What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 8, 2024 at 1:59 PM, finished with 24 posts and 19 votes.
070.M42 - 800 Karking Years

The act of keeping something safe from another thing. Defending from something, shielding, sheltering, preserving, or conserving a designated state or being.

Protection offers safety from harm, security from a threat, and sanctuary amidst dangerous places and situations.

The Warp sings of many things, but it sings to the meaning of things far before it speaks about anything else. So, any attempt to utilize the melodies the Celestial Choir hears within the Warp must be made with the utmost care, slow exploration, and repeating of the shape and size of what Psykana is sought.

Ony may sing a Melody to make the skin of your allies bounce away rounds and fragments, yet a single note off and a minuscule weight placed at the wrong time and no longer is harm turned back, but a zone designated for the minds of soldiers to relax and rest from the toll that war reaps from their souls.

To use the Warp was to know that the outcome was never guaranteed, but it was also to harness powers beyond knowing to your will and goal.

For the Celestial Choir, that goal was to Protect.

And now they could sing in harmony of such Melodies and Hymns.

Celenua was a 24-year-old Adept of the Administratum of the Imperium of Man, serving for three years now directly underneath Lord High Inquisitor Nakk Astrobus and His Holy Inquisition in their endless task to ensure the battle for the Human Soul was neither lost nor was the one within the Materium, striking down The Xenos, The Mutant, and The Witch with the same hand that wielded Bolter and Flamer against the Heretic, Heretek, and Traitor.

And for those three years after her Lord had rescued her family from execution by a corrupted official, Celenua had never seen one person look at her Lord with anything other than awe and fear, dread in their voices and bodies when they witnessed his displeasure and when they beheld the judgment of the God-Emperor meted out by his even and terrible hand, his very soul seeming to radiate malice from the way he walked and the sneer upon his scarred face. And it was not merely the office and his station that had awarded him fear and loyalty, but his stature and demeanor.

Though not tall, he still stood a good bit taller than Celenua by a half-head, having been born on a higher-grav world had stunted his growth in the same twist as it had allowed him to grow strong. Strength he dearly needed, as the manifold scars across his entire body showed, the delicate and rough lines criss-crossing across his broad shoulders and back, from his torso to his neck and face. And although he had avoided strikes to his eyes thus far, his mouth was a different beast, a despicable Xenos having taken a swipe at him that now permanently marred his face, once mayhaps called ruggedly handsome, now turned into a cold sneer upon the world.

Celenua knew the scars and the tales of hardship in the name of humanity they told he had endured well, for she had never seen her Lord go a day without training with dogged determination against retainer and machine alike, honing his body to a weapon fit to be wielded by the God-Emperor. But where for others it would have resulted in a body of sculpted muscles set in stone, his always seemed to carry a soldier's fat within. As if his body recognized that it would see days of long hardship with little food again and again, it added a solidness to his frame that mere muscles could not add, turning a sculpted statue into a man ready to fight for days on end.

And, in her eyes, it added a hint of the softness within that none but she seemed to have seen. Celenua had never known a Lord that had talked to their subjects just as he did daily; never had them seen remember faces and names with such ease as her Lord did or take an interest in their lives. And never had she read about a man as dedicated to the people he was tasked with guarding as him, the fleets under his command ferrying out planetary evacuations of not only industry and military but also its people on the regular. Tens of billions had been saved thanks to his endless work, and billions more had taken up the calls to arms he sent into the void, armies marching under the banner of humanity still loyal to the God-Emperor, whereas others had turned their backs and exchanged their faith for heresy and treason.

Lord High Inquisitor Nakk Astrobus was a man who carried the fate of hundreds of billions upon his back, who had seen the monsters within the dark and dared them to come at him with flamer and bolter in hand, who stood in front of a thousand innocents at every second of his life and budged not one step if he could save them from the predations of The Mutant, The Xenos, and The Witch. One who never forgot the days of joy and grief of his servants, who tore down the corrupt judges and nobles to elevate the true nobility of every world to the top, and who always seemed to have a piece of candy on him in case he came across a child in need of some light in the dark.

And yet, walking into his office with the newest reports in her arms, Celenua could not help but weep at the sight she saw; a man who shouldered worlds without complaint, being worn down by the billions he could not save, and the billions that turned away from the light of the God-Emperor under his watch. Laying down the scrolls and tablets to a quiet thanks from him, she lingered, watching his face grow ever darker with every line, and she oh-so dearly wished she was no coward. To say that he was not alone, to press him against her chest so that he may rest for but a moment and let her carry a fraction of the burden he did.

