WAIT. Just had a galaxy-brain idea. We can get 3 Grand Design actions
next turn off a single action. So that means we have 2 psykana actions free
this turn. So additional plan:
[X] Plan: Working on the Note and SINGING SOME SONGS
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (A newly colonized frontier sector)
-[X] [We Were] Examine The Lost and The Forgotten, the Emperor's lost sons, faces torn, names stricken from record, who were they, and what became of them which caused their erasure from all recorded history.
-[X] [General/Psykana] Construct The Grand Note (3/15)->(10/13) (3 actions -> 7 with Devouring Mechadendrite & Class is in session, 2 Class is in session actions left over).
-[X] [Psykana] Sing four Songs x2 (2 spare Class is in Session actions)
--[X] Duty Humanity Ruthlessness Duty Hope
--[X] As One We Avenge The Innocent's Slain - Humanity Unity Revenge Ruthlessness Justice
--[X] Clockwork Dawn Sun Sunset The Star
--[X] Unwavering, duty, cherish, humanity, honor
--[X] A Tribe Called Celestia - Humanity Unity Technology Progress Void
--[X] Time The Star Sunset the Sun Dawn
--[X] Revenge Revenge Revenge Revenge Revenge
--[X] Slumber Song Harmony the Star Comfort
@Profilozof I just grabbed these songs from an earlier plan by you. Not attached to them in particular.
next turn we spend a single action finishing up the Grand note, and have 2 actions left over to do 3 military actions.
[] Plan: Military build
-[] Finish The Grand Note (1 action + 2 from Class is in Session + Devouring Mechadendrite)
-[] 2x Fleet building action
-[] 1x army-building action (Heartbeat of Industry)