What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Hey, @Alectai, what is your opinion on making the subsectors that border the Unfallen and the ones that connected to Festerspire into consecrated fortress subsectors like we did with Echish in Breskal and Ultima Sigritta in Archwan? No need to make it consume any actions, just put in a free actions that consecration is to focus on those subsectors and the fortress construction is to continue in those areas once everything else is done until they are fortress subsectors/systems.
You know what, fuck it, why not, we're going to put off Watchtower Integration again. Let's finish making our Big Titan and bring them along for the ride to put the Slaaneshi to bed. They require 1.5 actions, repairing fleets is 0.5 actions, and military action is 1 action. All together that's 3 actions which is covered by Star Navy Primacy. We clean that up and we can pop our Symphonies next turn.

[] Plan: Watch The Party Die
-[] The Choirs Were Allowed To Purify Maggot Worlds
-[] Begin Military Action
-[] Repair Fleets
-[] Construct God-Engines 1x Deus Machina (3.5/5))
Honestly? Yeah, sure.

Have our Temple Ships returned from space jail @HeroCooky ? I'll get a writeup for our Deus Machina done up, and I'll try to give a rough sketch of what I have in mind.
You know what, fuck it, why not, we're going to put off Watchtower Integration again. Let's finish making our Big Titan and bring them along for the ride to put the Slaaneshi to bed. They require 1.5 actions, repairing fleets is 0.5 actions, and military action is 1 action. All together that's 3 actions which is covered by Star Navy Primacy. We clean that up and we can pop our Symphonies next turn.

[] Plan: Watch The Party Die
-[] The Choirs Were Allowed To Purify Maggot Worlds
-[] Begin Military Action
-[] Repair Fleets
-[] Construct God-Engines 1x Deus Machina (3.5/5))

But BlueHelix, by then the Mashan will have already devastated the Daemon World......I want to see the hedonists get blown up with the wrath of God!!!!
Look at all that glorious blue, delicious.

I feel like this turn should be an expansion focused one. Start integrating the Confederacy and backfill some of the subsectors we have left.

we're going to put off Watchtower Integration again.
What? Why? The Mashan seem to have the Slaneeshi well in hand, so I don't see a reason to intervene.
Integration has become red guys

We need to spend everything this turn on it to avoid disaster, I suspect, we're massively overextended by all indications, and we need to reduce the pressure Now

A reminder, that red options Disappear next turn
Yeah not a worry.

That's an autoticker. That's what the knights are spending their time doing so we don't have to.

We're finally, finally free and clear from under the weight of the southern war.

As I see it there's two primary options ahead of us:
Option 1:
- War action, reroute everything to go crush the symposium. Use the bonus half-action to finish fleet repairs.
- Psyakana action. Sing a symphony and with the Class is in Session action go grab upgrades to our very exciting new song: Love Unto Death - With every Choir sent to Sing this Song, the Tapestry of Fate is ever so slightly nudged to turn tragedies away, as even one day makes a difference for those not yet crossed over.

Option 2:
- Integrate the Confederacy with 2 actions, then get a mechadendrite action to spend on either colonizing Gutson or Gulf's Edge. Or throw it at Aethermetric.

@HeroCooky Questions!
1. By approx how much did the Aid Package research decrease the integration action tax?
2. Singing Unto Works Generational doesn't help with the new territory integration, does it? But it does reduce both the Watchtower & Aythermetric engine cost from 3 to 2.
3. Is there anything else we can do to help integrate the new territories? Better medical tech, better civilian infastructure, a symphony?
4. Is the Duchy going to give us anything for holding onto the choirs? Or is this just a "Stay in their good graces" thing?
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Look at all that glorious blue, delicious.

I feel like this turn should be an expansion focused one. Start integrating the Confederacy and backfill some of the subsectors we have left.

What? Why? The Mashan seem to have the Slaneeshi well in hand, so I don't see a reason to intervene.

They've still got their Titan, which I suspect is going to be a Deus Machina scale one at this point, not 'Just' a Warlord.

Plus, I think we're the only ones who can reliably Exterminatus a Daemon World.