He was a man who had grown used to being feared and wielding fear.

Celenua wished she could hold him just one time, to tell him that he was loved, and see that dark shadow over his face retreat for but a second, even if it would cost her her life.

But she was a coward, so she left after standing uselessly for a moment within his office, her body not moving closer as she demanded, but away. Away and out, to leave him to shoulder burdens greater still.

Lord High Inquisitor Nakk Astrobus was an 846-year-old Inquisitor of His Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition, Ordo Hereticus, and for nearly 80-odd years, he has defended the Sectors of the Imperium that had the misfortune to lay near the Somnium Stars and on the wrong side of the galaxy after it had been split in two by the Cicatrix Maledictum.

It had been 80 years of constant retreats, giving up planet after planet for time and consolidation, erasing any use of those once-mighty bastions of humanity with planet-shattering finality wherever bold stands could not be made, as force-preservation was the name of the day. He needed the years to build the fleets to ferry the armies that were to beat back the darkness once more.

And it seemed another evacuation may be needed in Sub-Sector Archwan, as the damned Orks were threatening to overwhelm the traitors in Gnatiila, and if not given a fight in Ubraka would strike through Neumidia into lacking defenses and low-populated planets he had hoped to bolster with the refugees from every corner of the galaxy.

Frowning, he mentally went through the list of his forces and settled on sending the 9th and 11t Felinid Auxilia, the 431st Scriptori Skitarii Cohort, and the 1.344th, 1.421st, and 885th Urbanata Infantry Regiments once they had been declared free of taint after cleaning up that Chaos insurrection on Ysitzorn's World. He could even-no. His mood instantly soured for the worse as he reminded himself that he could not place an Officer of the Auxilia in charge of the holding operation; the morale would be too significantly weakened by following the orders of an Abhuman instead of a human. No matter that he had found the Felinids to be, to the shame of every son and daughter of the Imperium within these Sub-Sectors, far more loyal and fierce in defense of the same, no matter the derision heaped upon them. It enraged him that he had to waste such exemplary assets to the Imperium by placing them under men and women who handled them like they were expendable if not suitably advised by him.

With long-used practice, he tore himself from that train of thought and instead mentally scheduled transports for the force, and penned in some time later today to give them the right to raise tithe-regiments from Droma Tertius. The planet should have recovered by now after the shit show his former apprentice left there and should be able to provide ships for the transport of those regiments themselves, provided the nobility wasn't doing something stupid, like waging a civil war. He paused. Then he mentally added another ship to ferry the tithe-regiments, as the nobs would absolutely do something like that if it gave him another headache.

It was at this moment that the closing door notified him that the girl had left, and some manner of tension left his body.

"I've been at this for over 800 karking years," he muttered to himself while working on various orders and signing papers, "and I still don't know how to deal with that brand of groxshit. At the very least, Celenua just stands there...yearning. The other three are trying to be seductive." He shuddered at the thought. None of them were over forty; even the idea of entertaining them felt like he was cradle-robbing, and he had no intention of starting anything with these children.

Nakk Astrobus still didn't know just why there always seemed to be a gaggle of men and women trying to catch his eye, and the paranoid part of him was sure that once he did, he'd know how to make them stop. At this point, he had tried everything and had already circled back again once more to trying to ignore it all. It still vexed him that he could never figure out the why, as he had neither a good-looking face nor had he ever managed to rid himself from that pudge he had gained when he had slutted it up back in the Guard where he was ridden like a horse by more than the instructors.

He almost missed the days of shit-detail and simple duties.


You Have 3 [Three] Actions.
[] [General] Instruct SM-001-A To Investigate The High-Energy Desert

Each has its ups and downs, and each is a challenge. The High-Energy Desert is unlikely to offer more than a look into the system we now reside in, but it will open doors that will not allow others to peek back at us.
(Gain: Knowledge? Warning? Opportunity?)

[] [General] Construct Something
-[] Food Production II
-[] Civilian Infrastructure
-[] Heavy Industry II
-[] Void Industry II
-[] Medical Services

With much of the station freed up, we can begin filling the empty parts again with industry and things we need, from clinics to starch vats feeding us in the void.
(Gain: A district focusing on the chosen option.)

[] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Light/Medium] Infantry Unit - [Choose: Sabotage/Assault/Engineering/Demolition/Ogryn]
With a chosen direction, your Military can now focus on giving the Units you will raise the proper training for the right job. Sabotage Units will focus on raiding and disrupting the enemy with lighting raids and plundering logistics; Assault Units will punch through the enemy in weak points and sow confusion with overwhelming firepower; Engineering Units will focus on creating fortifications and using turrets, mines, and barricades; Demolition Units will be comprised out of heavy weaponry squads with plenty of explosives, from mines to rockets; and Ogryn Units will be Ogryns armored in heavy metals and armed with shields and Beatin' Sticks led by men and women with spiffy hats that will not be disobeyed. Light Units are better for Low-Logistic scenarios, while Medium Units rely more on regular shipments yet strike a good balance between supply consumption and effectiveness.
(Gain: A chosen Specialised Light/Medium Infantry Unit.)

[] [Military] A Task For Specialists (Assign Unit/s)
-[] Medium Engineering Unit
-[] Medium Assault Unit

There is war to be had and battle to be made. Send troops to resolve issues and squash opposition to the Star Child and Humanity and all His Protectorates.
(Gain: Military dispatched to violently put down opposition.
Note: For use outside your territory or in support of forces specified within another Action.)

[] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
-[] Use Excessive Caution

We do not know what is happening, but most Psykana-held sections are utterly silent, with some having had their occupying Experiments ripped apart by something. In contrast, others have gained the confusing addition of a scrap heap twisted into a rough approximation of the Star-Child's symbol. What is happening here?
(Gain: Clear the station of Dark Mechanicus Psykana Experiments.)

[] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.)
The Celestial Choir has been given the means, and now, with time, they shall conduct their songs. They will listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. In halting prayer and stumbling humming, truth will be stripped until nothing but it remains in the hands of those who shall make it anew into power to be wielded by the Choirs to come.
(Secret: Slumber, Silence, and Perception.
Star Child: Hope, Compassion, Humanity, Song, Mercy, Creativity, Health, Unity, Innovation, Machinery, Logic, Progress, Protection II, Justice, Wisdom, The Sun, The Home, Death, Ruthlessness, Brutality, and Fire.
Kil'drabi: Paths, The Void, Struggle, Community, and Family.
Gain: A Melody newly Conducted.)

[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
Mere Melodies are not the end of the journey, nor should they be the start. They are the middle, from which all things shall grow and wither.
(Available: Protection I
Gain: A Song.)

[] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers
The nascent Cult of the Star Child has been established, yet it must answer a lot of questions for itself, chief among them the doctrine and truth they shall follow to unite the Omnissiah and the God-Emperor with the Motive Force, or if that will not be needed should Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child, be graced with another vision that would lay this debate to rest.
(Gain: Nail down the technical aspects of the Cult of the Star Child, improving your technological means by proxy.)

[] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
Having been brought under the gentle embrace of the Star Child and giving tribute to those who fight in its name for a better galaxy, the Kil'drabi represent the first among many Xeno species we shall show an existence beyond fighting for only themselves. Already culturally compatible with the ideals and tenets of the Star Child, focusing on community and cohesion against the dangers of the void and long travels, bringing them fully into the fold would be a boon for all. Though that will most likely happen naturally over a century or two, just not as thorough as some may like, thanks to their small numbers and frequent contact with us.
(Gain: The Kil'drabi are slowly converted to the Cult of the Star Child and given more resistance to the predations of Chaos.)

[] [Faith] Preach to Droma III
The people of Droma III are uneasy that heresy and Chaos have managed to take root within their society, short as it was, especially within those charged with steering them clear of such dangers lurking beneath the waves of the world. There are also many that have been hurt and displaced by the war, and more have become pariahs as servants of heretics, ignorance of their lieges allegiances no defense in the eyes of many. Food too will be a problem for a short time, and more could be provided. All things that can be used to preach of the world to come with the waking of the Star Child and prepare another world for the inevitable end and birth of this and the next Age.

[] [Chapter] Another Start Anew (0/2)
After the battles on Droma III, Chapter Master Chyron has deemed the current Neophytes of the Chapter as trained enough to take some of his duties, particularly in training another batch of Neophytes that will be selected and then trained until they meet the absolute minimum standard of the Lamenters to be classed as Scouts. It should only take some forty years if done without aid by the Candle Keepers.
(Gain: The Lamenters gain another 40 Neophytes.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
(Gain: Turn to address the issue.)

