What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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The Nobles of Droma III derive their power from legalistic inertia (they make the laws saying they rule, so they have the power to make the laws that say they rule) and owning the industry that keeps the city-fleets of the planet sailing and maintained.

And Droma III and VII are a bog-standard Civilized Ocean and Feudal Desert World.
so is lll the ocean or desert world?

also how will our ad mech equivalent interacting with their ad mech? like if we're preaching about the star child and its relation to the machine god to convert hem, doesn't that mean most of the workers, engineers, technicians, anyone dealing in machines and industry is going to be under the faith and in turn take away from the nobles powerbase on controlling said industry?

over time we will take over the industry, so the only real issue is legalistic inertia . . .
so is lll the ocean or desert world?

also how will our ad mech equivalent interacting with their ad mech?
Like told in the story so far, the Ocean World.

Oh, you murdered those that didn't fall in line (2 thirds), got chummy to those who are already compatible with you (1 third), and the remainder (the 1%) knew how to shut the fuck up.
we must do as with the French Revolution: We must keep those who are in favor of regime change, while we must exterminate those who oppose it. Because they are simply too stupid, selfish, or twisted in their mindset to become dangerous followers of Chaos or saboteurs.
Like told in the story so far, the Ocean World.

Oh, you murdered those that didn't fall in line (2 thirds), got chummy to those who are already compatible with you (1 third), and the remainder (the 1%) knew how to shut the fuck up.
hmm . . . so 66% of industries are basically undermanned, leading to the -2 heavy industries, -1 civie industires and -1 med indistry, but we somehow got more food, void and military industry by killing those that opposed us . . .

if we race to add our own staff into the empty industry then we can occupy that power base before the nobles do so.

as for legislative inertia, maybe raise a middle class with voting rights or create new minor nobility that can vote but are just star child supporters to pad out nobility influence?

so purge some nobles that everyone hates and give like 30-40% of their land to nobles people like then use the 60-70% to raise new minor nobility that favor us?
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hmm . . . so 66% of industries are basically undermanned, leading to the -2 heavy industries, -1 civie industires and -1 med indistry, but we somehow got more food, void and military industry by killing those that opposed us . . .
No, that's just what happens once you integrate someone into your logistics network, they need their shit brought up to standard and you get their standards applied in turn. At least until you get too large for single planets or systems to really change anything. Oh, and Droma III actually had Heavy Industry Nulla as its score.
[X] Plan: Starchilds Holy Empire
-[X] Fractal Councils
--[X] Multiple Tiers of councils (made up of benches for Military, Faith, etc), currently 1 tier with a Planetary Council each for Droma III and the Station, and one Council a tier above, naturally expanding as more planets join
---[X] expected hierarchy: Planet Council < Solarsystem Council < Sector Council < General Council.
----[X] a Councils constituant Councils are all Councils one tier below that Council that are part of its region ( all planets in a solarsystem, all solarsystems in a sector, etc)
--[X] a Council is made up of Benches which have a number of Seats and a number of Voices. The Seats of a Bench vote on how the Bench uses its Voices in the Councils. (Councils decisions are made by counting the voices supporting/opposing the decision)
--[X] Military: Seats for the different Branches, has 1 Voice.
--[X] Faith: Seats for different denominations, has 2 Voices.
--[X] Choir: Seats decided by the local choirs, if the planet has any, empty otherwise. No Voice, only Veto and advisory.
--[X] Civilian Administration: 5 Seats democratically elected using a proportionality system, 5 Voices, seats use their Voice directly. In case of a tie, which side has more Civilian Administration Voices is used as tie-breaker.
--[X] Lamenters: 1 Seat representing local chapter if any, empty otherwise. No Voice, only Veto and advisory. Higher Councils Lamenters Bench still made up by standardrules, unless no constituant councils has a Lamenters Bench (then empty).
--[X] Unless noted otherwise: the Benchs Seats vote with simple majority and all Voices of the Bench are used in the Councils according to that vote. Analog for a Benches Veto right.
--[X] Seats take part in discussions.
--[X] Unless noted otherwis: the Benches of Higher Councils are elected by the Seats of the respective Benches of the constituant Councils in a proportionality system and in case of different Bench sizes the votes are weighted to give equal influence to the different Benches. (E.g. the Droma System Councils Civilian Administration Bench is elected by the Seats of the Droma III Civilian Administration Bench and the Seats of the Station Civilian Administration Bench)
--[X] with subsidiarity
---[X] The most local (=lowest) Council possible deals with issues. Higher Councils set tasks like minimum standards, reacting to emergencies (e.g. demanding production of a voidfleet against Ork Invasion)
---[X] regular summaries, acces to data, and notifications on growing issues are supplied from lower councils bureaucracy to higher councils bureaucracy
--[X] When initially joining, aristocratic planets can deviate and select the Military, Faith, and Civilian Benches of the planets Council (or individual Seats of the Benches) by their aristocratic system, but any such aristocratic Seat has its votes weighted to only count for 2/3 of what they normally should when electing Solar System Benches.
--[X] Chocolate and its production is shared, of course.
--[X] Different currencies stay, but one new currency is created that all local currencies must offer exchange for.
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and when you say integrate does that mean killing the 66% of the local ad mech that go against you?
As opposed to letting the people who are ideologically opposed to you run around, the same who can build nukes from a toaster, some worker they ganked from the streets, and some funky rocks they carry around for prayers?

