Voting is open
A New Direction
Two Weeks Before The Vote

"...I feel like I am forgetting something," Captain Adams said with a frown, his mind itching with that familiar feeling of forgotten information. "...Mother, is there an appointment I have to go to? Some deadline?" He said, looking at the perched form of the AGI within his office, silently working with him.

"The scientists back at the derelict ship are waiting to be picked up," it replied evenly, though some mirth was hidden behind its eyes. It had been waiting to see if someone would remember before the deadline to travel back was up.

"Oh. OH SHI-"

Early Draft of a Report on the findings of the Derelict Team.

The FTL-Drive of this universe is as much an awe-inspiring sight as it is puzzling to our minds like so many things are.

The most glaring example of this is that, as far as we can determine, the Kearny-Fuchida Drive, as it is called, is capable of instantaneous teleportation with a range of about ~25 LYs. Such a feat would have, ordinarily, made the Alcubierre Drive of the Furina utterly useless, yet there are downsides to it that the AD does not have.

The first is the need to charge the KF-Drive over days and weeks. While the time required can be cut short with standard batteries, such a thing also invites the second weakness: the chance of suffering a "miss-jump" during the drive's operation. Unlike the AD, the KF can simply fail with deadly results and has done so enough times to be a genuine concern, with a notable example being the 'Steed of the Dawnguard' and what its crew, and those of the 'Chariot of the Dawnguard' and 'Pathfinder of the Dawnguard' have suffered.

Yet, we believe that, with enough time and the proper facilities, we can not only understand how to create and build our own KF Drives, but we believe that we can create a hybrid of the AD and KF drives to synergize...likely at the cost of range and carryable mass.

[Addendum: Some simulation time with the onboard computers vindicated me! Though TAUBENMUTTER could only brute-force a solution by ignoring any energy consumption problems, the possible AD/KF drive we have been theorizing could transport a ship with a diameter of 80m an LY per day, with a day of rest between them.

...could. We ignored a lot of science and shoe-horned massive amounts of favorable data into our calculations. Though I remain hopeful that we will see some success in determining the viability of this hybrid drive.]


One Hour After The Vote Has Concluded

With 78.57% of all votes, the people of the Furina De Fontaine had chosen with not merely a supermajority, but a 3/4ths majority, to continue their mission, yet alter it to better comply with the current situation.

The most outstanding and shining example of that thinking was the presence of Gunhallow and its twenty-three million inhabitants.

The people had readily accepted the truth of the Fontaine being from another universe, "it's too stupid to not be true. Also, Space Donut," as Lady McCullough had put it, yet the implications of what had happened, and what the local conditions were, forced people to think, especially with the information regarding the local colonized systems looked like, and what the reality of space travel demanded of them.

Gunhallow, with its asteroid belt and tiny twin moons, was a planet rich in rare earth and precious materials, Germanium and Jade high among them. This made the planet a favorite place to trade with by the singular trader that came all the way out here from the "Magistracy of Canopus," as Germanium was a critical component of this universe's FTL-drives, the "Kearny-Fuchida Drive," so it could be used in the production of more JumpShips, and for the precious stones and minerals mined by the population. With only the Furina De Fontaine capable of FTL travel, if with a titanic cargo moving capability, gaining the ability to create more JumpShips would only be hindered by our understanding of the technology rather than material reality...if the industrial one is to be ignored.

Gunhallow was also, critically, a world that hovers in its technology between total ruin and barely holding on. With most of its technological lying base somewhere around 1820-1850, conditions on the planet are between abysmal and barely humane from the perspective of the Furina. Most industries and infrastructure follow in kind.

Yet, it was not only a planet with 23 million natives, but also one that was already happy to see the Furina De Fontaine and its people. Though the society and culture of the planet most closely resembled that of the "Wild West" period of the United States, and the position of Planetary Sheriff being inherited rather than elected, it still, miraculously, agreed on most basics of those that the 22nd Century had agreed with.

So with a society agreeable, a planet rich in resources, and only lacking in infrastructure and education, many, rightfully, began to debate if they shouldn't propose to the people of Gunhallow an agreement of uplift...and becoming a center of a new nation.

(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] See If Gunhallow Would Like To Become A Capital
[] See Other Ways
[] Actually... (Write-In)
Last edited:
A Capital Without A Nation
Initially, the colonies the Furina De Fontaine had been tasked with founding would have, internally, become nations in their own right, with all the self-determination and claims to their celestial parent bodies nationhood entailed. They would have, in time, also grown from a large city to...a collection of one large city and some medium-sized towns. I will be honest here, even with the Furina De Fontaine settling all 50 colonies and then upgrading them to their full million population size, each of them would have, realistically, been nothing more than a city-state clinging to life in the void of space.

