What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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"Denies" is a harsh word unless you spam, like, seven of those things on one hull. :V

Still makes their job a lot harder, especially if they have to go past the flak net of several such ships to hit something important! Good to have for the inevitable Bugswatting too. Honestly, it's so good I'd want to make it standard issue if it wasn't 2 DP and a Weapon Slot.
Anyway, my thoughts on Revolution and Subversion comes down to... Hmm, how should I put it.

"There is a difference between wickedness done in Ignorance and wickedness done from Evil. It is only normal that not all understand the message of the Star-Child, the stars have been a dark place since ancient times. Extend an open hand first and foremost, show them that there is a better way, that a fire can be lit to cast back the night. Economic support, education, all of these things are available in abundance to those who try, and we have enough to at least ease that transition for those who are caught barely treading water. But for those who act with cruelty for its own sake--whether they justify it with dogma or not--it is our duty to see them removed from power. Fortunately, we have learned much in our clash with the Protectorate of Neon, about the madness that ossified dogma and disdain for life can emerge. All seek to better their lot of life, and if we cannot work with the blessings of their leaders, we can strive to see them replaced by those more in tune with their people."

Or something along those lines, I'm not great at this wording stuff.

But it's great to have all our core Doctrine locked in! Especially as it seems to have been called out that our Prophet's really starting to show his age now. Having all the base Doctrine locked in before he potentially passes on/ascends as an angel of the Star-Child feels like it'll put us in good stead.
Anti-rad coating is interesting if we start fighting a lot of Rak'gol And/Or admech (They like their Rad weapons to) Aside from that, Its pretty niche. The Anti-Voidcraftdefenses are Great, And I would love to start trying to fit this on any ship of the line we make. Our own fighters can do the job, but if our Ships of the line are able to screen strikecraft on thier own, It opens more options.

The rad-Lances are funny. They bypass shields, which is always fun. the difficulty with armour is actually not as bad as you would think since it already ignores the shield, which means in video game terms it is skipping half the health bar, the half that can regenerate in fact. The fact that it then applies a debuff that can scramble and weaken the shield at the same time, effectively buffing the weapons fire of anyone else firing at that ship is REALLY good. Based on innitial reading, you should either deploy a Lot of Rad-lances and then just melt ships with concentrated fire skipping their shield, Or you have 1 Artillery Leader that applies it radlance debuff before the rest of its squadron Pops the target with regular lance fire.

Thirdly, Our doctrine doesn't Debuff it, which means pairing it with Lances doesn't mean paying out the noes for our doctrine.
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Anti-rad coating is interesting if we start fighting a lot of Rak'gol And/Or admech (They like their Rad weapons to) Aside from that, Its pretty niche. The Anti-Voidcraftdefenses are Great, And I would love to start trying to fit this on any ship of the line we make. Our own fighters can do the job, but if our Ships of the line are able to screen strikecraft on thier own, It opens more options.

The rad-Lances are funny. They bypass shields, which is always fun. the difficulty with armour is actually not as bad as you would think since it already ignores the shield, which means in video game terms it is skipping health the health bar, the half that can regenerate in fact. The fact that it then applies a debuff that can scramble and weaken the shield at the same time, effectively buffing the weapons fire of anyone else firing at that ship is REALLY good. Based on innitial reading, you should either deploy a Lot of Rad-lances and then just melt ships with concentrated fire skipping their shield, Or you have 1 Artillery Leader that applies it radlance debuff before the rest of its squadron Pops the target with regular lance fire.

Thirdly, Our doctrine doesn't Debuff it, which means pairing it with Lances doesn't mean paying out the noes for our doctrine.

Rad weapons are fucking amazing against Tyranids by my impression, yeah. This is all just really, really good for bugswatting in general. It's one of the few things they can't just "Loladapt" around, and their armor tends to be dogshit in exchange for their shields working on torpedoes and other ordnance. But a Rad-Lance should burn right through that since it's still an energy attack.
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So there's kinda two ends of this, first what to expect/demand/ask of Star Child worshipers/organizations beyond the bounds.