Yes. :V
I don't think the plan is entirely invalid, but it feels as if it at once gives too many details and too few. It doesn't really determine eligibility or what these bodies will look like... but then it also vaguely just goes, "If they want to be Aristocratic, they can be."

That said, nested councils isn't too bad of an idea, and kinda logical, As Above, so Below.
so they want to keep power (control over industry and legislative inertia) . . .

@HeroCooky people hate taxes but how much can we tax the rich before they say no?

maybe have lower taxes for those who fund government projects?
I don't think the plan is entirely invalid, but it feels as if it at once gives too many details and too few. It doesn't really determine eligibility or what these bodies will look like... but then it also vaguely just goes, "If they want to be Aristocratic, they can be."

That said, nested councils isn't too bad of an idea, and kinda logical, As Above, so Below.
Yeah, its a start, not finished.
I'll edit in details to clarify.

Also strongly encourage other plans using it as a base, as long as the basic structure of nested councils with benches and the benches of higher Councils being decided by the benches of its constituant Councils stays.
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No more than about 15% of the yearly planetary production and 4 Regiments per year.

i'm thinking of 10% tax and 3 regiments unless they prioritize the agendas that the candle keepers set on the planets development for a reduced 7/8% tax and 2 regiments

and during wartimes taxes 15% and 4 regiments

anyone against this taxation system? any suggestions?
I don't think the plan is entirely invalid, but it feels as if it at once gives too many details and too few. It doesn't really determine eligibility or what these bodies will look like... but then it also vaguely just goes, "If they want to be Aristocratic, they can be."

That said, nested councils isn't too bad of an idea, and kinda logical, As Above, so Below.
Think its understandable now (without needing to check the linked posts)?
Think its understandable now (without needing to check the linked posts)?

I will say that, like, it does feel like those Civilian representatives are going to be run ragged if, from what I can tell, they now have to try to cover five times as many people with the same number of representatives.

I do, however, think that the "seats vs Voices" thing might be able to work, as long as we avoid, like, the Three Estates problem.
I will say that, like, it does feel like those Civilian representatives are going to be run ragged if, from what I can tell, they now have to try to cover five times as many people with the same number of representatives.
Ah, yeah Droma III has significantly more people than the station.
Maybe remove the set number Seats and only dictate that it must be a multiple of the Voices and have the Voices be used proportionally to the Seats votes?
Then bigger planets can have more Seats, and weighting ensures that they can't abuse it to gain undue influence in the System Council.
You means be explicit that Higher Councils can demand taxes/resources from their constituant Councils?
No more than about 15% of the yearly planetary production and 4 Regiments per decade.

Edit: Time-frame issues.
how much are we going to demand planets pay the lantern keepers?
i suggested 10% and 3 regements and reducing it to 7-8% and 2 regiments if they followed the agendas set up

