What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I'll put together a Dev plan. I don't think I'll go for the ancient sites. We also don't want to send off more military strength when half our forces are on the far side of the galaxy.
The thing is, a lot of those new sites sound a lot like they would help boost devs, and right now we got no active threats so think leaving protection to our SDF fleets would good enough since they should be pretty decked out at Void XX across the board. I think it would be worth it to just knock them all off the board in one shot to see what comes out.
Fleet cap aside, we really should get chipping on the Psykana research on Sigils and anti Psychic Materials? (With Generational taken into account, naturally)

If we have the Action Flex I really want to ask Star Child to grade our current prep and suggest what else we should shore up too.
The thing is, a lot of those new sites sound a lot like they would help boost devs, and right now we got no active threats so think leaving protection to our SDF fleets would good enough since they should be pretty decked out at Void XX across the board. I think it would be worth it to just knock them all off the board in one shot to see what comes out.
Last time, we got a few one-off 50% bonuses to development. Unless the new sites have much more significant development bonuses, we're on net going to spend more than we gain.
Last time, we got a few one-off 50% bonuses to development. Unless the new sites have much more significant development bonuses, we're on net going to spend more than we gain.
I mean, even if these are just one offs there's still all the other stuff we could get. Just look at all the crap we managed to get out of all the other sites that made us so Gacha crazy in the first place.
[X] Plan: The Road back to the Age of Technology, well-lit this time
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Ilusun)
-[X] [Free] Focus We Were on the ancient history of the Galactic Crusade and the Horus Heresy. What happened to plunge the Galaxy into this newer and deeper dark age? Maybe we can try to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.
-[X] [Free] Change ISC to [Primum Non Nocere]
-[X] [General] Develop The Federations'... (3 actions + 1 Devouring Mechadendrite)
--[X] Heavy Industry XVI (1/1)
--[X] Heavy Industry XVII (1/1)
--[X] Heavy Industry XVIII (1/1)
--[X] Heavy Industry XIX (1/1)
For the last set of gacha turns I took, I took 2 Flag Armadas, 8 SBGs, 4 Nomadic Fleets, 2 LRADs, 2 Logistic Fleets, and 1 War World

So for a full gacha turn, we'd want 8 Flag Armadas, 32 SBGs, 16 Nomadic Fleets, 8 LRADs, 8 Logistic Fleets, and 1 War World

For Operation DELIVERANCE, I took 10 Flag Armadas, 55 SBGs, 20 Nomadic Fleets, 10 LRADs, 5 Logistic Fleets, and 10 War-Worlds, as well as the Seyfert, ofc.
We currently have 15 Flag Armadas, 80 SBGs, I think 36 Nomadic Fleets, 16 LRADS, 7 Logistic Fleets, and 27 War-Worlds.

We don't have enough Logistic Fleets to make a normal-sized expedition for gacha turns, but we could probably compensate with an extra War-World or 2.

So without construction, we'd have 7 Flag Armadas, 48 SBGs, 16 Nomadic Fleets, 6 LRADs, 0 Logistic Fleets, and enough War-Worlds.

We could of course compromise and have 9 Gacha Actions and 1 Fleet Construction action, get like 5 more Flag Armadas, probably 45 SBGs, and 5 more Logistic Fleets, I guess? That'll get us to 9/10ths the SBG cap and 3/4ths of the Flag Armada cap. That'll leave us a lot of flex, actually.

The only reason why I'm really contemplating this is that we just need to get lucky once to reduce the turn count (if we remain dedicated every single time from now to finish) -- 1 50% boost on either Heavy Industry, Medical Services, Food Production, or Military Industry will be enough, thanks to Primum Non Nocere and Sales Club Wholesalers allowing us to generate a 6th General Action, leaving that awkward 1-Action cleanup turn if we hard focus from now to finish eliminated. It's still a net negative because we still lose a turn to minturn votes, but it's "only" half as bad.

However, that only assumes that our gamble succeeds. Of the Development Boosts we got last time, 2 landed on Civilian Infrastructure. That being said, the Ancient Sites we got this turn, with the We Were charges, seem explicitly targeted towards what we want. Like...

Military Installation/Military production/Industrial Yard/Manufacturing Center/Gene-King Research Laboratory
Yeah, that's excellent bait.

So, you know what? Zero fucking ambiguity time.

