What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Just looked at our Map and goddamn it's starting to hit me how big we're getting, and once the integration is finished.....wew.

If we manage to get all 20 before Quest ends there ain't no way we're getting folded by anything less then Necrons.

Plus the Duchy redemption arc is sick as well, we went from typical Dogmatic to directly supporting the neighboring Xeno civilizations in a battle against Chaos, the Grimdarkness of the 43rd millennium is getting merc'd.

And now that we have our guys back, WE CAN DO THE FUNNY!! Just hope that one Farseer from before is still around somewhere (they did say they were gonna fight the Pink Fucks too), hopefully if they are around they'd be willing to give us another boost.
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Okay but i dont see it on the Map can somebody help me or am i just to stupid to see the whole sector ?
Just checking in HeroCooky, did the watchtower integration (and I suppose Tierra colonization with green horizons) reduce our Integration count?

Or wait, did the Warp Storm consumed systems add to our count or something?
The 17 is because of the dozen sub-sectors you've also gained.
Okay but i dont see it on the Map can somebody help me or am i just to stupid to see the whole sector ?
Storlar is in the upper right of the galaxy map. There is a white circle around it and two white lines cutting through the Exodite Worlds and Ghoul Stars.
Plus the Duchy redemption arc is sick as well, we went from typical Dogmatic to directly supporting the neighboring Xeno civilizations in a battle against Chaos, the Grimdarkness of the 43rd millennium is getting merc'd.

"In the grim darkness of the 43 millennium, there is more than war. Though beset on all sides by heinous foes and suspicions allies, there are points of light, hope, and honor. These are but candleflames yet, but even candleflames can grow."
Gulf's Edge kind of has the problem in that it's got a very angry indie faction that'll flip out if we colonize it before we've subverted them.

Honestly, I wish we could afford to rush our integration a bit more, but there's a fair point to make that we really probably want to keep pushing the Symphosium in. What are we lacking @HeroCooky ? Or is it more a matter of "They're just really damn tough and fighting them is a pain in the ass"
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I do think one thing we might want to consider is integrating our new Arsenal Ships into our battle line. A Heavy Tetratek should be a very nasty surprise.
@HeroCooky Could we create an archaeology department for an auto clicker for the stuff from Hippity Hoppity, like once every five or 10 turns?
Nope, they remain investments.

Wasn't it said at some point that the universal aid packages could reduce the integration cost?
It did, and they did.
What are we lacking @HeroCooky ? Or is it more a matter of "They're just really damn tough and fighting them is a pain in the ass"
They are a pain in the ass. Unlubed even.
They are a pain in the ass. Unlubed even.
Has it been noted which ships do best against their stuff? Like how Lances and such fried the Nurglites?

I suppose for the ground pounders it's typically whatever except for when the Titans come to play, in which case it's call for War Packs and actual titans I suppose.

In terms of Titans actually, what classes do the Slaaneshi typically field? We brought our biggest boy so there's that answer, but if we do decide to get Titans done would like to be cost efficient.

Speaking of, did eating the Watchtowers make Titan construction any more efficient action wise? I noted it was the same, but ship construction went up to 2.200 per action, and Armies went to 4 and Knights went to 7.
Has it been noted which ships do best against their stuff?
BlueHelix said:
In terms of Titans actually, what classes do the Slaaneshi typically field?
Middle of the road-type Titans. No Big Boy Titans yet.
BlueHelix said:
Speaking of, did eating the Watchtowers make Titan construction any more efficient action wise?
Nope, too primitive.

1am here. Sleepy time now. Night!

Wasn't it said at some point that the universal aid packages could reduce the integration cost?
Yes. The number looks the same because at the Same time med-stuff research reduces a bunch of new sub-sectors to de-Chaos-ify increased the number again.
The 17 is because of the dozen sub-sectors you've also gained.

TL: dr;
Being too successfull at kicking chaos butt added new de-Chaos-ify subsectors workload.
Suffering from success.
[-] [General] Integrate The New Territories (3/17)
A lot of work is in front of us. Many of these systems, and even Sub-Sectors, are in dire need of...everything. People, food, medicine, protection against Chaos, and more mundane threats. Everything needs to be built, and everything needs to be done. Thankfully, the Federation is overflowing with billions of people willing to volunteer to raise these new homes for new citizens to the heights they deserve.
(Gain: 1 Sub-Sector per Action put in is raised to Federation Standards.)
Hmm, reading the text of this option, it reads like while there's a lot of volunteers and resources flowing, there seems to be some room for improvement. While Green Horizons helps for colonization and jump starting Industry…

@HeroCooky is it possible to create a Write-In organization to help organize the logistics of integrating new territories into the Federation? I feel there would be an impetus for it since we just ate the Watchtowers as well (and the Black Ash in living memory, which required another four distinct actions haha…). An office of integration, colonization, and immigration / emigration, or something of that nature. Would that shave off any actions?