[] Instructions to the Faithful of Other Lands
-[] 1. Your faith is to be ironclad, and you are not to hide what it is. The Star Child theology disdains to pretend to worship only the Emperor, though the membership lists and other such things can of course be secret or hidden. But the Church must recruit none through false pretenses.
-[] 2. When you meet false brethen, followers of Chaos, and others who seek to take the Star Child's name in vain, "rebuke them sharply" and do not allow them to drag the Star Child's name down.
-[] 3. The Faith of these lands must minister to the commoner as much, if not more so, than the noble, making itself understood. Moreover its propaganda, hagiography, and other messages must be fundamentally understandable to the grasping that these people are one-fifth of the Godhead, the Body of Faith incarnate, part of something greater. Moreover, it is necessary to strike out not only against Chaos, or against the corruption of nobles, but against all evils, and all helpers of evils.
-[] 4. The organization must remain tested and strong in those hostile areas. Those who advocate for syncretism with Chaos or the Imperial Worship of a fifth of the Godhead and nothing else (the Emperor), are not to be trusted in positions of high leadership.
-[] 5. In those lands where you are legal, you should nonetheless know that the tolerance of others might lapse, and must have ready the means by which to go underground in the face of persecution and martydom, and on the other side be ready to seize the public daylight in a repressive situation should the boot soften.
-[] 6. A "particularly marked and clear" stance must be made against all forms of social chauvinism and bigotry. The hatred of women or men, of mutants beyond their forbiddence from reproducing, from all manner of people augmented, of those of some lesser caste or class, of those from another planet, of those who are disabled, of those who are sick, of those who once partook of evil actions but have repented honestly, of those who are forced by poverty and desperation into folly, and more... are to be wholly and fully rejected.
-[] 7. Every church that wishes to be part of the Star Child faith and receieve funding much minister widely and broadly, and must reject the societal excuses for this or that evil. There are no 'unique conditions' that justify slavery, or make one kind of oppression therefore glorious.
-[] 8. The churches must operate on the principles of democracy, the will of the faithful combined whether to affirm or deny leadership, whether to affirm or acclaim deeds, whether to affirm or state clearly righteous action and righteous thought combined.
-[] 9. For decisions of larger import, that is to say involving the future of the faith on the planet in a larger sense, they must bind and consider themselves a part of the 'Whole Faith' and listen to the choices of the larger faith and keep them in mind.
-[] 10. It is the duty of the Church, in ministering to all, to speak to those working in factories, those working the land, and especially to make clear their dedication to the conversion and Ministering ESPECIALLY towards the army, whether this is deemed legal or illegal, for in the face of evil the necessity of resistance cannot be fully denied.
-[] 11. These churches are to seek greater rights, and for that matter greater rites, by what means are necessary. Violence in the name of ending oppression is always justified should it keep within the bounds of reason, for is it not that the Omnissiah is part of the Five as well? If one can achieve one's ends through peace, they are to be achieved through peace, but the Faith's ultimate goal is to save the galaxy, or as much of it as they can.

So this would be the instructions, and then there would be, like, "Our side stuff" what we pledge to do and think and yada yada.

Points for anyone that realizes the inspiration. :V
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I mean, it broadly seems okay? I'm not big on the Theology stuff and the History, but that's why I delegate to those who are!

Passes the vibe test proper though.

God, I'll be so stoked if that theory someone whipped out of this unlocking a Fourth Action Turn was correct. We can get so much done with an Infra turn in that context.
I feel we should have a difference between open missionaries and cloaked subversive missionaries. Also something like how while the Star Child can promise to save all the souls of its believers our spies shouldn't promise guarantees about the Federations ability to liberate or support rebellious worlds even if we want to
[] [Light Cruiser] Toxeto's
-[] Length
- 4.000
-[] Width - 500
-[] Acceleration - 3.5 (+1)
-[] Armor - Thick single hull (+1)
-[] Shields - Three Arrays
-[] Weapons - Rad-Lance, 2x Large Lances (Turreted), Small hangar (-12)
-[] Equipment - Pure Lenses (-2) Tuned Shields (-1) Superior gravimetric engine calc (-1) Armoured Bridge (-1), Armoured lifepods (-1), Lenses Cogitation Matrix Lattice, Yeeni Auxillaries (-1)

Essentially a Lance boat that can act as a squadron leader of Sagittarius, Using its rad lance to weaken the shield of the Sagittarius's target, Or can be bunch together as a Artillery squadron of Light cruisers as our navy grows bigger, Because 4 of these firing at the same target should be able to lay down some PAIN. 4 Rad-lances ignoring your shield, Debuffing your shield before the 8 Large lance Turret Batteries smack you in the face. Basically, a flexible artillery's cruiser that can be deployed solo, As a Sagitt squadron leader or clumped up with other ships of the same type, depending on where our naval resources are sitting.

I think this actually is something we want to make unlike most of the proof of concepts I make, This looks mean as hell.
I mean, it broadly seems okay? I'm not big on the Theology stuff and the History, but that's why I delegate to those who are!

