What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Also destroying more of Neon's warships risks fatally weakening their defense against the Red Corsairs.

We cannot afford for Neon to falter at this point. Paralyzed due to the vice we put them in? Yes. Outright starting to be conquered by Chaos forces? No.

For us, Neon's best use right now is buying time against Chaos while we build up and clean up our backyard.
Every single part of me wants to Punch out the remains of the imperial fleet, So that we can take our pick of the loot off of Gathin, An armoury world, and the ships, both the gothic with its nova and the Chaos remains.
We don't NEED to take the system, we can just kill the chaotic forces and then loot as much as we can in a reasonable time frame, and then leave. The Neon couldn't even stop us if we beat this fleet because this was everything they could pull fast enough to respond.
And it's not like this is a normal polity, Its IMEPRIAL, kicking their ass is like 1 step below orks and Deldar on the List of assholes.
The sheer amount of metal in this system Could boost our war capacity by a hell of a lot.

Red corsairs aren't exactly a big warband, if this is the stroke that was meant to open another front, and rearm the corsairs, that might have been all the chaos forces on this flank.

God damnit though, I wanted that Scartix-Coil so much, and we would have had it if Neon weren't a bunch of jobbers who succumbed to Khorne for a moment at the worst possible time.
Patience friend, there are many Slaughter-Cruisers out there for us to try again, and it's not like we don't have other stuff for us to research.
Alpha Legion has no idea what the fuck it wants anymore.

It works for Chaos generally but doublethinks itself into still being Loyal but triplethinks into actually being for Chaos anyway and then quadruplethinks into actually we want to kill Chaos by letting them win and then watching them self-destruct and then quintuplethinks their way back into being Loyal again.

Practically speaking, the Alpha Legion are pure Plot Device to help Chaos keep winning, since most of their Fuckfuck games tend to eventually end up working out in Chaos' favor.
Or it could be that there is some internal division and the left hand not speaking to the right hand while on planning to stab the left foot. There could be some double agents who think they are still loyalists, but the majority of Alpha Legionaries are probably on that Chaos Kool-Aid.
The Lamenters lost most of their equivalent of the 1st Company, but there would be more than enough to rebuild.

And yes, Chyron is gerting some low-key respect from Khornate Daemons sensing his pure rage at the losses he took from the Neonites shooting at his Brothers.
Ok, while 2/3rds of 1st company going up is bad, not as bad as I feared with it being 2/3rds of the whole chapter dead.

And yeah, ever since taking Droma VII I was getting some Khorne vibes from Chyron with how enraged he can get.
pretty sure word of QM is that you can mix the puppers and chocolate, except for the 4% that have an allergy, same as humans
No, that was only 4% of humans in general that are allergic. Our Xenos allies are all allergic to chocolate, b/c Grimdarkness.
My head cannon for The alpha legion is that they basically had a schism, and have for all intents and purposes have been running the Highest stakes and biggest social deduction game. Part of them stayed loyal, and part utterly drank the cool-aid, Similar to their primarchs with one staying loyal and one going traitor.
So you have some of the legion doing shit that actually helps the imperium while looking like they are chaotic, and then you have some of the Legion who actually are, only no one actually knows where any other part of the legion sat so you have the Loyalist alpha legion doing Actual spy stuff undermining Chaos, and the traitor Alpha legion doing the opposite, and the reason everyone is confused is because not even the alpha legion warbands know where other alpha legion warbands stand, and play everything incredibly close to the deck while being confusing and shadowy bastard normally.
Every single part of me wants to Punch out the remains of the imperial fleet, So that we can take our pick of the loot off of Gathin, An armoury world, and the ships, both the gothic with its nova and the Chaos remains.
We don't NEED to take the system, we can just kill the chaotic forces and then loot as much as we can in a reasonable time frame, and then leave. The Neon couldn't even stop us if we beat this fleet because this was everything they could pull fast enough to respond.
And it's not like this is a normal polity, Its IMEPRIAL, kicking their ass is like 1 step below orks and Deldar on the List of assholes.

Red corsairs aren't exactly a big warband, if this is the stroke that was meant to open another front, and rearm the corsairs, that might have been all the chaos forces on this flank.

I don't know what you are talking about, the Red Corsairs are not small. While the core Astral Claws may be relatively few the Red Corsairs have absorbed various renegade Space Marines over the centuries and have the better part of a pre-heresy Space Marine *Legion* in terms of overall space marine numbers. On top of which there are various traitor guard and other hanger on forming their supporting forces. We are fucking lucky that this is a distant sideshow for the Red Corsairs.
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I don't know what you are talking about, the Red Corsairs are not small. While the core Astral Claws may be relatively few the Red Corsairs have absorbed various renegade Space Marines over the centuries and have the better part of a pre-heresy Space Marine Legion in terms of overall space marine numbers. We are fucking lucky that this is a distant sideshow for the Red Corsairs.

