What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Have to say though, I am excited to finally learn what the deal is with End of Line

Also mildly concerned, but mostly excited. We should be okay with a double build of Crux classes followed by the attack... Or would we have to wait until next turn for those ships to be ready @HeroCooky ? And thus, can use that third action on something like sanctifying some of the loot before it grows legs and runs away or something.

Ugh, I hope we're mostly done with Faith actions for at least a while soon.
Also mildly concerned, but mostly excited. We should be okay with a double build of Crux classes followed by the attack... Or would we have to wait until next turn for those ships to be ready
Actually, I gotta ask. What do you think would be more valuable? 3 more Cruz's, or a brand new Light Cruiser designed to our specifications? We could use the opportunity to get around to doing that and while I'd have preferred to get more DP, 16 isn't bad and we can definitely make something neat out of it that could help tank hit.
Actually, I gotta ask. What do you think would be more valuable? 3 more Cruz's, or a brand new Light Cruiser designed to our specifications? We could use the opportunity to get around to doing that and while I'd have preferred to get more DP, 16 isn't bad and we can definitely make something neat out of it that could help tank hit.
More Crux frigates if you ask me. We've been told repeatedly that we don't have enough line holders and our Crux frigates have suffered from being heavily outnumbered in their role as our frontline ships that try to hold the enemy's attention so that our damage dealers can do their jobs.
More Crux frigates if you ask me. We've been told repeatedly that we don't have enough line holders and our Crux frigates have suffered from being heavily outnumbered in their role as our frontline ships that try to hold the enemy's attention so that our damage dealers can do their jobs.
I know, but what if that "at least 10 more ships" was in regards to what designs we had available? If we had a bigger ship that was a designated tank and could assist with the Crux by being able to soak up and dish out more damage than 2 or 3 could, it might be a worthy investment.
My plan is

--Med Inf
--Crux x3
--Lamenters Ships

And then next turn after that we can have the Lamenters help us with the End of the Line invasion with their new fleet.
Still leaves us with distinctly less line ships than the GM's recommendation. I think we can hold off on medical for a turn and get 6 Crux frigates instead. The ships that we will be sanctifying will not be a replacement for the Crux frigates. 5 raiding destroyers and a light cruiser is not a replacement for line frigates after all.

The more we use the less we will lose.
I absolutely refuse to neglect Med Infra, we're always going to find reasons not to do it if we keep on putting it off.

I know, but I want to be in a two front war a lot less than I want Med 5 in our immediate future

We were explicitly, unambiguously told that we needed at least 10 more Cruxes if we wanted to take End of Line without ruinous losses. If something else would have helped more, we'd have been told.

We have 3 of them, we need 7 more to hit that benchmark. I'd we're fortunate, we'll move to 4 Frigates per action next turn as our three new holdings reach the halfway developed point. At thet point, I imagine we can either do the Lamenter ships or attack, based on if we can take those Cruxes to battle the same turn.
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Personally I feel if we wanted to do continue the Med Industry grind we should had focused on building Cruxes this turn instead of the faith action. Like if I thought leaving End of the Line alone wouldn't have a sudden "Pirates came and raided one of your systems doing ruinous damage" I would be a lot more willing to slow boat dealing with them but the warning signs are pretty clear and Neon is probably going to push back at us within the next 5 turns.

Faith Orders and Med Industry while shiny will not change the strategic situation of Neon with multiple fleets stronger than us and Pirates who have a fleet as strong as ours and as far as we know not distracted enough for us to feel safe from sudden raid.

I would much rather sacrifice a turn or two of no Med Industry to resolve this strategic issue than do med industry and have to worry about both Neon and End of the Line raiding us every turn.
Faith Orders and Med Industry while shiny
TBF, the language in the latest update kinda has it so that if we didn't start to lay down the law on Cults things would have gotten problematic to say the least

Some of those differences were found within the Particularist and Anti-Particularist Heresies, with more within the off-shoots of those followers who took the ideas and interpretations found within to twist them further and further. Others were found sprung from the minds of people who had tried to follow the teachings the best they could, established groups of like-minded people, and never lived to see these groups morph and change into new shapes that would have horrified them.

And yet, though some were edging the line between misinterpretation and heresy closer by the day, other groups like those above found themselves spreading and twisting their way through the minds and populations of the Federations systems.

Like, it's pretty clear that this was a ticking bomb and it's good that we clamped down on this before we had fanatics trying to stab each other over the question of if we should send children to war, which the Sword of Thrice-Held Hands and the Book of One's Duty sounded like they were about to.