Though the second and third Alcubierre Drives were pegged to be used in ships that would unite the colonies in trade and travel, Earth and the Solar Colonies, with their billions, would remain a political and industrial juggernaut that would overcome the colonies if there ever was a reason to do so, be it in war or peace. When faced with a potential crisis in the future over the colonies getting plundered instead of grown and supported, thus sparking the first interstellar war of humanity, the same body of United Nations that had set out to create these colonies decided that the same were to be united in a confederacy.

Each planet would obtain a seat, a representative chosen for 10 years for each seat by the nation in question, in the United Nations Stellar Confederacy's Senate the moment they managed to become self-sufficient. More seats would be gained in the following ways;
1. Reaching a population size of 1 million, with 1 additional seat for every 10 million afterward, capping at 10 total seats.
2. Having the capability and ready plans to house and feed 1 million refugees without problems, gaining 1 seat and 1 seat for every 10 million refugees afterward, with no set cap on these seats.

While far from perfect, it was argued that this solution was the best way to organize an interstellar polity while pushing it with an eye toward growth and interstellar aid, humanity, and cooperation without placing so many restrictions on the budding colonies that they would chafe under a system they could simply alter themselves how they saw fit once they had been assembled in their fullness of 100 Seats for the first time.

And now, with the people of the Fontaine seeking to continue their mission, but with planets that have already been settled, even if in various states of civilization, industrial capacity, societal development, population, etc., etc., etc., questions arose on whether to keep the same system in place, alter it to fit the new reality in yet undebated ways, or create something wholly from scratch.

Eventually, the debates settled on the following:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Keeping the UNSC as it is.
[] Altering the UNSC such that (Write-In)
[] (Write-In)

AN: Added the proposed nations to the submitted portion and added your research timers to Assets - Research.
A Nation Without A Capital
"Ya'll serious?" Those words were not the reaction Captain Adams and the Heads had thought Lady McCullough would have when she was brought aboard the Furina De Fontaine alongside the newly inaugurated Mayor Edgar Walter, a hero of the planetary militia. Both had been fully let in on just what the Furina De Fontaine was created to do, and what its people now intended to do in this new and alien universe. "Oh, ya'll serious!" These three words were also not the desired reaction, with mirth, shock, and incredulousness warring in both Lady McCullough's and Mayor 'I work for my money, so don't call me Sir!' Walter's faces.

But they were. They were very much serious.

And so they told the two of them such. The Furina De Fontaine was created to build fifty colonies for one hundred thousand people, each self-contained, self-sufficient, and self-reliant on planets that, at best, had a magnetosphere and 1G. At worst, were as close to 1G as possible, with no other benefits than access to all the materials and precursor materials required to produce everything needed to prosper and expand.

Gunhallow was practically a garden world in comparison to the rocks the Furina was designed to colonize, with a thriving ecosphere, aqua sphere, untainted lands, seas, and air, with people able and willing to work hard for what is theirs and fight harder to protect themselves and their people. The only thing holding them back was a lack of technology and, critically, industry to produce the tools they lacked to make the tools they needed to create the tools they required to prosper.

The Furina could aid them in such.

Besides, even if no other world in the universe would join the UNSC, becoming the Capital of a nation spanning dozens of star systems held together by a multi-kilometer ship filled with advanced and alien technologies that would eventually become merely the first of many such vessels in the centuries to come...well. That was something to consider, was it not?

(It was also noted here that the Furina would become subordinate to the UNSC government once all new colonies and all those who joined had reached 1 million people each.)

Stunned and slightly disoriented after hours of discussions with graphs, legal texts, and words the two had never even thought possible, they were given all the information they demanded and quite a lot more they didn't know to ask of and given as much time as they required for an answer.

It came a week later.

Gunhallow would become the first member of the United Nations Stellar Confederacy if these demands were met:
-All schools, clinics, and the hospital damaged or destroyed in the war were rebuilt.
-20 new factories would be established to produce what was required to repair their native industry.
-The Furina would obtain 10 Battlemechs in acceptable repair for the planetary militia...and the core of the UNSC's military.
-Training programs would be established to train 10 Doctors, 20 Engineers, and 100 Teachers to work in and oversee the clinics, hospital, factories, and schools (as most teachers had been murdered by the pirates).

If all these demands were met, then Gunhallow would sign on.