Passes the vibe test proper though.

God, I'll be so stoked if that theory someone whipped out of this unlocking a Fourth Action Turn was correct. We can get so much done with an Infra turn in that context.
we can get full 2 turns in one, the only comparisons in real history that I can imagine to the amount of stuff done are the Meji Restoration in Japan, Shock Therapy in Poland and whatever the hell happened to South Korea.

We would be only 2 points away from all 5
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Now, they can only work on how they shall prevent a repeat.
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In how you wish do deal/approach subversion and revolution within other nations/polities.)
Inciting rebellion is approved if invading to liberate would be allowed, but REQUIRES supporting the revolutionaries with a full invasion once the revolution starts.
To incite a rebellion without supporting the rebels is equivalent to murdering all the rebels that die due to the lack of support.
Rebellions that start without our input are still fighters for the Starchild that should be supported, but the duty to liberate them must be weighted against the cost of doing so. (Like bogging down troops that are needed to stop the enemy from advancing)

[before sending seeing The Laurents post]
-[] 1. Your faith is to be ironclad, and you are not to hide what it is. The Star Child theology disdains to pretend to worship only the Emperor, though the membership lists and other such things can of course be secret or hidden. But the Church must recruit none through false pretenses.
Is that "don't lie to the faithful"?
Because as is it seems to also bans lying to the oppressors, forcing a martyr position from day one.
I'd strongly suggest considering hidden underground worship.
Where the faithful hide themselves from the hostile government (like Neon) that would kill the faithful if they knew about them.
(Think Christianities early phase with the secret fish sign)

Imho we should allow them to lie to the non-faithful to be able to build up a base of faithful as long as they don't lie to actual full members.

Anything on Federation duties towards revolutionaries?
Help if able to.
Don't incite actual rebellion if we aren't able to support them.
Be honest about our abilities to support a rebellion.