An: Places of Importance has been updated.
Also, Felinid Auxilia:
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Okay, let's start unfucking some problems. Because I really don't like where this is going. It might be a good thing, but generally speaking, Shit Gets Worse if left unattended in this setting. I won't eliminate the possibility that Things Actually Got Better, but it's already been hinted that Shenaniganry was afoot here.

[X] Plan: Clear Our Slate
-[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
--[X] Use Excessive Caution
-[X] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers
-[X] [Faith] Preach to Droma III

We have a rare opportunity to expand our numbers and reach here, we're ahead of the game on food and all that, and we managed to defuse the worst of the crisis with a large investment last turn, so I figure we want to get our Tech stuff started now, and start Sorting Out the Psykana Stuff, because something fucky is going on here, and I'm deeply concerned.

It could be surprisingly good, but it might also be something trying to co-opt the nascent Star Child Movement for their own agenda. Either way, I want to know what the fuck is going on here, and that means being very careful here.

I wonder if this has something to do with our sudden appearance of that Secret Domain?

But yeah, the funniest shit here is that the Star Child stuff actually does look like a legit Emperor Reborn Cult unless you're insanely paranoid or just contractually required to treat everything as The Literal Act of the Devil. And we have chocolate, it's time to start benefitting from that.

I'd like to get Civilian Infrastructure and Medical Infrastructure online too, but Motive Force and Cradle Slumbers has been lying alone for too long now for being a foundation level Project.
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[] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
-[] Use Excessive Caution

We do not know what is happening, but most Psykana-held sections are utterly silent, with some having had their occupying Experiments ripped apart by something. In contrast, others have gained the confusing addition of a scrap heap twisted into a rough approximation of the Star-Child's symbol. What is happening here?
(Gain: Clear the station of Dark Mechanicus Psykana Experiments.)
god it would be so fucking funny if they become starchild worshippers I know it extremly unlikely and we should still go after them but god it would be funny

[X] Plan: Clear Our Slate

edit: legitmately we might be looking at a civil war in the Psykana expiermenet between pro star child ones and pro chaos ones
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[X] Plan: Clear Our Slate
-[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
--[X] Use Excessive Caution
-[X] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers
-[X] [Faith] Preach to Droma III
That leaves the Kil'drabi without the protection against Chaos that Starchild faith provides.
Is that on purpose?

Does having the protection melody unlocked give a benefit itself, or does it have to be used in a combo from the new action?
@HeroCooky do we have to use sing song action to get the benfeits of protection for example?

I think it's more "Melodies are Discipline equivalents, Songs are hybrid stuff that's more powerful but a bit finicky?"

That leaves the Kil'drabi without the protection against Chaos that Starchild faith provides.
Is that on purpose?

Does having the protection melody unlocked give a benefit itself, or does it have to be used in a combo from the new action?

They've lasted as long as they have without being corrupted by Chaos, I don't think they're in critical danger of Chaos, so they fall onto the Tier 2 priorities there.

Frankly though, I had a bunch of stuff that needed to be done, and at least one of them (Working our new goodwill with a populated world) is probably Time Critical before people forget or get marginalized. I wanted Civilian Infrastructure to be online, but I can't have that because the Psykana arc looks like it's hitting critical mass and we can't afford to ignore it anymore, and we've left the Motive Force stuff lie fallow since turn one, and I don't want to put that off any longer.
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That leaves the Kil'drabi without the protection against Chaos that Starchild faith provides.
Is that on purpose?
yeah, I think we should preach to the Kil'drabi first, especially since they'll be looking to either stay or move on in the future, while Droma III will always be here.
Additionally I'm not sure if it's the best idea to preach to Droma III just before an Inquisitor is about to call up new levies from the world. If they turn up and venerate the Star Child that will just scream for him to pay attention to us.
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[X] Plan: Clear Our Slate
Does it just look like to me, the experiements are starting to get weaned off of their chaos corruption? Its been more then 80 years since their freement and now their starting to carve symbols of worshipping the Star child? Does this look like the choir has been causing some stuff with the pyskers?
[X] Plan: Fuck Chaos
-[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
--[X] Use Excessive Caution
-[X] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
-[X] [Faith] Preach to Droma III

They've lasted as long as they have without being corrupted by Chaos, I don't think they're in critical danger of Chaos, so they fall onto the Tier 2 priorities there.
And they have to ocasionally kill a kid and mourn it as still born.
They suffer from Chaos but can contain it.
We can alleviate that suffering.

