What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Voting will open in 4 hours, 49 minutes
Oh, btw, I changed that action just now because it should be a Sub-Turn where you create those Designs and agree on a direction for those ships.
60% Destroyers, 20% Frigates, 15% Light Cruisers, and 5% Heavy Cruisers.

Hmm, much lower ratio of Heavy Cruisers than us, lower ratio of Light Cruisers, slightly lower ratio of Frigates, but an absurd number of Destroyers by our standards.
Because clearly, sending fleets in means we are "Clearly" hostile and out to kill them all, never you fucking mind that every attack has been from them sending dudes in here.

Nothing about the Imperium makes sense.
I mean they have better than even odds that stance is correct if it was anyone else in the galaxy. Just about every noteworthy faction does want to either conquer or kill mankind.
Hmm, much lower ratio of Heavy Cruisers than us, lower ratio of Light Cruisers, slightly lower ratio of Frigates, but an absurd number of Destroyers by our standards.

Fair is fair, if they have shit that lets their torpedoes punch up, and no head-count limit on ships, Destroyers are a cheap way of getting disproportionate results. They also do have some wild psy-tech, while the Null-Net might not be something every ship has, they can afford to deploy it even on scouting expeditions, so it's not priceless either.
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There are more ranks they can climb by merit than you'd assume, but they won't be able to get more than a third up the ladder before needing to weasel their way into the hereditary and politics pipeline.
Now the big question to figure out:
Is one third up the ladder enough to feed them false scouting reports?
Because if they get fed false reports of a weakness in our defense (like most of our ships leaving), with their character they'll be unable to resist attacking into a trap.
Just need to make sure that we absolutely dominate the expected battle.
In all likelihood, the defenses are going to increase as time goes by, but they have no idea that we're currently infiltrating them, let alone that we're actually a human majority polity. We just need to get our people on those defense stations then we can either disable them or better yet turn them against the Duchy's defenders
Not knowing we are human will be great for their counter-infiltration efforts.
[] Plan: Werewolf+Nutri-paste
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Werewolf (1.5/3.5) x2
-[] [General] Research
--[] Nutri-Paste Dispensers

I'm willing to compromise on the last point, but I will not vote for any plan this turn that does not complete another SBG. If they attack us now, we'll be fighting them on equal footing, which is the last thing we want. And yes, they're not planning on attacking us currently as far as we know, but what if that changes over the next couple of turns? We need another SBG yesterday.
Okay it might not be the best idea but I would like to propose that we do the Propaganda action after we kick the Van Zandt out of Archwan because then we would be making just a little more progress on subverting them, and maybe not have a repeat of Neon.
[] Plan: Cautious Preparation
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Werewolf (1.5/3.5)
-[] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations
--[] Evacuation Fleets - (Ship Design Write-In) (0/?)
---[] S.S Rustbucket
---[] My Light Freighter Mission of Mercy Design
---[] Heavy Freighter that carries people
---[] Heavy Freighter that carries supplies/etc.
-[] Nutri-Paste Dispensers

(Gain: Cheap high-nutrition mass-manufacturing vats. Tasting said food is not recommended. Or feeling it. Or looking at it. Or interacting in any way, shape, or form. Just don't.)

Honestly a third of the way up isn't bad, since if you get too far up you're presumably unable to exert more than brutal influence on those "below" you, especially at the bottom.

Hmm, well I assume they're going to, as long as it doesn't blow their cover, going to try to do that sort of thing on their own in terms of getting a third of the way up?

Also what's the composition of the fleet at Voxx Primus? And how are things going overall on Voxx Primus, do they need additional help with anything soon?
I think we should have our fifth collumn now go wide. They need to convert as many as they can.

Power to the people.
[] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)

i have dumb idea

-[] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody] x2
--[] Protection ll
--[] Protection lll
--[] Protection lV
--[] Protection V
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[] Protection V, Protection V, Protection V, Protection V, Protection V
@HeroCooky What are our options for getting more info on enemy ships and their capabilities? Our current scouts seem to be able to figure out how many ships there are, but they can't seem to figure out what they can do or how good they are in their roles.

I think advancing the PsyTech option would eventually get us more of that, same with singing another Song, but is there any dedicated scouting/scanner research focus?
@HeroCooky What are our options for getting more info on enemy ships and their capabilities? Our current scouts seem to be able to figure out how many ships there are, but they can't seem to figure out what they can do or how good they are in their roles.

I think advancing the PsyTech option would eventually get us more of that, same with singing another Song, but is there any dedicated scouting/scanner research focus?

There is a dedicated Scouting improvement tech. It's... rather inconveniently, tbh, outside of Research.
i have dumb idea

-[] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody] x2
--[] Protection ll
--[] Protection lll
--[] Protection lV
--[] Protection V
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[] Protection V, Protection V, Protection V, Protection V, Protection V
Melodies only go to III.
@HeroCooky What are our options for getting more info on enemy ships and their capabilities? Our current scouts seem to be able to figure out how many ships there are, but they can't seem to figure out what they can do or how good they are in their roles.