Or maybe even make it explicit that any underground faith seeding should be direct about the fact that they are to not start a revolution unless they have plans for a coup or we are starting an invasion (including ground offensive) of their system.
Or for ship based faithful: Revolt to join a Federation fleet/get to Federation territory.
Plus maybe approving of sabotage for the time when the revolutionaries host society is at war with us but we can't liberate their home, yet.
[] The Fifth Droman Convention's Guidelines on Interstellar Faith
-[] Instructions to the Faithful of Lands Under The Light of the Star Child
--[] To spread the faith is a holy duty, and the creation of Proselytizing Orders is to be encouraged and the gathering of the faithful, the donation of charity to be passed out among the unfortunate of other lands is to be encouraged--through the means of the Faith--and missionaries both covert and open, as the situation necessitates, are to be sent.
--[] It is the duty of such missionaries not merely to impose their faith upon others, but to offer a hand thus that others may be raised up, such that the Church in all these worlds and systems might stand on its own, led and directed primarily by Native forces in the fullness of time, such that it is in no wise merely a project of "a few devout from Droma" as one wag put it.
--[] The Federation is to provide such material support as is necessary for the establishment of these churches, within reason, and is to be willing to see and receive non-voting Delegates/Seats into the Council for special sessions to express their fears, request aid whether military, diplomatic, medical, or financial in nature among other things, and to see just what it is to be part of the Federation. These members may not, no matter how established a church is in a system that does not follow the Star Child, have voting powers... but should these worlds rise to glory and prosperity under the Star Child, they could of course become part of the Faith.
--[] To act in the name of galactic liberty is a high burden, but also a blessing, and so the government while it should not at every turn seek war, it must at every turn understand the oppression that others groan under... and the means by which this can be alleviated, therefore not ruling out military invasion, a supply of military support, or more... SHOULD IT BE APPROPRIATE. But on the other hand, not ruling out that the simple application of diplomacy, preaching, or financial and medical aid against lack can also be valuable. Indeed, one might also add that Orders that seek to minister to the sick might be especially useful on lands where they do not care for the lives of their people as we do.
--[] Let us remember the ancient creed, spoken hundreds of years ago in a much older council: "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to the Five." Let us remember that, "The chains that are broken can be forged into weapons of liberty." Let us remember that, "The evils that are built up over many centuries can, through the power of love and the pious spirit, backed by the natural following of oppressed souls, be cast down in a single glorious shove" should the time come and be right. Let us meditate then on the nature of this duty, and on its solemn truth.
-[] Instructions to the Faithful of Other Lands
--[] 1. Your faith is to be ironclad, and you are not to hide what it is. The Star Child theology disdains to pretend to worship only the Emperor, though the membership lists and other such things can of course be secret or hidden. But the Church must recruit none through false pretenses, and if it is to be secret and hidden, it is to do so not through luring worshipers of something that is untrue, though lies to corrupt authorities are no lies at all.
--[] 2. When you meet false brethen, followers of Chaos, and others who seek to take the Star Child's name in vain, "rebuke them sharply" and do not allow them to drag the Star Child's name down.
--[] 3. The Faith of these lands must minister to the commoner as much, if not more so, than the noble, making itself understood. Moreover its propaganda, hagiography, and other messages must be fundamentally understandable to the grasping that these people are one-fifth of the Godhead, the Body of Faith incarnate, part of something greater. Moreover, it is necessary to strike out not only against Chaos, or against the corruption of nobles, but against all evils, and all helpers of evils.
--[] 4. The organization must remain tested and strong in those hostile areas. Those who advocate for syncretism with Chaos or the Imperial Worship of a fifth of the Godhead and nothing else (the Emperor), are not to be trusted in positions of high leadership.
--[] 5. In those lands where you are legal, you should nonetheless know that the tolerance of others might lapse, and must have ready the means by which to go underground in the face of persecution and martydom, and on the other side be ready to seize the public daylight in a repressive situation should the boot soften.
--[] 6. A "particularly marked and clear" stance must be made against all forms of social chauvinism and bigotry. The hatred of women or men, of mutants beyond their forbiddence from reproducing, from all manner of people augmented, of those of some lesser caste or class, of those from another planet, of those who are disabled, of those who are sick, of those who once partook of evil actions but have repented honestly, of those who are forced by poverty and desperation into folly, and more... are to be wholly and fully rejected.
--[] 7. Every church that wishes to be part of the Star Child faith and receieve funding much minister widely and broadly, and must reject the societal excuses for this or that evil. There are no 'unique conditions' that justify slavery, or make one kind of oppression therefore glorious.
--[] 8. The churches must operate on the principles of democracy, the will of the faithful combined whether to affirm or deny leadership, whether to affirm or acclaim deeds, whether to affirm or state clearly righteous action and righteous thought combined.
--[] 9. For decisions of larger import, that is to say involving the future of the faith on the planet in a larger sense, they must bind and consider themselves a part of the 'Whole Faith' and listen to the choices of the larger faith and keep them in mind.
--[] 10. It is the duty of the Church, in ministering to all, to speak to those working in factories, those working the land, and especially to make clear their dedication to the conversion and Ministering ESPECIALLY towards the army, whether this is deemed legal or illegal, for in the face of evil the necessity of resistance cannot be fully denied.
--[] 11. These churches are to seek greater rights, and for that matter greater rites, by what means are necessary. Violence in the name of ending oppression is always justified should it keep within the bounds of reason, for is it not that the Omnissiah is part of the Five as well? If one can achieve one's ends through peace, they are to be achieved through peace, but the Faith's ultimate goal is to save the galaxy, or as much of it as they can.
--[] 12. In the event of war or conflict between "their" system and the Federation, it is the duty of those believers to do what they can, whether sabotage, protest, hiding or refusing to be drafted, or if the situation warrants it and it seems possible revolt, to aim to lead to the victory of Righteous Forces.
-[] Closing Benediction
--[] Let us then, we who were Lost but have been Found, we whose parents and grandparents were slaves but who are now Free, we who were Sick with the corruption and hatred of Imperial Systems, or Other Systems, but now Breath Healthy air, we who were fooled or may have been fooled by the false "Hope" granted by insidious forces of Chaos but now know real Hope and possibility, we who war not for the love of blood but for the love of peace, pray in the name of the Emperor-and-Omnissiah, the Motive Force, the Body of the Faith and the Star Child, that all evils shall pass away, that with each lantern we forge in the darkness we beat it back, until a million million million stars glow with light that is infnite in its diversity, and yet united in its Faith, and then shall we dwell happily and productively, learning and growing and prospering without end, forever and ever unto the ends of the universe, amen!
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It's not super hard actually, new stuff is at the bottom of a tab. They're added in order of acquisition.

Long story short, we got a 2 DP weapon that turns a ship into a flakboat that denies non-Nova Cannon Ordnance (It'll be a good update for our Cruxes), a 2 DP Equipment piece that hardens our armor vs Radiation (Which is good against Rad-weapons as well as letting us get uncomfortably close to Stars), and a 3 DP and 4 DP weapon respectively for Rad-Lances, big spinal guns that ignore Shields but are heavily impaired by armor (And presumably hard-stopped by Anti-Rad coating).
don't know if that is @HeroCooky s intent, but sounds to me like the rad weapons don't just ignore shield, they mess with its ability to protect against other weapons, too.