There's not a lot of other small territories we can snap up, but some infrastructure in place on dealing with a lot of new territory might also be useful if we ever actually merge with the Shipwrights as well, right QM?

Might be worth swapping out the Colonize Gutson action for this, or be worth pursuing next turn if it's given the OK.

-[] 2x military -> 5x military between Agenda
--[] 3x fleet construction actions to fill out out our fleet cap
--[] ship design action for 4x temple ships
I'd be fine with these actions btw, but it may be be worth considering swapping one out for producing 50 of the baby titans (we can use the Tetrapods Design for this) or for either 30 of the next smallest or 10 of the Valiants. We have a lot less fleet commitments, and our construction is a fair fit chunkier, so I feel it might work on boosting our ground forces with some more Titans.

Then again we have local ground dominance with Hope Ascendant, but given its 10 years running roughshod who knows, maybe they're crash building a new one.

That being said, 3 2200 points of ship building may well just be what we need to push the Symphosium in. Missiles work best on them and boy are we good at shooting missiles.

Van Zandt Free Duchy
Current Relations: Longstanding Friends.
Trend: Slowdown
Modifiers: End of Maggot War

Mashan Temple Authority
Current Relations: Coldly Cordial
Trend: Glacial Increase
Modifiers: Long-Standing Professional Relationship.
Also huh, that's interesting.

Van Zandt's being long-standing friends is legit crazy honestly especially considering we started off our relationship with subverting a planet and a war lol. Is there anything we can do currently to boost their Iconoclasts / reformers further with a free action or otherwise?

As for Mashan, rip, but understandable. That diplomacy conference awhile back wasn't the greatest even if it ended up well, and we haven't had much reason to interact since then either. I wonder what we can do to improve that besides well, killing the Slaaneshi lol
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Just slapping together a temple ship design for the upcoming plan:

[] [Temple Ship] A Word of Peace (69 DP)
-[] Length
-7.400 Meters (0 DP)
-[] Width - 1.500 Meters (-1 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 1.5 Gravities (+1 DP)
-[] Armor - Thin Bulwark Hull (+1 DP)
-[] Shields - Two Lattices (+1 DP)
-[] Weapons - None.
-[] Equipment - Ship Shrines (standardized), Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations (standardized), Celestial Tribunal (20 DP), Monasterial Auditoria (17 DP), Star-Born Basilica of the Child, (15 DP), Archive of the Omitted (7 DP), Order of the Rising Mind (7 DP), Expanded Clerical Living Areas (5 DP) = 71 DP

The Word of Peace is a ship built for multiple purposes, but none of them are warlike. It is a place of discussion, where disputes are mediated, orators are trained and minds are uplifted. It is a place of faith that peaches and upholds the peace and serenity available under the Star-Child.

It's proper place is in new integrated or colonized territory, smoothing issues and ensuring that the scars of conflict or heal over seamlessly and that new societies develop in ways healthy and productive. With the Word of Peace present the fabric of the Glimmerling Federation's society remains strong indeed.
Ok, mapping out the final version of the turn:

[X] Plan: The Federation Grows to Fufill the Needs of the Growing Federation
-[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (3/17)
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Tierras de la Santa Muerte)
-[X] [Free] Redesign the Flag Armada to contain 2 Hercules, 3 Virgo, 1 Cassiopeia as the standard design. We'll build the necessary Cassiopeias to balance the fleet.
-[X] [Free] Choirs are good. No changes.
-[X] 2x military -> 5x military between Agenda & Heartbeat of Industry! Last turn of the Agenda.
--[X] [Military] Fleet Construction x3 = 6600 points

----[X] Flag Armada Broken Void - build it with 2 Hercules, & 4 Cassiopeias. Costs 2000 points
----[X] Flag Armada Magnetar - build it with 2 Hercules, 3 Cassiopeias & 1 Virgo. Then distribute the Cassiopeias across other fleets to bring all Flag Armadas to the new standard, with one 2 Hercules, 3 Virgo & 1 Cassiopeia apiece. Costs 2000 points
--[X] 10 SBGs, named Ogun, Obatala, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango, Oya, Hungry Claws, Dusty Paths, Bared Talon, Celestial Fanfare. Costs 2000 points
--[X] 1 Logistics Fleet, named Dryad Costs 200 points
--[X] 1 Invasion Fleet Costs 200 points
--[X] Another Tears of the Void-class Battlebarge for the Lamenters, named Cry of the Redeemed. (according to this post it costs 200 points, and that's what we have left)
--[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes (100 DP for 4x Temple Ships)
---[X] The Gargantua, The Fleeting Moment, A Feather From A Wing
---[X] The Word of Peace
--[X] [Military] Begin Military Operations
---[X] Operation: Sanctified Eclipse
---[X] Goal: Kill that Demon World. We provide another dozen battleships, seventy grand cruisers and hundreds of lesser ships, as well as the five Temple ships The Fleeting Moment, The Gargantua, The Last Word, The Divine Spark and The Pantagruel, and we ask our forces to kill that demon world. This is not a mission that must be completed at all costs, but we hope that the sudden influx of forces, including the Lamenters (and their second battlebarge) is enough to finally wipe away the stain on the galaxy that is heart of the Symposium's power.
-[X] [General] Construct Aethyrmetric Engines (0/2) x2 (Cry for the Future actions 1 & 2)
-[X] [General] Colonize (Gulf's Edge) (Mechadendrite Action)
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[X] Plan: The Federation Grows to Fufill the Needs of the Growing Federation

