What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
Also, once again I advocate for using the Spies in the Middle Hive to help out 5th column to reduce attrition. This war is gonna last a while and keeping our 5th column effective for as long as possible will be important.

Okay, let's talk here. My thought was that breaking morale would help secure the area, and work together well with the Fifth Column's raiding in the sense of softening up targets.

That was my logic, but what are your thoughts there about how Helping 5th Column fits into my overall plan?
[X] Operation Beacon of Liberty, Sword of Valor
-[X] Ships are as follows
--[X] Sector Battle Group Sphinx (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[X] Sector Battle Group Centaur (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[X] Sector Battle Group Werewolf (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[X] Sector Battle Group Minotaur (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[X] Sector Battle Group Leviathan (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[X] Lamenters Chapter Fleet (30/30)
--[X] Task Fleet Alpha - [3x Lupus-Secundus Auto Construct] (/45 SAG capacity)
--[X] Independent Operations Task Force (13 SAG Capacity)

-[X] SAGs are as follows... (Fill this in later)
--[X] Assigned to Voxx Primus (lift capacity is slightly over, so a few 'lucky' SAG assigned for Voxx Primus will get to wait a few weeks before being dropped onto Voxx Primus, let the Admirals/Generals decide which one can wait.)
---[X] 1st Labors SAG (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Labors Light Mechanized Engineering, 1st Labors Light Tanks)
---[X] 1st Defenders of the Innocents (1st Yeeni Light Infantry Assault, 1st and 2nd Yeeni Light Infantry Engineering, 1st Light Tanks)
---[X]1st Hymns SAG (1st and 2nd Hymns Light Mechanized Assault, 1st and 2nd Hymns Medium Tanks)
---[X]1st Lights SAG (1st and 2nd Lights Light Infantry Assault, 1st Lights Light Infantry Sabotage, 1st Lights Light Infantry Engineering)
---[X]1st Terrore SAG (1st and 2nd Terrore Medium Mechanized Ogryn, 1st Terrore Medium Mechanized Kil'drabi, 1st Terrore Medium Augmetic Legion Assault)
---[X]1st Lethysan SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Lethysan Heavy Mechanized Demolition)
---[X]1st Gheistheim SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Gheistheim Medium Mechanized Engineering.)
---[X]1st Kanzura SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Kanzura Medium Mechanized Assault) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Valhidem SAG (1st Valhidem Light Infantry Sabotage, 1st Valhidem Light Mechanized Assault, 1st Valhidem Light Infantry Engineering, 1st Valhidem Light Mechanized Demolition)
---[X]1st Gathin SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Gathin Heavy Infantry Demolition)
---[X]1st Semumrum SAG (1st and 2nd Semumrum Light Infantry Sabotage, 1st and 2nd Semumrum Light Infantry Engineering)
---[X]1st Malrasian SAG (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Malrasian Heavy Tanks, 1st Malrasian Light Infantry Engineering)
---[X]1st Saget SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Saget Heavy Infantry Engineering)
---[X]1st Brigach SAG (1st and 2nd Brigach Light Infantry Sabotage, 1st and 2nd Brigach Light Mechanized Assault)
---[X]1st Diablan SAG (1st and 2nd Diablan Light Mechanized Assault, 1st Diablan Light Infantry Engineering, 1st Diablan Light Infantry Demolition) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]2nd Diablan SAG (1st and 2nd Diablan Heavy Mechanized Assault, 2nd Diablan Light Mechanized Engineering, 1st Diablan Heavy Infantry Demolition) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Kriegar SAG - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Kriegar Medium Augmetic Legion Assault) - (4/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Ikatun SAG - (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ikatun Light Infantry Sabotage. 1st Ikatun Light Augmetic Legion Demolition)
---[X]1st Host of the Unbidden - (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Yeeni Heavy Mechanized Assault, 1st Yeeni Heavy Mechanized Engineering)
---[X]2nd Slayers of the Banished Foes - (1st and 2nd Yeeni Medium Infantry Sabotage, 1st and 2nd Yeeni Light Tanks)