If my interpretation is correct, we would probably want to have a class of ships with all the lance equipment and spamming radlances to add a few of to every fleet to make life easier for all our weapons that would normally have to get through the shields first.
Heavy Rad-Lance - A weapon utilizing radioactive processes to propell a titanic spinal-beam of power against the enemy, bypassing shields altogether. However, it is weak against armor and is mostly adept at temporarily scrambling the sensors of an enemy shield by inducing massive interference.

Rad-Lance - A weapon utilizing radioactive processes to propell a massive spinal-beam of power against the enemy, bypassing shields altogether. However, it is weak against armor and is mostly adept at temporarily scrambling the sensors of an enemy shield by inducing massive interference
We shall be getting flakk boats soon, and perhaps even screens against torpedo runes...would be hilarious to laugh at everyone but necrons and eldar with sheer amounts of firepower...

that and when we have to fight mechanicus, we can just ignore their rads...and thanks to the anti-rad-coating our troops can probably survive more then the first few minutes against skittari and such.
A question to ask is if we want to open up the possibility of Choirs helping with subversion cause between their melodies and FTL communications they 2ould be real potent but also a risky investment that could also backfire due to Imperium witch hunt tendencies and how sending hidden psykers is just a bad look if we get caught regardless
[] The Droman Convention's Guidelines on Interstellar Faith
Looks good, would have my vote if moratorium is over.
Next time we can shake loose an AP we should do a write in about scout-like ships spreading propaganda.

A question to ask is if we want to open up the possibility of Choirs helping with subversion cause between their melodies and FTL communications they 2ould be real potent but also a risky investment that could also backfire due to Imperium witch hunt tendencies and how sending hidden psykers is just a bad look if we get caught regardless
Choirs joining the missionaries?
Far too dangerous, imho.

But we might come up with a good song for our ship based Choirs to sing during a siege/invasion to turn more people.
Changed it to be the [] The Fifth Droman Convention's Guidelines on Interstellar Faith.

So that way one can refer to that meeting/agreement it as Fifth Droman, or The Fifth Convention on Interstellar Faith, or even... the Fifth Interstellar.
Apologies, got distracted when I got home due to RimmyDownUnder putting up an early access playthrough of Homeworld 3.

Anyway, now that we've got the spicy lances I've updated my lance boat lineup again.
[] Orion Class Heavy Lance Cruiser (v.1.3)
-[] Length - 4.800 Meters
-[] Width - 600 Meters (+1)
-[] Acceleration - 3 Gravities (-1)
-[] Armor - Thick Triple Hull
-[] Shields - One Lattice
-[] Weapons - 1x Medium Fighter Hanger/ 1x Heavy Rad Lance/ 2x Super-Large Lance Turrets (-15)
-[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Strict Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Lattice Hulls/Harsh Crew Training/Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Tuned Shields/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Armored Prow (-14)
Still a bit of a boondoggle for us, but the idea of disrupting an enemy's shields with the Heavy Rad then slapping them with the double Super Large Lances is *very* appealing.
[] Polaris Light Lance Cruiser (v.1.3)
-[] Length - 3.800 Meters (+1)
-[] Width - 400 Meters (+2)
-[] Acceleration - 4.5 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Double Hull
-[] Shields - Three Arrays
-[] Weapons - 1x Medium Fighter Hanger/1x Rad-Lance Lance/2x Large Lance Batteries (-12)
-[] Equipment - Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Strict Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Lattice Hulls/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Emergency Maneuver Engines/Armored Lifepods/Armored Prow/Tuned Shields/Harsh Crew Training (-15)
Much more in line with our current Fleet Budget constraints and probably a good frigate leader for our new Sagittarius'. And definitely synergizes with helping their lances bypass shields, their main weakness due to poor DPS.
[] Sagittarius-Secundus Class Lance Frigate
-[] 1.700 Meters (+2)
-[] Width - 400 Meters (+2)
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull
-[] Shields - One Array
-[] Weapons - 1x Light Prow Lance/2x Medium Lances (-9)
-[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Lattice Hulls/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Armored Prow/Refractive Hull Coating/Tuned Shields (-12)
The new and improved Sagittarius-Secundus. Re-imagined as a lance boat rather than its hybrid predecessor. It excells in poking holes in other ship's armor from long range, and with the new rad lances that its division leaders have, their main weakness of hitting past shields is partially mitigated.
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