[X] Plan: If You Vote For This Plan, You Hard Commit To The Next Four To Six Turns Being Pure Development, Barring Extraordinary Circumstances. You Also Know This Is A Net-Negative In Terms Of Turn Count. Do Not Complain, Do Not Bring Up Other Stuff To Do Until We Are Done. This Is The Last Stop Before The Train Begins.
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Ilusun)
-[X] [Free] Focus We Were on the ancient history of the Galactic Crusade and the Horus Heresy. What happened to plunge the Galaxy into this newer and deeper dark age? Maybe we can try to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (20.000 Points per Action)
--[X] 5 Flag Armadas, named Event Horizon, Black Dwarf, Tachyon, Eridanus, and Umbra
--[X] 45 SBGs, named by lower bureaucracy
--[X] 5 Logistic Fleets, named Zduhać, Fenghuang, Siren, Gamayun, and Snallygaster
-[X] The Ancient's [Den Of Vocaloids/Gacha/Military Installation]
--[X] Flag Armadas Eclipse and Hypernova, SBGs Sphinx, Centaur, Werewolf, Minotaur, Leviathan, Basilisk, Hydralisk, and Necrolisk, Nomadic Fleets 'Once-Forgotten-Joy', 'Thrum-Of-The-Journey', 'Illuminators-Of-The-Road-Not-Traveled', and 'Bastion-Of-Pathways', LRADs Lambda and Mu, Logistic Fleets Seraph and Eidolon, and 1 War-World
-[X] The Ancient's [Military production/Industrial Yard/Manufacturing Center]
--[X] Flag Armadas Redshift and Bluedshift, Nomadic Fleets 'Trade-Guardians', 'Winged-Deliverance', 'Dust-Upon-The-Winds', and 'Beat-Of-Oiled-Drums', LRADs Nu and Xi, Logistic Fleets Tennyo and Apsara, and 1 War-World
-[X] The Ancient's [Smiling Cat Tavern/Gene-King Research Laboratory/Harpy Hare House]
--[X] Flag Armadas Ion Storm and Stellarum, SBGs Enfield, Anansi, Umbra, Scylla, Chimera, K'uk'ulkan, Neko, and Elegua, Nomadic Fleets 'Lanterns-Against-Dark-Times', 'Stellar-Harvesters', 'Purpose-Of-Unity', and 'Unimpeded-Festival', LRADs Omicron and Pi, Logistic Fleets Yakshina and Jengu, and 1 War-World

But also, the plan I actually want to vote for, because it's the plan I've laid out in excruciating detail the past couple of days. Thank you Neablis. it is a good plan. It does not delay Lamenter news (which the miniturn of course risks doing). It is a plan that gets the Dev train fucking rolling.

[X] Plan: The Road back to the Age of Technology, well-lit this time
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[X] Plan: The Road back to the Age of Technology, well-lit this time

[X] Plan: If You Vote For This Plan, You Hard Commit To The Next Four Turns Being Pure Development, Barring Extraordinary Circumstances. You Also Know This Is A Net-Negative In Terms Of Turn Count. Do Not Complain, Do Not Bring Up Other Stuff To Do Until We Are Done. This Is The Last Stop Before The Train Begins.
[X] Plan: If You Vote For This Plan, You Hard Commit To The Next Four To Six Turns Being Pure Development, Barring Extraordinary Circumstances. You Also Know This Is A Net-Negative In Terms Of Turn Count. Do Not Complain, Do Not Bring Up Other Stuff To Do Until We Are Done. This Is The Last Stop Before The Train Begins.

C'mon people do it. Mass grave-robbing archaeological dig spree or no balls.
[X] Plan: If You Vote For This Plan, You Hard Commit To The Next Four To Six Turns Being Pure Development, Barring Extraordinary Circumstances. You Also Know This Is A Net-Negative In Terms Of Turn Count. Do Not Complain, Do Not Bring Up Other Stuff To Do Until We Are Done. This Is The Last Stop Before The Train Begins.
.... There is something that we should probably do before the Star Child's birth - focusing We Were on Earth/Terra and humanities history. Why? Because I doubt that it'll get easier/safer to do it after the Sector gets eaten by a Warp Storm the size of the Eye of Terror and that history should be remembered.
[X] Plan: The Road back to the Age of Technology, well-lit this time
[X] Plan: If You Vote For This Plan, You Hard Commit To The Next Four To Six Turns Being Pure Development, Barring Extraordinary Circumstances. You Also Know This Is A Net-Negative In Terms Of Turn Count. Do Not Complain, Do Not Bring Up Other Stuff To Do Until We Are Done. This Is The Last Stop Before The Train Begins.
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Let's do it! Just one turn where we loot the shit out all the DAOT Archaeotech we can then we monofocus on getting to all XX.

Plllllleeeeeeeaaaase 🥹
I can't believe I'm voting for this.
[X] Plan: If You Vote For This Plan, You Hard Commit To The Next Four To Six Turns Being Pure Development, Barring Extraordinary Circumstances. You Also Know This Is A Net-Negative In Terms Of Turn Count. Do Not Complain, Do Not Bring Up Other Stuff To Do Until We Are Done. This Is The Last Stop Before The Train Begins.
[X] Plan: The Road back to the Age of Technology, well-lit this time
[X] Plan: If You Vote For This Plan, You Hard Commit To The Next Four To Six Turns Being Pure Development, Barring Extraordinary Circumstances. You Also Know This Is A Net-Negative In Terms Of Turn Count. Do Not Complain, Do Not Bring Up Other Stuff To Do Until We Are Done. This Is The Last Stop Before The Train Begins.
[X] Plan: If You Vote For This Plan, You Hard Commit To The Next Four To Six Turns Being Pure Development, Barring Extraordinary Circumstances. You Also Know This Is A Net-Negative In Terms Of Turn Count. Do Not Complain, Do Not Bring Up Other Stuff To Do Until We Are Done. This Is The Last Stop Before The Train Begins.
[X] Plan: The Road back to the Age of Technology, well-lit this time
[X] Plan: If You Vote For This Plan, You Hard Commit To The Next Four To Six Turns Being Pure Development, Barring Extraordinary Circumstances. You Also Know This Is A Net-Negative In Terms Of Turn Count. Do Not Complain, Do Not Bring Up Other Stuff To Do Until We Are Done. This Is The Last Stop Before The Train Begins.
[X] Plan: If You Vote For This Plan, You Hard Commit To The Next Four To Six Turns Being Pure Development, Barring Extraordinary Circumstances. You Also Know This Is A Net-Negative In Terms Of Turn Count. Do Not Complain, Do Not Bring Up Other Stuff To Do Until We Are Done. This Is The Last Stop Before The Train Begins.