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Madness? No, This Is MECH DESIGN!
19th March of 2992

"This is madness," Jing muttered, slapping down the third of hearts onto the table, shaking his head. "First, a donut ship that can just use Pirate Jump-Points like nothing, then, said ship has artificial gravity; after that, we are kindly informed that the guy we had been talking to was a machine all along, only to end up in a budda-damned sci-fy story about interdimensional travel! And now," he said, leaning back as he watched Chu lay down an eight of spades, "they are just...making new 'Mechs like," he snapped his fingers, "that!"

"Brother," Chu sighed, "I managed to get LosTech guns on my Dragon for basically free. In my opinion, if they want to build themselves new Mechs in less than a year, they are free to do that. I am going to enjoy the money, the guns, and the upgrades, and shut the hell up in the meantime."

"Oh, stop humoring him," Bei-Ju cut in, a smirk on his face, "he's just mad he couldn't get the new launchers for his Mech as the twins did."

Jing gave him a middle finger in response, earning him a round of laughter.

You have chosen a name for your new Mercenary Company and a Quirk for all your Mechs. Now you need two Designs to send with them! However, due to your lack of experience with Mech Creation, and the only examples you have in all stages of creation and use being Crosscuts, your first Design is limited to 30 Tons.

Create Two Mechs:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[][Mech #1] (Write-In)
[][Mech #2] (Write-In)
Last edited:
Unto New Worlds - Part 1
4th Juli of 2993

"I'm sorry, but that is just not going to happen," Jing said to the polygonal sky-rat, looking at him with a tilt in its head. Apparently, this thing was an "Artificial General Intelligence" that operated most systems on the Furina. He was half-convinced these people were just fucking with him for the laughs. "There is no way that you can design and create not only one new Mech but two while also constructing 16 Battlemechs within one year. That kind of madness belongs to the days when we still freaked out over blue-water navies shaping gun turrets."

The sky-rat tilted its head the other way. "We have already completed both designs."

"Wh-AT?!" Jing sputtered, incredulous and shocked. "WH-What do you mean you've already completed them?!"

"The design portion was, admittedly, the most straightforward part of the endeavor, thanks to my processing capabilities. It was the assembly and trouble-shooting afterward that proved to be the real challenge. We forgot to put ejection systems into both of the Mechs."

Jing's mind stopped. He blinked rapidly for several seconds. "What do you mean you've forgot to put ejection systems into both designs?!"

"Apparently, Mrs. Saph of the Fontaine Mech Design Club had been placed in charge of designing the ejection system for the Trooper Project but had been under the impression that someone else would do so, who themselves were under the same impression, leading to a comical cascade that leads to the Trooper finishing its last revision before the production deadline was crossed without one such system being included." Jing felt his brain slow cook. The sky-rat pretended to preen its non-existent feathers. "Thankfully, we've caught the issue in the Thor, but not before it was made... awkward to activate the ejection."

" do you not catch that?! A new mech design is a monumental undertaking for even the best of the best of the Dragon's learned! Are you not some kind of hyper-intelligent machine?!" Jing said, trying to feel anything other than numb and shocked.

The sky-rat simply gave him a...sheepish look. "I was not actively conscious of that part; I set an automatic system up to create the best approximations using my mental capacity so I could continue playing ULTRAKILL. I've figured out that you are supposed to shoot the coins you throw, not use them as distractions, and I was a bit occupied that month."

Jing placed his head in his hands. He felt...feelings. Feelings that felt feelingly.

"Unfortunately, the teams tasked with picking the best of the options and refining the proposed solutions to various problems got carried away with turning the Thor's missile launchers into a pet project of theirs, and now its entire logistical base is fucked, alongside its flexibility, to afford the range for the munitions to travel within its body, yet I feel that-" TAUBENMUTTER continued to talk, yet Jing was not listening. He was far away, in his happy place.

Far away from these insane psychopaths.

Despite the Thor M1a being both inspired and cursed in its creation, it would, with its impossible-to-maintain internals, borked ejection systems, inability to turn its torso without turning its whole body, and very weakly armored cockpit, be forever burned into the minds of the pilots sent alongside the Clan Big Iron Mercenary Company as the best Mech in existence due to the sheer fact that it was not the Trooper.

This statement and vitriol annoyed and brought tears to many of the Trooper's designers because it was, in their minds, utterly undeserved due to an error everyone would have made. Yes, they had forgotten to put in an ejection system, but the majority of war machines in human history used their entryways as escape mechanisms, even if it wasn't planned for!

But no, what actually brought the ire of the pilots and their anger toward the Trooper was the reason for its existence: the capability to hot-swap its weapon systems and load up equipment within moments.

For you see, during testing, one of the two tester-pilots felt a sensation similar to "a metal blade scratching across my teeth" while their first swap occurred, and a quick calibration of their Mind-Machine-Interface implant took care of the issue.

So, it was never looked at closely.

So the designers never realized that the same issue persisted in all but two pilots of Clan Big Iron, a frequency miss-match of the Mech's OS calibrations and their pilot's MMIs when attaching new equipment, sending the false feedback to its pilot.

Over. And over. And over again. Whenever something was attached, detached, or swapped, that same feeling of a metal blade across the teeth was felt. Again and again.