---[X]1st Barbarun SAG - (1st Barbarun Light Tanks, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Barbarun Medium Mechanized Sabotage) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Itanian SAG - (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Itani Heavy Tanks, 1st Itani Heavy Mechanized Engineering) - (2/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Gnatiilian SAG - (1st Gnatiilan Medium Infantry Assault, 1st Gnatiilan Light Infantry Engineering, 1st and 2nd Gnatiilan Heavy Tanks) - (2/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Perfindian SAG - (1st Order of the Final Bastion Heavy Engineering, 1st and 2nd Order of the Final Bastion Medium Mechanized Ogryns, 1st Order of the Final Bastion Medium Tanks) - (3/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Neumidian SAG - (1st and 2nd Corcrat Heavy Mechanized Assault, 1st and 2nd Budget Arms Light Tanks) - (4/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Droman SAG - (1st Cradle Medium Assault, 1st and 2nd Droman Coral Medium Assault, 1st Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition) - (2/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]2nd Droman SAG - (3rd, 4th, and 5th Droman Coral Medium Assault, 2nd Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]3rd Droman SAG - (1st Cradle Medium Engineering, 6th Coral Medium Assault, 1st and 2nd Kil'drabi Heavy Sabotage) - (2/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]17th through 31st War Pack (all 1/5 to veterancy)
---[X]1st War-Pack 'The Ancient Pack' - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (Veterans)
--[X] Assigned to Voxx Secondus, 5 per planet
---[X] 2nd through 16th War Pack (all 1/5 to Veterancy)
-[X] The Voice of the People Is The Voice of the Star Child (The Trigger Sub Plan)
--[X] [Mechanical] Army of the Damned - Scout Hive Defenses
--[X] [Narrative] Paths through the Wastes
--[X] [Mechanical] The Armored Fifth Column -
---[X] They are to work especially on raiding, attacking fortresses and other key locations as well as engaging in attacks on key industries and locales (that double as slave raids) and if they see civilians fleeing into their part of the Hive cover them... with extreme force against the enemy, just another way to attack and harass the enemy.
---[X] Voxxian Choirs with Melodies of Silence, Health, Humanity and Hope (among many others) may help these raids, both those that free slaves and do not, as might a Federation Choir's Turn Away Their Eyes.
--[X] [Narrative] Arm the Enslaved - Yes, and starting very early on, and with a twist. When armed they are to focus as much as fleeing to the safety of our liberty's beacons/etc as they are to start shooting... because of course shooting their way out will EXPOSE the enemy defenses and DESTROY the enemy from an angle they might not have been expecting. Once there, we can easily feed them better than they were being fed before, and put them to work as farmers, industrial workers, or military recruits on the expanding industrial might of the revolution.
--[X] [Narrative] Stoke the Workers to Action - Yes, similar to the above those in bad situations can and should carry out sabotage, steal key components, and if death is all they face... flee with these to boost the INDUSTRY of the REVOLUTION.
---[X] Those who cannot escape are encouraged to put in "bad work" if forced to, make tiny errors using their expertise that will reduce the efficacy of the weapons and horrors they are designed to make. Teach 'em how to do it... WUSSIES have a lot of experience with "workplace safety" which also translates into knowledge about the subtle ways that industrial production can go wrong for more than just the workers.
--[X] [Narrative] Enforcers Turned - Law Enforcement
--[X] [Mechanical]Hives: Attempt Shield Generator Subversion
--[X][Mechanical] Attempt To Break The Walls -When? Just before the Generators are subverted, to provide cover for fully subverting them
--[X] [Mechanical] Middle Hive: Moles in their Midsts - Fifth Column
--[X] [Narrative] Middle Hive: Break The Morale - PDF primarily, noting you'll accept surrenders and give pardons to all soldiers and (most) officers, etc, etc, but add a bit of, "If you don't want to fight with us against the oppressor, you can flee and have a better life, waiting for you" that will appeal to both the PDF (and its deserters) and Civilians.