and having a higher amount during war times

what resources will be used to set minimum standards and respond to emergencies?
[X] Starchilds Federation
-[X] Fractal-esque Councils
--[X] Multiple tiers of Councils, currently planetary and polity wide.
--[X] a Council is made up of Benches which have a number of Seats and a number of Voices. The Seats of a Bench vote on how the Bench uses its Voices in the Councils. (Councils decisions are made by counting the voices supporting/opposing the decision)
--[X] Planetary Councils must have a seat and Voice for the military, a greater number of seats for the Civilian Administration, and a number of seats between the two for Faith representatives. Local Choirs have an advisory seat without a Voice, but a Veto over relevant topics.
---[X] Only the polity-wide Choir-Voice can override a Veto on matters relating to the Psykana.
--[X] Planetary Councils may have additional seats for special interest groups, ala the Lamenters, a Sisters of Battle chapter if they have them, and so on, but these must be a single Voice each, subject to adjustment.
--[X] For Planetary Councils, the Civilian Admin Voices may be selected by any number of ways in part, but at least 50% of all such seats and Voices must be democratically elected using proportionality systems and universal adult suffrage, restrictions may apply but not many. (IE, if there are 8 seats in the Droma III Civilian Administration, at least 4 must be elected) In the case of a tie with all Councils, whichever side has more Civilian Administration Voices wins, breaking the tie.
--[X] At a Polity-Wide Council, the following will be the division, subject to change in the future.
---[X] Military: Seats for the different Branches, has 1 Voice, representing the majority opinion among their seats.
---[X] Faith: Seats for different denominations and bodies, has 2 Voices, Voices aredetermined after discussion among them, etc.
---[X] Choir: Seats decided by the local choirs, if the planet has any, empty otherwise. No Voice, only Veto and advisory.
---[X] Civilian Administration: 10 Seats democratically elected using a proportionality system, 5 Voices, seats each have "1/2" Voice, used directly. use their Voice directly. As with the rest, In case of a tie, which side has more Civilian Administration Voices is used as tie-breaker.
---[X] Lamenters: 1 Seat representing local chapter if any, empty otherwise. No Voice, only Veto and advisory. Higher Councils Lamenters Bench still made up by standard rules.
--[X] Unless noted otherwise: the Benchs Seats vote with simple majority and all Voices of the Bench are used in the Councils according to that vote. Analog for a Benches Veto right.
--[X] Benches for Higher Councils will be elected by varying methods. Civilian Administration seats are to be selected by separate free and fair universal-suffrage election, whereas local religious bodies are to aid in the selection of the seats for the Faith Voice(s), and so on.
---[X] The most local (=lowest) Council possible deals with issues. Higher Councils set tasks like minimum standards, reacting to emergencies (e.g. demanding production of a voidfleet against Ork Invasion)
---[X] Remember, ye, the Droman Creed! "This light is prodcued by knowledge and understanding" and therefore all lower councils are to provide summaries, access to data, and notifications on growing issues from lower until higher, so that understanding might grow.
---[X] As per the Droman Creed, all regardless of "species, appearance, prior faith or creed" who have embraced the Droman Creed are coequal members, with the right to learn and grow, to be nurtured and fed by the Community of Faith, to speak their own mind with their own individual Voices, to gather and organize in any fashion they desire so long as it does not embrace the heresies of Chaos or Hatred.
---[X] Those aristocrats embracing the Droman Creed are required not only to make the usual public profession of faith, but to swear on their sacred honor to respect the equality before the Five in building an "Empire... of opened hands" and "bright signal-fires." Any interference in the elective processes, or any attempt to monopolize access to seats or to buy ecclesiastical seats for relatives, or any such actions, are therefore to be regarded as heresy and to be punished with a firm hand, for sacred honor once breached is inviolable.
--[X] In any planet in which there is a viable PDF, an aristocrat cannot hold those seats. In any planet where the aristocratic military tradition is strongest, they must share seats and thus Voices with non-aristocrats.
--[X] Those aristocrats who refuse the Droman Creed (or break their sacred oaths) and cannot make a full, convincing, and earnest declaration of Faith are, henceforth, stripped of all Title, Rank, and Power, and their property and authority is to be reverted to that of the commonwealth.
--[X] Chocolate and its production is shared, but efforts should be made to encourage local production whenever possible of this wonder plant.
--[X] Different currencies may be used, with taxation and other things paid not in currency but in goods, deemed and judged in worth by a special body, the Taxation Analysis and Registration Department of Intergalactic Services.
--[X] A Decent, Holy Minimum Standard of Living is to be implemented and reached for all citizens within one century of the acession of a planet to this system. This is a promise and a duty from the Polity Council to the Planetary Council, a shared burden of holy service.
--[X] Joining the polity may be ratified by any legitimate means necessary.
--[X] Taxation is to be five percent of all produced by the planet in the first fifty years as well as two regiments for galactic service, and 7.5% (and three regiments) after, however in emergency situations, the Polity Council reserves the right to increase its Tithe to 15% and an equivalent number of military units for a period of no less than five years, and no more than fifty years, as any crisis lasting beyond that length necessitates changes in policies.
---[X] Taxes may be paid in kind, there is also required military service.
--[X] All planets must respect the value of learning, and the worship of none of the Five is to be restricted in any way, even as the worship of Chaos remains banned.
--[X] Mandate a Constitutional Convention/Conference to consider revisions/etc every 200 years. It may be called earlier by the agreement of 3/4ths of the fully reconstructed Planetary Councils paying full taxes, etc.

So, a variation...
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I am just thinking about how we are going to organize ourselves and I keep getting a headache. We need a solid government but I fear we'll end up bloated with slow response times from our highest form of government. It would be easy if we just gave the highest government authority the ability to elect a temporary dictator in a crisis but that can easily go wrong if we aren't careful.
we also haven't dealt with information drag when we have multiple systems, what's the solution here

A potential solution for that is heavy investment into our group of space wizards until proto navigators are unlocked then create a courier service for inter planetary messages. It wouldn't be perfect and there's still lag but that's the best I can think of in a reasonable time frame. Unless we can raid a necron tomb and find a Forgotten communication technology from it that we can somehow reproduce.
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