What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Well damn that was a success 4 systems taken and we can build regular cruisers now impressive!

Though yeah increasing our passive ship production and increasing our troopship/merchant marine shipping seems pretty important to me right now.
But yeah, they're probably 6-8 times stronger than us in terms of mobile navy forces, but they're busy fighting another war and so in one sense we're a dangerous sideshow... and admittedly one that can probably start to out-scale them once we take a few more systems and really ramp things up.
Also, if chaos sabotaged their astropath printing, Neon is probably very screwed in availability of astropaths.
Which should have big implications on their speed of communication & travel.

And the losses were mainly from fighting their big "equal to our navy" fleet in Quintura Diablo.
Which we won, so Neons backside is open now.
Quintura Diablo, Brigach, Malrach Zeta, Saget.
All inferior navy. All don't have direct neighbours strong enough to support them.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Known Imperial World Types:
Gathin - Armoury World
Kriegar - Penal/Mining World
Semumrum - Aboreal+Lumber World
Quintura Diablo - Civ+Civ Worlds
Brigach - Archive World
Malras Zeta - Battery World
Saget - Cemetery World
Qualach's Forge - Industrial World
And yeah reading the thread we probably should take some faith actions to help with our people over the fact there starting to face resistance and take losses. Despair like that if allowed to fester is basically opening a door to Nurgle.
Have to say I don't understand how you can clone Astropaths since isn't there thing being psykers soul branded by Emps? Like cloning psykers in general would had exploded into Chaos even without sabotage but trying to do Astropaths above that feels even less like it could work at all even if they didn't explode. I could maybe see cloning Navigators kind of maybe working but not Astropaths
Have to say I don't understand how you can clone Astropaths since isn't there thing being psykers soul branded by Emps? Like cloning psykers in general would had exploded into Chaos even without sabotage but trying to do Astropaths above that feels even less like it could work at all even if they didn't explode. I could maybe see cloning Navigators kind of maybe working but not Astropaths

...they had a Sorroritas Order here right? Maybe they have someone with a powerful enough faith-connection to The Emperor that they can sanctify the cloned astropaths using some kind of sympathetic spiritual/narrative resonance?
Everyone seems to have plan shaping well in hand, So looking at what we killed we can probably guess that outside of some outliers, that's what will make up the remains of the Neons ship forces, Looks like fairly standard imperial fair, although a lack of cobra's is strange.
We know they are currently engaged with chaos, So I actually expect a majority of their fleet is currently their and taking attrition. Given the astropath plot, the chaos is probably tzeentchian, this was way to subtle for khorne and not enough disease for nurgle, so that ,means slanesh, Chaos undivided or tzeenchian chaos forces are who their fighting.

This plot was probably meant to either stop the fleets here from reinforcing the other front (which we did by killing them) via disrupting the astropath shipment, or trying to headcap some command staff and cause internal strife via chaos spawn. Either way, I expect that the Chaos front is either looseing and looking for triksy options, Or going for a Hammer blow that they wanted to keep reinforcements out of in order to break a stalemate.

The Imperials we killed include Vipers, Who use a torpedo armament. Dangerous, but should be countered by Fighters, Provided the fighters aren't bogged down by a dictators worth of Planes, Swords who are seemingly worse or at most parity with the aries secundus. A firestorm, which is basically a sword dedicated to lance combat, and while a sword and Firestorm are speclized to their roll, They didn't' seem to field enough of them to actually overpower the Aries secundus at its jack of both trades approach which is a very good sigh towards the strength of the Aries-S.

the biggest problem with the dictators would have been the fact that they carry a scary number of ships. The best I can find is that it mounts 2 Jovian Pattern launch bays, Which apparently take up both the port and aft weapon sections of the Cruiser sized ship. So, a lot of Planes, In the best case scenario, That "only" The same amount as the libra-s. The sheer numbers probably would have bogged down our fighters, Leaving it down to a straight slugging match instead of having to watch for bombers up their aft, Which outside the aires-s goes to the imperium in ship quality Our only "Ship of the line" or "Brawler" is the aries, with both of our frigates being a torpedo boat and a lance piece, so if we end up brawling with anything bigger then escorts, we are at a disadvantage.

