What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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...It is always very frustrating to be someone who wants to do more psykana but can't justify that because it's all narrative. Like the narrative effects are kind of insane. We have one that is keeping psykers hidden from detections in a 50km radius, one that denies Chaos souls, two that basically make the unpinning of our entire civilizations Void travel and communication and one that grants minor assistance to research and like...that's the non narrative one with bonuses which help but by itself it's very minor because that's how it's supposed to be.

Because I am literally arguing against "More ships built now" and "Orders that do cool stuff". It's why I pushed for the Automation because the scouts coming out by themselves at least meant that, on some level, ships would be done less. On some levels SBGs are also nice because we are spending, effectively, less actions per number of ships. Like I know that it's gonna have us do more psykana(hopefully) research after the war but like man it genuinely is like having a civ trait and then not using it to full effect.

Edit: I am just...gah. Frustrated at the Psykana and Songs
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Extra research is nice but it takes 20 research actions to pay back the investment. If it takes 2 actions to upgrade the Melodies and the boost goes from 0.05 up to 0.1 additional actions, it will take 60 research actions to pay back total investment (wait is that right? I think so). Much better deal if we passively upgrade it, or if the boost is significantly better at Song II.

I'm not sure if I would have voted for Genius Song if we knew ahead of time it was .05 even if it can get better and I'm a little cautious of Songs after that and Dirge.

Research has this problem too where it gets picked then kind of disappears into the ether doing its job in the background (ex. Directional Ion Shields. God I want a random line about our boys being protected behind their ion shields.) unless it gets mentioned in the story, makes a number go up or unlocks another option. And making sure everything is mentioned is hard for the QM to track and write.
A few notes. First, I'd argue that research is fundamental to our society. We've gotten a ton more powerful because of our research in ways our enemies haven't.
For example, we have this assumption that "oh we have strong mechanized forces," which is spurred on by the research and the development etc, including the directional ion shields. That folds into our view of our society in ways that make the game fun.

Second, I'd push back against not liking the +0.05 science actions for a couple reasons. First, we've had a lot of turns. Coming up on #90 I think. So an action that takes 30 turns to pay off... Will pay off and after that it's pure profit. Second, actions now are more powerful than actions a long time ago (grouped research, bigger builds), and getting a research bonus is basically burning actions now for more efficient actions later. Third, we usually want our actions to have immediate impacts. You notice that pretty much the only times we do the 2-cost research is when we have enough saved research to get a free action? So it lets us pile on consequential actions (especially when we're in a bind).

Now. Imagine after Voxx we do two more +0.05 actions and get to +0.5 per action, the magic number where every other action is doubled. That's quite powerful.
..It is always very frustrating to be someone who wants to do more psykana but can't justify that because it's all narrative.
I hope you realizing I am promoting more Psykana actions by saying we should invest in Holy Sigils and Psytech, which I think will make it more appealing to take Songs. I was expanding my thoughts on why theres low incentive to take Songs/Psykana, not saying we shouldn't take them.

one that is keeping psykers hidden from detections in a 50km radius, one that denies Chaos souls
We got a size for the stealth song but I don't think QM said your quote. I asked QM for feedback on how Turn Their Eyes Away was doing and they said, 'well, you haven't been found.' But we were told Templars would solve the problem, so its not apparent the Song is responsible for that. It sounds cool as fuck, but I have to guess at the story unless I missed something. Is Dirge used at all? I thought it was Star Child faith protecting us, Dirge's example was that it could lay a planet of souls to rest keeping it from Chaos but I don't think its been used in story.

First, I'd argue that research is fundamental to our society. We've gotten a ton more powerful because of our research in ways our enemies haven't.
Does it seem like I am saying we shouldn't do research? I definitely am not.

For example, we have this assumption that "oh we have strong mechanized forces," which is spurred on by the research and the development etc, including the directional ion shields. That folds into our view of our society in ways that make the game fun.
We have had a couple story moments where steely eyed well armed and armoured soldier pop heads with lasers, along with QM saying out of story our troops have hotshot lasgun and carapace armour. We have cool story moments of spider mechs. I pushed for the Templars partially because they have power armour and a full plasma weapon set up. Similarly Novel/Advanced Infantry research will give us beam weapons and railguns. Servo-skull research was described as Tau drones with Gothic Chic. These sound dope.

Thats all imagery that serves as payoff. But if theres no story moment, no description, no useful mechanism or no number to watch go up after we take an action, theres little payoff and there is low incentive to repeat it. This is a problem with Songs or sometimes research which is partially why I think its rarely voted for compared to ship actions. If the outcome of an action is written about in the threadmark and makes people go 'hell yeah', that action is more likely to be taken again. If the outcome happens in the background, it is less likely.

That is the thesis of what I've been saying the last 3 posts, not that we should not be taking psykana or research.

First, we've had a lot of turns. Coming up on #90 I think. So an action that takes 30 turns to pay off...
Banking something per research action is much different than banking something per turn. We do get a lot of turns and so a lot of actions though.

I just quickly tried to check our research actions (and probably made errors) since Turn 620 (Jun 3rd IRL), two centures ago in game, start of Voxx infiltration and when we got Academic Initiatives for 2 actions, another 2 spent on Genius/Institute later. Since then we have taken 11 Research actions with 4 Bonus actions. Heretek gave us 2.2 of those. Still need 9 research for the initial Academic Initiative to be profitable. Is that going to take another 20 Turns? Hopefully not. I'm not saying it was bad to take, just trying to demonstrate it takes a long time for this stuff to pay off.

I agree that the higher bonus action makes it more likely for us to use it, thats powerful and a good point. Doesn't change how many things we are trying to do with a very limited action economy, or that we need to balance immediate needs with future payoff though.

