So there's kinda two ends of this, first what to expect/demand/ask of Star Child worshipers/organizations beyond the bounds.
[] Instructions to the Faithful of Other Lands
-[] 1. Your faith is to be ironclad, and you are not to hide what it is. The Star Child theology disdains to pretend to worship only the Emperor, though the membership lists and other such things can of course be secret or hidden. But the Church must recruit none through false pretenses.
-[] 2. When you meet false brethen, followers of Chaos, and others who seek to take the Star Child's name in vain, "rebuke them sharply" and do not allow them to drag the Star Child's name down.
-[] 3. The Faith of these lands must minister to the commoner as much, if not more so, than the noble, making itself understood. Moreover its propaganda, hagiography, and other messages must be fundamentally understandable to the grasping that these people are one-fifth of the Godhead, the Body of Faith incarnate, part of something greater. Moreover, it is necessary to strike out not only against Chaos, or against the corruption of nobles, but against all evils, and all helpers of evils.
-[] 4. The organization must remain tested and strong in those hostile areas. Those who advocate for syncretism with Chaos or the Imperial Worship of a fifth of the Godhead and nothing else (the Emperor), are not to be trusted in positions of high leadership.
-[] 5. In those lands where you are legal, you should nonetheless know that the tolerance of others might lapse, and must have ready the means by which to go underground in the face of persecution and martydom, and on the other side be ready to seize the public daylight in a repressive situation should the boot soften.
-[] 6. A "particularly marked and clear" stance must be made against all forms of social chauvinism and bigotry. The hatred of women or men, of mutants beyond their forbiddence from reproducing, from all manner of people augmented, of those of some lesser caste or class, of those from another planet, of those who are disabled, of those who are sick, of those who once partook of evil actions but have repented honestly, of those who are forced by poverty and desperation into folly, and more... are to be wholly and fully rejected.
-[] 7. Every church that wishes to be part of the Star Child faith and receieve funding much minister widely and broadly, and must reject the societal excuses for this or that evil. There are no 'unique conditions' that justify slavery, or make one kind of oppression therefore glorious.
-[] 8. The churches must operate on the principles of democracy, the will of the faithful combined whether to affirm or deny leadership, whether to affirm or acclaim deeds, whether to affirm or state clearly righteous action and righteous thought combined.
-[] 9. For decisions of larger import, that is to say involving the future of the faith on the planet in a larger sense, they must bind and consider themselves a part of the 'Whole Faith' and listen to the choices of the larger faith and keep them in mind.
-[] 10. It is the duty of the Church, in ministering to all, to speak to those working in factories, those working the land, and especially to make clear their dedication to the conversion and Ministering ESPECIALLY towards the army, whether this is deemed legal or illegal, for in the face of evil the necessity of resistance cannot be fully denied.
-[] 11. These churches are to seek greater rights, and for that matter greater rites, by what means are necessary. Violence in the name of ending oppression is always justified should it keep within the bounds of reason, for is it not that the Omnissiah is part of the Five as well? If one can achieve one's ends through peace, they are to be achieved through peace, but the Faith's ultimate goal is to save the galaxy, or as much of it as they can.
So this would be the instructions, and then there would be, like, "Our side stuff" what we pledge to do and think and yada yada.
Points for anyone that realizes the inspiration.