--[X] [Mechanical] Mechanicus Deviancy - Subvert Shield Generators in Hives.
--[X] [Mechanical] Templar Rampages - Critical Infrastructure
--[X] [Narrative] Mass-Poisonings - Officers
--[X] [Narrative] Targeted Assassinations- General
--[X] [Mechanical] Rings--Attempt To Blow The Shield Generators
--[X] [Narrative] Revolution In The Stars - When the Lamenters start arriving is the key trigger to start helping them out!
--[X] [Mechanical] DVS--Turn the Guns Around
--[X] [Mechanical] PDF Hidden Moles - Morale
--[X] [Narrative] PDF Turned Officers - Turn Mid to Late game... but within each movement. That is to say, if a sub-sector is starting to fall to our side, that's when to start advertising the fact that mercy and food (or at least more food than they'll likely have) is available.
--[X] [Mechanical] SDF Hidden Moles - Communications
--[X] [Narrative] Turned Officers - Rely on middle-ranked officers, and when? Try to push them more towards encouraging surrender when things are bad rather than fighting to the last or self-destructing out of spite, etc, etc.
--[X] [Mechanical] Use Songs - Yes, but only in moments of great strategic doubt, under the advisement of the Federation trained Choirs. And ONLY if none of them are immediately available/able to do the job. In almost all circumstances using the Federation Choirs is a better bet if it can be done, but there may come a time where they have to Sing a Song. If that is the case, be on the lookout for Chaos.
--[X] [Mechanical] Use Melodies - Yes
--[X] [Mechanical] (Designate Numbers, Songs, And Behaviour For The Ground War)--20 total, 5 (Federation trained) local, 2 from the oudated Scout Sloops, and 13 from the Free Choirs. "Break Their Chains" is to be used for strategic moments of destroying enemy cohesion or creating a fire in the rear, the Hide Song to obscure movements... or break off enemy communication, and the Bubble of Power to break any enemy Psyker attempts... or Chaos outbreaks. They're to be their brothers' keepers for the Voxxian Choirs, with full charge over them/etc, and discretion to do as they will. Along those lines for anti-Chaos purposes, Dirge of the Innocent is to be used liberally and often.

--[X] The 15 "foreign" Choirs being sent in on Leos might therefore also participate in the space battle while still being relatively safe-ish

E: I am willing to hear out suggestions and change my plan, but please just repost the plan name if you're voting for, or this will get very confusing if I make any changes!
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But yeah, to be clear, I am willing to hear out your logic on that Middle-Hive thing and change it depending on etc, etc.
Basically, we already have a lot of morale-debuffs going on already and we know this war is going to go on for a while. Plus seeing as we know that Escirch is a Fortress World we're likely going to need some free SAGs for that and who knows how long taking that will take. Plus we know that the war for the Hives will take 5 turns, and that's at best, and the longer our 5th Column is in play, the less casualties our SAGs will take, and the less casualties we take the more people we can have fighting.
Basically, we already have a lot of morale-debuffs going on already and we know this war is going to go on for a while. Plus seeing as we know that Escirch is a Fortress World we're likely going to need some free SAGs for that and who knows how long taking that will take. Plus we know that the war for the Hives will take 5 turns, and that's at best, and the longer our 5th Column is in play, the less casualties our SAGs will take, and the less casualties we take the more people we can have fighting.

Fair enough. Gimme a bit, I might change it unless anyone leaps up to object.
[X] Operation Beacon of Liberty, Sword of Valor

And in we go war with the Duchy is probably going to take a few centuries and it'll probably be a few decades till we take Voxx even if everything goes well for us. Given the sheer size of Voxx if nothing else.
Yeah, and next turn I do think would be the best time to take that action after we get so many wonderful examples to study.

Hopefully... we'll see. A lot is up in the air.

Oh, @HeroCooky , is this a bit clearer?

