in terms of flavor. Though, the familiars only make a very specific category of food (which you can probably figure out without too much difficulty), so whether or not they can make cheese is up for debate.
Now I don't know if this is universal, but the traditional staple for New Year's food in my family is ham, baked beans and potatoes aug rotem, or cheesey potatoes. Many new years platers also include cheese and crackers. If Mami has those kinda associations, then yes, cheese is on the menu!
There's something I wanted to say about this, but I just realized I can't yet, because it will very likely end up being spoilers. So, same answer I gave Farseer above. ;)
Huh... couple that with a few other responses here and there, is Candeloro afraid of her friends geting hurt again? That would explain why she's so forceful about this keeping them here, a place she thinks is safe.
They already did all they needed to. Besides, it's not like they were all that keen on hanging around --- you might even say that they were quite eager to leave upon realizing that there was somewhere else to actually go.
Ah, Mami subconsciously projecting people leaving her as them rejecting her and them always wanting to leave.

Also, very interesting! So her familiars will start heading out into the other barriers as soon as they can. It's hard to guess what they'll do without their profiles though. If their nature is to serve, I could see them trying to do things for other beings in the barrier. Acting as a minder for Charlotte, doing odd jobs for Shemesh. If they don't mind working for lesser familiars, they could also help out the Polina, like assistant nurses, or garden with the Faas.

Of course they could be feeling overworked and stressed, and all they want is a vacation. In which case uh, guess they could head to Charlotte's barrier and snack? Some of the visuals around the barriers are interesting, but none of them strike me as a good place to visit. I suppose there's illusions in The Canvas, but that relies on Ash being there and willing to perform, and she's going to be very busy for at least a few days, and it's closed at night so her human tenants can get some sleep.

Though it would be interesting to let them in to act as room service. Just have them wait outside the rooms until morning, then they can get Sayaka and Tira going without Ash having to mess with them directly. Hell, throw an illusion over them to look more human and they wouldn't even be upsetting to look at first thing after waking up. I wonder, if you illusioned a door to the room, would they play along? Pretending to open the door to enter the rooms? That'd be super cool.
Now, I can't remember exactly how long Mami was a Magical girl for; but I get the strange feeling that the number of candles may be related to that.
I think you might know, but as a reminder, the number four sounds like the word for death in Japanese. Given a lack of other easy to reach associations, I'd think that's the likely connection.
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...well, I feel silly. I was in such a rush to get this chapter up at least vaguely on time that I completely forgot to add Candeloro's picture to her introduction. ^_^; That has now been fixed. Sadly, I'm stuck using the ripped official art of her for now, which looks a little odd contrasted with the runes, but at least there's now some visual for her --- I may make a better version later if I can get a cleaner image.
On... time? Is there supposed to be a schedule? Or was the posting date significant?
They certainly offer more variety than Charlotte's barrier does, at least in terms of flavor. Though, the familiars only make a very specific category of food (which you can probably figure out without too much difficulty), so whether or not they can make cheese is up for debate.
Holiday food? Maybe food for festivals too. I can't think of anything cheese-based though. Maybe something Italian? Or fondue?

They already did all they needed to. Besides, it's not like they were all that keen on hanging around --- you might even say that they were quite eager to leave upon realizing that there was somewhere else to actually go.
Huh, that means they didn't see Ashy as a guest. Or maybe they thought the guests they already have are more important.
That could mean knocking won't be effective.

There are exactly four of them.
Then probably her time as a magical girl, with the fourth candle for her turning into a Witch.
I'm now curious since you guys brought up the familiars of candeloro and them working with the faas
If we encounter Gertrude would the faas get along with the Anthony?
And inevitably how would Gertrude react to Saar, would they get along as fellow gardeners or hate each other due to envy?
our superior mobility
Ashtaroth possesses mobility? Looks like a book, moves like a book, steers like a... well to be fair the steering and acceleration are both top-notch, and we can trade steering for speed by turning-off the engine and leting gravity take over. We may have more maximum altitude? Candeloro hasn't demonstrated her flight other than to be extremely agile and faster than a giant levitating brick book.

I am currently hoping for everyone to be trapped in the party, so we get to enjoy seeing a tea party with three witches and two magical girls and The expression on Kyoko's face when she walks in on that.
Of course they could be feeling overworked and stressed, and all they want is a vacation. In which case uh, guess they could head to Charlotte's barrier and snack? Some of the visuals around the barriers are interesting, but none of them strike me as a good place to visit.
The center of Saar's Labyrinth could make a good vacation spot. Saar's hill should be covered with tulips by now and I don't think the Faas stopped at that.
That's a good point
Though saar is a reluctant destroyer which may produce at least a couple of emotional actions if realized by Gertrude