EDIT: Honestly, I'd even be willing to give the Duchy more Choirs for cleanup if they'll help fund our own integration. Is that a deal we can make?
But BlueHelix, by then the Mashan will have already devastated the Daemon World......I want to see the hedonists get blown up with the wrath of God!!!!
What are you talking about, the plan quite literally has the begin military action option in it?

What? Why? The Mashan seem to have the Slaneeshi well in hand, so I don't see a reason to intervene.
Because people seem to be inclined towards military action, and I suppose while we've been there for awhile bringing extra dudes and a Deus Machina at the final battle would mean bonus brownie points for the eventual merger with the Shipwrights.

Also if we wait until next turn the Warp will hit Calm, letting us pop Symphonies to do a lot of grabbing stuff at once I suppose, and there's only three turns of Star Navy Primacy left, so we should make the most of it while we can IMO.

I think an Expansion focus would be great though. I have a pretty strong suspicion that eating the Watchtowers would lower the integration countdown a lot thanks to their relative size compared to our developed worlds which would mean more people, industry, etc. Would that be right @HeroCooky?

I think Choir's Tangle would too thanks to better logistics as well.
Have our Temple Ships returned from space jail @HeroCooky ?
by then the Mashan will have already devastated the Daemon World
I feel like you are severly underestimating the threat of a Daemonworld. Even with you sending your Divine Laser Of Doom ship at 'em you wouldn't have been able to no-sell that world. It took being boosted by Divine Clown Magic to commence the Honkening for it to go pop.
1. By approx how much did the Aid Package research decrease the integration action tax?
2. Singing Unto Works Generational doesn't help with the new territory integration, does it? But it does reduce both the Watchtower & Aythermetric engine cost from 3 to 2.
3. Is there anything else we can do to help integrate the new territories? Better medical tech, better civilian infastructure, a symphony?
4. Is the Duchy going to give us anything for holding onto the choirs? Or is this just a "Stay in their good graces" thing?
1. 7.
2. No and Yes.
3. No.
4. More "help out a buddy and prevent Chaos Corruption from affecting Innocents."
Would that be right @HeroCooky?
Eh...by about 4?
You know what, fuck it, why not, we're going to put off Watchtower Integration again. Let's finish making our Big Titan and bring them along for the ride to put the Slaaneshi to bed. They require 1.5 actions, repairing fleets is 0.5 actions, and military action is 1 action. All together that's 3 actions which is covered by Star Navy Primacy. We clean that up and we can pop our Symphonies next turn.

[] Plan: Watch The Party Die
-[] The Choirs Were Allowed To Purify Maggot Worlds
-[] Begin Military Action
-[] Repair Fleets
-[] Construct God-Engines 1x Deus Machina (3.5/5))
Note that with 2 military actions, the Agenda & Heartbeat of Industry we can do 5 military actions. So that's
-repair fleets (0.5)
-finish Deus Machina (1.5)
-Send fleets up to fight the symposium
-found 5 new knight orders to occupy a bunch of our new systems.
-Do another ancient site - I'm in favor of Valeur Mon Chéri I think. Chocolate!
Love Unto Death - With every Choir sent to Sing this Song, the Tapestry of Fate is ever so slightly nudged to turn tragedies away, as even one day makes a difference for those not yet crossed over.
Very interesting. And this is only level one currently, too. A good place to put any extra Choirs we have in a turn.
Let me draft out a symphony that might be good for integration even right now. This probably won't be super-expensive, and we can just do them now and get a fair amount done.

The Symphony of Loving Care
1. Dirge for the Innocent - Many innocents have died. We seek to ensure that it is no more.
2. The Healer's Star - The point of this symphony is of healing wounds, of spreading compassion.
3. Bound to the Stars - We'll spread this mission across the stars.
4. Unto Works Generational - and work ceaselessly to see it done.
5. Love Unto Death - Spreading compassion and sparing the innocent wherever it may be done.
Oh, nice.
3 boostable to get 4 unboostable for free on top.
2 boostable considering its reducible by Works Generational bay beeee

Note that with 2 military actions, the Agenda & Heartbeat of Industry we can do 5 military actions. So that's
-repair fleets (0.5)
-finish Deus Machina (1.5)
-Send fleets up to fight the symposium
-found 5 new knight orders to occupy a bunch of our new systems.
-Do another ancient site - I'm in favor of Valeur Mon Chéri I think. Chocolate!
I would consider replacing one of those with designing new Temple Ships or something like that, honestly. But that's cool as well — completely forgot about the way Heartbeat worked.
Right, got my basic mock-up done, @HeroCooky, would you consider this to be "Good enough" to qualify as a sketch?