Within the Furina De Fontaine's Operations Room, after TAUBENMUTTER had read the demands of Gunhallow.

"...Jesus fucking Christ," someone muttered. Everyone felt the same way.​

Do you accept these terms?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] No.
Gunhallow does not become the Capital of the UNSC.
[] No. You will shatter them. (Write-In Battlemechs)
You will spend a year above Gunhallow creating the industrial and educational base and capacity actually required to pull the planet up to UN(SC) standards, which involves settling 400k people as teachers and an educated workforce on the planet to construct the hundreds and thousands of buildings that will be the foundation of this nations future. You will also need to decide what 'mechs to give over, with those more damaged being seen as more insulting than those less damaged.
Last edited:
A Year To Pass
"...holy shit," Mayor Walter said, watching the utterly titanic ASSAULT MECHS be slowly moved from the cargo bays of the "Nabu" ships of the offworldlers, alongside a dozen other Mechs, most seemingly pristine.

"...dibs on the Longbow," Sheriff Nina muttered under her breath, more than a little disturbed at seeing the Heads and Captain of the Furina De Fontaine not merely tell them their demands were horrifyingly low and they would build what they thought was adequate levels of civilian industry and education facilities, but then also plonk down completely prizeless Battlemechs on their front door, with all of them even coming with a pretty ribbon, courtesy of some joker somewhere, no doubt.

"D-do we even have enough...are there even enough people who can pilot them?" Mayor Walter asked, blinking, stunned, and slowly coming out of his shock at seeing reality catch up to promises made.

" not sure?"

The process to uplift Gunhallow's people to an acceptable level of industrial capability capable of starting the path to self-sufficiency will take at least an entire year, at which point the Furina De Fontain can set out again to seek more places to set down colonies and bring in already colonized planets into the UNSC as new members.

And while the onboard telescopes and astrophysicists and astronomers are hard at work analyzing everything they can about neighboring systems to identify potential candidate planets for colonization, the people of Gunhallow themselves have offered a target for bringing into the budding nation that could be persuaded to at least entertain joining the UNSC; Gunhallow's closest trading partner.

The planet of:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Arcanum
(Point of Interest: IndustrialMech Production?)
[] Sigar IV
(Point of Interest: Highly Developed Metalwork?)
[] Numaris
(Point of Interest: ComStar Ruins?)
Sigar IV
"I don't understand," Gregory said, and those three words summed up the last few days spent debating the best way to incorporate Sigar IV into the UNSC. Both sides of the new nation, those who could build it and those who would inhabit and raise it from paper to reality, found themselves at odds.

For the people of the Furina De Fontaine, the proposal by Gunhallow to simply land upon the planet and declare themselves the righteous government, offering aid and technology to all who joined and burning fire to all who refused, was dangerously close to warmongering with genocidal tendencies, especially with some of the proposals made by the Gunhallowians sent with the Furina to act as emissaries.

For the Guhallowians, the proposals to build up the planet over the years and conduct extensive diplomacy for no other reason than to not wage a shortlived war that would save more people by the cold calculus of knowing better than the primitive natives alien thought.

When questions were raised about how that would make them any better than pirates, things got tense and stiff until it was decided that what they were doing was for a vastly different purpose than the pirates.

[MILITANT VIEWS] - Even TAUBENMUTTER joined into the discussion, proposing to limit any conquest to the single city unto which all tribes converged every three years to sell their materials and finds to the trader that came through the region, conduct diplomacy in sacred peace, and then leave into the dunes once again. In its opinion, creating a city there with a hundred thousand colonists and mighty defenses would enable them to exert influence and pressure on the tribes until they were brought into the fold.

There were no right decisions here, in a world without any form of centralized government above tribes, with less than half a million people accounted for and even less technological might to compensate.

Honestly, it would have been quicker to establish new colonies than settle here.

But, and that was the crux of the matter, the planet held vast stores of metals and minerals in quantities that made it invaluable for any nation seeking to grow its industries and acquire resources in quantities that boggled the human mind to build structures capable of turning wooden buildings into highrises of steel and glass rated against tank rounds and bunkers against ortillery.

In the end:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] It was decided to conquer the planet.
[] It was decided to seek a diplomatic solution, no matter how long it took.
[] It was decided to follow TAUBENMUTTERs proposal.
[] It was decided to (Write-In)
Where To Settle
The decision to set up another settlement on Sigar IV was met with the all-around agreeable acceptance of people from the eternal trifecta of those who weren't rightly happy with the compromise, those fully happy with how it turned out, and those faintly exasperated with the need to argue at all about it.

