[] Plan: Minor Tweaks v2
-[] Increase the number of Civilian Seats to 18, and Voices to 6, and the Faith Voices to 3 while allowing fractional/minority views within the orthodox of the Faith Voices (since now we're probably getting in Orders/etc raising their voices and disagreeing without being heretics).
-[] Kin are to be given a single full seat in the Planetary Council, as part of the Civilian Administration Seats, otherwise equal, and Protectorates are to be afforded a Special Observer seat (per Protectorate) where they may be excluded from attending certain top secret/classified votes, but are otherwise free to watch, but not vote or veto.
-[] Recommit to the one-century timeframe for becoming a voting/etc member of the Federation (and not before, barring extraordinary circumstances), and state a high priority for reconstruction/etc.
-[] Debate for several days pointlessly about National Songs, National Animals, and other such nonsense.
This also should still make the Human-centrics happy, because one seat per non-human species basically does mean that at least for the foreseeable future humans will make up the vast majority of civilian seats. If we get to a point where dozens of non-human species are all part of the Glimmering Federation, we can figure out changes then, lol.