Do you have an idea for fluff? I can probably mock something up and I could mock something up.
Broadly, I'm thinking "Huge, stoutly build lad with lots of guns, and a pentagonal 'Halo' suspended behind it that contains tertiary weapons and supplemental shield generators, which it can use to not only fight, but protect a large area for a greater advance. On top of the armaments it has to kick further ass with built into the shoulders and hands"

Strong "Very chonky Battletech Highlander" vibes in its profile though, aside from the pentagon-halo thing.
I should be working on my own quest update. But here we are - so a plan draft:

First, the auxiliary vote:
[] The Choirs Were Allowed To Purify Maggot Worlds

-[] Plan: Crushing our Military Threats
-[] [General] Integrate The New Territories (1/17) (locked)
-[] [FREE] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Itulu)
-[] [FREE] Remove all choirs from The Devouring Mechadendrite, a Glint of Genius, Unto Works Generational. Level off Hiss of the Steam Valve at 500 Choirs, and place all excess choirs into Love Unto Death (should be at least 309 choirs)
-[] [Free] Change automatic destroyer production over to Pyxis-Secundus Scout production.
-[] [Military] Found 5 Knight Orders, distributed through our newly claimed systems.
--[] Order of the Argent Flame
--[] Order of the Crimson Dawn
--[] Order of the Silent Vigil
--[] Order of the Voidbound Chalice
--[] Order of the Radiant Halo
[] [Military] The Ancient's Valeur Mon Chéri
-[] Send 4 SBGs, 2 nomadic fleets, a logistics fleet, two ground armies and a half-dozen war-packs freed up by the end of the southern war. That's how much force we needed for the previous ruins.
-[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (Half an agenda action)
--[] Repair your Fleets - (0.5/1)
-[] [Military] Construct God-Engines Deus Machina (3.5/5) (1.5 actions, heartbeat action, half of an agenda action)
--[] Design pending.
-[] [Military] Begin Military Operations (agenda action)
--[] Transfer anything not necessary to guard our borders or keep the newly conquered territory stable to assist in the Symposium war, with the goal of assisting our allies in their war objectives, especially in reaching and destroying the Daemon world.
--[] Also send out Deux Machina up there when it's done. They've got big titans. So do we.

We do only have the agenda for a few more turns. So let's use it. We'll sing the symphony next turn. I expect it to be great for integrations.

Am I missing anything?

I would consider replacing one of those with designing new Temple Ships or something like that, honestly. But that's cool as well — completely forgot about the way Heartbeat worked.
I'd be down to replace the ancient's expedition with a temple ship action. Is there a reason to design new ones instead of just build a ton more of the designs we already have?
Broadly, I'm thinking "Huge, stoutly build lad with lots of guns, and a pentagonal 'Halo' suspended behind it that contains tertiary weapons and supplemental shield generators, which it can use to not only fight, but protect a large area for a greater advance. On top of the armaments it has to kick further ass with built into the shoulders and hands"

Strong "Very chonky Battletech Highlander" vibes in its profile though, aside from the pentagon-halo thing.

Took some """artistic""" (this is pure ass) liberties, added a proper Beating Stick which I think someone suggested for a titan awhile back, but yeah, shoulder mounted weaponry, gun-arm with extra fun stuff, some missile pods and laser beamus on the chest, etc.

I'd be down to replace the ancient's expedition with a temple ship action. Is there a reason to design new ones instead of just build a ton more of the designs we already have?
Making new ones would be fine too -- I just really want to make either the Pantagruel With A Lance or the Gungnir-class Temple Ship with all the lance boosts lol -- I really want to see what "double the output/range of the Wings of Resplendence" can do.

Otherwise, a more relief-oriented Temple Ship maybe? We haven't really done one with Chambers of the Orders, and synergizing that with idk, Arboretums, Order of the Guiding Hand, and Medical Deployment Division seems like something worth doing -- a purely noncombat Temple Ship meant to help others would be neat. But yeah, these are ultimately stretch goals, so fair enough.