--[] [Mechanical] The Armored Fifth Column -
---[] They are to work especially on raiding, attacking fortresses and other key locations as well as engaging in attacks on key industries and locales (that double as slave raids) and if they see civilians fleeing into their part of the Hive cover them... with extreme force against the enemy, just another way to attack and harass the enemy.
---[] Voxxian Choirs with Melodies of Silence, Health, Humanity and Hope (among many others) may help these raids, both those that free slaves and do not, as might a Federation Choir's Turn Away Their Eyes.
[X] Take Hives, Save Lives
-[X] Ships are as follows
--[X] Sector Battle Group Sphinx (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[X] Sector Battle Group Centaur (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[X] Sector Battle Group Werewolf (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[x] Sector Battle Group Minotaur (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[X] Sector Battle Group Leviathan (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[X] Lamenters Chapter Fleet (30/30)
--[X] Task Fleet Alpha - [3x Lupus-Secundus Auto Construct] (/45 SAG capacity)

---[X] Obviously to arrive behind/protected the main thrust, Taurses being what they are.
--[X] Independent Operations Task Force (13 SAG Capacity)
-[X] SAGs are as follows... (Fill this in later)
--[X] Assigned to Voxx Primus (lift capacity is 59/58, so one lucky/'lucky' SAG will get to wait a few weeks before being dropped onto Voxx Primus, let the Admirals/Generals decide which one can wait.
---[X] 1st Labors SAG (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Labors Light Mechanized Engineering, 1st Labors Light Tanks)
---[X] 1st Defenders of the Innocents (1st Yeeni Light Infantry Assault, 1st and 2nd Yeeni Light Infantry Engineering, 1st Light Tanks)
---[X]1st Hymns SAG (1st and 2nd Hymns Light Mechanized Assault, 1st and 2nd Hymns Medium Tanks)
---[X]1st Lights SAG (1st and 2nd Lights Light Infantry Assault, 1st Lights Light Infantry Sabotage, 1st Lights Light Infantry Engineering)
---[X]1st Terrore SAG (1st and 2nd Terrore Medium Mechanized Ogryn, 1st Terrore Medium Mechanized Kil'drabi, 1st Terrore Medium Augmetic Legion Assault)
---[X]1st Lethysan SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Lethysan Heavy Mechanized Demolition)
---[x]1st Gheistheim SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Gheistheim Medium Mechanized Engineering.)
---[X]1st Kanzura SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Kanzura Medium Mechanized Assault) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Valhidem SAG (1st Valhidem Light Infantry Sabotage, 1st Valhidem Light Mechanized Assault, 1st Valhidem Light Infantry Engineering, 1st Valhidem Light Mechanized Demolition)
---[X]1st Gathin SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Gathin Heavy Infantry Demolition)
---[X]1st Semumrum SAG (1st and 2nd Semumrum Light Infantry Sabotage, 1st and 2nd Semumrum Light Infantry Engineering)
---[X]1st Malrasian SAG (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Malrasian Heavy Tanks, 1st Malrasian Light Infantry Engineering)
---[X]1st Saget SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Saget Heavy Infantry Engineering)
---[X]1st Brigach SAG (1st and 2nd Brigach Light Infantry Sabotage, 1st and 2nd Brigach Light Mechanized Assault)
---[x]1st Diablan SAG (1st and 2nd Diablan Light Mechanized Assault, 1st Diablan Light Infantry Engineering, 1st Diablan Light Infantry Demolition) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]2nd Diablan SAG (1st and 2nd Diablan Heavy Mechanized Assault, 2nd Diablan Light Mechanized Engineering, 1st Diablan Heavy Infantry Demolition) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Kriegar SAG - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Kriegar Medium Augmetic Legion Assault) - (4/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Ikatun SAG - (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ikatun Light Infantry Sabotage. 1st Ikatun Light Augmetic Legion Demolition)
---[X]1st Host of the Unbidden - (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Yeeni Heavy Mechanized Assault, 1st Yeeni Heavy Mechanized Engineering)
---[X]2nd Slayers of the Banished Foes - (1st and 2nd Yeeni Medium Infantry Sabotage, 1st and 2nd Yeeni Light Tanks)