Edit section:
[X] Plan: Bring Them The Stars
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[X] Plan: Bring Them The Stars
-[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
--[X] Use Excessive Caution
-[X] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
-[X] [Faith] Preach to Droma III

The matter of the Omnissiah can be put off for a bit in my opinion.
[X] Plan: Fuck Chaos
-[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
--[X] Use Excessive Caution
-[X] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
-[X] [Faith] Preach to Droma III

And they have to ocasionally kill a kid and mourn it as still born.
They suffer from Chaos but can contain it.
We can alleviate that suffering.

Mmm, and so you intend to let our Motive Force stuff run fallow again.

There's always going to be a new crisis, can we at least get one of our Foundational Tenets to Tier Fucking 1 (From 0) before our first generation start dying or getting headcapped so we're not subject to losing it if a Greater Daemon somehow drops in? Or Tzeentch just hurls us into the Warp because we're disrupting a Plan badly enough for him to act? (Does it happen often? No, but there is precedent for "Imperial world discovers a cure for some horrifying plague, Nurgle literally reaches in and forcefully turns it into a Daemon World to stop it from propagating.")

Frankly, it's amazing we're not getting Fucked by having no significant civilian or medical infrastructure in our home station, and I expect we'll be paying for that before long too. I won't feel like we've gotten out of "Surviving by the grace of God" mode until we have at least the remaining T1 stuff online.

Also, @HeroCooky Could you define what Excessive Caution means in this context?
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In fact: I think we should get the Perception melody, because it'll certainly not hurt in figuring out what the hell the experiments are getting up to, and before we engage more with Droma III we should start on proselytising to our alien buddies.

[X] Plan: You must gather your party before you venture forth
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Perception)
-[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
--[X] Use Excessive Caution
-[X] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
[X] Plan Maybe If I Close My Eyes It Will Go Away
-[X] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
-[X] [Faith] Preach to Droma III
-[X] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers

It looks like psykana might just solve itself and if not I don't think it's going to be a disaster, now that we have military and melody that works for defense. Let's nail down faith instead.
[X] Plan Advanced Faith and Purging.
-[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
--[X] Use Excessive Caution
-[X] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers
-[X] [Faith] Preach to We Who Yet Wonder

I'm willing to wait a bit for bringing Droma to the fold, I'd like to get our alien buddies to start getting converted before it's time for them to leave. Also I'd like it if we had advanced our Tech a bit and resolve this almost century-long dispute about the Motive Force.
Mmm, and so you intend to let our Motive Force stuff run fallow again.

There's always going to be a new crisis, can we at least get one of our Foundational Tenets to Tier Fucking 1 (From 0) before our first generation start dying or getting headcapped?
That can go on the priority list on the place before finishing civilians and medical.
Its not critical.
That can go on the priority list on the place before finishing civilians and medical.
Its not critical.

And neither is the Kil'drabi thing.

Are things perfect? No.

Are they improving? Absolutely.

But the Kil'drabi are not culturally inclined to have one person have a Bad Thought and suddenly explode into an undying god monster, or they wouldn't have survived this long.

The key is balancing outreach with improving our own position, because Shit is Bad because a lot of people are invested in keeping it that way.
[X] Plan Maybe If I Close My Eyes It Will Go Away
-[X] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
-[X] [Faith] Preach to Droma III
-[X] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers

It looks like psykana might just solve itself and if not I don't think it's going to be a disaster, now that we have military and melody that works for defense. Let's nail down faith instead.
You think it would be totally fine for us to just let the fucking Chaos Mad-Science Warp experiments just solve itself?

What are you smoking and where can I get it?
Does having the protection melody unlocked give a benefit itself, or does it have to be used in a combo from the new action?
@HeroCooky do we have to use sing song action to get the benfeits of protection for example?
No. Melodies are a specific group of powers centered around a central core (Protection here), while Songs are several Melodies combined to create a more powerful, but unstable, Melody.
Could you define what Excessive Caution means in this context?
Basically quadrupling the amount of firepower and explosives you will use in clearing the Experiments out.
No. Melodies are a specific group of powers centered around a central core (Protection here), while Songs are several Melodies combined to create a more powerful, but unstable, Melody.
Basically quadrupling the amount of firepower and explosives you will use in clearing the Experiments out.

... In that context, it might be wise to just stick to normal caution.

Unless this is purely "It's an option unlocked because you've got the industry to keep up with it and the experience to use it after last turn's field experience" one rather than a "Burn them all and let the Star Child sort 'em out" bit? Basically a "You have enough of a logistical trail now that you can afford to solve problems regarding Superior Forces by throwing more gun at them?"
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