What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] Plan: Keep calm, Automate Everything

Why people have this weird fixation with Autoloaders I will never understand.
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Why people have this weird fixation with Autoloaders I will never understand.
Autoloaders cost 2 DP to add to a ship and boost the performance of macro cannons, missiles and torpedoes so we want them on all ships with the possible exception of our carrier and troop transport.
When standarised we can use those 2 DP for other weapons or equipment for those ships.
QM, please. tell me, Can we sell chocolate down there like its crack? or are we already doing it to win over some of the gangs and such?

Hold Up. Psyker LORD?

I thought there was 700 billion people on Vox Primus last time we got numbers on it? was that a mistake or have they 'recruiting' so many people to fill the armies of the Dutchy?

Oh right, was looking at the informational about the Lamenters while looking for something else and noticed these. Is the reason they don't have a Chief Librarian because our Choirs snatch all the Psychers? and what do we need to research or do in order to be able to create Dreadnoughts?
In order;
"Hey. Want to taste pure happiness? Yeah you do. Here. First bite's free. After that, it'll cost ya..."

One of the titles of a Primaris Psyker.

Youe definition of people contains vastly more sophonts than that of the Imperium.

Yes and MMI + a 9 Action Write-In.
@HeroCooky There seems to be an argument that the Cassiopeia is effectively worthless because it's destroyer-sized. Is that true?
It suffers from a distinct case of "No Purpose-Made Civilian Available" as it is. Once I am back home, I'm gonna add some that can be used for specialist aid ships like the Cassiopeia. But in its current form around 10~15 would be able to massively help a planet suffering a crisis like famine or plague, if not outright stop it in its tracks, or reduce a loss of Dev Levels when incorporating new planets.
And while we're at it, can you tell me if a Song with (Compassion, Mercy, Humanity, Song, Slumber) would be any good?
Ye, it would be.
@HeroCooky Any comment?
--[] [Glimmering Research Academies
It would give a Mechanical benefit.
is some special software used to make the maps or is it just purely paint.net or gimp or something?
@HeroCooky Under the rules we made the Lamenters having another Psykana Order (the Librarians) distinct from the Choirs should be fine, could we make a write-in to allow them to recruit compatible Psykers?
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Could we go the other way and start a cooperation with the Lamenters with the goal of them getting Choirs?
Or would that be too much change for them?

So I am seeing a problem in the longer term ie our expansion routes...the most peaceful one is the Ashan Families and bringing them into our federation. The next peaceful one is the Shipwright's alliance and then it's violence all the way down.
"and then its violence all the way down"
Note, that we might be able to shortcut a lot of violence with bribery.

Once we are done with Van Zan we should try actually setting up a place for diplomacy with the kind of people impressed by pomp. And luxury resorts we can use as bribes ("you can stay in your position, with its risks and mediocre luxuries, or you can do us a favor and spend your remaining years in the lap of [resorts name] luxuries far away from competitors that would try to hurt you").

With Civ Infra >10, our general living standards are pleasure-world levels. I bet we can put something together that is very tempting for normal nobles.

We have over 100 million followers, and they will also probably follow the warning to lay low.

So while the cult in Voxx will take a hit, unless the very core gets exposed they will probably be able to recover and maybe even take advantage of the purge to grab the recently scorched ground.
Yeah, as cynical as it is, unless they know how to hit us specifically, they'll probably stir up the other gangs a lot, leaving fertile ground for us to take over once they think they are done.

[] [Frigate] Sagitarrius-secundus (Sagitarrius-S) Lance Frigate
-[] Length
- 2.000 Meters
-[] Width - 550 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Double Hull
-[] Shields - Two Arrays
-[] Weapons - 3x Light Prow Lances (-9 DP)
-[] Equipment - Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/Ship Shrines/Emergency Manuever Engines/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Lens Cogitation Matrix Lattice (-11 DP)

A revisit on one of the Glimmering Federation's oldest ship designs--one long depreciated, but new insights gleaned in laser technology and the insights gathered through the trade with the Shipbuilder's Alliance have led to the development of a functional successor to the old Sagitarrius model. A Heavy Frigate in mass, it nonetheless has its own role as an artillery ship of great excellence, with its entire hull built around a triad of heavy lance weapons, optimized to the utmost to retain maximum cohesion over extended distances. This gives the Super Sagittarius a terrifyingly long reach, and its powerful reactors and advanced capacitors allow for the frigate to store energy in each weapon, allowing for either rippled salvos to batter down shields and rend armor, or to be delivered in one almighty Alpha Strike capable of disrupting the shields of vessels much heavier. While not a vessel to be committed in large numbers due to the expense and high level of technical expertise required in its construction, a squadron of Super Sagitarrius frigates can open interesting possibilities to a clever admiral.
@Alectai, got one question:
Where is the Radlance?
Those are described as messing with the sensors of shields, so presumably make everything attacking those shields more effective.
So wouldn't it be better to have 1 rad, rest non-rad lances?

