In over five centuries of existence, a small collection of ex-Dark Priest Slaves has turned into a nation in its own right. From a few Ogryns, Humans, and those mutated by the malignant grasp of the Warp or natural causes, a station was turned into a bastion of something greater, a light shining against the dark.
And it is that light that once lit the path toward a better world, that inspired another people to rally to the cause of the Star Child and stand as equals in their eyes, that path which let two worlds rise and soon become two, then three, then ever more.
Many worlds were taken by force; the liberators' right took some, others by those setting foot upon their unclaimed wilderness. A few opened their gates to welcome the Star Child and their priests and soldiers as fellows and friends within the dark, empty, hostile universe. Others had to fight—brutally—and pay with blood, limb, life, and siblings.
And for the latter, there are some that claim, under the withered and aged form of the near-ancient Prophet of the Star Child sitting at the head of the large podium that oversees the debates within the Halls of Deliberation nestled in the middle of the Cradle Station, that the Glimmering Federation failed to give them what was needed, what had to be done, what must be done to ensure they too could rise as the Prophet once enable the ember that was their beginning to catch alight within these very halls.
And yet, others argued against such notions. Some with logic, others with emotion, and a few upon the necessity of choosing their fights.
But, in the end, it all came down to this: there were people who had been willing to fight with the Glimmering Federation and the Star Child for a new age of hope, and the Federation chose not to hear their pleas. Maybe out of need. Maybe because of ignorance. Maybe because some mechanisms within its bureaucracy failed to deliver the very same pleas. But the result was the same.
People had cried for salvation.
And all they had heard from the Star Child's people was silence.
Now, they can only work on how they shall prevent a repeat.
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In how you wish do deal/approach subversion and revolution within other nations/polities.)