We have seen no signs that the entirety of the Red corsairs are here, It is perfectly normal for red corsairs to act as small raiding warbands, acting as a pirate force and suborning themselves to larger chaos forces that Pay them. Given the fact that this fleet appeared without using warp lanes, It seems to have been kept small to minimize the amount of sacrifices/warp sorcery needed to guide them here.

As a Pirate warband, Its highly likely they were here to loot The armoury worlds and then cause tons of problems on another front with their new loot.
Is it just me, or does it feel like our Lupus Class are getting destroyed the most? Should we get an updated one once we managed to get some DP research done?

We need a lot of them to hit maximum effect, and we just don't have critical mass of them yet--which wasn't helped by us needing to leave something behind for the Space Marines, and most of the Lupus-class didn't make the cut. They're also not nearly as overtuned as the Super Aries is, so they have normal Destroyer death rates.

Honestly, the weird thing was how they apparently forced a "Take the best die of 2" instead of the sum of 2 for that roll. That was a hit on us, but we're supposed to be immune to low level Chaos bullshit, so how'd that happen? Was it just "We used bullshit magic to make that Imperial roll hit you instead?" Because otherwise we should have both won.

And there was weird things going on where apparently we'd still have Corruption events happening even with rolls that didn't land on Sacred Numbers.

Honestly, that effect in general makes Chaos an absolute bitch to fight, even if we're immune to it. Especially with nonsense like "Yay I can instantly kill any one ship of my choosing as soon as I get in close, because then I roll an absurd number of dice." Sure, it apparently cost the entire rest of their flotilla to do it, but it's still scary, especially if they can hit us with that. The ability to just guarantee one ship in the enemy fleet dies is really scary.

Given this was our first engagement against Warp Bullshit though, I'm hoping our Choirs will have some idea on what we can do to better counter it in the future.

Plus, you know, I got the fear of NOVACANNON put in me, as is proper. Cripes it's monstrous.
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Honestly, the weird thing was how they apparently forced a "Take the best die of 2" instead of the sum of 2 for that roll. That was a hit on us, but we're supposed to be immune to low level Chaos bullshit, so how'd that happen? Was it just "We used bullshit magic to make that Imperial roll hit you instead?" Because otherwise we should have both won.
I think this is more of an example of how fighting against Chaos with anyone who aren't dedicated to the Star-Child or have their own resistances to Chaos isn't going to be great for us.
And yet the Imperium still generally wins more often than they lose, in spite of Chaos having all of this bullshit pulling for them.

"All schemes fade in the face of Sufficient Strength" I guess?
Given this was our first engagement against Warp Bullshit though, I'm hoping our Choirs will have some idea on what we can do to better counter it in the future.

Maybe a Song? Something including Grounding and Protection maybe, to mimic the Great Vortex and suck away the power of enemy Sorcerers? Not sure what other melodies would fit in such a Song-maybe Silence? To pull on a 'smothering' symbology?

And yet the Imperium still generally wins more often than they lose, in spite of Chaos having all of this bullshit pulling for them.

"All schemes fade in the face of Sufficient Strength" I guess?

'Doesn't matter how clever your plans are if I can just bull through and punch you in the face' is probably the answer yeah. Like, even without us being here, the Neon fleet probably would have won this fight just due to the Nova Cannon deleting something like half the Chaos fleet. It would have cost them more, but Victory is Victory.
Plus, you know, I got the fear of NOVACANNON put in me, as is proper. Cripes it's monstrous.

look on the bright side! Orkz typically don't keep Nova cannons intact when they loot them, Instead turning them into Hamma's which can be loaded with both Torpedo's AND Bombardment cannon shells (Bombardment cannon shells are noated to I quote "The high power of the warheads will literally render armour plating irrelevant, and can tear an enemy vessel to shreds in mere moments.") Meaning its both a great Long range and Devastating Close quarters gun, but Isn't a giant AOE.

So outside of Hulks and Truly Big ork ships teetering on Battleship scale their is a high likely hood they won't field a Nova cannon style gun, having Kludge them into Hamma Kannons instead.
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I wonder how Eldar are reacting to the Federation, I mean, the last time humanity was sane, they were too drunk and busy with murder-fucking Slaneash into existence