---[X]1st Barbarun SAG - (1st Barbarun Light Tanks, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Barbarun Medium Mechanized Sabotage) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Itanian SAG - (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Itani Heavy Tanks, 1st Itani Heavy Mechanized Engineering) - (2/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Gnatiilian SAG - (1st Gnatiilan Medium Infantry Assault, 1st Gnatiilan Light Infantry Engineering, 1st and 2nd Gnatiilan Heavy Tanks) - (2/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Perfindian SAG - (1st Order of the Final Bastion Heavy Engineering, 1st and 2nd Order of the Final Bastion Medium Mechanized Ogryns, 1st Order of the Final Bastion Medium Tanks) - (3/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Neumidian SAG - (1st and 2nd Corcrat Heavy Mechanized Assault, 1st and 2nd Budget Arms Light Tanks) - (4/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Droman SAG - (1st Cradle Medium Assault, 1st and 2nd Droman Coral Medium Assault, 1st Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition) - (2/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]2nd Droman SAG - (3rd, 4th, and 5th Droman Coral Medium Assault, 2nd Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[x]3rd Droman SAG - (1st Cradle Medium Engineering, 6th Coral Medium Assault, 1st and 2nd Kil'drabi Heavy Sabotage) - (2/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]17th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]18th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]19th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]20th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]21th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]22th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]23th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]24th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]25th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]26th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]27th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]28th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]29th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]30th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]31th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st War-Pack 'The Ancient Pack' - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (Veterans)
--[X] Assigned to Voxx Secondus, 5 per planet
---[X] 2nd War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 3rd War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 4th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 5th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 6th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 7th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 8th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 9th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 10th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 11th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 12th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 13th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 14th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 15th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 16th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
-[X] The Voice of the People Is The Voice of the Star Child (The Trigger Sub Plan)
--[X] [Mechanical] Army of the Damned - Scout Hive Defenses
--[X] [Narrative] Paths through the Wastes
--[X] [Mechanical] The Armored Fifth Column -
---[X] They have superior knowledge of the land, and they are to use it. They will scout, they will set up traps and ambushes, they will support and guide our forces through the underhive while also making the place a nightmare for PDF forces to move in.
---[X] A Federation Choir's Turn Away Their Eyes will provide assistance with stealth.
--[X] [Narrative] Arm the Enslaved - Yes, with a combination of direct agents and Song. This has to be done with careful timing and coordination though. Once the fighting breaks out, and the PDF scrambles to the front, try to launch rebellions as simultaneously as possible throughout Voxx, leaving the loyalists overwhelmed and unable to concentrate enough forces to crush them.
--[X] [Narrative] Stoke the Workers to Action - Yes, but in addition to strikes and work walkouts, teach as many of them as possible how to sabotage the weapons/vehicles/ammunition they create in a way that isn't immediately obvious. Grenades with iron fillings where the explosives should be; bolts that explode inside their bolters; Chimera gas tanks with sugar inside them; ship parts with fragile wiring that won't stand the stress of combat. When the actual fighting starts, let the PDF and SDF struggle not only with a lack of equipment, but with not knowing if their equipment will even work each time they use it.
--[X] [Narrative] Enforcers Turned - Law Enforcement
--[X] [Mechanical] Attempt Shield Generator Subversion
--[X][Mechanical] Attempt To Break The Walls -When? At the same time that the Generators are Subverted!
--[X] [Mechanical] Middle Hive: Moles in their Midsts - Morale
--[X] [Narrative] Middle Have: Break The Morale - PDF primarily, noting you'll accept surrenders and give pardons to all soldiers and (most) officers, etc, etc, but add a bit of, "If you don't want to fight with us against the oppressor, you can flee and have a better life, waiting for you" that will appeal to both the PDF (and its deserters) and Civilians.