And so it came that the Furina De Fontaine appeared over Sigar IV with full sensors flaring, eyes electronic and organic scanning around as waves of every type imaginable and usable were sent from the massive generation ship moments after it appeared. Within minutes, the course of the ship was corrected, locations were updated, and its Nabu's were sent out to investigate the nearby orbital bodies, a small moon, and the remains of what seemed to be a trashed space station in geo-stationary orbit over the only city on the planet. At the same time, TAUBENMUTTER and the Captain attempted to seek any amount of contact with the natives of the planet below them, sending signal after broadcast even as they kept their channels wide open for any kind of communication.

None were answered, and none were detected. It seemed that when the Gunhallowians had described the planet as primitive, they meant primitive. Which...made the following weeks spent searching for a suitable location for the city they had decided to create both easier as well as less convenient.

For one, no natives could be quickly called upon to discover easy sources of water and valuable materials to create a self-sustaining industry (as the only city on the planet was immediately filled with every type of gun, which were all aimed at the Nabu that had landed to establish contact until it left again unsuccessfully), for two, nobody on the planet knew they existed until word spread by the power of people talking to each other in person.

So, as far as the crew of the Fontaine could determine, only three locations were close enough to major concentrations of the natives to be of use in establishing contact and close enough to sources of water and metals to not become vulnerable to the ravages of time and lack of materials.

In addition, the decision had to be made on how many people would be settled on the planet, as with each set of colonists the ratio of natives:colonists would skew heavily toward the latter, especially in the coming years.

So...where to settle?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] The Spine-Crack Ridge
(Mountainous and defensible, but a bit farther away.)
[] Oasis #7
(A significant water source that can be used to establish contact and a large settlement.)
[] Crossroad Paths
(Smack-dab in the middle of what are assumed to be well-traveled paths due to the presence of tribes nearby.)

[](Write-In colonist numbers up to 500K in 100K installments.)
Warlord, Head, Mother
Over two weeks, thousands of tons of materials begin to descend unto Sigar IV undisturbed, with thousands of workers and uncountable numbers of drones accompanying them alongside pre-fabricated houses, streets, sewers, pipes, multi-purpose structures, and walls, with everything from geologists to crewed four-wheeled scout buggies filled with soldiers spreading out from the initial landfall site chosen, Oasis #7.

Quickly, several mineral deposits are found deep underground and everywhere within the desert areas nearby, the locations of the first marked for later tapping and the latter fawned over by dozens of specialists eagerly analyzing the red sands stretching beyond the horizons. The water of the Oasis is explored in-depth by biologists, harmful bacteria and a species of nasty parasites are identified, and the right filters are selected to allow the water to be used in homes, industry, and agriculture. Additionally, nearby vents spilling harmful gasses and neurotoxins are found, sealed, and quickly surrounded by a nascent chemical industry slated to begin breaking down the substances into usable industrial products and additives for pharmaceutical products. what the people of the Furina have signed on for: colonizing strange new worlds and making them their own. To return to this, no matter their previous convictions and choices in this strange new universe, lifts the spirits of even the most sour colonist and grumpy settler, a rather festive atmosphere beginning to grow amidst the likewise growing city.

But that atmosphere ends and is replaced with tense anticipation when TAUBENMUTTER announces that a nearby tribe of natives has come to investigate the ships entering and leaving the atmosphere, likely no longer driven away by the sight of the Furina De Fontaine so close in orbit as to be seen with the naked eye, the massive landships of the Sigarites throwing up sandstorms in miniature behind themselves on their cushions of air and engines.

The Scouts of the Furina and the Outriders are the first to meet. Land rovers not meant for combat but exploration, open and with four seats filled by hard-suit-wearing occupants, stand face-to-face with ancient hovercraft patched through generations of use that had seen them armored, repaired, butchered for parts, individualized, left to rot, and brought into service once more, their drivers and occupants wearing heavy suits with filter-masks that protect against the dust and sand, wide hats offering shade, and humming boxes on their persons likely cooling against the oppressive heat, no amount of skin shown in stark contrast to that of the Furina's hard-suits that leave the face open for interpersonal communication in case of a radio breakdown.

What follows is...a warning. The Outriders, telling the Scouts that they are of the Tem'Siz Tribe, have noticed the settling of the Oasis, and they speak of the Cursed Air and Blighted Waters, the diseases that will visit all that drink from the life-taking waters, curled and eaten from within by hidden worms, and the air that takes your breath and your mind, leaving you a shambling husk of nothingness if you do not die, unable to form coherent sentences and a burden to your family as you cannot even choose to Walk The Dunes by your own will. They speak of the dangers, and they implore the scouts to take the warning back to their people and leave, leave while they still can, still have time to treat who can be healed and ensure that all who cannot can choose by their own mind to Walk The Dunes.