I think you are arguing against an argument I am not making. Except maybe that I do not think two actions to upgrade Spark of Genius +.05 would be a good choice at this time, not that we know what the upgrade is worth.
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the Dirge has been used multiple times to deny the souls of the dead of both our enemies and victims of our enemies from the grasp of Chaos.

Iirc for example after a fleet battle the Dirge was sung and denies the souls of the enemy dead from the waiting maws of Daemons in the Warp.
[X] Plan: Hope and Ships
-[X] Minotaur (2/2.5)
---[X] Excess to go into Leviathan
-[X] Leviathan (0/2.5) x2
-[X] Note, both new SBGs are to be in Perfinda, so that they CANNOT in any way notice that we now have 5 SBGs.
-[X] Auto Melody: Hope 1

Upgrading A Spark of Genius (Technology, Progress, Creativity, Hope) only takes 3 more Melodies as Creativity is already at 2 and i really want to get 0.5 banked research per research action and this is the way i think we are going to get there.
We already have multiple songs we want to make with our existing melodies while we going to need to spend a lot of actions on the war and resettling so we will not get around doing new songs with a new melody in the next 15 turns.
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I would have thought Auto-Loaders don't help Torpedos or Kopesh Missile Pods? Maybe left over from old version?

Similar with this, I thought Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions wouldn't help Missile Pods much because they're not a battery/turret, and only choose a target and fire once.
Auto-Loaders help with all physical munitions. Like torps.

Ans SPTS helps acquire targets. You need to hit an enemy with your weapons to hurt them. :V
....Hold, what is the context for the Nobility?
Had a Space Marine Chapter go through the region three centuries ago.
Speaking of which, what happened to the previous ships? Scrapped I presume?
Nope. Upgraded or left in the fleet (see non-colored ships).
I do think it might be worth it to just go ahead and do it
Please don't. That Action won't do anything unless you have a Faith Turn. Said so when you got it, will say so when you try (without a Faith Turn) and take it.
Also I am half expecting an extra action behind upgrading a song for the first time. Actually @HeroCooky would we get one?
Nope. Automatic
We got a size for the stealth song but I don't think QM said your quote.
It's in the Song -> Explanation tab.
Is Dirge used at all? I thought it was Star Child faith protecting us, Dirge's example was that it could lay a planet of souls to rest keeping it from Chaos but I don't think its been used in story.
Yes, on basically any planet you take and after fleet battles.
I wonder if we could do a song that creates song.

Song Creativity Song
Song Creativity Creativity
Creativity, Song, Song

Those'd have the benefit of starting at lvl 2, so we can see what the effect of that is.
Huh, creativity really likes summoning daemons.

I wonder what we'd need to summon more of those ones we have running around in our bureaucracy.
Melodies - I think Justice or Paths could help make good hunting/divination Songs to track down Caine.
And I'd bet if there are more/better voidtravel songs that paths are part of it.
And a "can safely travel unstable warp-routes" song would be great for sneaking around fortifications utilizing routes the enemy wasn't even aware exist/are usable.
Psykana of the Glimmering Federation - Melodies - 2

The Scales never show favor.
Neither shall We.

Age Does Not Protect From Foolishness.
Neither Does Youthful Exuberance.

One Idea At A Time.
Though two wouldn't go amiss either...
Machinery III

01001101 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01101100 01101001 01100110 01100101 01101100 01100101 01110011 01110011 00100000 01100001 01110101 01110100 01101111 01101101 01100001 01110100 01100001 00101110 00101110 00101110 00001010 01001101 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01101101 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 01110100 01100001 01101100 00100000 01110011 01101000 01100001 01110000 01100101 01100100 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 01101101 01110011 00101110 00101110 00101110 00001010 01001101 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110101 01101101 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01110000 01100001 01110010 01110100 01110011 00101110 00101110 00101110

What is one life in the face of trillions?
Mercy II

There is no mercy in this galaxy.
None that we can expect.
Ruthlessness II

Get the rope.
The good one.
And bring their children along.
The pet too.
Paths II

The ways we wander,
The roads we take,
The journey in our head.

From tiny shoot we grew.
From little seed we were born.
Prophecy II

Immutable fate?
More like mutable hate!
Unchanging fate?
More like changed state!

We all belong to a tribe.
I am glad to call this mine.

For some; the world.
For some; heaven.
For some; hell.
For others; a means.
For me; strangers.
The Star

Sovereign of the Material Immaterium.
Sovereign of the Immaterial Materium.
Bow. Their might decrees it.

Melodies - Melodies are hyper-narrow Psychic powers, designed to be as non-dangerous to use as possible. Yet, thanks to them being designed around being used by five Psykers in tandem, they consistently are more powerful than Imperial-equivalent powers.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jul 12, 2024 at 1:42 PM, finished with 61 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan: ALL IN, The Flop
    -[X] Minotaur (2/2.5)
    ---[X] Excess to go into Leviathan
    -[X] Leviathan (0/2.5) x2
    -[X] Note, both new SBGs are to be in Perfinda, so that they CANNOT in any way notice that we now have 5 SBGs.
    -[X] Auto Melody: Justice 1
    [X] Plan: Hope and Ships
    -[X] Minotaur (2/2.5)
    ---[X] Excess to go into Leviathan
    -[X] Leviathan (0/2.5) x2
    -[X] Note, both new SBGs are to be in Perfinda, so that they CANNOT in any way notice that we now have 5 SBGs.
    -[X] Auto Melody: Hope 1
    [X] Plan : development
    -[X] Heavy Industry VI (1/2)
    -[X] Medical Services VI (1/2)
    -[X] Military Industry VI (1/2)
Voting is open