Thankfully, the issue was resolved by the MechTechs of Clan Big Iron a month into the company's journey toward the Aurigan Coalition. Still, the psychosomatic effects and responses acquired during training with the Trooper remained.

Much to everyone's annoyance and anger.

You require a Company Leader and a Second Commander for Clan Big Iron.
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[][Company Leader Vibes] Liz-Ard People! Liz-Ard People! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!
[][Company Leader Vibes] Cackling Shotgun Gremlin
[][Company Leader Vibes] Sapphire Hyena Maul
[][Second Commander] (Create a Person.)
Unto New Worlds - Part 2 New
27th Juli of 2993

Luise Magine was the oldest of nine sisters and three brothers, all of whom managed to survive into adulthood despite the efforts of all twelve of them to jump into their early graves (or the local well on two occasions) at every opportunity, giving her quite early as a forced co-parent for her parents two revelations: the first was that responsibilities could suck her tits; she's off to do fuck all of that what her parents tried to make her do.

The second was that the dildo of consequences often arrives unlubed.

So when her parents tried to make her stay when the pirates invaded and took over the capital, so she would protect her family with them, she had already taken the five of her siblings, that were adults, with her to the nearest location that was likely to contain guns so they could get the fuck away from all of that into an environment far less likely to get them all, and most importantly her, killed via stress and overbearing parents.

The following war taught Luise two things: Lilly Magine was an excellent leader of people, her younger sister capable of rallying even old-bitten, hard-as-nails pioneers who ate stones for breakfast and thought anything less hardy than though leather as jerky made someone weak to her side and under her leadership...and the second was that little Lilly, who cuddled with a doll of a cat given to her on her fourth birthday to today with religious fervor when it came time to sleep, was not merely enarmored by shotguns and crazy tactics.

She breathed the scent of gunpowder and exploded vehicles as her lifeline while she wielded a shotgun modified to fire 2-gauge shells.

How she had not broken her arms while firing it was a mystery Luise well avoided to find out.

The years after the pirates had been killed were years she spent well, getting both herself and Lilly into the cockpit of the Mechs the people of the Furina had given Gunhallow in exchange for entering the UNSC due to their contributions in the war and maybe a little fudging of the lottery created to distribute the limited Mechs fairly.

One shave of her head and an implant later, she sat in that cockpit and felt invincible. Several years after having that notion beat out of her without mercy by the Sheriff landed her atop the top spot for the mission to sneakily enter the Periphery and search for the merchant that came through the region every three years to sell supplies their world needed and take on minerals and precious gems in exchange.

So now, chosen after deliberation as the Second in Command of the Mercenary Company Clan Big Iron, she was ready to utilize the new Mechs given to them by the Workshops of the Furina De Fontaine (so long as she didn't have to enter a Trooper) and the soldiers of Sigar IV and Arcanum to look for the merchant and secure the components required to not horribly have everything they stood to gain as the capital of the UNSC ripped from them in a cascade failure.

The only problem was...

"AND LILLY WINS THE ALL KICKBOXING MECH TOURNAMENT!" The announcer screams into the ship's comms, great cheers and groaning, swearing and jubilation, bets won and lost, resounding and pounding through the halls and corridors of the vessel.

Everyone here was as insane as Lilly.

Even the janitors.

Especially the janitors.

What Now?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Colonize Places (Write-In Number)
The Furina De Fontaine has discovered several systems and places in already visited systems that are viable for colonization. The maximum number of new colonies is 28, spaced into 7 new and already visited/incorporated systems.
[] Visit:
-[] Sjávarhús I

(Point of Interest: Inner Sphere Contacts?)
-[] Cenoma II
(Point of Interest: Advanced Human Augmentations?)
-[] Zhao's Rest
(Point of Interest: The System)
-[] Holy Diaconate of the Blessed Baptist Church
(Point of Interest: Primitive Native Space industry)
-[] Numaris
(Point of Interest: ComStar Ruins?)
[] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
3 Actions:
-[] Fusion Engine Plant - (Planet)

The place where the Fusion Engines of the UNSC will be cosntructed must be planet-side due to lacking space aboard the Furina De Fontaine.
(Gain: Tiny Fusion Reactors.)

-[] System Developments
--[] Gunhallow

Gunhallow requires more of everything. Some time spent utilizing the factories and machinery of the Furina would drastically decrease the time to get the planet to produce something worthwhile.
(Gain: The Second Milestone for Gunhallow.)
--[] Arcanum
Everyone's Kung-Fu Fighting!
(Gain: The First Milestone for Arcanum.)
--[] Council of Affati
With the affairs of the UNSC somewhat in order and the prospect of more stable trade relations to dangle in front of the Council, re-visiting them to entice them further for some concessions could be beneficial.
(Gain: Accelerates subversion of Affati.)

-[] National Military Framework
A nation without an army only exists at its neighbor's agreement. We must protect ourselves to the best of our ability.
(Begin creating a UNSC military.)

-[] A Mech For A Nation
Wait, we can...holy shit! - Gunhallow native.
(Gain: 1 BattleMech.)

-[] KF-Drive, KF-Drive, KF-DRIVE
Begin creating the groundwork for JumpShip production.
(Requires 2 Actions. Stars the industry to create (Hybrid)JumpShips.
It will take ~40 years to produce 1 JumpShip per year...per Action put in.)
Voting is open