It sounds to me like us having 0 radlances in our fleet means we are leaving effectiveness on the table.
It could be darkly amusing if the Imperials notice our subversion by the resounding lack of incoherent screaming in human suffering. An Administratum clerk notices a distinct lack of expected disease fatalities and Corpse-starch material harvesting from Underhive Segment 171. The AdMech foundation-maintenance team realize there's a worrying lack of battle-damage repair work being done and some lay-person has to explain that's because the gangs aren't fighting there. Eventually the Arbites get very, very concerned that there's a black hole in their map of rampaging psykers and become convinced there's a cult.

Thinking about the current situation though would Imperial Psykers be a reasonable class of people to try to subvert? They're watched closely but they get treated quite badly. Psyker-Lord Shem Al-Abdazzah probably has all the bribes he could ask for his service but getting the people tasked with finding the local psykers to cook the books to cover for our gang might be an option. The Star Child has a lot to offer a psyker compared to an Imperial Noble or Officer.

...also, now I have the image of some Psykers learning how to perform complex psychic rituals by reading emoji cat-speak chat messages. :V

Emojis are a disturbingly good metaphor for empathic psychic communication in written media.
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Autoloaders cost 2 DP to add to a ship and boost the performance of macro cannons, missiles and torpedoes so we want them on all ships with the possible exception of our carrier and troop transport.
When standarised we can use those 2 DP for other weapons or equipment for those ships.

The possible exception? Adding Missiles and Torpedoes to our Carriers would be spending DP just to get use out of Equipment that's useless on them, taking up weapon slots (and therefore space) that could be spent on, y'know, BEING CARRIERS.
The possible exception? Adding Missiles and Torpedoes to our Carriers would be spending DP just to get use out of Equipment that's useless on them, taking up weapon slots (and therefore space) that could be spent on, y'know, BEING CARRIERS.
I was thinking of a single light macro cannon turret, so they can fight of destroyers as they have the shields and armor to outlast them while the single set of turrets takes them out.
But this would only be done after adding all possible hangars and carrier boosting gear.
I was thinking of a single light macro cannon turret, so they can fight of destroyers as they have the shields and armor to outlast them while the single set of turrets takes them out.
But this would only be done after adding all possible hangars and carrier boosting gear.

Wow, that'd be a comical waste. We have more Hangars and Carrier Equipment than we can fit in a single design without that being everything.

You know how a Carrier would fight off destroyers?

It'd have the fighters and bombers it's carrying... destroy them?
I was thinking of a single light macro cannon turret, so they can fight of destroyers as they have the shields and armor to outlast them while the single set of turrets takes them out.
But this would only be done after adding all possible hangars and carrier boosting gear.
Yeah, a Light Plasma Macrocannon wouldn't hurt so they can get off a couple shots. But of course, not something to get if it will compromise the Carrier's effectiveness beyond acceptable levels, but you can't always rely on a ship never needing guns in 40k, even if it has a bunch of badass gals

Wow, that'd be a comical waste. We have more Hangars and Carrier Equipment than we can fit in a single design without that being everything
In the base dimensions, yes, but any future Libra-Q is going to be larger so I'm confident we can fit a turret in. Unless @HeroCooky has something else to say.
Yeah, a Light Plasma Macrocannon wouldn't hurt so they can get off a couple shots. But of course, not something to get if it will compromise the Carrier's effectiveness beyond acceptable levels, but you can't always rely on a ship never needing guns in 40k, even if it has a bunch of badass gals

In the base dimensions, yes, but any future Libra-Q is going to be larger so I'm confident we can fit a turret in. Unless @HeroCooky has something else to say.

If we have more DP, the actual thing to go for is the Top Gun situation, as expensive as that is.

It's baffling because at every point in time our Doctrine has massively outperformed doing it the boring, normal way with big ol' cannons.

E: Further, adding a single Light Turret Cannon on its own won't do much, and spending the DP for equipment to enhance that, again, comes out of the DP that could be spent for things that are actually good on a carrier.
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E: Further, adding a single Light Turret Cannon on its own won't do much, and spending the DP for equipment to enhance that, again, comes out of the DP that could be spent for things that are actually good on a carrier.
There would be no need to spend anything to enchant that as the autoloaders would be free after standardization.

It'd have the fighters and bombers it's carrying... destroy them?
Depends on how far away they are attacking if it is like during some of the WW2 naval battles they can be hours away.
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