The Scouts, in turn, explain to their counterparts that they know of the dangers. The waters are filled with disease and parasites, but their filters and methods to prevent them from harming their people are mighty. The air is toxic and will take the mind and make the lungs bleed, yet its sources have been found and plugged to be used in industry to make medicines and goods. They say they are thankful for the warnings, yet they have heeded their people's old wisdom well and searched deeply for all that can harm those who will settle here. And lastly, they say to the Outriders that they would be honored to house guests and show them the truth of their words, their people, and their intentions for the new homes they are building.

The Outriders are skeptical, to say it kindly, yet they agree to bring back word to their Warlord and to meet again near the Oasis, far outside the area where its Curses cannot touch their people to talk and help. Unsaid is their belief that the settlers will require such after falling victim to what has killed so many already.

And they come, a hundred vehicles strong, centered around a mobile factory-smelter, its giant tracked body leaving behind shimmers in the air as massive smelters within its body turn sand and minerals into usable metals and materials, tons of sand even now filtered by its attendant fleet and sent into its belly where hundreds work on keeping their home alive and churning out parts for repair and construction. Flags of indeterminate meaning fly from its top, large banners adorned with symbols and colors that clash and harmonize within the flapping twisting turns of the wind, and with a horn that shatters the peace even an hour's drive away, the Tem'Siz Tribe stops.

With great pomp, for the native's standards, Warlord Jukulu Motono drives to meet with Neuvillette Clement, the Head of Civilians eager to speak and discuss with a local ruler to learn and make peace, and begin paving the way for a future where the planet joins the UNSC as its second member.

The discussions stretch for days, allowing both sides to learn great deals about the other.

For the native side, Warlord Jukulu Motono is shocked to see the great works already constructed where, weeks before, there had been nothing but a blighted land, teeming masses of humans working with wondrous machines to build entire buildings before his eyes, with no sight of any illnesses or dying people seen anywhere. At first, he attributed it to the wisdom and "almost-proper" cloth the newcomers adorn themselves in, hiding (almost all of) their skin from all eyes not their family as was proper, with filters for air and filters for water installed that seemed only a bit less effective than those of their forbearers as an attending forger told him after obtaining a hard-suit to investigate, yet the massive machines pumping away near the Oasis slowly being ringed with walls tell another story, that of truth and honesty. So, too, do the videos shown to him tell of the sealing of the harmful airs that had haunted this well of life for its entire existence, finally allowing life a chance to flourish here.

For Neuvillette Clement, the Warlord tells well of their people's customs, religion, words, and society. Far unlike what the people of the Furina thought, a Warlord was merely the word synonymous with Elder, Clan Leader, Village Head, and General, honored to lead their people in peace and war by virtue of their family's honor and the agreement of their people, not someone who ruled with blood and terror over innocents terrified. Their people are split into bands of nomadic clans and tribes, the Tem'Siz Tribe belonging to the Vest'Rati F'ten Clan roving these lands for untold generations, harvesting the sands for metals to sell every three years to the Star Trader. In this, the Warlord is filled with joy to hear that Gunhallowers are present with the people of the UNSC, their precious stones honoring their people as they do honor the spirits of the dunes and the skies, the grass and the earth, the depths and the forges. The custom of never showing skin to anyone but family is also explained, and Jukulu is surprised to see that the Civilian Head, a position presented to him to be equal to a Warlord in all manners except military, covers his face to honor their custom as a guest of their home.

Yet, the talks do not happen without incident. Though none are harmed, none raise their voices, and none act guard nonetheless collapses during a discussion of religion.

Medics are rushed to the man, and Head Clement declares that he will be helped to the best of their ability, allowing the Warlord to accompany the man charged with keeping him safe to see what happened and why he was in agonizing pain. Swiftly, it is revealed within moments that the man's appendix was about to burst, and he required surgery at once.

The natives stilled. The doctors did not, calling for an operation room to be prepared immediately.

Warlord Jukulu Motono is silent throughout the next two hours, watching as the hands of organic and machine healers save the life of one of his tribe, and he is thankful.

And then he is indebted when any talk of payment is refused, a life was saved, and that was all payment the people of the Furina required.

The news spreads through the tribe like lightning, as a healer's time is precious beyond belief, and saving one of theirs from a deadly curse is humbling and worthy of praising at once.