I think advancing the PsyTech option would eventually get us more of that, same with singing another Song, but is there any dedicated scouting/scanner research focus?
Getting more people to look at the ships from closer. There is only so much you can gleam from the outside that isn't "Hm, yes. There are [GUN TYPE/NUMBER] on that ship" related.

And no, you are pretty much at the peak of scanner technology you can get without yoinking stuff from the Dark Eldar.
@Pempelune , of the three plan votes that will not even be voted on for 4 and a half hours, two of them build ships and one of them is a joke vote.

One of them builds ships slightly less than you think we should. And that's literally it!
The debate, @Pempelune , is as follows:

If you think they're almost certain or lets say even 30-40% certain that they're going to attack this very turn, then the only thing that makes sense is to do Werewolf x2.

If you do not think that, but think they are a threat, then it would be valid to do Werewolf x1 this turn and then x1 next turn and instead do, say, building the Civilian Shipping Fleet we'll need as soon as possible.

If you would like to incorrectly characterize this as nobody building ships rather than people disagreeing and debating predictions about the behavior of the enemy, you're free to?

I can see both arguments, but from the way they seem to be reacting I think it's more likely that they'll spend all the coming turn bracing for an attack and then only next turn or the turn after send an offensive to poke us.

I can see why someone would disagree, but I have my reasoning.
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"By the God-Emperor," the Captain whispered; symbols denoting ships ranging from Destroyers to Battleships were arranged before the projection of the fleet, the detested rune next to them denoting them all as foul Xenos.

Wait what.

Is this that the mythical non-universally standardized ship classification system? In our 40k quest?


No seriously, I don't think we have anything bigger than a Heavy Cruiser, did the Duchy just redesignate Heavy Cruisers as Battleships because that's the biggest ship class they can build?
Wait what.

Is this that the mythical non-universally standardized ship classification system? In our 40k quest?


No seriously, I don't think we have anything bigger than a Heavy Cruiser, did the Duchy just redesignate Heavy Cruisers as Battleships because that's the biggest ship class they can build?
The Battlecolonies are basically almost Battleship scale ship. Just let down by being dual-purpose vessels. Being both a warship and a colonization ship.
[] Plan: Cautious Preparation
I'm surprised you're not going all-in on Werewolf, like this plan:
[] Plan: Werewolf+Nutri-paste
It seems like the kind of thing we either slam or slow-boat.

On that note, I think it's worth plotting out how urgent each of our pending actions is. We need to do all of this, but some of it can wait and some can't.

Finishing Werewolf. They might attack us, we need the ships eventually anyway.
Propaganda/Infiltration office. This takes over the Voxx infiltrations, so we can stop bleeding actions on it for the next N turns.

Not Urgent:
Agriculture/nutrition upgrades.
Evacuation ship design/construction.
Irritta terraforming.
Civ XV milestone.
SAG upgrades.

I'm probably missing something, but I want to make the point we should focus on Werewolf and Propaganda. As such:

[] Truth and Power
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Werewolf (1.5/3.5) x2
-[] [General] Propaganda For The Foreign Masses (1/3)

@HeroCooky would we be able to do the propaganda office next turn and have it immediately take over Voxx infiltration? Also, will our infiltration of the SDF in Voxx proceed on it's own?

Additionally, can I add to the propaganda action as a write-in? As such:
[] [General] Propaganda For The Foreign Masses (0/3)
With the Glimmering Federation's lessons in subverting Voxx, some have proposed creating a dedicated office that would be responsible with to continue the mission of converting foreign peoples forever more. This Subversion Bureau would be outfitted with ships, Choirs, materials, factories, and a mandate to subvert, convert, and then integrate new systems without causing mass casualties or widespread destruction. They would incorporate the wealth of experience gained from the Voxx covert campaign thus far into their organizational structure, and their first mission would be to complete the infiltration of the Hive world and it's defensive forces. This will be a pricy Initiative, but it will set the stage for the Federation's future growth.
(Gain: Allows you to slowly convert one [1] random system at a time to the Glimmering Federation without Action cost.)

We should have a lot of institutional knowledge about how to do this, especially given this was part of a write-in we did a few turns ago, when we asked them to lay low.
Additionally, request that our agents write up feedback and recommendations for training to be incorporated into curriculum to train future missionaries & infiltrators.

Oh, I was going to ask about Omake updates but I see they've already happened. Hmm. Ashan, Irrita or Mashan?
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As far as it goes, I'd rather do the 2x Werewolf action with the Nutri-paste than the one that doesn't build up Research points, and if people want to do that, as long as they're alright with doing the Civ Fleet next turn it might be alright?

But I will note that we need to either spend an action on Voxx Primus or, even more, on the Ag worlds next turn. Which is a downside of the Propaganda Office, because waiting to get all three actions for it means either double-booking with actually doing the Infiltration work, or neglecting it.
Voting will open in 4 hours, 49 minutes