--[X] [Mechanical] Mechanicus Deviancy - Subvert Shield Generators in Hives.
--[X] [Mechanical] Templar Rampages - Critical Infrastructure
--[X] [Narrative] Mass-Poisonings - Officers
--[X] [Narrative] Targeted Assassinations- Admiral
--[X] [Mechanical] Rings--Attempt To Blow The Shield Generators
--[X] [Narrative] Revolution In The Stars - When the Lamenters start arriving is the key trigger to start helping them out!
--[X] [Mechanical] DVS--Turn the Guns Around
--[X] [Mechanical] PDF Hidden Moles - Morale
--[X] [Narrative] PDF Turned Officers - Turn Mid to Late game... but within each movement. That is to say, if a sub-sector is starting to fall to our side, that's when to start advertising the fact that mercy and food (or at least more food than they'll likely have) is available.
--[X] [Mechanical] SDF Hidden Moles - Communications
--[X] [Narrative] Turned Officers - Rely on middle-ranked officers, and when? Try to push them more towards encouraging surrender when things are bad rather than fighting to the last or self-destructing out of spite, etc, etc.
--[X] [Mechanical] Use Songs - Yes, but only in moments of great strategic doubt, under the advisement of the Federation trained Choirs. And ONLY if none of them are immediately available/able to do the job. In almost all circumstances using the Federation Choirs is a better bet if it can be done, but there may come a time where they have to Sing a Song. If that is the case, be on the lookout for Chaos.
--[X] [Mechanical] Use Melodies - Yes
--[X] [Mechanical] (Designate Numbers, Songs, And Behaviour For The Ground War)--20 total, 5 (Federation trained) local, 2 from the oudated Scout Sloops, and 13 from the Free Choirs. "Break Their Chains" is to be used for strategic moments of destroying enemy cohesion or creating a fire in the rear, the Hide Song to obscure movements... or break off enemy communication, and the Bubble of Power to break any enemy Psyker attempts... or Chaos outbreaks. They're to be their brothers' keepers for the Voxxian Choirs, with full charge over them/etc, and discretion to do as they will. Along those lines for anti-Chaos purposes, Dirge of the Innocent is to be used liberally and often.
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[] Take Hives, Save Lives
-[X] Ships are as follows
--[X] Sector Battle Group Sphinx (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[X] Sector Battle Group Centaur (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[X] Sector Battle Group Werewolf (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[x] Sector Battle Group Minotaur (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[X] Sector Battle Group Leviathan (30/30 Ship Capacity)
--[X] Lamenters Chapter Fleet (30/30)
--[X] Task Fleet Alpha - [3x Lupus-Secundus Auto Construct] (/45 SAG capacity)

---[X] Obviously to arrive behind/protected the main thrust, Taurses being what they are.
--[X] Independent Operations Task Force (13 SAG Capacity)
-[X] SAGs are as follows... (Fill this in later)
--[X] Assigned to Voxx Primus (lift capacity is 59/58, so one lucky/'lucky' SAG will get to wait a few weeks before being dropped onto Voxx Primus, let the Admirals/Generals decide which one can wait.
---[X] 1st Labors SAG (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Labors Light Mechanized Engineering, 1st Labors Light Tanks)
---[X] 1st Defenders of the Innocents (1st Yeeni Light Infantry Assault, 1st and 2nd Yeeni Light Infantry Engineering, 1st Light Tanks)
---[X]1st Hymns SAG (1st and 2nd Hymns Light Mechanized Assault, 1st and 2nd Hymns Medium Tanks)
---[X]1st Lights SAG (1st and 2nd Lights Light Infantry Assault, 1st Lights Light Infantry Sabotage, 1st Lights Light Infantry Engineering)
---[X]1st Terrore SAG (1st and 2nd Terrore Medium Mechanized Ogryn, 1st Terrore Medium Mechanized Kil'drabi, 1st Terrore Medium Augmetic Legion Assault)
---[X]1st Lethysan SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Lethysan Heavy Mechanized Demolition)
---[x]1st Gheistheim SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Gheistheim Medium Mechanized Engineering.)