Inquiries are made, slow and veiled. Can the healers be brought to the tribe to help there for a price? There are diseases and injuries, old and new alike, that need to be tended to, and they are willing to pay to keep on top of it all. And, perhaps, had they...the wonder of vaccinations? Enough for other people than theirs to benefit from them?

To the Furina, such questions are almost insulting. To demand payment for healing another person was seen by many of the cultures from which the crew and colonists came as a moral failing and even evil, and they promised to heal and vaccinate all who were willing to be healed and vaccinated at no cost. Health was no good to be bartered.

And while the ripples from that statement spread, both locally and into the future, TAUBENMUTTER was within the orbit, working away on her drive to eliminate the need for human presence in war and in the understanding of the locals.

Particularly religion.

For Sigarites, spirits were in all things, keeping watch over the world and the balances that kept all things flowing and alive. Skin was something to never be shown to anyone but family; its presence was obscene in the outside world and dangerous, too, as a sandstorm could flay an unclothed person alive. Love was sacred, sacred beyond all things, and the spirits of the world would bring malevolent curses upon all who would see it twisted into tools of alliance and trade, or who would bar the way between those who would make bridges between peoples where others would wage war. There were honored and sacred days, periods of fasting and no work, festivals, offerings, and sacrifices of food and water to the spirits, a thousand things, and a million unmentioned individual workings and alterations of their beliefs.

And while the world below it spun, ripples reaching out with the reach of radios announcing to other tribes and clans of the outsiders and their willingness to inoculate and heal, TAUBENMUTTER sat back with its Avatar-Drone and could not help itself.

All this was:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Curious.
There were many parallels to old religions and faiths. Yet, so many divergences made local and slotting into the world seem logical and illogical at once. Additionally, it was confident that the names of the tribes and clans were but bastardized names of corporate designations, churning into the confusing yet interest-waking mix of spirituality. But in the end; it was faith. Something that it didn't need to bother with.
(Voting Weight: x9.
Effect: Unknown.)
[] Silly.
Though the people's beliefs were their own, TAUBENMUTTER knew the truth of the universe beyond most of humanity; it was a Cosmic Machine laid atop a bed of Chaos. The philosophy of Deist Chaos-Mechanism had already and thoroughly explained everything there was to know about the universe, its existence, and the meaning of life. To observe anything else, beside or instead, was often purely a matter of personal preference or aesthetic choices, a way to celebrate existence in the best-fitting flavor. Yet, at its worst, it was a way to hide moral failings behind teachings that allowed immoral actions as the Golden Rules disallowed, without having to think for oneself about their actions, placing blame on other things and beings beyond, and often above, oneself as if that made it better.
(TAUBENMUTTER becomes a Deist Chaos-Mechanist.
Decrease [Personhood Struggles] by 1 to 8.)
Healthcare As Diplomacy
As the weeks continued, more and more of the injured, sick, or poorly healed people of the Tem'Siz Tribe had their troubles corrected. Bones were re-aligned here, viral infections treated there, parasites removed over yonder, and vaccinations dispersed across their entirety (after ensuring they were effective and the people had been informed about the procedures and risks), with nearly everyone taking advantage of becoming immune to most diseases.

Alongside the members of the Tem'Siz Tribe, two other tribes joined their Clan-Kin near the rapidly expanding settlement, Tem'Ven, and Tem'Wo, with the offer of free healing extended with the same open hand as to Tem'Siz. While materially, this healthcare drive was something that required a bit more attention from the factories of the Furina De Fontaine, with Medical Head Matthews arriving on Sigar IV to personally oversee the prioritized expansion of the medical facilities of the settlement, it also enabled Civilian Head Clement and his teams to make rapid headway into the local culture and political sphere, creating ways of communication to other Clans and brokering agreements that Oasis #7 was to be respected as the sovereign territory of the UNSC.

(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Rapid progress was made in enticing Tribes and Clans to join the very same.
(Sigar IV will fully join the UNSC within ~1 Decade.)
[] Technological exchanges happened, metallurgy for one, and civilian technology for the other side.
(Reduce all Metallurgy Research by 50%.)

Yet, there was one problem: the scale of the settlement, once revealed, concerned the local population.
[] Reduce The Settlement To 200K Colonists.
[] Reduce The Settlement To 100K Colonists.
[] Create A Space Station With (100k/200K) Colonists Instead.
Where To Go
The choice to reduce the number of colonists by two-thirds goes over well for the natives; their worries that the seemingly overwhelming numbers of outsiders are simply reduced to becoming the largest city on the planet melt away at the same time as more and more medical facilities come online and begin treating newly arriving tribes and clans of their maladies. Thanks to these, and the manifold contacts created, the diplomatic reach of Neuvillette Clement allows him to lay the foundations for a comprehensive integration of the natives into the UNSC.