Notably, The Dictator retains the Lunar classe's (which it is a modification of) torpedo and Weapons batteries, Having traded its lance decks for the pair of jovian launch bays. That means unlike the Libra-S who is solely a Carrier, it is still a Incredibly durable and punchy ship that can bully Aireas and just dive our lines tp go to town on us, with it own fighters stopping our bombers from making that risky.

In the event of the Neons Having MORE Dictators, Or hell other Brawler cruisers with smaller carriers, the best case scenario from a ship design perspective is to have a hybrid Brawler Fighter carrier/light cruiser that can help tip the Air fight back in our favour, While drawing th Dictators attention away from being able to Maul our aries secondus, leaving them to dual with someone their own size.

Something like this perhaps?
[] Firebrand Class light cruiser
-[] Length - 4.000 (-2)
-[] Width - 450 (-1)
-[] Acceleration - 3.5
-[] Armor - Medium Double Hull(-2)
-[] Shields -Two Arrays (-2)
-[] Weapons- Medium Hangard Bay - Fighter (-2), Heavy Macro-Cannons (turret) (-3)
-Equipment - genelines (-1), Armoured Lifepods(-1) Advanced alloying (-1)
Heavily revolving around Durability and Closer range combat in order to either bully ships that so far have been engaging the Aries, Or Tie down and keep larger Brawling ships busy, giving our Superiors pilots time to outfly their competition and get back in the fight for ship hunting. The Inclusion of a Medium Hangar bay is aimed almost solely at countering Ships similar to the Dictator, Brawler/Carrier hybrids who can bogs down our own Fighter and bomber forces before proceding to bully our frontline/Brawler ships that protect our own crarrier vessels through sheer weight and size. Advanced alloys and a bunch of durability options means that even a cruiser weight ship should be forced to dedicate actual time killing it, and the Heavy Macrocannons ensure that it can't be ignored to focus on bullying smaller Aries ships.

Notably, the dictator is actually fairly easy for us to adapt to, "just" requiring some form of Ship to help anchor the line so it can't just bogg down our planes and then start swinging, acting like an elephant among men as it bullies the aries-s. A Lunar would be IMO more dangerous for our current fleet, Having a dangerous trio of Lance decks, Weapon batteries and Torpedos. Arguably, it is to Cruisers what the Areis-S is to escorts, able to put out dangerous and withering levels of firepower at every range and packing a torpedo Otk for an enemy that is either bigger then it or didn't respect it, versus the dictator who we can hopefully overcome by having a tank ship hold it down while our better pilots clear the chaff it put out.

TL:DR The imperial ships are fairly standard in compisition, Thank god we haven't seen a lunar cruiser instead, we can probably rule out two flavors of chaos and we need a Punchy/Tanky ship to stop Heavy weight brawlers/brawler Hybrids from running over our Aries-S, who is the only kind of line holder/Brawler/Punchy ship we have.
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The Protectorate of Neon has taken to cloning their Astropaths, reasoning that even if nine out of ten are failures that need to be put down and one clone must be sacrificed per journey, the expedience in speed is worth the resources to keep the clones alive and keep seeing them produced.

are they INSANE!? if cloning psykers just led to lots of waste the imperium would do it. It's the sort of thing that ends in demons! astropaths are not even a type of psyker like navigators! they are just normal psykers with specific training and a ritual. them exploding into chaos spawn is very nearly the best case scenario because you can just shoot chaos spawn.

lord, if they are this dumb they are going to explode into cults sooner or later.
are they INSANE!? if cloning psykers just led to lots of waste the imperium would do it. It's the sort of thing that ends in demons! astropaths are not even a type of psyker like navigators! they are just normal psykers with specific training and a ritual. them exploding into chaos spawn is very nearly the best case scenario because you can just shoot chaos spawn.

lord, if they are this dumb they are going to explode into cults sooner or later.