---[X]1st Kanzura SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Kanzura Medium Mechanized Assault) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Valhidem SAG (1st Valhidem Light Infantry Sabotage, 1st Valhidem Light Mechanized Assault, 1st Valhidem Light Infantry Engineering, 1st Valhidem Light Mechanized Demolition)
---[X]1st Gathin SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Gathin Heavy Infantry Demolition)
---[X]1st Semumrum SAG (1st and 2nd Semumrum Light Infantry Sabotage, 1st and 2nd Semumrum Light Infantry Engineering)
---[X]1st Malrasian SAG (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Malrasian Heavy Tanks, 1st Malrasian Light Infantry Engineering)
---[X]1st Saget SAG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Saget Heavy Infantry Engineering)
---[X]1st Brigach SAG (1st and 2nd Brigach Light Infantry Sabotage, 1st and 2nd Brigach Light Mechanized Assault)
---[x]1st Diablan SAG (1st and 2nd Diablan Light Mechanized Assault, 1st Diablan Light Infantry Engineering, 1st Diablan Light Infantry Demolition) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]2nd Diablan SAG (1st and 2nd Diablan Heavy Mechanized Assault, 2nd Diablan Light Mechanized Engineering, 1st Diablan Heavy Infantry Demolition) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Kriegar SAG - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Kriegar Medium Augmetic Legion Assault) - (4/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Ikatun SAG - (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ikatun Light Infantry Sabotage. 1st Ikatun Light Augmetic Legion Demolition)
---[X]1st Host of the Unbidden - (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Yeeni Heavy Mechanized Assault, 1st Yeeni Heavy Mechanized Engineering)
---[X]2nd Slayers of the Banished Foes - (1st and 2nd Yeeni Medium Infantry Sabotage, 1st and 2nd Yeeni Light Tanks)
---[X]1st Barbarun SAG - (1st Barbarun Light Tanks, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Barbarun Medium Mechanized Sabotage) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Itanian SAG - (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Itani Heavy Tanks, 1st Itani Heavy Mechanized Engineering) - (2/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Gnatiilian SAG - (1st Gnatiilan Medium Infantry Assault, 1st Gnatiilan Light Infantry Engineering, 1st and 2nd Gnatiilan Heavy Tanks) - (2/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Perfindian SAG - (1st Order of the Final Bastion Heavy Engineering, 1st and 2nd Order of the Final Bastion Medium Mechanized Ogryns, 1st Order of the Final Bastion Medium Tanks) - (3/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Neumidian SAG - (1st and 2nd Corcrat Heavy Mechanized Assault, 1st and 2nd Budget Arms Light Tanks) - (4/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st Droman SAG - (1st Cradle Medium Assault, 1st and 2nd Droman Coral Medium Assault, 1st Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition) - (2/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]2nd Droman SAG - (3rd, 4th, and 5th Droman Coral Medium Assault, 2nd Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[x]3rd Droman SAG - (1st Cradle Medium Engineering, 6th Coral Medium Assault, 1st and 2nd Kil'drabi Heavy Sabotage) - (2/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]17th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]18th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]19th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]20th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]21th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]22th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]23th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]24th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]25th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]26th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]27th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]28th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]29th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]30th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]31th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X]1st War-Pack 'The Ancient Pack' - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (Veterans)
--[X] Assigned to Voxx Secondus, 5 per planet
---[X] 2nd War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 3rd War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 4th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 5th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 6th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 7th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 8th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 9th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 10th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 11th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 12th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 13th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 14th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 15th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
---[X] 16th War-Pack - (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Pack.) - (1/5 to Veterancy)
-[X] The Voice of the People Is The Voice of the Star Child (The Trigger Sub Plan)
--[X] [Mechanical] Army of the Damned - Scout Hive Defenses
--[X] [Narrative] Paths through the Wastes
--[X] [Mechanical] The Armored Fifth Column -
---[X] They have superior knowledge of the land, and they are to use it. They will scout, they will set up traps and ambushes, they will support and guide our forces through the underhive while also making the place a nightmare for PDF forces to move in.