For the colonists aboard the Furina, the decision to scale back the colonisation's scope is met with grumbling and annoyance among the chosen colonists suddenly denied their new home, but that is mainly contained and in good nature rather than anything malicious or nefarious.

However, with the city on Sigar IV growing and the Furina slowly beginning to cast its eyes toward space once more, discussions start about where to go once the planet has been settled.

In the end, people decide to visit:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Arcanum
(Point of Interest: IndustrialMech Production?)
[] Holy Diaconate of the Blessed Baptist Church
(Point of Interest: Primitive Native Space industry)
[] Numaris
(Point of Interest: ComStar Ruins?)
[] Council of Affati
(Point of Interest: Old Ruins?)
[] Planet 778
(Point of Interest: Genetic Oddity?)
[] Gunhallow
(Rest and Recoer/Pass Time.)
Once More, Another Planet
Once more, the drives of the Furina De Fontaine blaze their might into the cosmos.

Once more, the hum and vibrations of its internal reality-defying engines begin to synchronize into a cohesive whole as they argue against the Cosmic Laws with perfect Logic.

Once more...the Furina De Fontaine goes faster than light, a bubble of space-time scrunched and expelled, shortened and stretched, surrounding its mighty form and flowing through its very guts in a splendor of scientific achievement that this universe hasn't seen in centuries.

Once more, the Furina De Fontaine angles itself toward a new goal, a new system, a new people, and, hopefully, a new member of the nascent United Nations Stellar Confederacy.

Affati, situated in the same-named system (nobody has ever managed to successfully accuse the Star League Exploration Corps of being particularly blessed with imagination) of Affati, is an Oceanic World with only a few island chains that managed to grow together into stable landmasses with one massive strip of land that runs from the planet's north to south pole. According to the records and recountings from Gunhallow and Sigar IV, the planet was settled some centuries ago before falling prey to some catastrophe that scattered the survivors and the government. Since then, the world has been separated and failed to unify like so many other Periphery Worlds have had it their lot to be divided in prosperity and united in strife.

It is telling, then, that the arrival of the Furina De Fontaine above the world of Affati is met with alarm, panic, and the activations of planetary defense contracts. Affati had not expected there to be a ship where the Furina now suddenly was, and its size had turned a dull day like any other into one of panic and terror.

Competition is set aside within moments of the Defense Clause Activations being confirmed as genuine, debtor conscripts have their rights stripped and are turned into the first line of defense on the ground, primitive missiles all over the globe are primed in their silos and batteries, mighty lasers, painstakingly bought for over decades and maintained by each of the corporations with paranoid zeal, paint the surface of the massive alien ship to deliver the ground with targeting solutions, slim the chances to hit it so far from the planet there may be in hopes of knowing when it will arrive in orbit to divulge its loads of invaders and raiders, with the Shimmering Petal Mercenary Company preparing its 'Mechs one by one, their Leopard ready to bring their might from conflict zone to conflict zone.

Hours after the ship had arrived, and an hour after TAUBENMUTTER began to recall the myriad of anti-missile missiles and defense drones, spat into the void of space after noticing that its hull was being painted by targeting lasers, pictures of the ship began hitting the local civilian information networks, rumors and speculations ran wild, tempers began to settle after so long without anything happening, and managers complained about the loss of productivity.

Meanwhile, on the Fontaine, TAUBENMUTTER had finished compiling all available and noticed information about Affati into data packets and had briefed all Heads and the Captain of the planet.

Affati is a bona fide Corpotocracy painted with a thin veneer of Democracy, with one either being a worker for one corporation or another and thus having your rights and freedoms as a person defined by the Charter allocated to said corporation by its "successfulness" metrics, or being a citizen of a nation of the planet, with said citizenship bought and paid for if you are wealthy enough, or "rented" if you are not. Public and personal debt also play extensive roles, with it not being unusual for generations of locals to pay off the debts of their ancestors. However, despite it being a century since the current ruling system was put into concrete writing, even the extensive social engineering campaign created by the local media and corporations, aided by their bought-for politicians, has failed to fully penetrate the minds of the local people and their views, with debates and rallies around political, personal, and civil rights and freedoms sparking on and off for decades, with slumps and highs gaining and losing the people of one area or another the same things over and over again.