This makes me think that actually the idea was to sabotage messages in transit and "turn into Chaos Spawn" is almost a failure state for the Chaos, a, "This is nifty but we wanted something even more insidious."
No stranger to the idea of cloning, indeed making great use of the practice for the purpose of industry and warfare, it was initially assumed by the Glimmerlings present that these men had been some manner of project that had warranted higher oversight and priority transportation.
Are we cloning people specifically with the intent of putting them to work/having them fight our wars? Or are we just cloning people in general and they then decide to do either of those things?

I feel like that's a pretty big distinction.
Are we cloning people specifically with the intent of putting them to work/having them fight our wars? Or are we just cloning people in general and they then decide to do either of those things?

I feel like that's a pretty big distinction.
Put them to work/fight our wars:
Thule-551 had been born, like all of her sister-siblings, for one goal alone: to fight within cocoons of metal and spirit to fight against those who would harm those seeking to build a new Age, one heralded by the birth of the Star Child. Like all of her sister-siblings, she had often dreamed of those glorious so-far days of fighting within the thick of combat within her fighter, her mind melding with her sister-siblings and their machines to become more than the sum of their parts.
The Federation is better than the Imperium. It's not good. Not yet, anyway.
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we can create like this tank?
I see no reason why not.
Have to say I don't understand how you can clone Astropaths
They have SoBs, remember? Faith Bullshit is their MO.*Shit-Squid Giggling*
Are we cloning people specifically with the intent of putting them to work/having them fight our wars? Or are we just cloning people in general and they then decide to do either of those things?

I feel like that's a pretty big distinction.

See: the majority of the population on Cradle Station, and your Thules.
They have SoBs, remember? Faith Bullshit is their MO.*Shit-Squid Giggling*
I would say anything less than a Saint or a real miraculous relic would be able to make Astropaths since that would infringe on Terra's monopoly of being THE source of Astropaths and most stable psykers in general. But I saw that invisible text and now wondering if the cloned Astropaths were Chaos from the start and they were intended for a real subtle corruption plan but then another Chaos group saw easily corruptible bodies and just mashed the CHAOS SPAWN button that would make it found out way faster lol
Can we sit back and think on our strategic plan for the next few turns before diving into planning? It's clear we can't do everything.

How much are we focused on immediate defense versus building up invasion capability vs. Building up shipbuilding quality/capability?

Personally I think it's ok to deprioritize trooplift for a few turns.

Do we think building defensive stations is enough to protect against the counterattack? Also, if we plan to keep expanding, these defenses will swiftly fall behind the front and become mostly useless.

Also, if we build ships this turn we probably want to build Aries, since +DP unlocks won't help them in future turns.
They have SoBs, remember? Faith Bullshit is their MO.*Shit-Squid Giggling*

Ooooo! Are the order of the virtuos Heart a Hospitaller Order? That would explain how SoB faith bullshit is mixing with cloning in that way. On one hand, That almost makes me feel bad for the fact that we will wipe them out (Still zealots). Hospitaller are the least bad of the Sisters of battle (Damning with faint praise as that is), Spending a lot of their time providing Medical attention in disaster areas and slums, as well as being the go to for healing Horribly bioweapons and poisons in a warzone. I almost feel bad for probably having to kill them to a man sister, but it explains at least part of how they are doing this Doubly so with the shit-squid intervention

On the upside, Hospitallier focus so much of their time of learning the medical trade and xeno's biology that they are less practiced at straight warfare. Still dangerous, but less then a normal order, So in the end, This is both good news and bad news.
are they INSANE!? if cloning psykers just led to lots of waste the imperium would do it. It's the sort of thing that ends in demons! astropaths are not even a type of psyker like navigators! they are just normal psykers with specific training and a ritual. them exploding into chaos spawn is very nearly the best case scenario because you can just shoot chaos spawn.

lord, if they are this dumb they are going to explode into cults sooner or later.
Not just did they do something this dumb, they are stuck fighting a 2 front war (front 1: chaos, front 2: us) probably pushing them to take desperate measures.

They just lost 3 planets and could lose a bunch more if they don't reinforce along the "Quintura Diablo, Brigach, Malras Zeta, Saget" axis.