What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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You get the Vote/Breakpoint Benefits, like Prosperity, even if you dip below the bracket they were unlocked in.

But your levels still reflect the abilities of your systems. Less Void means worse SDFs, less Food means less food. :V

Edit: Anyways, night!

i have a doubt,given we have higher quality of life and a religious rather communal society
how are our pop growth rate projection like?

can someone explain the benefits and determents of each choice?
Catechism will likely be a holy relic that helps our factions religious doctrine develop (thus strengthen the religion of the Star Child)

STC will be a combat/Military vehicle template. Likely to be some manner of Knight Titans. If it's a full STC template we'll be able to build it pretty much immediately and give a immediate boost to our ground military.

Lantern is a mystery box that seems like it'll strengthen our psykana.
Adhoc vote count started by 10moorem II on Mar 19, 2024 at 11:26 PM, finished with 77 posts and 22 votes.

Very close vote right now.
We know Emperor will die to give birth to starchild. I've he fies Astromincron will fall. I think Lantarn here is a backup version of Astromincron far lesser scale like Calth Device that was destroyed.
[X] A Lantern.
I did some thinking, some real soul searching. And as much as I want to vote for big stompy robots, and believe me I truly do. The Lamtern would be the most fitting. Being able to safely traverse the warp more than we usually can is an exceptionally grand boon, more so than a knight or titan. Because despite how immensely powerful they are, they're not worth much if they're lost in the warp.

So yes, gimme that sweet sweet music.

View: https://youtu.be/CCMkh8MRMNQ?si=6g8RIWOX7cSrcBG

This is my contribution to the choir. Does anyone know if there is a dedicated quest list of song tied to some choir psyker powers? @HeroCooky

Edit: just checked, the flag and lantern are tied, with the STC winning by one. I'm still happy about big stompy robot, but lil sad about no lantern to be the Light in the Dark.

Hmmm. Do you guys think the titan pattern we get would be good for construction?
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@CryBryNry uh. You know that the QM has specifically refuted the claim or ides that the Lantern has anything to do with more safely traversing the Warp right?

Our Astronomican equivalent will be based on Song. Not Light.