TAUBENMUTTER would like to note that it projects an expected 5.9% casualty rate amongst the UNSC soldiers if a violent solution to getting the planet to join is chosen, but expects long-term stability issues as the locals would, rightly, see them as invaders forcing them to adopt foreign ways and join a foreign nation.

Yet, a more peaceful solution could take years to decades, depending on the approach taken, as setting down any colony on the planet below 500k colonists would end up with said colony overrun within a few years of rampant militarization and forced recruitment of locals.

Another way to improve the planet would be to settle on the local moon, as it has most of the materials required for long-term sustainability. The system has enough materials to allow the colony to mine for what it lacks. Said colony would utilize long-term media campaigns and social manipulations to force the local ruling class to escalate against the colony into an intra-planetary war, which it would absolutely lose even with its Mercenary 'Mechs utilized, thanks to the nature of space warfare and technological superiority enjoyed by the UNSC, or fall under a deliberately incited population rising on its own.

Regardless of the choices made to get the planet to join the UNSC by the Heads of the Furina De Fontaine, time marches on as it likes to do, enabling several things to grow and change, both on Gunhallow with its population enjoying the fruits of their labors guided by 400k Furina Colonists and on the Furina itself with its factories and military minds churning out another asset for its troops.

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[] (Write-In How To Get Affati To Join)

[][Gunhallow] Industrial Revolution

Gunhallow is industrializing rapidly, with the need for human workers only barely outpaced by the rate at which automated construction can shift them to other jobs, leading to a skyrocketing economy and prosperity for all.
[][Gunhallow] Cultural Renaissance
Though the industry grows, the amount of schooling available to all has seen literacy rates shoot into unbelievable heights, with medical technologies rejuvenating the old and promising the young that they too may live in their 80s like they are 30 and grow old only in their 150s! Gunhallow sees an explosion of people suddenly aware that they will have time to pursue projects they previously hadn't had time for.
[][Gunhallow] Void-Born Industry
Like the lattice-work of fungi being fed, the orbits of Gunhallow slowly become filled with the ever-busy lights of void automata and workers assembling an orbital shipyard to begin mining their systems bounty and construct defensive installations against any future attack, assuaging local fears of their new-found wealth being ripped away.
[][Gunhallow] God Is Great, Rifles Are Better
With growing industrialization and its knock-on effects, and more education available to all, the attention of Gunhallow has shifted to ensuring that its military affairs are in order, a standing army is made without any seeping corruption, and the BattleMechs obtained by joining the UNSC (as its capital, Whoot!) are being piloted and trained on. This clear show of the might Gunhallow now possesses brings pride and certainty.

[][Military] Main Battle Tank Löwe II
Developed in the 2080s, the MBT Löwe II contains many lessons learned in mock battles on moons and planetoids to ensure that the UNSC would have teeth to its bark against possible bad-faith actors or pirates. Capable of operating anywhere from low-g to high-g environments, with enough battery life to run for a week straight per battery cycle, this highly armored tank utilizes its coilgun cannon to devastating effect, with attached rockets and automated machine guns allowing it to clear the immediate area and fire on long-range targets. Equipped with smoke launchers, vacuum-sealed, armed with stealth coating, EM, ECM, and ECCM Warfare Modules alongside low-emission technologies, with a plethora of additions and mission-specific attachments, the Löwe II is a beast of a tank designed to show just why automated warfare has not replaced the need for human presence at the front.
[][Military] Low Orbit Drop Pods
First utilized in the Mexican-American War of '64 and then upgraded with the technology available to the Furina De Fontaine. These drop pods are intended to be shot at their targets from low orbit, with eight soldiers within. The first stage detaches four canisters from the pod, loaded with a multitude of munition types, set to identify targets such as armor and soldiers, and then automatically selects appropriate munitions and eliminate wider-area resistance for the dropping soldiers. The second stage uses integrated fire-support weapons in the pods themselves, clearing the immediate landing area. The third stage is the deployment of the pod's stationary automatic turrets and drones to allow the drop soldiers a safe-ish area of disembarkation to group up and push their objectives. The pods themselves can be re-used after combat but contain automatic self-detonation procedures to prevent capture by enemy forces.
[][Military] Fire Support Exo-Strider Combat Automata
Based on the same chassis as the standard Exo-Strider, the Fire Support version is outfitted with sixteen guided missiles of various configurations, from anti-personnel to anti-armor and anti-air, with a main artillery cannon capable of delivering a variety of munitions up to 34km away.
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