---[X] A Federation Choir's Turn Away Their Eyes will provide assistance with stealth.
--[X] [Narrative] Arm the Enslaved - Yes, with a combination of direct agents and Song. This has to be done with careful timing and coordination though. Once the fighting breaks out, and the PDF scrambles to the front, try to launch rebellions as simultaneously as possible throughout Voxx, leaving the loyalists overwhelmed and unable to concentrate enough forces to crush them.
--[X] [Narrative] Stoke the Workers to Action - Yes, but in addition to strikes and work walkouts, teach as many of them as possible how to sabotage the weapons/vehicles/ammunition they create in a way that isn't immediately obvious. Grenades with iron fillings where the explosives should be; bolts that explode inside their bolters; Chimera gas tanks with sugar inside them; ship parts with fragile wiring that won't stand the stress of combat. When the actual fighting starts, let the PDF and SDF struggle not only with a lack of equipment, but with not knowing if their equipment will even work each time they use it.
--[X] [Narrative] Enforcers Turned - Law Enforcement
--[X] [Mechanical] Attempt Shield Generator Subversion
--[X][Mechanical] Attempt To Break The Walls -When? At the same time that the Generators are Subverted!
--[X] [Mechanical] Middle Hive: Moles in their Midsts - Morale
--[X] [Narrative] Middle Have: Break The Morale - PDF primarily, noting you'll accept surrenders and give pardons to all soldiers and (most) officers, etc, etc, but add a bit of, "If you don't want to fight with us against the oppressor, you can flee and have a better life, waiting for you" that will appeal to both the PDF (and its deserters) and Civilians.
--[X] [Mechanical] Mechanicus Deviancy - Subvert Shield Generators in Hives.
--[X] [Mechanical] Templar Rampages - Critical Infrastructure
--[X] [Narrative] Mass-Poisonings - Officers
--[X] [Narrative] Targeted Assassinations- Admiral
--[X] [Mechanical] Rings--Attempt To Blow The Shield Generators
--[X] [Narrative] Revolution In The Stars - When the Lamenters start arriving is the key trigger to start helping them out!
--[X] [Mechanical] DVS--Turn the Guns Around
--[X] [Mechanical] PDF Hidden Moles - Morale
--[X] [Narrative] PDF Turned Officers - Turn Mid to Late game... but within each movement. That is to say, if a sub-sector is starting to fall to our side, that's when to start advertising the fact that mercy and food (or at least more food than they'll likely have) is available.
--[X] [Mechanical] SDF Hidden Moles - Communications
--[X] [Narrative] Turned Officers - Rely on middle-ranked officers, and when? Try to push them more towards encouraging surrender when things are bad rather than fighting to the last or self-destructing out of spite, etc, etc.
--[X] [Mechanical] Use Songs - Yes, but only in moments of great strategic doubt, under the advisement of the Federation trained Choirs. And ONLY if none of them are immediately available/able to do the job. In almost all circumstances using the Federation Choirs is a better bet if it can be done, but there may come a time where they have to Sing a Song. If that is the case, be on the lookout for Chaos.
--[X] [Mechanical] Use Melodies - Yes
--[X] [Mechanical] (Designate Numbers, Songs, And Behaviour For The Ground War)--20 total, 5 (Federation trained) local, 2 from the oudated Scout Sloops, and 13 from the Free Choirs. "Break Their Chains" is to be used for strategic moments of destroying enemy cohesion or creating a fire in the rear, the Hide Song to obscure movements... or break off enemy communication, and the Bubble of Power to break any enemy Psyker attempts... or Chaos outbreaks. They're to be their brothers' keepers for the Voxxian Choirs, with full charge over them/etc, and discretion to do as they will. Along those lines for anti-Chaos purposes, Dirge of the Innocent is to be used liberally and often.

You have one more X you missed at the top.