Let's do another DaoT site. I think that right now at least everyone should take a breather for a bit and not go blazing into the conflict. It's mostly contained...for now

Edit: I would make a vote but I don't know how fleet actions work out
I honestly can't agree tbh. Although the Slaaneshi are contained, I'd rather we beat the shit out of them sooner rather than later, to lessen suffering of their victims at the least but also while it's unlikely they've got the horseshit the Nurglites had under their belt, they are the last big chaos polity near us, which means that they're the ones that get all the party favors right now since as Alectai says, the Great Game is basically an illusion when the chips are down.

Plus the Aeldari are floating around there iirc and that's the Slaaneshi's favorite snack, so yeah, I'm inclined to keep beating the shit out of them on our last big Star Navy Primacy turn
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@Neablis we don't get the ships that get Designed until the turn after they are Designed in. So that military action isn't really valid.

Also against a daemonworld Divine Damnation would likely be best. But regardless, if we want all the templeship to participate the assault should be held off until next turn.

Go for a archeotech expedition instead I think. Unless the military action is rewritten to go for taking out all the subsectors that don't have daemonworlds.
@Neablis we don't get the ships that get Designed until the turn after they are Designed in. So that military action isn't really valid.

Also against a daemonworld Divine Damnation would likely be best. But regardless, if we want all the templeship to participate the assault should be held off until next turn.

Go for a archeotech expedition instead I think. Unless the military action is rewritten to go for taking out all the subsectors that don't have daemonworlds.
Uh. We've done it before? Several times?

---[X] Now that the Sect and the Duelists are on the backfoot due to the removal of their ship production, and the completed integration of the Black Ash Ascendency' forces into the Federation's Order of Battle, the time has come to put a close on this chapter of the campaign. EAGER STRIKER's purpose is to capitalize on their confusion and drive our blade deeply into their heart before they can adapt, or call in further assistance from their patrons.
--[X] Also send out Deux Machina up there when it's done. They've got big titans. So do we.
[X] [Military] Begin Military Operations (2nd Agenda Action)
--[X] Target: Both of the Chaotic Enemies we're already at war with.
--[X] Objectives: Reinforce both fronts against the chaos cults. Likely is to split the force in half and send one escorted Flag Armada to each front, but if the admirality determines another course is better go with that.
--[X] Assigned Space forces: Flag Armadas Quasar and Pulsar, SBGs Garuda, Enfield, Asnansi, Umbra, Mountain Fog, Scything Wing, Light-Sworn, and Thule Triumph, The Invasion Fleet.
Like I fully buy that the new ships will only show up in like year 7 of the turn or something, but I think this is still valid.
@HeroCooky Before, when we were talking about fusing with Shipwrights Grove you said that we would lose traits due to the mix (and get some of their traits in return). Now (probably after repairing the old Chaos cult territories) that we are much larger, could we do something to instead gain all or at least most of Traits of both the Grove and the Federation like say, spending more actions on a write in action like:

[] [General/Diplomatic?] Cross Cultural Idea Harmonization (0/?)
Through centuries of trade and good relations, sworn friends on the battlefield, to sharing secrets of technology pried from the uncaring reality that wishes for our destruction. Two friends that know each other well and wish to stand together, side by side against the dark, but do not wish to lose what makes them unique, to become just another face within the crowd. For this union, preparations must be made to ensure that this tide lifts all involved.
(Selected Peer Nations exchange weaker copies of their Traits, if completed before the Federation of said polities, Positive and Neutral Trait loss is negated/reduced based on the number of actions spent. Locks in Federation/Union of selected polities to be chosen the turn following completion of this Action)
(Targets: [Shipwrights Grove/Glimmering Federation])

Feel free to tear it down. I'm just trying to follow your advice on dodging the consequences/gaining benefits through the much unused write in's :)